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The performance of an indirect ELISA for diagnosing Mycobacterium bovis infection in live badgers was evaluated by examining blood samples collected from 1982 badgers captured during statutory badger removal operations in south west England. The Validity of the test and the factors affecting the prevalence of infection are described. The sensitivity of the ELISA was 40.7 percent, its specificity was 94.3 percent, the predictive value of a positive test was 67.5% percent and the predictive value of a negative test was 84.6 percent. Its sensitivity was significantly higher in males and animals with gross lesions typical of tuberculosis. The sensitivity and positive predictive values were enhanced when the results were grouped by control operation. Variables of significance for prevalence were the county, the time of year, the age and sex of animal, and the time after the start of a control operation. The possible use of the ELISA as a screening test is discussed.  相似文献   

In June 1994, a 39 year-old male with adult T-cell leukemia was admitted to our hospital and received combination chemotherapy including epipodophyllotoxin for approximately 1 year. The monocyte count increased gradually beginning in April 1995, accelerating to 100 x 10(9)/l in January 1996, when he was diagnosed with acute monocytic leukemia. Inv(11)(q21;q23) x 2 was recognized at that time by chromosome analysis, and rearrangement of the MLL gene was shown by Southern blot analysis. From the clinical course and subsequent examinations, the case was regarded as epipodophyllotoxin-related secondary leukemia. Recently, epipodophyllotoxin has frequently been used as a treatment agent for adult T-cell leukemia. It is valuable to note that secondary leukemia may follow even such an aggressive leukemia as adult T-cell leukemia.  相似文献   

A spatial stochastic simulation model was used to assess the potential of fertility control, based on a yet-to-be-developed oral bait-delivered contraceptive directed at females, for the control of bovine tuberculosis in badger populations in south-west England. The contraceptive had a lifelong effect so that females rendered sterile in any particular year remained so for the rest of their lives. The efficacy of fertility control alone repeated annually for varying periods of time was compared with a single culling operation and integrated control involving an initial single cull followed by annually repeated fertility control. With fertility control alone, in no instance was the disease eradicated completely while a viable badger population (mean group size of at least one individual) was still maintained. Near eradication of the disease (less than 1% prevalence) combined with the survival of a minimum viable badger population was only achieved under a very limited set of conditions, either with high efficiency of control (95%) over a short time period (1-3 years) or a low efficiency of control (20%) over an intermediate time period (10-20 years). Under these conditions, it took more than 20 years for the disease to decline to such low levels. A single cull of 80% efficiency succeeded in near eradication of the disease (below 1% prevalence) after a period of 6-8 years, while still maintaining a viable badger population. Integrated strategies reduced disease prevalence more rapidly and to lower levels than culling alone, although the mean badger group size following the onset of control was smaller. Under certain integrated strategies, principally where a high initial cull (80%) was followed by fertility control over a short (1-3 year) time period, the disease could be completely eradicated while a viable badger population was maintained. However, even under the most favourable conditions of integrated control, it took on average more than 12 years following the onset of control for the disease to disappear completely from the badger population. These results show that whilst fertility control would not be a successful strategy for the control of bovine tuberculosis in badgers if used alone, it could be effective if used with culling as part of an integrated strategy. This type of integrated strategy is likely to be more effective in terms of disease eradication than a strategy employing culling alone. However, the high cost of developing a suitable fertility control agent, combined with the welfare and conservation implications, are significant factors which should be taken into account when considering its possible use as a means of controlling bovine tuberculosis in badger populations in the UK.  相似文献   

The mitogenic activities of low (LDL)- and high (HDL)-density lipoproteins have been examined in cultures of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). LDL and HDL3 dose-dependently (EC50 values approximately 50 micrograms/ml) stimulated DNA and protein synthesis ([3H]-thymidine and [3H]-leucine incorporation, respectively) in the absence of exogenously added mitogens. The synthetic responses of VSMC to combinations of LDL and HDL3 were additive, indicating that each lipoprotein mediates discrete effects. LDL or HDL3 promoted VSMC proliferation under strict mitogen-free conditions, but this growth response was not sustained. VSMC exposed to combinations of lipoproteins (either LDL or HDL3) and growth factors (either PDGF-BB, EGF, bFGF or IGF) exhibited synergistic DNA synthesis responses. In the combined presence of PDGF-BB and either LDL or HDL3, VSMC proliferation was sustained. Anionized lipoprotein preparations (oxidized, acetylated, carbamylated or malonimylated) also stimulated DNA and protein synthesis. Since the antioxidant beta-hydroxylated toluene did not block the effect of native LDL on DNA synthesis, and fucoidin, a specific competitor for the 'scavenger' receptor, did not inhibit oxidized LDL-induced DNA synthesis, activation of mitogenic signals by lipoproteins does not depend on lipid peroxidation. Rather, the apparent intrinsic mitogenic potential of lipoproteins may depend upon their direct activation of replication-coupled signal transduction systems.  相似文献   

The plant pathogenic fungus Verticillium dahliae produced extracellular alkaline protease activity when grown in liquid medium supplemented with a protein source. A serine protease was purified 80-fold in a single step, using cation-exchange chromatography, from the filtrate of cultures grown with skim milk as a protein source. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the 30-kDa protein (VDP30) that copurified with the serine protease activity suggested that VDP30 is a trypsin-like protein. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed the synthetic substrate N alpha-benzoyl-DL-arginine p-nitroanilide hydrochloride (BAPNA), and the activity on BAPNA was inhibited by leupeptin, further verifying the trypsin-like nature of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder of adult onset. In the islands of the Azores (Portugal), MJD reaches the highest prevalence reported worldwide. It has been postulated that it is highly represented in the Azorean population as a result of a founder effect. To test this hypothesis, we reconstructed the ascending genealogies of the 32 Azorean families presently identified as harboring the disease (103 patients), using parish records as the main source of data. These patients were originally from the islands of S?o Miguel, Terceira, Graciosa, and Flores. The genealogies of the two main Azorean American families (Machado and Joseph) were also reconstructed. To identify the links between the MJD families, we calculated the kinship coefficient between the proponents of these genealogies. The family from Terceira was linked to three different MJD families from Flores through common ancestors. No kinship was observed between the MJD families from S?o Miguel and families from any other island. Links between the two Azorean American families and Azorean MJD families were found. The founders present in more than one ascendance were identified. Their chronological and geographic distribution indicates that more than one MJD mutation was introduced in the Azores, probably by settlers coming from the Portuguese mainland. The molecular evidence to date corroborates these results, because two distinct haplotypes have been established, one on the island of S?o Miguel and the other on Flores. Therefore molecular biology studies confirm the accuracy of the conclusions drawn from the genealogical evidence supporting the absence of a founder effect for MJD in the Azorean population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A raised concentration of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] in human plasma has been considered as a risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). Apolipoprotein(a) and plasminogen genes are exceptionally similar to a variable number of plasminogen-like kringle IV repeats in the apo(a) gene. Polymorphisms have been previously identified in the apolipoprotein(a) kringle IV 37. HYPOTHESIS: In order to determine the frequency of the apolipoprotein(a) kringle IV 37 Met66-->Thr polymorphism in a London-based population and to assess the relationship of this polymorphism with CAD in Caucasian patients, we genotyped two groups of people of different ethnic origin (Caucasian and Afro-Caribbean) for the mutation using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. METHODS: The first group consisted of 182 unrelated Caucasian patients (107 men and 75 women, mean age 59.7 +/- 10.2 years) recruited at St. George's Hospital. They were defined as patients with 0, 1 or > or = 2 vessel disease patients depending on the degree of stenosis in none, one, or several major epicardial arteries. The second group comprised 64 unrelated patients of Afro-Caribbean origin attending a hypertension clinic at St. George's Hospital. RESULTS: It was shown that the prevalence of the Met66-->Thr mutation is markedly higher in Caucasians than in Afro-Caribbeans and that this mutation is not associated with either Lp(a) levels or severity of CAD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the magnitude of serious eye disorders and of visual impairment in a defined elderly population of a typical metropolitan area in England, and to assess the frequency they were in touch with, or known to, the eye care services. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey using two stage cluster random sampling. SETTING: General practices in north London. SUBJECTS: Random sample of people aged 65 and older, drawn from a defined population of elderly people registered with 17 general practice groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportions and population prevalence estimates were determined for visual acuity, assessed with the person's own spectacles (if any), classified into four categories: prevalence of cataract, age related macular degeneration, and refractive error causing visual impairment and of definite primary open angle glaucoma; and status of contact with eye services. RESULTS: 1547 of 1840 (84%) eligible people were examined. The population prevalence of bilateral visual impairment (visual acuity <6/12) was 30%, of which 72% was potentially remediable. 92 of these 448 cases (21%) had visual acuity <6/60 ("blindness") in one or both eyes. Prevalence of cataract causing visual impairment was 30%; 88% of these people were not in touch with the eye services. The prevalence of vision impairing, age related macular degeneration was 8% and of glaucoma (definite cases) was 3%. Three quarters of the people with definite glaucoma were not known to the eye services. CONCLUSIONS: Untreated visual impairment and eye disorders affect a substantial proportion of people aged 65 years and older. These findings should contribute to the setting up of future strategies for preservation of sight and eye health services in general.  相似文献   

A study was made of the prevalence of voice disorders and their risk factors in teaching professionals of Logro?o, Spain. A prevalence and case-control study was made, including interviews, ENT examination, videostrobolaryngoscopy, perceptual evaluation of hoarseness, basic aerodynamic tests, the physical range of phonation, and a physical analysis of the acoustic signal. The prevalence of voice disorders among Logro?o teachers was 17.7% (confidence interval: 12.1-25%). Nodular lesions (8.1%) were the most frequent pathology, followed by hyperfunctional dysphonia (4.1%), chronic laryngitis (2.7%), polyps (1.4%), hypofunctional dysphonia (0.7%), and submucous suffusion (0.7%). Voice disorders were more prevalent in women (19.3%) than in men (15.6%), and among teachers of the lowest grades: 36.4% in nursery schools, 25% in elementary school, and 20.8% in junior school. The width and depth of classrooms, larger number of students, longer classroom hours, and noise level were related with the frequency of voice disorders.  相似文献   

Timing of mating, sperm transport and storage, and ovulation were examined in a wild population of agile Antechinus (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) in order to ascertain the validity of direct comparisons between captive and field-based mating studies in this species. Mating commenced in early August, and all females had ovulated by the 27th of the month. Fifty-five percent of the mated females caught that had not yet ovulated were captured on 19-20 August. This corresponded with a peak (67%) in the ovulation date determined for pregnant females. Approximately 25.9 x 10(3) spermatozoa per side were recovered from the reproductive tract of each mated female captured (range: 1.7 x 10(3)-75.5 x 10(3) spermatozoa per side). Spermatozoa were consistently found in greater numbers in the lower isthmus (19.7 x 10(3) +/- 19.9 x 10(3) spermatozoa per side) of the oviduct ( approximately 67% of all sperm found in the female tract; range 17-94%) than elsewhere in the reproductive tract. Few spermatozoa were found in the upper isthmus, and none were detected in the ampulla. Sperm number in the female reproductive tract supports the hypothesis that females will mate several times within the one estrus. At the conclusion of the rut, approximately 80.0 x 10(3) spermatozoa remained in each testis and approximately 630 x 10(3) spermatozoa in each epididymis. Most epididymal spermatozoa were restricted to the distal corpus/proximal cauda regions of the duct. This study shows that both field and laboratory reproductive data correlate well in the agile Antechinus and that successful breeding is indeed an exercise in reproductive brinkmanship.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are almost ubiquitous pollutants that may interact with metabolic systems in human tissues and eventually cause cancer. PAH-adducted DNA becomes antigenic and antibodies anti-benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE)-DNA may be found in serum of PAH-exposed subjects. The presence of serum antibodies anti-BPDE-DNA adduct was investigated in 1345 individuals from family clusters of the general population of a small area in central Italy in whom information about smoking habits, site of residence, and personal and family history of lung diseases, including cancer, were obtained. Anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies in the sera were detected with a direct ELISA and the association of anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies with subjects' data from a standardized respiratory questionnaire including age, occupation, tobacco smoking habits, respiratory symptoms, and family history of respiratory diseases was subsequently tested by multivariate logistic regression analysis. The overall prevalence of subjects with anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies was 21.0% (n=283), with no differences between males and females. Anti-BPDE-DNA positivity was associated with living in the urban area [odds ratio (OR), 1.49; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.16-1.92], with active tobacco smoking (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.06-1.48), and with family history of lung cancer (OR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.90-1.88), and positivity increased with the number of members in the family cluster positive to anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies (OR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.03-1.65). This study on a large general population sample indicates that serum anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies may be considered as biomarkers of exposure to environmental carcinogens and of DNA damage. The genetic and familial components of their association with tobacco smoking lend further support to the argument about the familial predisposition to lung cancer.  相似文献   

Conducted a study with 90 military and civil service personnel to investigate the moderating effects of need for achievement and need for independence on relationships between role ambiguity, role conflict, and job satisfaction. Results indicate that need for achievement moderated relationships between intersender role conflict and satisfaction and between task ambiguity and satisfaction, while need for independence moderated the relationship between intersender conflict and satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Elevated plasma levels of Lp(a) do seem to influence the progression of atherosclerosis. Evidence is emerging that certain apo(a) isoforms may be more atherogenic than others, and in transgenic mice free apo(a) has been shown to be associated with accelerated atherosclerosis. Currently it is not known whether treating elevated Lp(a) levels will reduce progression of atherosclerosis and, as therapeutic options are limited, mass screening of Lp(a) levels in populations is not indicated. The presence of raised Lp(a) levels, however, warrants aggressive treatment to reduce other cardiovascular risk factors. Continuing research to investigate the relationship of the apo(a) gene to other genes, including the plasminogen gene and apo(a)-related genes, will add further information pertaining to the evolution, function, regulation and clinical implications of Lp(a).  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with bilateral ibotenic acid-produced lesions of the amygdala were compared with controls in several novel situations, including exposures to metal objects, toy animals, and a person. Early in testing, the monkeys with lesions showed reduced inhibitions on responsiveness compared with controls. With continuing exposures, differences between groups diminished sharply as inhibitions waned in the controls. This outcome is consistent with the hypothesis that the amygdala mediates caution in initial reactions to ambiguous or threatening novel situations, which, in the absence of adverse consequences, diminishes with repetition. Consistency of individual responsiveness across different situations, including pairing with other monkeys, was substantial in lesioned and normal monkeys, suggesting that stable qualities of temperament influenced the results in both groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work is to study the effect of different biological factors that could affect Lp(a) level in a presumably healthy population and to establish reference limits. METHODS: We selected 723 subjects (367 men and 356 women) for the age interval 4 to 64 years for evaluation. RESULTS: The distribution of Lp(a) is not Gaussian; 50.5% of subjects had Lp(a) concentrations under 0.10 g/l and the value for the 75th percentile was 0.27 g/l and 0.57 g/l for the 90th percentile. No relationship was observed between Lp(a) concentration and cholesterolaemia, triglyceridaemia, glycaemia, inflammatory proteins (orosomucoide and CRP), overweight, tobacco consumption and oral contraceptive use. The menopause state in women was a factor correlated with increased Lp(a) but this increase was not significant. Moreover, alcohol consumption (more than 44 g per day in men and more than 22 g per day in women) was associated with lower Lp(a) values. Among familial cardiovascular risks, only paternal listing of hypertension was associated with Lp(a) concentration in men. CONCLUSION: The measurement of Lp(a) in a young subject could be used as a genetic marker of cardiovascular risk associated with abnormal lipid metabolism and thrombosis phenomena.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] represents an LDL-like particle to which the Lp(a)-specific apolipoprotein(a) is linked via a disulfide bridge. It has gained considerable interest as a genetically determined risk factor for atherosclerotic vascular disease. Several studies have described a correlation between elevated Lp(a) plasma levels and coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral atherosclerosis. In healthy individuals, Lp(a) plasma concentrations are almost exclusively controlled by the apo(a) gene locus on chromosome 6q2.6-q2.7. More than 30 alleles at this highly polymorphic gene locus determine a size polymorphism of apo(a). There exists an inverse correlation between the size (molecular weight) of apo(a) isoforms and Lp(a) plasma concentrations. The standardization of Lp(a) quantification is still an unresolved task due to the large particle size of Lp(a), the presence of two different apoproteins [apoB and apo(a)], and the large size polymorphism of apo(a) and its homology with plasminogen. A working group sponsored by the IFCC is currently establishing a stable reference standard for Lp(a) as well as a reference method for quantitative analysis. Aside from genetic reasons, abnormal Lp(a) plasma concentrations are observed as secondary to various diseases. Lp(a) plasma levels are elevated over controls in patients with nephrotic syndrome and patients with end-stage renal disease. Following renal transplantation, Lp(a) concentrations decrease to values observed in controls matched for apo(a) type. Controversial data on Lp(a) in diabetes mellitus result mainly from insufficient sample sizes of numerous studies. Large studies and those including apo(a) phenotype analysis came to the conclusion that Lp(a) levels are not or only moderately elevated in insulin-dependent patients. In noninsulin-dependent diabetics, Lp(a) is not elevated. Conflicting data also exist from studies in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. Several case-control studies reported elevated Lp(a) levels in those patients, suggesting a role of the LDL-receptor pathway for degradation of Lp(a). However, recent turnover studies rejected that concept. Moreover, family studies also revealed data arguing against an influence of the LDL receptor for Lp(a) concentrations. Several rare diseases or disorders, such as LCAT- and LPL-deficiency as well as liver diseases, are associated with low plasma levels or lack of Lp(a).  相似文献   

Used high-speed cinematography to analyze the eating behavior of 32 pigeons and to clarify the nature of its control by stimulus and motivational variables. Eating-response sequences may be functionally subdivided into a series of individual movement patterns whose duration and sequential organization exhibit a range of stereotypy comparable with that of movement patterns with an obvious communication function. Food deprivation did not affect the topography or spatiotemporal organization of the eating-response sequence but increased the rate at which such sequences are emitted. Stimuli coming from food elicit and orient many components of the eating response and serve as coordinating links in the causal chain that integrates individual movement patterns into an adaptive behavior for the efficient ingestion of food. (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare changes in periodontal status in a Swedish population over a period of 20 years. Cross-sectional studies were carried out in J?nk?ping County in 1973, 1983, and 1993. Individuals were randomly selected from the following age groups: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 years. A total of 600 individuals were examined in 1973, 597 in 1983, and 584 in 1993. The number of dentate individuals was 537 in 1973, 550 in 1983, and 552 in 1993. Based on clinical data and full mouth intra-oral radiographs, all individuals were classified into 5 groups according to the severity of the periodontal disease experience. Individuals were classified as having a healthy periodontium (group 1), gingivitis without signs of alveolar bone loss (group 2), moderate alveolar bone loss not exceeding 1/3 of the normal alveolar bone height (group 3), severe alveolar bone loss ranging between 1/3 and 2/3 of the normal alveolar bone height (group 4), or alveolar bone loss exceeding 2/3 of the normal bone height and angular bony defects and/or furcation defects (group 5). During these 20 years, the number of individuals in groups 1 and 2 increased from 49% in 1973 to 60% in 1993. In addition, there was a decrease in the number of individuals in group 3, the group with moderate periodontal bone loss. Groups 4 and 5 comprised 13% of the population and showed no change in general between 1983 and 1993. The individuals comprising these groups in 1993, however, had more teeth than those who comprised these groups in 1983; on the average, the individuals in disease group 4 had 4 more teeth and those in disease group 5, 2 more teeth per subject. In 1973, these 2 groups were considerably smaller, probably because of wider indications for tooth extractions and fewer possibilities for periodontal care which meant that many of these individuals had become edentulous and were not placed in a group. Individuals in groups 3, 4, and 5 were subdivided according to the number of surfaces (%) with gingivitis and periodontal pockets (> or =4 mm). In 1993, 20%, 42%. and 67% of the individuals in groups 3, 4, and 5 respectively were classified as diseased and in need of periodontal therapy with >20% bleeding sites and >10% sites with periodontal pockets > or =4 mm. In conclusion, an increase in the number of individuals with no marginal bone loss and a decrease in the number of individuals with moderate alveolar bone loss can be seen. The prevalence of individuals in the severe periodontal disease groups (4, 5) was unchanged during the last 10 years; however, the number of teeth per subject increased.  相似文献   

Here we report a method of immobilising the chaperonins GroEL and GroES to a glass matrix. The immobilised chaperone system has been used to successfully refold target proteins denatured by guanidine hydrochloride and produce substantially higher levels of active protein than occur on dilution into aqueous solution alone. The chaperone system has been shown to refold proteins from each of the three categories of GroEL substrate. The refolding of the enzyme glycerol dehydrogenase from Bacillus stearothermophilus shows a two-fold increase in activity in the presence of immobilised GroEL compared to that in free solution. The lactate dehydrogenase from B. stearothermophilus also shows a two-fold higher yield of activity in the presence of the immobilised GroEL and ATP. The presence of immobilised GroEL in the absence of ATP arrests the refolding of LDH. The enzyme citrate synthetase from porcine heart demonstrates a three-fold increase in activity when refolded in the presence of immobilised GroEL, ATP and free GroES. Similar results are obtained in the presence of free GroEL, immobilised GroES and ATP. The matrix-bound chaperone can be removed from the refolding mixture by centrifugation, producing a reusable system that can be easily isolated and purified from the refolded substrate.  相似文献   

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