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Metabolism of muscle growth in the hindquarter was investigated by the arterio-venous difference (AVD) technique in Belgian Blue double-muscled type bulls at maintenance or at fattening. The bulls were fitted with an aortic ultrasonic blood flow probe and with catheters in the aorta and vena cava. They were offered a diet allowing for maintenance (MP) during a period of 15 d, at the end of which measurements were made over 3 d. Bulls were then given a fattening diet (FP) and the measurements were repeated. Arterial blood flow was approximately 1 L/min greater when the bulls were standing than when lying. Blood flow was 2 L/min higher during FP than during MP. The AVD and uptake of glucose were maximal at 1400 and 1600. Uptake of alpha-amino nitrogen decreased immediately after a meal. The increase in glucose from MP to FP fitted very well with the calculated energy needs for muscle growth. The AVD and uptake of alpha-amino nitrogen, total amino acids, and total nonessential amino acids were negative during MP and positive and significantly higher during FP. There was also a significant increase in AVD and uptake of essential and branched-chain amino acids when the bulls were changed from MP to FP. When changing from maintenance to fattening, the incremental glucose and amino acid hindquarter uptake provided energy and supply for muscle protein accretion, respectively. The level of alanine transamination was also sharply reduced.  相似文献   

Plasma metabolites and hormones were studied in 16 double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls maintained at low growth (.5 kg/d) for 114 (G2), 243 (G3), or 419 (G4) d (low growth period, LGP) before fattening (rapid growth period, RGP). Animals from the control group (CG) were fed a diet high in energy and protein. The animals from G2, G3, and G4 were fed a restricted amount of a diet low in energy and protein during LGP and the same diet as CG during RGP. Plasma glucose, alpha-amino nitrogen (AAN), NEFA, urea, creatinine, thyroxine (T4), 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (T3), and IGF-I were measured in blood samples taken fortnightly. Plasma GH and insulin (I) profiles were measured in serial blood samples obtained at three times during growth. The RGP was characterized by an initial compensatory growth, by higher plasma glucose, AAN, and urea levels, and by lower plasma NEFA and creatinine levels. Plasma GH concentration decreased after refeeding. Plasma T4 increased linearly during refeeding, as opposed to T3, which showed a different profile in each group. Plasma IGF-I showed a curvilinear increase during RGP and reached a plateau after 3 mo in each compensating group. In G4, changes of plasma metabolites and hormones differed often distinctly from G2 or G3. During refeeding, higher nutrient supply improved the functionality of the somatotropic axis and increased the concentration of anabolic hormones, allowing rapid muscle deposition. However, animals underfed the longest period behaved differently from the other groups, possibly because they reached a more complete sexual maturity.  相似文献   

In adult chickens, feed intake can be predicted by multiple linear regression from body weight, change in body weight during the recording period (for males and females), and egg mass (for females). Residual feed consumption (RFC) is estimated by the deviation of observed from predicted values for feed intake. A divergent selection experiment has been conducted since 1975 in a Rhode Island Red population. Each sex was selected on the basis of its own RFC, Line R+ for high values of RFC and Line R- for low values. In addition to the traits measured to obtain RFC, egg production traits and body measurements (BM) have been recorded, including wattle length, shank length, and rectal temperature. After pooling data from the two lines and the base population, the data set included 1,064 males, each with 7 variables, and 3,780 females, each with 11 variables. Genetic parameters were estimated by a multivariate derivative-free-restricted maximum likelihood procedure, which yields estimates free of bias due to selection and inbreeding. The RFC appeared to be moderately heritable in males (h2 = .33) and in females (h2 = .27) and poorly correlated between sexes, with a genetic correlation of .19 between RFC in males (RFCm) and in females (RFCf). The RFCm and RFCf were weakly correlated with egg production traits. Significant, positive correlations were found between RFCm and the BM traits that were related to heat dissipation. Correlations between feed intake, body weight, and BM traits recorded in males or in females were always < 1, except for shank length.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To estimate nonlinear genetic relationships between traits, formulas based on the paternal halfsib analysis theory were derived. To illustrate the usefulness of the formulas, a series of data sets with halfsib structure for some preselected parameters and sample size situations were generated by means of Monte Carlo techniques. When a nonlinear relationship in the form of a polynomial relationship of degree two is present, the linear and quadratic regression coefficients can be estimated from a paternal halfsib analysis without bias. Some of the traditional linear genetic parameters need correction; however, their value is limited if the relationship between two traits is nonlinear. Although regression coefficients may be estimated appropriately in many situations, the application of the described method is restricted to situations in which the causal flow between the traits involved is clear and the heritability of the determining trait is larger than approximately .10. Further work should be directed to investigation of possibilities for including such parameters in selection decisions in a formalized way.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the importance of environment, management, physiological status, and genetics on semen quality (volume of the ejaculate, sperm concentration, sperm motility, number of sperm, and number of motile spermatozoa per ejaculate) of Canadian Holstein bulls. For this purpose, semen production data from 198 bulls were analyzed using mixed linear models. Young bulls (up to 30 mo old) and mature bulls (between 4 and 6 yr old) were analyzed separately. Semen characteristics generally improved significantly with age of young bulls. Season significantly affected all semen traits in young bulls but did not significantly affect volume and sperm motility of mature bulls. Performance was better in winter than in summer. The highest numbers of motile spermatozoa per ejaculate were obtained with intervals of at least 4 to 5 d between collections. Although the bull handler and semen collector caused less than 10% of the variance, the collection team significantly affected semen volume, number of sperm, and number of motile sperm per ejaculate for both growing and mature bulls. Heritabilities for volume, concentration, sperm motility, number of sperm, and number of motile sperm per ejaculate were, respectively, 0.24, 0.52, 0.31, 0.38, and 0.49 for young bulls and 0.44, 0.36, 0.01, 0.54, and 0.64 for mature bulls. Repeatability of semen traits varied from 0.41 to 0.64. Genetics, management, and environmental factors clearly contribute to semen production in Holstein bulls.  相似文献   

We assessed testis function, aggressive behavior, and carcass traits in beef bulls actively immunized against GnRH at 1, 4, or 6 mo of age. In addition, we examined the effect of combining immunization with insertion of estrogen-containing implants (Synovex C) at 1 mo of age. Unimmunized bulls and steers were included as control animals. All immunized calves received a secondary immunization at 12 mo of age. Anti-GnRH titer was evident at slaughter in all immunized animals. Neither age at primary immunization nor implant status affected (P > .05) anti-GnRH titer at slaughter. Immunization, but not implant status, reduced (P < .05) serum concentration of testosterone and testis weight at slaughter. The final live weight and feedlot gain of immunized and unimmunized bulls were comparable (P > .05). In contrast, aggressive behavior was reduced (P < .05) and carcass quality was improved (P < .05) by immunization. These data suggest that active immunization against GnRH is a practical, noninvasive alternative to physical castration in the management of bull calves.  相似文献   


A semiempirical kinetic model has been developed to determine the course of reduction of iron ore–graphite composite pellets over time in a laboratory scale side heated packed bed reactor attached with a tailor made bottom hanging thermogravimetric set-up. The rate parameters in the model, especially the three sets of apparent activation energy values and frequency factors associated with the reduction of iron oxides in three elementary steps, namely hematite to magnetite, magnetite to wustite and wustite to iron, have been estimated based on experimental data by employing an optimisation tool, the genetic algorithm (GA). The difference between the predicted and experimental degree of reduction is minimised to obtain the rate parameters. The experimental degree of reduction is calculated based on mass loss data during reduction and the exit gas analysis. Estimated values of apparent rate parameters were found to be of the same order of magnitude to their intrinsic counterparts reported in literature. Finally, by using the predicted rate parameters the temporal evolution of various oxide phases as well as pure iron has been evaluated.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding diets containing combinations of the Fusarium metabolites deoxynivalenol (DON) and fusaric acid (FA) to starter swine. In all experiments, pigs of approximately 8.2 kg initial weight were fed diets containing blends of mycotoxin-contaminated corn, wheat, and barley for 21 d with growth and feed consumption determined weekly. In the first experiment, diets were determined to contain 0 microgram DON/g + 58.9 micrograms FA/g (control), 4.4 micrograms DON/g + 57.1 micrograms FA/g, 6.0 micrograms DON/g + 48.6 micrograms FA/g, and 7.5 micrograms DON/g + 57.4 micrograms FA/g. The feeding of all diets containing DON caused significant linear depressions in growth and feed intake after only 1 wk. Lower concentrations of DON and FA were fed in the second experiment with diets containing 0 microgram DON/g + 16.3 micrograms FA/g (control), .5 microgram DON/g + 14.3 micrograms FA/g, 1.1 micrograms DON/g + 14.1 micrograms FA/g, and 1.9 micrograms DON/g + 13.6 micrograms FA/g. There was a significant linear reduction in feed intake after 1 wk with increasing levels of dietary DON. Weight gains declined significantly only after 3 wk. Increasing amounts of FA combined with relatively constant amounts of DON were fed in the third experiment. By analysis, diets contained .5 micrograms DON/g + 2.9 micrograms FA/g (control), 2.2 micrograms DON/g + 12.2 micrograms FA/g, 2.5 micrograms DON/g + 15.6 micrograms FA/g, and 2.4 micrograms DON/g + 15.9 micrograms FA/g. In the 1st wk, the feeding of increasing amounts of fusaric acid combined with a relatively constant amount of DON caused a significant linear depression in weight gain. We concluded that a toxicological synergism exists between DON and FA when fed to immature swine and that FA concentrations in feeds should be determined whenever DON analysis is conducted.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and -II) are peptide hormones involved in metabolic regulation of growth. The objective of this study was to determine whether IGF-II concentration was predictive of growth, compositional, and reproductive traits of pigs. Forty male and sixty female pigs, divided equally between two locations, were weighed at 3-wk intervals from birth to 21 wk and bled at 9 and 21 wk of age. At each sampling, two blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture at an interval of at least 1 h. Serum was separated and IGF-I, IGF-II, and growth hormone (GH) concentrations were determined via RIA. Traits measured included age at puberty and first parity litter size for gilts and backfat and longissimus muscle area. Blood was collected from a random sample of 52 progeny from 13 litters at 9 wk of age and serum was assayed for IGF-II concentrations. Effects of age, sex, location, and pig within sex x location on square-root transformed IGF-II concentrations were determined by analyzing data as a splitplot. Performance traits were fitted to a model including the effects of IGF-II concentration and combinations with IGF-I concentration, sex, location, and interactions. Concentrations of IGF-II were greater at 9 than at 21 wk of age (226.7 vs 159.3 ng/mL, respectively; P < .001) but did not differ between sexes. The correlation between serum IGF-II concentrations assayed from samples collected at 9 and 21 wk was .08. The partial correlations between IGF-I and IGF-II concentrations were .33 and .14 at 9 and 21 wk, respectively. The heritability of IGF-II concentration estimated from offspring-midparent regression was .08 +/- .20. Nine-week IGF-II concentration was positively associated with increased weight from weaning to 12 wk (P < .001). However, the sum of 9-wk IGF-I and IGF-II concentrations had a greater relationship to weight and gain in the growing phase than the concentration of either hormone alone. Concentration of IGF-II at 9 or 21 wk alone did not affect backfat thickness, longissimus muscle area, percentage lean, days to 100 kg, weight at 21 wk, age at puberty, or litter size. The sum of IGF-I and IGF-II concentrations was, however, associated with increased backfat and decreased days to 100 kg.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is a peptide hormone that has been shown to be involved in metabolic regulation of growth and reproduction in livestock species. The objectives of this study were to quantify concentrations of IGF-I in growing pigs and determine whether IGF-I concentration can be used as a predictor of growth, composition, and reproductive traits. Forty male and 60 female pigs, divided equally between two locations, were weighed and bled at 3-wk intervals from 6 to 21 wk of age. At each sampling, two blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture at an interval of at least 1 h. Serum was separated and IGF-I concentration determined via RIA. Pigs were weighed at each sampling date. Backfat and longissimus muscle area were measured with the use of B-mode ultrasound and adjusted to 100 kg. Age at puberty and first-parity litter size were measured on gilts. Effects of age, sex, location, and pig within sex x location on log-transformed IGF-I concentrations were determined by analyzing data as a split-plot. Performance traits were fitted to a model including the effects of IGF-I concentration, sex, location, and interactions. The IGF-I concentrations increased (P < .05) from 3 to 18 wk of age before dropping at 21 wk of age. Concentrations increased more rapidly in males than in females and differed significantly between sexes from 12 to 21 wk of age. Repeatability of IGF-I concentration was .29 +/- .02; IGF-I concentrations of samples collected at 6 wk were not correlated with those at later ages. Correlations between IGF-I concentrations of samples at later ages ranged from .27 to .51. Heritability of IGF-I concentration was .27 +/- .07. There was a tendency for weight to be affected by a sex x age interaction (P = .09). Weight of boars exceeded weight of gilts only at 21 wk (111.4 +/- 1.1 vs 107.1 +/- .8 kg). Regressions of weight on IGF-I concentrations were positive at all ages but greatest at 6 wk. The IGF-I concentration did not affect backfat thickness, longissimus area, percentage of lean, age at puberty, or litter size.  相似文献   

Covariance components for final score and 13 linear type traits of dairy goats were estimated by multitrait REML using canonical transformation with an animal model. Data were 10,932 type appraisals from 1988 through 1994 from herds with > or = 40 appraisals. Heritabilities were estimated as 0.27 for final score, 0.52 for stature, 0.29 for strength, 0.24 for dairyness, 0.38 for teat diameter, 0.21 for rear legs, 0.32 for rump angle, 0.27 rump width, 0.25 for fore udder attachment, 0.25 for rear udder height, 0.19 for rear udder arch, 0.25 for udder depth, 0.33 for suspensory ligament, and 0.36 for teat placement. Genetic correlations of linear type traits and final score were positive except for dairyness (-0.15) and teat diameter (-0.10); the largest correlations with final score were 0.66 for fore udder attachment, 0.44 for rear udder arch, 0.36 for rump width, and 0.30 for strength. The largest positive correlation among linear traits was 0.63 for stature and rump width; the largest negative correlation was -0.51 for strength and dairyness. Multitrait evaluations were calculated with data from all herds. Correlations between PTA calculated with animal and sire models ranged from 0.44 to 0.70 for bucks that had a PTA with a reliability of > or = 30%.  相似文献   

We conducted a multiyear study in two phases to determine preweaning performance traits of Senepol (S x S), Hereford (H x H), and reciprocal (S x H and H x S) F1 crossbred calves and feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of steers. In Phase I, from 1985 to 1989, data from S x S (n = 194), H x H (n = 383), and S x H (n = 120) calves were used. Numbers of S x S cows were increased during Phase I so that data from H x S (n = 74) calves could be included in Phase II (1990 to 1992) in addition to S x S (n = 118), H x H (n = 130), and S x H (n = 56) calves. Also during Phase II, feedlot performance and carcass characteristics were determined for S x S (n = 30), H x H (n = 26), H x S (n = 36), and S x H (n = 26) steers. In Phase I, S x S calves had heavier (P < .01) birth weights and heavier (P < .01) 205-d adjusted weaning weights than H x H calves. Birth weights of S x H calves were heavier (P < .01) than the mean of the purebred calves, but 205-d adjusted weaning weights did not differ (P > .10). In phase II, direct heterosis was 3.5% for birth weight (P < .05) and 5.1% for 205-d adjusted weaning weight (P < .01). Senepol maternal breed effects were 1.9 kg for birth weight (P < .10) and 37.9 kg for 205-d adjusted weaning weight (P < .01). Levels of direct heterosis, Senepol maternal breed effects, and Hereford direct breed effects were significant for most feedlot performance traits of steer calves that were fed to a common end point. Breeds did not differ (P > .10) for USDA yield and quality grades, and direct heterosis was not significant for Warner-Bratzler shear force. These results demonstrate significant levels of heterosis in preweaning performance between S x S and H x H calves and in feedlot performance of steers. Levels of heterosis were smaller and nonsignificant for most carcass traits including meat tenderness, which did not differ between S x S and H x H steers in this study.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental factors (house type, temperature, and type of watering system) on gain (G), feed consumption (FC), feed conversion (FCR), accumulation of abdominal fat (AF), and the association between FCR and AF of broilers were studied in a series of seven experiments. In addition, the adjustment of broilers to new housing environments and the factors affecting this adjustment were evaluated. The 4- to 7-wk G and FC were greater in groups raised at 21.1 C than 26.7 C. There were no consistent effects of environmental temperature on FCR (significantly reduced in 21.1 C groups compared with the 26.7 C groups in two of four trials) or in AF (significantly greater in 21.1 C groups than in 26.7 C groups in one of four trials). Environmental temperatures had no consistent effect on the relationship between FCR and AF. Both waterer types and environmental temperature affected the adjustment of broilers to placement in individual cages. Adjustment was better (less mortality and shorter periods of reduced FC) in the 21.1 C environment and when cup instead of trough waterers were provided. The 4- to 6-wk G and FC were reduced in the caged birds compared with the floor pen birds, but the FCR and AF were not consistently different. The initial (4-wk) BW significantly affected the 6-wk BW, G, FC, and FCR, but was not correlated with AF.  相似文献   

The published approaches to the mathematical modeling of rates of reduction, of coal gasification, and of devolatilization of coal in iron/ore coal composites are reviewed and critically analyzed. The effect of different parameters on the overall process is discussed. The concepts of a local rate of reduction and gasification and an integrated rate of reduction are introduced, and the rate-controlling steps in each are reviewed. Current approaches to modeling coal pyrolysis are also described. This review, with the estimates, data, and analysis related to modeling rates of reduction, gasification, and pyrolysis, should prove useful to researchers developing models of coalbased iron ore reduction and related processes.  相似文献   

This article critically assesses literature estimates of the major physical parameters associated with direct reduction in iron ore/coal composites, including heats of reactions, specific heats, composition, porosity, density, shrinkage, swelling, and thermal conductivity. Where estimates are not available, new formulae are given. In particular, this article focuses on the temperature dependence of certain parameters, since this is required for the development of mathematical models. The article also highlights areas of investigation, where the parameter estimates are in need of further experimental research or where different authors provide conflicting estimates. The results are of more general applicability than to coal-based direct reduction of iron ore and will be useful for researchers investigating any form of direct reduction of iron ore.  相似文献   

A study of association between markers of the Ss system, the C3 system and the ABO system showed no evidence of any association between alcoholism and specific phenotypes.  相似文献   

Bearing in mind a great diffusion of electromagnetic fields (EMF) with power-line frequency (in Poland-50 Hz) both in the occupational and communal environments, it is not surprising that possible health effects related to this exposure evoke much interest. Electromagnetic fields may affect the circulatory and nervous systems because of theoretical probability that electric impulses, generated by external electric and magnetic fields, may disturb their functions. For this reason we have decided to evaluate the functioning of the circulatory system in persons occupationally exposed to power-line frequency electromagnetic fields by employing the most up-to-date methods facilitating the in-depth diagnosis of the circulatory system and neurovegetative mechanisms. The work presented focused on the evaluation of electrocardiographic changes. The study covered 63 workers of the transforming and distributing stations, aged 22-67 years (median 39 +/- 10), employed under exposure for 2-43 years (median 15 +/- 10). The control group consisted of 42 workers of radio link stations, aged 23-65 years (median 30 +/- 14), employed in the similar system but not exposed to EMF, with employment duration of 1-42 years (median 13 +/- 4). All persons were subject to general medical examinations, resting ECG, and 24 h Holter monitoring. In addition, the level of exposure in individual workplaces was estimated following the measurements of the intensity of electric and magnetic fields. In workers of electromagnetic stations an increased risk for electrocardiographic disturbances was revealed. Under conditions of exposure to electric fields, observed in stations where workers were employed, the risk was increased by 10%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of long-term administration of a growth hormone (GH)-releasing factor analog (GRFa) and(or) thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on growth, feed efficiency, carcass characteristics, and blood hormones and metabolites in beef heifers. Crossbred heifers (n = 48; 345.9 +/- 2.8 kg) were divided into four equal groups: control (vehicle), 1 microgram of GRFa (human GRF 1-29 analog).kg BW-1.d-1, 1 microgram of TRH.kg BW-1.d-1, or GRFa + TRH. Daily s.c. injections continued for 86 d. Blood samples were collected from half of the heifers after injection on d 1, 36, and 78. On d 89, all heifers were slaughtered. Treatments did not affect (P > .05) ADG but GRFa + TRH decreased (P < .05) ADFI relative to all other treatments. Feed conversion efficiency tended (P < .10) to be improved in the groups given GRFa alone or TRH alone. Treatment with GRFa and(or) TRH did not affect carcass weight, dressing percentage, conformation score, backfat thickness, or weights of liver, kidneys, pituitary, and ovaries. The GRFa + TRH treatment reduced (P < .05) fat score and increased (P < .05) longissimus muscle area relative to other treatments. The GRFa treatments reduced (P < .05) the weight and fat percentage of the mammary gland and increased (P < .05) heart weight. Treatment with TRH alone failed to stimulate GH on d 1, 36, and 78. Treatment with GRFa alone increased (P < .05) GH above controls on d 36, whereas GRFa + TRH increased (P < .05) GH on d 1, 36, and 78. Treatment with GRFa alone increased (P < .05) IGF-I only on d 1, whereas GRFa + TRH was without effect on all days. Across sampling days, treatments had little effect on blood concentrations of insulin, triiodothyronine, nonesterified fatty acids, urea nitrogen, and glucose. The GRFa alone and GRFa + TRH decreased (P < .05) and TRH alone increased (P < .05) thyroxine concentrations. In conclusion, with the dose and administration regimen used, GRFa and(or) TRH yielded small but positive improvements in animal performance.  相似文献   

The outcome of adjusting health care spending to the overall economic performance of the country has become a major issue of health care policy of the industrialized nations. How can progress in medicine be consistently financed under the restriction of fixed contributions to mandatory sickness funds? Medical Technology Assessment is an interdisciplinary concept that proposes solutions to this issue. This article discusses the concept of Medical Technology Assessment and shows how Medical Technology Assessment should be implemented into the health care system. This article depicts how Medical Technology Assessment is implemented in the United States of America, in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands. It also discusses which institutions take steps towards Medical Technology Assessment in Germany. The second article examines how to implement Medical Technology Assessment into the German health care system.  相似文献   

Exposure of iron-loaded C57BL/10ScSn mice to the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) mixture Aroclor 1254 in the diet (0.01%) for 5 weeks caused massive hepatic porphyria far greater than occurred with PCBs alone. This regime eventually causes hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatic microsomal ethoxy-, pentoxy-, and benzyloxyresorufin dealkylase activities (respectively EROD, PROD, and BROD) catalyzed primarily by cytochrome P4501A1 and 2B isoenzymes were markedly induced after 2 weeks of diet (when no porphyria had developed) but showed little effect of iron. EROD activity in the nuclear membrane was also induced by the PCBs as was CYP1A1 protein when shown by immunoblotting. Nuclear dealkylase activities of PCBs-treated mice were considerably less than microsomal activities but were stimulated by iron pretreatment. The mechanism of the iron-enhanced toxicity may be due to oxidative damage associated with chronic induction of CYP1A1 isoforms. Lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) by microsomes and nuclear membranes was used as a method to estimate their potential to form reactive oxygen species. Despite CL being induced by PCBs it was less with microsomes from iron-treated mice. In a comparison of a variety of inducers of microsomal cytochrome P450 there was no correlation between inducer, uroporphyrogenic agent, and intensity of CL. On the other hand, cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB) as substrates, were also induced by the PCBs mixture, the induction with DCNB being synergistically potentiated by iron pretreatment. Complementary results were observed by immunocytochemistry using anti alpha-GST antibody. In contrast, total glutathione peroxidase activity and selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activity were depressed by PCBs but particularly in mice also administered iron. The results illustrate that PCBs not only induce CYP1A1 in microsomes but also in the nuclear membrane, which may be of significance in the mechanism of the iron-enhanced carcinogenicity of these chemicals. The iron-enhanced induction of GST with accompanying depletion of glutathione peroxidase provides evidence for oxidative processes induced in vivo by the PCBs.  相似文献   

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