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聚丙烯酸钠高吸水性树脂的制备及性能研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以环己烷为连续相 ,Span - 6 0为悬浮稳定剂 ,过硫酸钾为引发剂 ,N ,N′ 亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂 ,对反相悬浮聚合制备聚丙烯酸钠高吸水性树脂进行了研究。结果表明 ,影响合成树脂吸水率最主要的因素是交联剂质量分数 ,当交联剂质量分数为 0 .0 15 %时合成树脂的吸水率出现极大值 ,而且当反应温度控制在 6 5℃、引发剂质量分数为 0 .18%时所得树脂的吸水率可达 5 0 0g/g。对合成树脂吸水、保水性能的进一步测试发现 ,树脂在吸水的初始阶段吸水速率较快 ,随着吸水时间的延长逐步下降 ,当树脂吸水饱和后水分损失则很慢 ,在 84℃下 2 .5h仅损失 17%。  相似文献   

以丙烯酸和高岭土为原料,用反相悬浮聚合法合成了聚丙烯酸钠/高岭土复合高吸水性树脂。研究了加入高岭土的聚丙烯酸钠复合高吸水性树脂合成中反应温度、中和度、交联剂用量、引发剂用量、高岭土添加量等影响树脂吸水性能的主要因素。结果表明,用反相悬浮聚合法合成的复合高吸水性树脂后处理容易,树脂的吸水率达到512g/g,吸盐水率达到81g/g,吸水速度比不加高岭土提高20%,保水能力提高15%,在250℃加热30min仍能保持原吸水率的95%。用IR和TEM研究了复合高吸水性树脂的表面和结构,TEM显示高岭土的加入对树脂颗粒大小和形状有较大的影响,IR初步表明聚丙烯酸与高岭土产生了交联。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酸钠盐高吸水性树脂   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用反相悬浮聚合法、逆相乳液聚合法或溶液聚合法合成自交联型、交联型聚丙烯酸钠盐高吸水性树脂,该树脂可吸收自身重量的几百倍的水。由于它的高吸水性,在压力下高的保水性和高的凝胶强度,被广泛用于纸尿布、卫生巾和土壤保水剂等。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酸钠/高岭土复合高吸水性树脂的制备及性能研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以部分中和的丙烯酸为单体,以高岭土为无机填充料,通过反相悬浮聚合法合成出聚丙烯酸钠/高岭土复合高吸水性树脂。研究了聚合条件与性能的关系,结果表明:适量高岭土的加入可提高吸水性树脂的吸水强度和耐盐性,并且有较好的热稳定性。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酸钠∕高岭土复合高吸水性树脂的制备、结构与性能   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
张小红  崔笔江  崔英德 《精细化工》2003,20(10):584-588
以丙烯酸和高岭土为原料,用反相悬浮聚合法合成了聚丙烯酸钠/高岭土复合高吸水性树脂.研究了加入高岭土的聚丙烯酸钠复合高吸水性树脂合成中反应温度、中和度、交联剂用量、引发剂用量、高岭土添加量等影响树脂吸水性能的主要因素.结果表明,用反相悬浮聚合法合成的复合高吸水性树脂后处理容易,树脂的吸水率达到512 g/g,吸盐水率达到81 g/g,吸水速度比不加高岭土提高20%,保水能力提高15%,在250 ℃加热30 min仍能保持原吸水率的95%.用IR和TEM研究了复合高吸水性树脂的表面和结构,TEM显示高岭土的加入对树脂颗粒大小和形状有较大的影响,IR初步表明聚丙烯酸与高岭土产生了交联.  相似文献   

以N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,过硫酸铵/亚硫酸氢钠为乳化还原引发剂,Span 80/Tween 80为复合悬浮分散剂,采用反相悬浮聚合法合成出膨润土复合聚丙烯酸钠—丙烯酸胺高吸水性复合树脂。研究了膨润土的添加量对复合树脂的吸水性、吸水速度及保水性等的影响,并用TGA和DSC分析研究了膨润土复合高吸水树脂的保水性和脱水动力学。  相似文献   

采用水溶液聚合法合成了聚丙烯酸钠高吸水性树脂,并通过改变聚合过程中的添加剂和进行吸水性树脂的表面交联反应处理,对产品性能进行了研究。结果表明在聚合过程中添加适当的添加剂和对产品进行表面交联反应处理,能显著地改善产品性能。  相似文献   

交联聚丙烯酸钠高吸水性树脂的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以丙烯酸为原料 ,经中和、引发聚合和交联 ,合成了交联聚丙烯酸钠高吸水性树脂 ,产品质量较好。  相似文献   

反相悬浮法制取耐压型聚丙烯酰胺吸水性树脂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以K2S2O8为引发剂,N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,用反相悬浮聚合法合成了交联聚丙烯酰胺,研究了引发剂、交联剂、分散剂及水解条件对其吸水性能的影响,得到了粒径为290μm,吸去离子水倍数和吸油井内矿化水倍数分别为220与180,压力为1.0×107Pa条件下,保水率达50%的球状粒子.  相似文献   

聚丙烯酸吸水树脂的反相悬浮聚合研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐伟亮  王晓东  陈建峰 《化学世界》2000,41(4):202-204,197
环己烷为连续相 ,水为分散相 ,采用反相悬浮聚合法合成了聚丙烯酸高吸水性树脂。研究了碱用量、引发剂用量、交联剂用量及温度等反应条件对树脂物理状态和吸水性能的影响。制得吸水树脂最高可吸水 85 0 m L g,吸 0 .9% Na Cl溶液 12 0m L g。  相似文献   

Biodegradable polyacrylates were produced by a series of novel copolymerization and/or crosslinking techniques using poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) moieties modified by the incorporation of olefinic structures. PVA was modified by a tosylation and/or detosylation reaction. The functionalized PVA was copolymerized and/or crosslinked with acrylic acid or its partially neutralized form to give crosslinked polyacrylates that could swell in water. Their swelling behavior was determined under load. Degradation studies were performed in α-chymotrypsin, trypsin, and papain solutions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 70: 817–829, 1998  相似文献   

新型改性高吸水树脂P(AA-AM)的合成及性能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李茜璐  陈馥  林集  闫杰 《应用化工》2009,38(11):1638-1641
以N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,过硫酸钾为引发剂,丙烯酸、丙烯酰胺为原料,合成出原位自交联高吸水树脂P(AA-AM)。通过正交实验得出最佳合成工艺为:n(丙烯酸)∶n(丙烯酰胺)=4.5∶1,单体浓度5%,中和度70%,交联剂0.12%,引发剂0.30%(以上均相对AM、AA总量而言);产物的最大吸液性能为:吸蒸馏水最大倍率QW=2 152.4 g/g,吸10%盐水最大倍率Q盐水=28.5 g/g;由于引入适量的AM,产物吸水率和吸盐率得到大幅度的提高,产物形态由最初的粘接颗粒变成分散颗粒。  相似文献   

魔芋粉-丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺接枝共聚合成高吸水树脂   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以魔芋粉,丙烯酸和丙烯酰胺等为原料,经接枝聚合合成了魔芋粉-丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺类超强吸水性树脂。讨论了引发剂,交联剂,丙烯酸,丙烯酰胺等用量以及反应时间和反应温度等因素对树脂吸水性能的影响。结果表明: 在魔芋粉与单体质量比为1:4,引发剂用量为0.35%(占单体的质量),丙烯酸/丙烯酰胺(质量)为1:1,丙烯酸中和度为80% ,反应温度为55~65℃,交联剂用量为0.75%(占单体的质量)的条件下,制得的SAP吸去离子水可达720g/g,吸0.9%的NaCl溶液为110g/g。  相似文献   

张亚涛  张林  陈欢林 《化工学报》2008,59(6):1565-1570
首先用尿素法合成了水滑石(HT),然后用甲基丙烯磺酸钠(SMAS)对水滑石进行插层,得到了插层的水滑石(SMAS-HT),最后通过反相悬浮聚合制备了一种新型的聚(丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺)/水滑石纳米复合高吸水性树脂,其中N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(NMBA)为交联剂,过硫酸钾(KPS)为引发剂。通过傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X-射线衍射(XRD)及扫描电镜(SEM)等手段表征其结构和形貌。考察了SMAS-HT的含量对其吸水(盐)性能的影响。结果表明,插入SMAS的水滑石片层在聚合后发生了剥离,添加少量的SMAS-HT可以明显提高树脂的吸水(盐)性能,当SMAS-HT含量为3.0%(质量)时,树脂的吸(盐)水性能达到最大。  相似文献   

Superabsorbent resins prepared by ultraviolet radiation‐inducing polymerization techniques with acrylic acid/acrylamide were treated with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC‐CO2). The water‐absorbing properties of the treated resins were greatly improved. The water‐absorbing properties of resins treated with SC‐CO2 in the pressure range of 10–35 MPa and the temperature range of 40–60°C were studied. The effects of the treatment time and depressurizing speed of CO2 after treatment were also examined. Obviously, different results were found for particles of different sizes. Smaller particles were more efficient under the same treatment conditions. Samples were tested with differential scanning calorimetry. The results showed that the plasticizing effect of CO2 reduced the glass‐transition temperature of the polymer, and it was proposed that the plasticization effect might have led to polymer chain redistribution and better flexibility. Minor changes in the surface morphology of the particles were observed with scanning electron microscopy. The extraction of the unpolymerized monomers by SC‐CO2 was also studied. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 86: 2272–2278, 2002  相似文献   

用溶液聚合法合成了聚2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸(PAMPS)高吸水性树脂。研究了PAMPS树脂等温时Pb(NO3)2,Cu(NO3)2,Zn(NO3)2中溶液浓度、吸附时间对吸附的影响。结果表明,对Pb2+的吸附质量分数随Pb(NO3)2溶液浓度、交联剂浓度和中和度增加而增大;对不同金属离子的吸附质量分数随溶液浓度增加而增加,其吸附质量分数顺序为Pb2+Cu2+>Zn2+,Langmiur等温吸附方程能较好地拟合实验数据。吸附Pb2+的PAMPS树脂在1 mol/L HCl溶液中的解吸附比随时间延长而增加,解吸附10 min后解吸附质量分数基本达定值。  相似文献   

丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺高吸水树脂溶液共聚与吸液性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以丙烯酸(AA)和丙烯酰胺(AM)为原料,过硫酸钾为引发剂,N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,采用水溶液聚合对丙烯酸-丙烯酸胺(PAAAM)高吸水树脂的合成条件进行了优化。结果表明,在室温下最大吸蒸馏水倍率为2710g/g,在w(NaCl)=0.9%的水溶液中吸水倍率为133g/g。考察了单体质量分数、交联剂质量分数以及引发剂质量分数对PAAAM在蒸馏水及w(NaCl)=0.9%溶液中吸液性能的影响,并对实验结果进行了回归分析。  相似文献   

The interpolymer complexation, through successive hydrogen bonding, between poly(acrylamide) (PAAm) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAAm) with poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) in aqueous solution has been viscometrically and potentiometrically investigated. The stoichiometry of the complexes formed was determined. By comparing the strength of the two complexes the very important contribution of the hydrophobic interaction in their formation has been indicated.  相似文献   

A novel poly(acrylic acid)/montmorillonite superabsorbent composite with a water absorbency of 1100 times its own weight was synthesized by the graft copolymerization of acrylic acid with a cross‐linking agent in the presence of montmorillonite ultrafine powder. The influence of the amount of crosslinker and montmorillonite on water absorbency has been investigated. It was found that a crosslinker concentration of 0.03 wt% and 30 wt% montmorillonite gave the best results. The collaborative absorbent effect of sodium carboxylate and carboxylic acid groups was superior to that of sodium carboxylate or carboxylic acid groups alone, and the composite with a ratio of about 2/3 for sodium carboxylate to carboxyl acid groups possessed the highest water absorbence. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A novel approach was developed for the preparation of the attapulgite/poly(acrylic acid) (ATP/PAA) nanocomposite microgels via the “one-pot” inverse suspension radical polymerization of acrylic acid (AA) with the multi-functionalized attapulgite nanorods (org-ATP) as the sole crosslinker. The parameters of the feeding ratio of the functional attapulgite (org-ATP) nanorods and AA (org-ATP/AA), oil (liquid paraffin)–water ratio, and feeding ratios of dispersing agent (sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS)) and initiator (ammonium persulfate (APS)) were optimized via 4-Variable 3-Level Orthogonal experiments. Under the optimized preparation condition, more than 85% of the monomer AA had been grafted onto the org-ATP nanorods to form the 3-dimensional network of the ATP/PAA nanocomposite microgel. The ATP/PAA nanocomposite microgel exhibited better mechanical stabilities (resistance to pressure and resistance to agitation) and selective adsorption to heavy metal ions, especially to Pb2+. The adsorbed Pb2+ ion could be completely eluted with HCl solution. The better mechanical stability and regeneration make it potential adsorbent for the heavy metal contaminated water.  相似文献   

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