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During fifties there were at most few tens of persons in this country who believed in the future of computers and cybernetics. One group of such enthusiasts, headed by Antonín Svoboda, was working at a construction of the first Czech computer SAPO. The other group tried to analyse, anticipate, and prepare in advance various applications for the new systemic conceptions and for the information processing machines. Members of both groups met for discussions which opened prospects to the future and influenced many of other activities for a long time. At the early sixties, the Czechoslovak Cybernetic Society was established at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and in 1962 the Main Problem Committee for the Medical Cybernetics was founded at the Department of Health. It coordinated majority of the research programmes in the medical cybernetics and informatics. In 1967-1969 the Committee prepared an extensive project of a medical information system (ZIS), but its accomplishment was finally blocked by the then authorities. However, interests for that topics kept growing and the new working places equipped with available computer technology were formed at the health and clinical centres. The first tentative lectures in medical cybernetics and biocybernetics at our faculty were introduced into the students curricula in the late sixties. Thematically, medical cybernetics subsequently differentiated into the medical informatics, simulations of biological and medical systems, and the biosignal analysis. The growing interest enabled to hold conferences since the middle of seventies, some of which were held periodically, sometimes with international participation. It is not possible in brevity to include the whole spectrum to those goal-directed activities nor to appraise adequately their future significance.  相似文献   

A hemodialysis unit was established at a rural summer camp for children. Required medical treatment was planned so as to interfere as little as possible with normal camp programs. Campers who require dialysis were mixed fully into the population of normal campers. Twenty-two children participated during the first summer of operation. Our experience indicates that children on maintenance hemodialysis can be integrated with normal peers in a recreational program and can improve their self-image and self-confidence. The program also demonstrates that chronic pediatric hemodialysis can be safely performed in a rural satellite unit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate serum lipid abnormalities, particularly lipoprotein (a), [Lp(a)] as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in children with mild and moderate renal failure. Study were performed on 14 children of whom serum creatinine levels were above 265.3 mumol/l and 32 patients with serum creatinine levels below 265.3 mumol/l. Control group consisted of 27 healthy age-matched subjects. All children were tested for concentration of serum Lp(a), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (C-LDL) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (C-HDL). It was found a significantly increase in Lp(a), TC, C-LDL and significantly decrease in C-HDL in children with more advanced renal insufficiency compared to the control. In children with mild renal failure concentration of serum Lp(a) also increased but not significantly. Patients in this group had elevated serum TC and decreased C-HDL. These results suggest that even in the early stages of renal insufficiency in children abnormalities of lipoprotein are present. Such abnormalities, particularly Lp(a) might contribute to accelerated atherosclerosis in this patients.  相似文献   

The progressive loss of renal function in children with chronic renal failure (CRF) has a negative influence on their nutritional status and statural growth. Supportive therapies with 1-25 dihydroxy-vitamin D3, recombinant erythropoietin and growth hormone have significantly improved the biochemical and clinical features but the success of these therapies is largely related to an appropriate diet, with adequate protein/caloric intakes. Children more than adults have minimal protein requirements to avoid malnutrition and growth impairment FAO/WHO and RDA recommendations save as guidelines for a correct diet in children with CRF. Following these allowances leads to a "normoproteic" diet, with a protein intake which is often half the unrestricted one in Western European countries, but which is still likely to be not enough to protect against renal deterioration. Indeed the European Study Group for Nutritional Treatment of CRF in children failed to show a significant effect of diet on the mean decline of glomerular filtration rate over two years.  相似文献   

Both the US FDA and EU guidelines recommend fundamental procedures for bioavailability and bioequivalence studies. The use of unacceptable procedures in conducting these studies can in fact complicate drug development at NDA or ANDA levels. The most common unacceptable procedures are as follows: the use of compartmental analysis in calculating Cmax, tmax and AUC, which must be evaluated with the non-compartmental approach in pivotal studies; the need to use only homogeneous concentrations in pharmacokinetic analysis, and to avoid using the sum of various individual concentrations, e.g. parent drug plus metabolite(s); the need to consider plasma clearance in evaluating absolute bioavailability with dose-dependent kinetics; the need to use the simultaneous fitting procedure when drugs and metabolite(s) are considered; the unacceptable procedure of either disregarding some experimental data or adding simulated data in pharmacokinetic and statistical analysis; and the use of the additive model rather than the multiplicative procedure in assessing bioequivalence with Cmax and AUC. This paper describes in detail acceptable and unacceptable procedures in bioavailability and bioequivalence studies, covering operating guidelines and principles of pharmacokinetics. (c) 1998 The Italian Pharmacological Society.  相似文献   

One of the responsibilities of cochlear implant centers is to counsel deaf patients regarding the potential for transmitting deafness of their children. Diagnostic studies should be made to determine if deafness is an isolated event or part of a syndrome. We report the criteria used in our center for genetic counseling of the deaf.  相似文献   

Serum thyroid hormone concentrations have been measured in 21 patients with chronic renal failure, treated conservatively and compared with values from 19 control subjects. Many patients had serum total T3 and T4 concentrations below the reference ranges. The concentrations of free T4 and free T3 and the free thyroxine index were significantly lower in patients with abnormal total concentrations of the thyroid hormones than in the controls. Both the free and the total concentrations of T4 correlated inversely with the degree of renal failure. The concentration of thyroxine binding globulin (TBG), fell within the reference range in each of the patients, but was significantly lower in the patient group when compared with the controls. These TBG concentrations, however, were not sufficiently decreased to explain the low total thyroid hormone concentrations found in the patients. The affinity of TBG for T4 and T3 in the patient and control groups was not significantly different. The TSH response to TRH was diminished in many of the patients, but the measurement of other pituitary hormones indicated that pituitary function was normal in these patients. The possible mechanisms responsible for the changes observed in thyroid and pituitary hormones are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism(s) of degradation of leptin, the protein product of ob (obese) gene, we measured serum leptin levels in 70 patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). The median of serum leptin concentrations of 36 male and 34 female patients with CRF were 7.3 ng/ml ranging from 0.5 to 39.0 ng/ml and 34.9 ng/ml from 1.1 to 76.1 ng/ml, respectively, while those of 29 male and 29 female healthy subjects were 5.8 ng/ml ranging from 0.5 to 37.7 ng/ml and 12.0 ng/ml from 2.0 to 45.2 ng/ml, respectively. The difference in male and female serum leptin concentrations between CRF group and the normal counterpart was statistically significant (p<0.005 and p<0.05, respectively). However, there was no significant correlation, either between serum creatinine or BUN, and serum leptin concentrations. These findings suggest that leptin is degraded and/or filtered in renal tissue.  相似文献   

Periosteal new bone formation in the pelvis is reported in five patients on maintenance haemodialysis for chronic renal failure. In two of the cases the shafts of long bones were also involved. The associated radiological and biochemical findings suggest that this unusual radiological feature may be a manifestation of secondary hyperparathyroidism. In one patient in whom the plasma phosphate and calcium X phosphate [Ca X P1] product were reduced there was partial incorporation of the periosteal new bone into the underlying cortex.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the past 13 years, mortality from acute renal failure in burned children has been on the decline. OBJECTIVE: To determine which new burn therapies contributed to the decrease in mortality. DESIGN: The medical records of burned children admitted from February 1966 to January 1997 were reviewed, and the outcome of changes in the treatment of burned children were compared. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty children with acute renal failure were identified. These children were divided into those admitted from 1966 to 1983 (n=24) and those admitted from 1984 to 1997 (n=36). They were compared with matched control subjects from the same period without renal failure. Values are presented as means+/-SEMs. Statistical analysis was by the Student t test or chi2 analysis. RESULTS: Mortality rates in burned children with acute renal failure decreased from 100% before 1983 to 56% after 1984 (P<.001). The time between a burn injury and the initiation of intravenous fluid resuscitation was 8.6+/-1.7 hours before 1983 compared with 3.0+/-0.5 hours after 1984 (P<.005). The time between a burn injury and complete early wound excision decreased from 228+/-37 hours before 1983 to 40+/-7 hours after 1984 (P<.001). The incidence of sepsis decreased from 71% to 44% in these periods (P<.05). After 1984, survivors had a shorter time delay for fluid resuscitation than nonsurvivors (1.7+/-0.5 hours vs 4.8+/-0.9 hours; P<.005) and a lower incidence of sepsis (19% vs 60%; P<.05). From 1984 to 1997, burned children with acute renal failure who did not require dialysis had significantly shorter delays for fluid resuscitation (2.2+/-0.5 hours vs 4.4+/-0.9 hours) and complete wound excision (29+/-6 hours vs 49+/-7 hours) compared with those requiring dialysis (P<.05 for both). CONCLUSION: Early adequate fluid resuscitation, early wound excision, and better infection control may reduce mortality in burned children with acute renal failure.  相似文献   

It has been recognized that glucose intolerance is a common finding in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion contribute to the pathogenesis of glucose intolerance. The resistance to insulin action is commonly observed in chronic renal failure and mainly due to impaired glucose uptake by muscle. In contrast, insulin secretion in response to hyperglycemia is variable: increased, decreased and normal. Recent studies reported that high PTH levels impaired insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. In this review, we mention the mechanism of glucose intolerance in chronic renal failure.  相似文献   

Serum total free phenols are elevated in chronic renal failure, acute renal failure and hepatic coma. Being partly protein-bound, phenols behave during dialysis in a similar manner to considerably larger molecules which are not protein-bound. In view of their potential toxicity they should be considered as an alternative to 'middle molecules'. Patients on regular hemodialysis have retention of phenols if their post-dialysis serum creatinine is above 6-7 mg/dl. Patients on short time dialysis have high pre-dialysis neutral phenol levels. Such levels are sufficiently high to suggest a role in the genesis of neurological symptoms, anemia and bone disease. Certainly pre-dialysis free phenols reflect adequacy of dialysis.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine enterococci isolated from 18 patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) and 21 patients in general wards (GW) at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) during a period of 14 months were examined for antibiotic resistance by susceptibility testing and DNA polymorphism by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The study showed that penicillin-resistant Enterococcus faecium is a common nosocomial isolate in ICU. The DNA patterns of various strains of E. faecium and E. faecalis were closely related in most consecutive isolates from the same patients but were generally different for isolates from different patients. Thirty two different DNA patterns were identified for 59 isolates from 39 patients. Identical or similar DNA patterns were also identified for some isolates from different patients, suggesting that cross-infection had occurred between patients in ICU and GW. These data suggest that cross-infection occurred more commonly in ICU than in GW and are consistent with the known higher risk of ICU patients for nosocomial infection.  相似文献   

Estrogen-stimulated neurophysin (ESN) was determined by radioimmunoassay in three groups of patients with chronic renal failure: predialysis patients, patients on hemodialysis and patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. ESN levels were significantly elevated in all patients. ESN of these patients is undistinguishable from highly purified pituitary ESN. Immunological and physicochemical analyses of ESN in patients with renal failure suggest that the elevated plasma level is due to a failure of renal clearance. In addition, heterogeneity of urinary ESN, revealed by multiple immunoreactive peaks after gel filtration, indicates altered renal metabolism.  相似文献   

The serum lipids and lipoprotein patterns in 100 adult patients with nonnephrotic chronic renal failure were analyzed retrospectively. Hypertriglyceridemia was found in 43% of these patients. Forty-nine of the 100 had a normal lipoprotein pattern, whereas 42 had type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. This abnormal lipoprotein pattern could not be correlated with the degree of renal impairment, the type of renal disease, or with the patient's age, sex, weight, or diet.  相似文献   

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