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安可乐斯福冈是一座包含有巨大中庭以及阶梯花园,注重环境设计的综合建筑,对于都市、绿化与建筑这三者的共生做出了成功的提案。三角形剖面建筑采用阶梯状退台形式,力求为都市提供绿色的休憩公共空间。其表面覆盖有郁郁葱葱的植被,沿着用地展开,延长了公园的绿色空间。为了创造与周边的天神中央公园连续一体化的开放空间,10万m2的建筑空间约有40%被置于地下。地上部分从1层到60m高的屋面被塑造为绿意盎然的空中花园。人们可以由建筑东西两侧拾级而上,眺望以博多湾为背景的壮丽风光,体验各种精心修剪后的混种树木所折射出的、飘散着四季变幻的美景。安可乐斯福冈包括办公空间、店铺等民用设施,以及音乐厅、国际会议厅等国际交流、文化、信息方面的公立设施。以巨大的大厅空间为中心,具有强烈而又不失和谐的公共性。正厅从地下2层开始直至地上12层,均为共享空间。西侧为圆形平面的玻璃幕墙,逐层退台升高。东侧由具有巨大倾斜角度的大理石面构成,退台花园在各层采用了悬垂的复杂形态,创造出透明梦幻般的漂浮空间。获奖情况:JIA环境建筑奖/AACA奖(优秀奖)环境设备设计奖(最优秀奖)/环境建设大奖/福冈市城市景观奖/屋上.壁面.特殊绿化技术竞赛(屋上绿化大奖)建筑业协会奖  相似文献   

在市场经济的要求下,商品房小区纷纷打出“环境牌”,涌现出许许多多现代住宅园林,本文通过分析竹韵山庄建筑与花园的合理设计,反映现代人对居住环境的要求,展示新的人居环境模式。  相似文献   


虹桥路在长宁区境内东起凯旋路西至虹桥机场,该路系1901年公共租界越界筑路,以附近虹桥镇命名。程家桥以西的虹桥路曾称余山路,沿线地处西郊农村,环境幽静、地价便宜,外国地产商和本国一些官僚、买办、富商,竞相在此修筑花园洋房和别墅。姚家花园即为其中之一。  相似文献   

戴昆  张建 《建筑创作》1999,(1):41-43
本工程从体型的塑造等方面阐述如何从城市设计的角度去把握建筑的走向,创作出与周围环境相协调的建筑。  相似文献   

日本福冈市的ACROS绿屋顶,因其独特的设计和对绿色空间最大限度的保留而引人注目。该建筑一侧面朝福冈市最繁华的商业街,这一侧为玻璃墙,使其看起来和传统的办公大楼无异,而另一侧却是一个巨大的绿色房顶。绿屋顶如梯田般一层一层向下依次排开,共覆盖着35000棵植物。  相似文献   

FukuokaCanalCityHakata,Japan,1996设计遮德国际事务所(TheJerdePartnershipInternational)博多水城是日本历史上最大的私营地产开发项目,合作开发的还有两座饭店和一幢商务中心。业主称,把零售和...  相似文献   


改革开放以来,我国经济社会得到了高速的发展。但对许多城市来说,快速的城市化发展步伐也带来了城市个性的丧失和城市文化的空白以及日益严重的环境问题。时下,只有建设绿色生态型的城市、构建各具特色城市风貌、规划建设真正满足市民需求的城市建筑和设施,才能顺应可持续发展的时代趋势,推动我国城市的健康发展。  相似文献   

"穿越福冈"位于福冈市中心的"花鸟风月山"。在以当地植物为主混植而成,四季常新并具有印象派点彩画风的风景画面中,耸立着一座十三层高、坐北朝南的大楼,其中设有国际会议中心、音乐厅、商业设施以及写字楼等。顺着大楼旁福冈县公园的一条山路(台阶)攀行不远就可抵达"花鸟风月山"山顶  相似文献   

福冈银行新本部大楼位于福冈市中心区,天神西侧、大濠公园北侧,在规划过程中我们考虑到此项目未来的成长、发展同此区域的历史关系,以福冈历史悠久的特产——著名的五色献上博多织为主题,通过种植规划及对座椅细节、马赛克瓷砖的各种处理手法表现街道独特的景观特色。我们期望在融入特色景观空间中此项目能够更好的获得成长与发展。  相似文献   

福冈市自1982年开通地下铁道以来,至今已有2条总长为17.8公里的线路正在运营、本文对其线路、车站及某些设施提供了有价值而详尽的信息。  相似文献   

Although previous studies have referred to the spatiotemporal patterns of burglaries called “repeat victimization” (RV) and “near repeat” (NR), only a few have explicitly dealt with multifamily housing, and none of them have distinguished among RV of a dwelling-unit, victimization of another unit in the same building, and NR in a nearby building. This work examined the spatiotemporal patterns of burglaries in multifamily housing in Fukuoka City, Japan, at both the building and dwelling-unit levels. The data were provided by the Fukuoka Prefectural Police of 8845 cases that occurred between 2005 and 2014. The number of burglary incidents in previously burgled multifamily buildings and in previously burgled dwelling units accounted for 31% and 8.4% of all incidents, respectively. The results of the building-level analysis showed NR patterns in nearby buildings, even after excluding victimization of other units in the same building, in a spatiotemporal range of 200 m and 60 days. The results of the dwelling-unit-level analysis verified a significantly high risk of RV of a unit in 160 days and around twice as high a risk of victimization of other units in the same building in almost 80 days. Thus, this study showed the risk of RV and NR in multifamily housing, which would contribute to the literature in that it expanded the scope of the RV/NR model in detached housing that has been proposed in previous studies. Finally, recommended measures against RV and NR of burglaries in the Japanese context and the research limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2006,46(6):777-791
The slope disaster and damage in Genkaijima, induced by the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Earthquake, have been investigated and studied by the investigating commission organized by the Japanese Geotechnical Society. The slope disasters in this island are classified into three areas: (1) damages of the housing site foundations and the retaining walls of steep slopes in the resident area, (2) landslides over the circumference road of the island, (3) small-scale collapses and cracks on the eastern slope from the Genkai elementary school to the Genkai junior high school. For each area, the results from on-site inspections, filed tests, indoor tests, measurements and analysis are reported together with the suggestion on restoration countermeasure work in this paper.  相似文献   

王玮 《华中建筑》2015,(3):108-111
随着儿童观的改变,儿童参与既是儿童的基本权利,也是需要发展的一种重要能力。基于需要层次模型和儿童身心发展规律,分析了儿童与校园景观环境间的场域协同关系。以日本福冈壱岐南小学校园景观环境设计为例,分析了其中儿童参与式校园景观环境设计的过程和启示。当代景观设计师应当重视儿童参与的重要意义,满足儿童更多探索和成长体验的机会,和儿童一起共同创造出适宜和丰富的校园景观环境。  相似文献   

This study uses multiple regression to investigate the effects of land and building use on population, land price, and passengers. Initially, we abstract annual data on land and buildings usage within a radius of 0 m–400 m for railway stations and 400 m–800 m for subway stations in Fukuoka, Japan by using the GIS. We then analyze the relationships between 13 factors of land use and 8 factors of building usage, as well as the related population, land price, and passengers using the quantitative expression method. Using several categories of land use and building usage as explanatory variables, we analyze the degree to which the selected categories affect population, land price, and passengers by using the multiple regression method. This research can aid the further development of land and building usage in the future.  相似文献   

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