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随着各种无线通信新技术和新业务的广泛应用,频谱资源日益紧张,如何充分提高频谱资源的利用率便成为亟待解决的问题。应运而生的认知无线电技术,是一种能够主动检测可用频谱资源并能充分利用频谱的新一代无线电技术,这种技术使得无线通信设备具有发现"频谱空洞"并合理利用所发现的"空洞"的能力。认知无线电技术的出现,对解决频谱资源不足、实现频谱动态管理和提高频谱利用率都具有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
从软件无线电到认知无线电的无线通信发展现状 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文归纳了从软件无线电到认知无线电功能的演进。认知无线电又是在软件无线电的基础上提出的智能化的无线通信技术,它着力解决频谱资源的有效利用问题:认知无线电概念的提出将对现行的频谱管理体制提出挑战,并给无线通信带来新的发展空间。在此基础上探讨了认知无线电技术未来发展值得关注的热点问题。 相似文献
介绍了认知无线电技术的发展背景和当前的研究状况,论述了发展认知无线电的重要性,讨论了认知无线电领域的几种关键技术,论述了认知无线电在广电领域的应用范围和发展前景。举例说明了广电运营商可通过认知无线电系统接入除传统电视业务之外的多种业务。 相似文献
认知无线电是在软件无线电的基础上发展而来的能够自适应外界环境变化的无线通信技术。认知无线电的网络结构有3种类型:集中式,分布式和集中 分布式。它通过频谱自适应技术来实现动态频谱分配,相关技术包括频谱检测技术,信道估计与预测技术、数据传输技术和多天线通信技术。随着认知无线电技术的发展,各国际标准组织和行业联盟纷纷开展相关的研究,并着手制定认知无线电的标准和协议。目前,认知无线电的推广仍面临着政策问题,但其市场需求日益扩大。总而言之,此技术的产业化发展还有很长的路需要走。 相似文献
归纳了从软件无线电到认知无线电功能的演进。认知无线电是在软件无线电的基础上提出的智能化的无线通信技术,它着力解决频谱资源的有效利用问题;认知无线电概念的提出将对现行的频谱管理体制提出挑战,并给无线通信带来新的发展空间。软件无线电在其系统硬件无需变更的情况下,可以在不同的时候根据需要通过软件加载来完成不同的功能。认知无线电可以感知周围电磁环境,通过无线电知识描述语言(RKRL)与通信网络进行智能交流,并实时调整传输参数,以达到无论何时何地都能达到通信系统的高可靠性和频谱利用的高效性。文中在此基础上探讨了认知无线电技术未来发展值得关注的热点问题。 相似文献
认知无线电目前已经成为现代无线通信技术研究的一项热点内容.认知无线电技术在现代通信中发挥着重要作用,因此对其相关内容对针对性分,对促进我国通信行业的发展来说意义重大. 相似文献
认知无线电与多维度的协作通信 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
认知无线电技术已经向“网络与系统”的框架转变,为增强认知能力、降低认知成本,协作手段成为必然。物理层链路技术面临进一步提升性能的“瓶颈”,通过不同网络元素间的多维度协作提高系统整体性能是下一阶段移动通信系统增强的主要途径。在这一过程中,对环境背景信息和用户业务特征的广泛感知是智能化协作与联合资源管理的重要基础。认知无线电与多维度协作通信的结合将成为技术发展的必然趋势。 相似文献
Cognitive Radio for Flexible Mobile Multimedia Communications 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
Wireless multimedia applications require significant bandwidth, some of which will be provided by third-generation (3G) services. Even with substantial investment in 3G infrastructure, the radio spectrum allocated to 3G will be limited. Cognitive radio offers a mechanism for the flexible pooling of radio spectrum using a new class of protocols called formal radio etiquettes. This approach could expand the bandwidth available for conventional uses (e.g., police, fire and rescue) and extend the spatial coverage of 3G in a novel way. Cognitive radio is a particular extension of software radio that employs model-based reasoning about users, multimedia content, and communications context. This paper characterizes the potential contributions of cognitive radio to spectrum pooling and outlines an initial framework for formal radio-etiquette protocols. 相似文献
一种新的智能无线技术——认知无线电技术 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
认知无线电技术(CR——cognitiveradio)是软件无线电技术的演化,是一种新的智能无线通信技术。它可以感知到无线电传输的环境特征,通过无线电知识描述语言与通信网络进行智能交流,来调整其传输参数,使系统的无线规则满足用户通信最佳性能的需求。文章对认知无线电技术进行了较详细介绍,包括其概念、通信特点、工作过程和部分关键技术等,最后指出了未来认知无线电技术的若干重要发展方向。 相似文献
认知无线通信系统的频谱资源管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
作为认知无线电(CR)技术核心问题的无线频谱资源管理技术是提高认知无线电性能的关键。通过引入资源空间的概念对认知无线电技术领域中的无线频谱资源管理技术进行说明,形成了无线频谱资源空间、资源网格、可用资源图谱等无线资源管理的数据体系,并且构建了相应的分层分布式管理结构和资源管理数据库。形成的资源描述体系和管理结构可以成为研究认知无线电资源管理技术的理论概念基础和借鉴支持。 相似文献
认知无线电技术作为软件无线电技术的一个特殊扩展,受到日益广泛的关注.由于该技术能够自动检测无线电环境,调整传输参数,从空间、时间、频率、调制方式等多维度共享无线频谱,可以大幅度提高频谱利用效率.本文首先从认知无线电技术的定义入手,分别讨论了认知无线电的基本概念、功能与实现、标准化的进程.然后介绍了当前应用状况,最后分析了未来的发展及面临的挑战. 相似文献
Today’s static spectrum allocation policy results in a situation where the available spectrum is being exhausted while many
licensed spectrum bands are under-utilized. To resolve the spectrum exhaustion problem, the cognitive radio wireless network,
termed CogNet in this paper, has recently been proposed to enable unlicensed users to dynamically access the licensed spectrum bands that
are unused in either temporal or spatial domain, through spectrum-agile cognitive radios. The CogNet plays the role of secondary
user in this shared spectrum access framework, and the spectrum bands accessible by CogNets are inherently heterogeneous and
dynamic. To establish the communication infrastructure for a CogNet, the cognitive radio of each CogNet node detects the accessible
spectrum bands and chooses one as its operating frequency, a process termed channel assignment. In this paper we propose a graph-based path-centric channel assignment framework to model multi-hop ad hoc CogNets and perform channel assignment from a network perspective.
Simulation results show that the path-centric channel assignment framework outperforms traditional link-centric approach.
Chunsheng Xin received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from State University of New York at Buffalo in 2002. From 2000 to 2002, he was a Research Co-Op in Nokia Research Center, Boston. From 2002, he is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia. His research interests include optical networks, cognitive radio wireless networks, and performance evaluation and modeling. Liangping Ma received his B.S. degree in Physics from Wuhan University, Hubei, China, in 1998, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, in 2004. He was with the University of Delaware as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Since 2005, he has been with San Diego Research Center, Inc. (now part of Argon ST, Inc.), San Diego, CA, as a Research Staff Member. His research interests include medium access control (MAC), spectrum agile radios, and signal processing. Chien-Chung Shen received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, and his Ph.D. degree from UCLA, all in computer science. He was a senior research scientist at Bellcore (now Telcordia) Applied Research working on control and management of broadband networks. He is now an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences of the University of Delaware, and a recipient of NSF CAREER Award. His research interests include ad hoc and sensor networks, dynamic spectrum management, control and management of broadband networks, distributed object and peer-to-peer computing, and simulation. He is a member of both ACM and IEEE. 相似文献
Chien-Chung ShenEmail: |
Chunsheng Xin received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from State University of New York at Buffalo in 2002. From 2000 to 2002, he was a Research Co-Op in Nokia Research Center, Boston. From 2002, he is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia. His research interests include optical networks, cognitive radio wireless networks, and performance evaluation and modeling. Liangping Ma received his B.S. degree in Physics from Wuhan University, Hubei, China, in 1998, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, in 2004. He was with the University of Delaware as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Since 2005, he has been with San Diego Research Center, Inc. (now part of Argon ST, Inc.), San Diego, CA, as a Research Staff Member. His research interests include medium access control (MAC), spectrum agile radios, and signal processing. Chien-Chung Shen received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, and his Ph.D. degree from UCLA, all in computer science. He was a senior research scientist at Bellcore (now Telcordia) Applied Research working on control and management of broadband networks. He is now an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences of the University of Delaware, and a recipient of NSF CAREER Award. His research interests include ad hoc and sensor networks, dynamic spectrum management, control and management of broadband networks, distributed object and peer-to-peer computing, and simulation. He is a member of both ACM and IEEE. 相似文献