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2010年10月,首届全国环境与生态心理学大会在北京林业大学举办.会议以环境与人类心理为主题,开展了生态心理学研究进展、环境认知与心理健康、发展教育心理学的生态观研究、心理学对环境危机问题的思考、交叉学科的环境与生态心理学研究等专题讨论.同时,会议讨论了环境与生态心理学未来的发展趋势.本次大会是我国首次召开的环境与生态心理学大会,会议的召开在我国环境与生态心理学发展方面具有里程碑意义.  相似文献   

In this article, the author considers whether nursing research is more likely to be implemented in a climate which recognises the importance of research evidence. She then examines the capacity of research to improve the quality of nursing care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify issues related to the quality of health care in the United States, including its measurement, assessment, and improvement, requiring action by health care professionals or other constituencies in the public or private sectors. PARTICIPANTS: The National Roundtable on Health Care Quality, convened by the Institute of Medicine, a component of the National Academy of Sciences, comprised 20 representatives of the private and public sectors, practicing medicine and nursing, representing academia, business, consumer advocacy, and the health media, and including the heads of federal health programs. The roundtable met 6 times between February 1996 and January 1998. It explored ongoing, rapid changes in health care and the implications of these changes for the quality of health and health care in the United States. EVIDENCE: Roundtable members held discussions with a wide variety of experts, convened conferences, commissioned papers, and drew on their individual professional experience. CONSENSUS PROCESS: At the end of its deliberations, roundtable members reached consensus on the conclusions described in this article by a series of discussions at committee meetings and reviews of successive draft documents, the first of which was created by the listed authors and the Institute of Medicine project director. The drafts were revised following these discussions, and the final document was approved according to the formal report review procedures of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of health care can be precisely defined and measured with a degree of scientific accuracy comparable with that of most measures used in clinical medicine. Serious and widespread quality problems exist throughout American medicine. These problems, which may be classified as underuse, overuse, or misuse, occur in small and large communities alike, in all parts of the country, and with approximately equal frequency in managed care and fee-for-service systems of care. Very large numbers of Americans are harmed as a direct result. Quality of care is the problem, not managed care. Current efforts to improve will not succeed unless we undertake a major, systematic effort to overhaul how we deliver health care services, educate and train clinicians, and assess and improve quality.  相似文献   

The role of psychologists as health care providers and the parameters of reimbursement for health care services are timely and controversial issues. A landmark decision was reached in this controversy in the 1980 appeal of a Virginia suit by clinical psychologists in which the court ruled that Blue Shield's refusal to directly reimburse psychologists was a violation of antitrust law. Thus, the requirement that psychologists bill through physicians was not upheld. In recent years a specific aspect of this controversy involved psychologists' roles in potential national health insurance programs. A limited study (appearing in the "National Register of Health Services Providers in Psychology" 1976-1978) of clinical psychologists' attitudes toward national health insurance suggests that Congress and psychologists may have disparate views. In addition to favoring national health insurance, over 85% of psychologists surveyed responded that consumers would benefit from such a program with mental health coverage. Only 16% agreed that such a program would constitute a subsidy of the rich by the poor (Albee, 1977). Several areas of conflicting or confusing responses in this study may reflect legitimate reasons for concern by Congress regarding institution of national health insurance. Belief that providers would benefit from mental health coverage in a national health insurance program was shared by 80% of respondents. Ninety-five percent of respondents identified the inclusion or exclusion of clinical psychologists in such a national health insurance as affecting the future of the profession. Curiously, over 50% of respondents agreed that primary care physicians should be reimbursed for mental health services, although such physicians have received no formal training in psychological services. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 1992 the Health Care Financing Administration introduced the Health Care Quality Improvement Program (HCQIP), through which quality improvement projects are conducted in partnership with quality improvement organizations (QIOs), hospitals, health plans, or physicians. An evaluation of HCQIP began in May 1996 in response to the QIOs' request for an independent assessment of their activities. METHODOLOGY: The methodology and objectives of the evaluation were determined by an independent panel. The QIOs' full cohort of 970 HQIP projects could not be reviewed in the 10-month time frame available, but two topics were chosen: the management of warfarin or aspirin in patients with atrial fibrillation and the management of community-acquired pneumonia. FINDINGS: Analyses were limited to the 49 of the 68 projects that had progressed to the "improvement plan implemented" stage. However, only 39 of these 49 projects had information on outcomes, organization changes, and/or changes in process of care--and only 20 of the 49 had moved beyond the "improvement plan implemented" phase. Feedback of data led hospitals collaborating on improvement projects to revise or create processes of care. DISCUSSION: Although the assessment is the most comprehensive of its type to date, it should be viewed as a pilot study of some of the methods that could be incorporated in a more extensive and rigorous future evaluation of the impact of the HCQIP projects. Specific recommendations include random sampling of HCQIP projects across all clinical areas, conducting both prospective and retrospective assessments, developing uniform process and outcome program impact measures, and developing sustainable, ongoing automated data abstraction and analysis systems.  相似文献   

The 1987 National Conference on Internship Training in Psychology was the first conference in the history of psychology to examine broad policy issues related to internship training in professional psychology. Delegates adopted a policy statement, which is printed here in its entirety. Core requirements for internship training were delineated, and implications of these policy statements are discussed. Perhaps most notably, the model of the one-year internship as the capstone of graduate education and training was considered to be outdated. A two-year supervised training experience was deemed necessary to produce an autonomously functioning professional psychologist. The need for another nomenclature was recognized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Summarizes the Proceedings of the 1983 National Working Conference on Education and Training in Health Psychology, including a conference consensus statement on the status of health psychology, and reports from working groups in the areas of predoctoral education (with a recommendation to restructure), apprenticeship, postdoctoral research and professional training (with a recommendation for a new emphasis), health policy training, and respecialization and continuing education. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

网络视频市场全球领航者安讯士(Axis Communications)网络通讯公司,于6月28日联合中国安全防范产品行业协会共同举办了主题为"创新?开放?领航者"的第一届安讯士网络视频解决方案大会。作为首次由业内领先企业组织的行业盛会,本次大会吸引了众多来自政府、设计院和安防行业的专家、学者和资深从业人员,安讯士网络通讯公司中国区总裁蒋洪涛博士和安讯士全球销售副总裁Bodil Sonesson女士,  相似文献   

Discusses the importance of empirical evaluations of health and mental health procedures to providing the highest quality of care and to reimbursing the most appropriate and efficient techniques. The National Center for Health Care Technology, during its brief existence, provided the federal government with a mechanism for making such assessments. The now-abandoned plans for the assessment of psychotherapy are described. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) is one receiving increasing attention from providers, managers, payers, and regulators of care, yet practical guidelines for professional psychologists who may be interested in incorporating EBPs into their own work settings are not available. The author explores the pragmatics of EBP adoption within the broad context of quality problems in American health care, particularly as described in a heralded 2001 publication by the Institute of Medicine. Concrete suggestions are offered to help practitioners locate EBP resources for specific clinical problems, use an evidence hierarchy to infer "best practices," address the science-to-service management challenge, and generate outcomes data and feedback loops to continuously improve clinical effectiveness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents demographic, lifestyle, and mental health information about 1,925 lesbians from all 50 states who participated as respondents in the National Lesbian Health Care Survey (1984–1985), the most comprehensive study on US lesbians to date. Over half the sample had had thoughts about suicide at some time, and 18% had attempted suicide. 37% had been physically abused as a child or adult, 32% had been raped or sexually attacked, and 19% had been involved in incestuous relationships while growing up. Almost one third used tobacco on a daily basis, and about 30% drank alcohol more than once a week, 6% daily. About three fourths had received counseling at some time, and half had done so for reasons of sadness and depression. Lesbians in the survey also were socially connected and had a variety of social supports, mostly within the lesbian community. However, few had come out to all family members and coworkers. Level of openness about lesbianism was associated with less fear of exposure and with more choices about mental health counseling. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

While the case has been abundantly made for specialization within the behavioral sciences, it is obvious that there are problems overlapping traditional disciplinary boundaries. Numbers of efforts have been made recently to develop approaches involving the best understandings of the several behavioral sciences. This is a report of one effort at a systematic approach to interdisciplinary research which appears to hold some promise of further development. It concerns an eight-week program held at the University of New Mexico from June 17 to August 10, 1957. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

王欣  杨珠宝 《有色金属加工》2009,38(4):38-40,29
本文详细介绍了洛阳有色院金通设备有限公司设计开发的第一台国产铝带卷包装机列的工艺过程、设备组成、技术参数、主要特点、运行情况及发展方向。该机列是先进的机械自动化包装设备,它提高了铝带卷包装质量,减少了制品损坏量,降低了工人劳动强度,有很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

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