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BOD-DO dynamics in a river in northern China during a period of sub-zero temperatures have been investigated and a mathematical model which describes the dynamics has been proposed. The model parameters: deoxygenation rate k1, reaeration rate k2, BOD sedimentation—resuspension rate k3 were determined by a parameter estimation method using the field data collected on Tu Men River. Validation of the model shows that BOD-DO dynamics in the river during that season are well described by the model. The model offers a tool for understanding the natural purification process in the rivers in northern China under ice-cover conditions and also for control of water quality in those rivers. 相似文献
J. H. Kinniburgh BSc MPhil M. R. Tinsley BSc J. Bennett BA PhD 《Water and Environment Journal》1997,11(3):178-185
Observed concentrations of orthophosphate in the River Thames, from its source to its tidal limit, exceed 0.1 mg P/1 for most of its length; reasons for annual and seasonal variations are explained. By using data routinely collected by the Environment Agency throughout the Thames catchment, the orthophosphate load in the river, derived from agricultural sources and sewage-treatment works, is estimated.
A water quality model, TOMCAT, has been adapted to simulate observed data and used to estimate river concentrations if orthophosphate loads from sewage-treatment works are reduced. 相似文献
A water quality model, TOMCAT, has been adapted to simulate observed data and used to estimate river concentrations if orthophosphate loads from sewage-treatment works are reduced. 相似文献
Dissolved oxygen (DO) in coastal bays with frequent algal blooms can undergo significant diurnal changes. Short-term DO and algal dynamics in a sub-tropical, nitrogen-limited, marine ecosystem are studied by means of a specially designed telemetry system. The high resolution data show clearly the importance of the vertical DO structure, and its relationship with environmental variables (solar radiation, water temperature, wind, tidal current) and phytoplankton dynamics. The design, instrumentation and calibration, and operational experience of the system are described. The simple and robust system has proved useful in (i) providing continuous data for full testing of water quality models, and (ii) the planning of field experiments to study algal dynamics. 相似文献
This study analysed water quality data collected from the river Ganges in India from 1981 to 1990 for forecasting using stochastic models. Initially the box and whisker plots and Kendall's tau test were used to identify the trends during the study period. For detecting the possible intervention in the data the time series plots and cusum charts were used. The three approaches of stochastic modelling which account for the effect of seasonality in different ways, i.e. multiplicative autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, deseasonalised model and Thomas–Fiering model were used to model the observed pattern in water quality. The multiplicative ARIMA model having both nonseasonal and seasonal components were, in general, identified as appropriate models. In the deseasonalised modelling approach, the lower order ARIMA models were found appropriate for the stochastic component. The set of Thomas–Fiering models were formed for each month for all water quality parameters. These models were then used to forecast the future values. The error estimates of forecasts from the three approaches were compared to identify the most suitable approach for the reliable forecast. The deseasonalised modelling approach was recommended for forecasting of water quality parameters of a river. 相似文献
Zagar D Knap A Warwick JJ Rajar R Horvat M Cetina M 《The Science of the total environment》2006,368(1):149-163
In the town of Idrija, Slovenia, the world's second largest mercury mine was active for 500 years and about 37,000 tons of mercury has been lost in the environment. Mercury is still drained from soil, riverbed and floodplains and transported with the Idrijca and Soca Rivers to the Gulf of Trieste. A part of inorganic mercury is methylated either in the river system, or later in the coastal area, and, due to its bioaccumulation and biomagnification represents potential danger to human health. A 1-D aquatic model MeRiMod was used to simulate hydrodynamics and sediment transport in the river system from Idrija to the Soca River mouth. Transport of particle bound and dissolved mercury as well as potential net methylation of mercury in the river system was simulated. The simulation of an observed flood wave with 20-year recurrence period was performed in order to validate the model. Methylation was simulated at lower discharges, as higher methylation rates occur in such conditions. The measurement data and the MeRiMod model were also used to establish a historical mercury mass balance of the Idrijca and Soca Rivers catchment. Sediment core data from the Gulf of Trieste and the measured concentrations from floodplains were used to verify and calibrate the model. Simulations of different high discharges were performed as most of the transport of particulate mercury occurs within flood wave conditions. Compared to the measurements, the results of the model showed an agreement within an order of magnitude, for the transport of total mercury mostly within a factor of 4, and for the methylation within a factor of 5. However, proper trends of the phenomena were obtained by simulations. The combination of modelling and measurements has resulted in some interesting conclusions about the phenomenon of the transport and transformations of mercury in the observed river system. 相似文献
P. L. YOUNGER BSc MS PhD FGS R. MACKAY BSc B. J. CONNORTON BSc MSc FGS C. Geol 《Water and Environment Journal》1993,7(6):577-585
Integrated fieldwork and modelling has been undertaken to assess the vulnerability of riverside wells to pollution when river water is contaminated. Results highlight the importance of streambed sediments as a barrier to groundwater pollution by river water. The bed of the River Thames is lined with brown and grey organic-rich silts of low hydraulic conductivity (about 0.002 m/d). A 3-D model for solute transport in stream-aquifer systems was developed and applied to two riverside sites in the middle Thames valley. Model results indicate that well-water quality would only breach EC limits if the river was heavily polluted for a week or even a month (clearly an unlikely scenario). Sensitivity analyses showed the models to be far more sensitive to streambed parameters than to aquifer parameters. Thus it would be more sensible to focus fieldwork on the measurement of streambed properties than on the more usually measured aquifer parameters. 相似文献
T. J. Jolley BSc MSc PhD H. S. Wheater MA PhD MICE CEng 《Water and Environment Journal》1996,10(4):253-262
This paper addresses the issues of scale and appropriate model complexity for large-scale hydrological models. A grid-based hydrological model, which employs the UK Meteorological Office Rainfall and Evaporation Calculation System, is applied to the Severn and Thames catchments using a grid scale of 40 km, and is shown to reproduce the observed mean annual runoff over a 10-year period to within 6% with no prior calibration. The variation in the model performance is strongly correlated with the linearity of the annual rainfall/runoff relationship and a climate index. At the monthly scale, runoff routing becomes significant, and the introduction of a two-parameter routeing algorithm significantly improves the monthly runoff simulations giving efficiencies of 90% and 88% for the Severn and Thames respectively. The results provide guidance to climate modellers looking for efficient and robust land-surface parameterizations, and indicate the potential application of such a modelling scheme to water resource managers. 相似文献
《Water research》2013,47(13):4600-4611
While several approaches for global sensitivity analysis (GSA) have been proposed in literature, only few applications exist in urban drainage modelling. This contribution discusses two GSA methods applied to a sewer flow and sewer water quality model: Standardised Regression Coefficients (SRCs) using Monte-Carlo simulation as well as the Morris Screening method. For selected model variables we evaluate how the sensitivities are influenced by the choice of the rainfall event. The aims are to i) compare both methods concerning the similarity of results and their applicability, ii) discuss the implications for factor fixing (identifying non-influential parameters) and factor prioritisation (identifying important parameters) and iii) rank the important parameters for the investigated model. It was shown that both methods lead to similar results for the hydraulic model. Parameter interactions and non-linearity were identified for the water quality model and the parameter ranking differs between the methods. For the investigated model the results allow a sound choice of output variables and rainfall events in view of detailed uncertainty analysis or model calibration. We advocate the simultaneous use of both methods for a first model assessment as they allow answering both factor fixing and factor prioritisation at low computational cost. 相似文献
Lipophilic organic contaminants in the Rhine river, Germany 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Detailed gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analyses applied to eight Rhine river water samples constituted a comprehensive characterization of the low molecular weight organic contamination. Within the group of predominant anthropogenic contaminants, only a few compounds were characterized as frequently detected or priority pollutants. Numerous compounds exhibiting physiological or ecotoxicological properties are only rarely reported or still unnoticed riverine contaminants. Information on environmental behaviour or ecotoxicological effects is still limited for most of these substances. In particular, several brominated compounds (mono- and dibrominated (methoxyphenyl)propionic acids and hydroxymethylacetophenones) were identified for the first time as environmental contaminants. Quantitative analyses differentiated five groups of pollutants with respect to their concentration profiles. The spatial distribution and the intensity of emission sources on the one hand and the environmental stability as well as the tendency to adsorb on the particulate matter on the other hand determined the quantitative occurrence of individual compounds. 相似文献
Recent observations in the tidal Scheldt River and Estuary revealed a poor microbiological water quality and substantial variability of this quality which can hardly be assigned to a single factor. To assess the importance of tides, river discharge, point sources, upstream concentrations, mortality and settling a new model (SLIM-EC) was built. This model was first validated by comparison with the available field measurements of Escherichia coli (E. coli, a common fecal bacterial indicator) concentrations. The model simulations agreed well with the observations, and in particular were able to reproduce the observed long-term median concentrations and variability. Next, the model was used to perform sensitivity runs in which one process/forcing was removed at a time. These simulations revealed that the tide, upstream concentrations and the mortality process are the primary factors controlling the long-term median E. coli concentrations and the observed variability. The tide is crucial to explain the increased concentrations upstream of important inputs, as well as a generally increased variability. Remarkably, the wastewater treatment plants discharging in the study domain do not seem to have a significant impact. This is due to a dilution effect, and to the fact that the concentrations coming from upstream (where large cities are located) are high. Overall, the settling process as it is presently described in the model does not significantly affect the simulated E. coli concentrations. 相似文献
Ángel Perni José Martínez‐Paz Federico Martínez‐Carrasco 《Water and Environment Journal》2012,26(2):274-284
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims at improving the ecological status of the water bodies in Europe. In this context, some rivers are currently being restored and, in accordance with this Directive, the restoration actions have to be evaluated from a socio‐economic approach. This work applies the Choice Modelling method to the WFD provisions for river restoration. This method proves to be useful for the economic valuation of the restoration measures, as well as a very important tool for people's public participation. In this sense, the water quality improvement has been defined as a priority action from a social point of view. Moreover, the method used has provided answers to both basic questions included in the WFD: the calculation of the economic value of the Segura River's ecological flow, the decrease of which would pose an environmental cost, and the estimation of the environmental income generated by this river. 相似文献
M. F.K. Pasha 《Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems》2013,30(3):231-248
Wall decay coefficients vary between pipes and must be determined indirectly from field measured concentration data. A general calibration model for identifying these parameters is formulated here. The problem is solved using the shuffled frog leaping algorithm optimisation algorithm that is coupled with hydraulic and water quality simulation models using the EPANET Toolkit. The methodology is applied to two application networks to examine the robustness of the parameter estimation algorithm and to study the effects of the network flow conditions, data availability, model simplification, and measurement errors. To that end, different field conditions are considered, including a network with or without tanks, altering disinfectant injection policies, changing measurement locations, and varying the number of wall decay coefficients. Results from conditions with exact data show that the solution approach is robust and consistently finds the true parameter values. However, when the number of decay coefficients is increased, results suggest that the distribution and number of meter locations affects model parameter identifiability. It is also noted that the parameter sensitivity is relatively small and related to the velocities in the network. Finally, isolated tracer data can supplement information from normal operating conditions to improve decay coefficient calibration but, if sufficient data is available, the incremental improvement may not be significant. To confirm this result, model calibration must be extended to parameter and model prediction uncertainty. 相似文献
Ten years ago plans were made to reduce the phosphorus load from sewage-treatment works' effluents into the River Thames. This was driven by the EC Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive in relation to sensitive areas (eutrophic). Modelling work identified the most significant loads to tackle first. Phosphorus removal had been commissioned at 36 works by 2003. The orthophosphate load to the River Thames from these works has reduced from 5755 to 688 kg P/day. The impact of the improvement programme on the quality of the river was assessed by comparing pre- and post-investment data. Orthophosphate concentrations in the river have reduced from between about 0.5 and 2 mg P/L to 0.2 and 0.4 mg P/L. These observations match the model predictions. Chlorophyll a concentrations in the river have also reduced. This was unexpected given that the orthophosphate concentrations still exceed the values thought to be limiting for algal growth. 相似文献
Measurement of protein-like fluorescence in river and waste water using a handheld spectrophotometer 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Protein-like fluorescence intensity in rivers increases with increasing anthropogenic DOM inputs from sewerage and farm wastes. Here, a portable luminescence spectrophotometer was used to investigate if this technology could be used to provide both field scientists with a rapid pollution monitoring tool and process control engineers with a portable waste water monitoring device, through the measurement of river and waste water tryptophan-like fluorescence from a range of rivers in NE England and from effluents from within two waste water treatment plants. The portable spectrophotometer determined that waste waters and sewerage effluents had the highest tryptophan-like fluorescence intensity, urban streams had an intermediate tryptophan-like fluorescence intensity, and the upstream river samples of good water quality the lowest tryptophan-like fluorescence intensity. Replicate samples demonstrated that fluorescence intensity is reproducible to +/- 20% for low fluorescence, 'clean' river water samples and +/- 5% for urban water and waste waters. Correlations between fluorescence measured by the portable spectrophotometer with a conventional bench machine were 0.91; (Spearman's rho, n = 143), demonstrating that the portable spectrophotometer does correlate with tryptophan-like fluorescence intensity measured using the bench spectrophotometer. 相似文献
We studied the genetic diversity of human noroviruses in river waters by RT-nested PCR and phylogenetic analysis. During 2002-2003, water samples were collected from four rivers in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. Among the 58 samples, 32 (55.2%) and 26 (44.8%) showed positive results with noroviruses belonging to genogroups I (GI) and II (GII), respectively. The phylogenetic analysis grouped 8 and 7 genotypes in GI and GII, respectively. The major types were GI/1, GI/13, and GII/15, and GI/1 and GI/3 were temporarily distributed. Most GI- and GII-grouped strains were closely related to the reference strains from neighboring countries, China and Japan, and GII/4-related strains had similar sequences to strains recognized as worldwide epidemic outbreaks. The strains circulating between countries are of particular concern to the outbreaks of noroviral diseases in Korea and must be periodically monitored in the natural environments. 相似文献
S.M. Donovan 《The Science of the total environment》2010,408(8):1979-1984
The pretreatment of the biodegradable components of municipal solid waste (MSW) has been suggested as a method of reducing landfill gas emissions. Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) is the technology being developed to provide this reduction in biodegradability, either as an alternative to source segregated collection or for dealing with residual MSW which still contains high levels of biodegradable waste. The compost like outputs (CLOs) from MBT plants can be applied to land as a soil conditioner; treated to produce a solid recovered fuel (SRF) or landfilled. In this study the impact that landfilling of these CLOs will have on gaseous emissions is investigated. It is important that the gas production behaviour of landfilled waste is well understood, especially in European member states where the mitigation of gaseous emissions is a legal requirement. Results of an experiment carried out to characterise the biodegradable components of pretreated biowastes have been used with the GasSim model to predict the long term emissions behaviour of landfills accepting these wastes, in varying quantities. The landfill directive also enforces the mitigation of potential methane emissions from landfills, and the ability of landfill operators to capture gaseous emissions from low emitting landfills of the future is discussed, as well as new techniques that could be used for the mitigation of methane generation. 相似文献
River polders are retention basins contained by levees alongside rivers into which water from the main river channel is diverted during extreme floods in order to cap the peak discharge of the flood hydrograph and to alleviate downstream flood risk by reducing the water levels. The retained water, however, is stagnant and the organic material in the water and the bottom sediments imposes a strong oxygen demand on the water. This paper presents a quasi two-dimensional computer-based methodology to assess the environmental risk exhibited by the operation of polders with which the concentration of dissolved oxygen in river and polder water can be simulated. A Monte-Carlo analysis allows the probability distribution of all the outcomes of the minimum dissolved oxygen levels in the water to be derived. From this analysis, the environmental risk of the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the polder water falling below 2 mg O2/L (the level considered critical for aquatic ecosystems) can be determined.The August 2002 extreme flood event on the Elbe River, Germany, with a proposed polder system variant was used to calibrate the model. A daily time step was used to for the simulations for a time frame 12-21 August 2008. The results show plausible spatial and temporal variations in the dissolved oxygen concentrations within the polders. The quasi-2D approach was successful in simulating the spatial distribution of water quality constituents in the polder system. There is up to approximately 20% risk that dissolved oxygen levels fall below 2 mg/L in the polders. This risk can potentially increase if sediment oxygen demand increases due to crop residue and water temperatures in polders increase. High nutrient transport in the river during flooding can cause a spurt of phytoplankton growth in the polders. 相似文献
The quality of raw water and drinking water was analysed at 18 sites in the Rhine delta in an integrated program with hydrological,chemical and toxicological parameters. About 600 different organic compounds have been detected,of which about 200 could be identified,and 400 more have been classified on the basis of their mass spectra. Lipophilic compounds with a log P(octanol/water) greater than 3.2 are adsorbed during the first few meters of the bank infiltration. More hydrophilic compounds are often not adsorbed and not removed by the currently used water purification systems,such as aeration and sand filtration.The presence of organohalogens was demonstrated with surrogate parameters,such as extractable and adsorbable organohalogen. All the samples tested were mutagenic in the Ames test with strain TA98 + S9 mix. Only part of the mutagenic activity was related to compounds originating from Rhine water. 相似文献
The accuracy, precision, detection limit and rapidity in the determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in river water by AAS determination, previous extraction with APDC-MIBK system, is compared with direct determination method ICP-AES. Both methods show a similar detection limit and an analogous accuracy by the addition standard method. With a calibration curve only ICP-AES presents good accuracy, this technique is advantageous in long term precision and requires minimum sample preparation. The sample stability at different temperature conservation is studied. Finally both methods are applied to the determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in Congost river water. 相似文献