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Cure characteristics and mechanical properties of styrene butadiene rubber reclaimed rubber blends were studied. The blends showed improved processability, as indicated by the minimum torque values. Cure characteristics like minimum torque, (maximum-minimum) torque, cure time and cure rate decreased in the presence of reclaimed rubber. Tensile strength, tear strength, elongation at break were higher for blends. Resilience decreased with reclaim content. Compression set and abrasion loss were higher in the blends.  相似文献   

Blends of polypropylene (PP) and ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) and blends of polystyrene (PS) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) were prepared in a laboratory-scale internal mixer at various blend compositions and rotor rates. Blend morphology was studied by means of electron microscopy. For each blend pair under the given processing conditions, the phase inversion process occurred progressively with respect to the variation in blend composition; it is within this composition range of phase inversion that dual-phase continuity was observed. In addition, Characteristic torque values of blends were found to deviate negatively from a linear additivity rule; the composition range of maximum deviation from linear additivity corresponded approximately to the composition range where dual-phase continuity was observed. Sperling's predictive scheme was found to yield acceptable (although not completely satisfactory) estimates for compositions of dual-phase continuity in the present systems. It was also observed that partial cross-linking of SBR during the mechanical blending process, as suggested by the appearance of a cure peak in the torque curve and supported by infrared spectroscopic evidence, resulted in morphological features drastically different from those of the uncured blends.  相似文献   

氯丁橡胶/三元乙丙橡胶共混胶的混炼工艺性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察了不同共混比的氯丁橡胶(CR)/三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)共混胶料随温度变化的门尼黏度和开炼机混炼特性,并用橡胶加工分析仪研究了不同温度下CR/EPDM共混胶料的黏弹性。结果表明,在60~90℃时,胶料的门尼黏度随温度升高而降低,其中纯CR胶料的下降趋势比纯EPDM和CR/EPDM胶料更为迅速;随着EPDM并用量的增加,CR/EPDM共混胶料的门尼黏度随着温度的升高而降低的趋势减缓;当CR/EPDM为80/20、辊温在75℃以下时,共混胶料处于正常的弹性状态,有利于进行混炼薄通操作;在相同温度下,CR/EPDM共混胶料的弹性模量和弹性黏度随着EPDM并用量的增加而增大;随着EPDM并用量的增加,CR/EPDM共混胶加工性能的改善程度更明显。  相似文献   

研究了氧化丙烯橡胶与四氟乙烯共混胶的性能.在所研究的弹性体材料中,含20份聚四氟乙烯的橡胶具有最好的综合性能.共混胶可用于制造在严酷气候条件下使用的耐油及耐磨密封件.  相似文献   

将丁腈橡胶(NBR)与三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)并用,考察了生胶牌号、并用比、并用工艺对NBR/EPDM并用胶性能的影响,并对其耐臭氧及耐油性能进行了分析.结果表明,选用第三单体为亚乙基降冰片烯(即E型)的EPDM可以改善其与NBR的共硫化性能;当门尼黏度相近的NBR与EPDM的并用比(质量比)为70/30,且采用2种生胶先混炼,而后加入各种配合剂的制备工艺,并用胶具有良好的耐臭氧性能及物理机械性能;具有以NBR为连续相、EPDM为分散相结构形态的并用胶有较好的耐油性能与良好的耐臭氧性能.  相似文献   

氯醚橡胶/丁腈橡胶共混物的结构与性能   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
研究了不同并用比的氯醚橡胶(ECO)/丁腈橡胶(NBR)共混物的相态结构,力学性能,耐老化性能和耐油性能,透射电镜照片显示:ECO/NBR为70/30(质量份,下同)时共混物呈双连续相:为60/40和40/60时ECO都为分散相,且两相界面清晰。加入NBR降低了ECO的拉伸强度和看断伸长率,以及耐热空气老化性能,随着NBR用量的提高,共混物硫化胶在油中的体积变化率增加,ECO/NBR为70/30时硫化胶在100℃热油中的性能保持率最高,而且体积变化率与ECO的相当。  相似文献   

研究了不同并用比例下氢化丁腈橡胶(HNBR)/乙烯丙烯酸酯橡胶(AEM)共混胶的物理机械性能、耐油性能、耐老化性能及动态力学性能。结果表明,HNBR和AEM具有很好的相容性,并用AEM后改善了HNBR的耐老化性能、抗压缩永久变形和低温性能。  相似文献   

采用硫载体硫化剂4,4′-二硫化二吗啉(DTDM)对三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)进行活性预处理,研究了活性预处理EPDM/天然橡胶(NR)并用胶的性能,并探讨了活性预处理EPDM对并用胶力学性能影响的机理。结果表明,预处理EPDM/NR并用胶的共硫化程度得到改善,并用硫化胶的力学性能提高;并用硫化胶的耐老化性能优于NR硫化胶,但比未处理EPDM/NR并用硫化胶差;并用胶只存在1个玻璃化温度的转变区,两相的相容性得到改善;在高温动态条件下,EPDM与DTDM发生活性反应,但未生成大量凝胶。  相似文献   

用差示扫描量热仪测定了溴化丁基橡胶/氯化丁基橡胶(BIIR/CIIR)共混胶的玻璃化转变温度,研究了不同并用比(质量比)共混胶的相容性、硫化特性以及力学性能和热稳定性。结果表明,不同并用比的BIIR/CIIR共混胶仅有1个玻璃化转变温度,表明BIIR和CIIR具有良好的相容性;BIIR的焦烧时间比CIIR短,共混胶的焦烧时间介于BIIR和CIIR之间,而正硫化时间比BIIR和CIIR都长;共混硫化胶的拉伸强度、撕裂强度均优于BIIR和CIIR硫化胶,热稳定性与BIIR相当;当BIIR/CIIR的并用比为80/20时,共混硫化胶的综合性能最好。  相似文献   

研究了不同并用比(质量比)时氟橡胶(FKM)/三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)并用胶动态硫化和静态硫化后的低温性能、物理机械性能、耐老化性能和热稳定性,并用扫描电子显微镜表征了并用胶.结果表明,当并用比为30/70时,并用胶有较好的相容性;EPDM可以改善FKM的低温性能;随着EPDM用量的增加,并用胶的拉伸强度及邵尔A硬度降低;动态硫化FKM/EPDM并用胶比静态硫化FKM/EPDM并用胶具有更好的耐老化性能,但老化前前者的拉伸强度稍低于后者;FKM/EPDM并用胶的热稳定性优于纯EPDM;静态硫化FKM/EPDM并用胶中片层现象严重,动态硫化FKM/EPDM并用胶的EPDM包覆在FKM中,但相畴偏大.  相似文献   

In recent years, interest in used rubber recycling, mainly focusing on the utilization of end‐of‐life tires, has heightened. This interest, is owing to the activities related to environmental protection and economic factors, which both stimulate companies to reuse the high‐quality rubber present in ground rubber scrap. In this study, the application of crosslinked butyl rubber in thermoplastic compositions of low‐density polyethylene and ground tire rubber (GTR) is presented. The static and dynamic mechanical properties and morphology of obtained products were studied. The addition of crosslinked butyl rubber to the investigated blends increased the compatibility between the low‐density polyethylene and the GTR particles. It was found that the mechanical properties of thermoplastic compositions containing higher amounts of elastomers (i.e., GTR and crosslinked butyl elastomer) displayed the same behavior, whereas the samples with GTR had worse respective parameters. Depending on their composition, the obtained new polymer blends can be applied to automotive parts, be adapted to pavement surfaces, and become parts of antivibration systems. J. VINYL ADDIT. TECHNOL., 20:237–242, 2014. © 2014 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

Distributions of carbon black in 30/70% (w/w) natural rubber (NR)/acrylic rubber (ACM) blends were investigated as a function of the carbon black content and type using a dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) technique. Two different types of carbon black (N220 and N330) were used, and 10–50 phr carbon black was compounded to the rubber blends. From the DMTA thermograms of various blends, the weight fractions of carbon black in the NR and ACM phases were calculated. Carbon black was unevenly distributed in the rubber blend. It preferred to migrate into the NR phase, regardless of the amount of carbon black that was used. By increasing the carbon black content, the weight fraction of carbon black in the NR phase decreased whereas that in the ACM phase increased. A change in the type of carbon black from N220 to N330 significantly decreased the weight fraction of carbon black in the NR phase, but it was not sufficiently strong to affect the tensile properties and hardness of the rubber blend. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102:248–256, 2006  相似文献   

以氢化钠为活性剂、马来酸酐为改性剂,通过负离子反应对高乙烯基聚丁二烯橡胶(HVBR)进行官能化改性制备了官能化HVBR(FHVBR)。考察了FHVBR与丁腈橡胶(NBR)共混的质量比对FHVBR/NBR共混胶硫化特性、力学性能、耐热氧老化性能和电性能的影响,并通过差示扫描量热仪和扫描电子显微镜探讨了共混胶的两相相容性。结果表明,随着NBR用量的增加,FHVBR/NBR共混胶的硫化时间缩短、硫化效率提高,定伸应力和硬度增大,耐老化性能得以改善。NBR用量的增加使得FHVBR/NBR共混胶对不同频率下的微波吸收能力增强,共混胶的电阻率下降,导电性增强。然而,NBR用量增加导致共混胶的拉伸强度略有下降。  相似文献   

使用青川岩沥青和胶粉对基质沥青进行复合改性,在保持胶粉质量分数为20%不变的情况下改变岩沥青用量制得胶粉改性和岩沥青/胶粉复合改性沥青,通过针入度试验、动态剪切流变试验和重复应力蠕变恢复试验分别对改性沥青的宏观性能、储存稳定性、流变性能和变形恢复能力进行了分析,并采用Burgers本构方程模拟分析了改性沥青在持续应力加载下各组成变形部分占比的变化规律。结果表明,胶粉和岩沥青的加入均可大幅提高沥青的高温性能,使其变得黏稠;岩沥青的加入对于基质沥青的低温性能具有较强的削弱作用,但可改善其储存稳定性,而胶粉的加入可减小岩沥青对基质沥青低温性能的削弱作用;岩沥青的加入提高了改性沥青的抗车辙能力,使沥青弹性组分含量大幅增加,但并未对黏性组分产生较大影响,沥青抵抗较大荷载的能力得以增强,而应力敏感性则有所降低,复合改性沥青黏稠度缓慢增加的同时迅速变硬,在受较长时间的大荷载作用时变形也能较快恢复。  相似文献   

采用机械剪切破碎法制备再生硅橡胶,并将其掺入到甲基乙烯基硅橡胶中制备再生硅橡胶/硅橡胶共混物,研究了再生硅橡胶含量、硫化促进剂2,5-双(叔丁基过氧化)-2,5-二甲基己烷和沉淀法白炭黑用量对共混物硫化特性和力学性能的影响,通过傅里叶变换红外光谱、动态力学分析仪和扫描电子显微镜对共混物和硅橡胶进行了分析。结果表明,随着共混物中再生硅橡胶含量的增加,共混物的硫化速率变慢,力学性能降低,当再生硅橡胶质量分数为46.9%时,共混物的综合力学性能较好。当2,5-双(叔丁基过氧化)-2,5-二甲基己烷用量为0.5份(质量)且沉淀法白炭黑用量为15份时,共混物具有良好的力学性能。机械剪切破碎法没有引起再生硅橡胶化学性质的变化;共混物的玻璃化转变温度与硅橡胶接近,但其损耗因子峰值下降;共混物中填料的分散均匀性介于再生硅橡胶与硅橡胶之间。  相似文献   

The microhardness, H, of PMMA/natural rubber blends, prepared following the solution method has been investigated by means of the microindentation technique. Hardness changes are correlated with the variation of the glass transition temperature. The influence of temperature and degree of deformation on H were additionally examined. The inclusion of rubber particles in the PMMA matrix is shown to soften the blends. The variation of the micromechanical property at the phase boundary of polymer/rubber particle has been studied. Results reveal that H drastically drops at the interphase. In the case of the drawn materials, the indentation anisotropy (ΔH) is shown to gradually increase with the draw ratio, where ΔH is found to be higher for the PMMA/rubber blend than for the original PMMA. This result is explained by the higher orientation of the PMMA molecules near the periphery of stretched rubber particles. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 91: 205–210, 2004  相似文献   

Blends of aliphatic polyketone terpolymer and a core-shell rubber (CSR) were melt processed with varying CSR concentration of 0-40 wt%. The obtained morphology was of finely dispersed CSR particles in the polyketone matrix. The thermal properties of the matrix polymer remained unaffected by the addition of the CSR phase. The crystallinity remained constant at 35 wt% and the melting temperature was not changed. The tensile modulus and yield stress were decreased by the addition of the rubber phase to the aliphatic polyketone polymer. The deformation was strongly delocalised with increasing CSR content. The temperature development during fracture was also strongly reduced with increasing rubber concentration. The CSR phase was found to toughen the aliphatic polyketone matrix very effectively, the brittle to ductile transition temperature was lowered from 90 to −40 °C with the highest rubber concentration (40 wt%). Cavitation experiments revealed that the macroscopic cavitation strain remained constant with increasing rubber content. A study of the deformation zone below the fracture surface showed that voids were produced by cavitation of the rubber phase. The voids were strongly deformed by the plastic deformation of the matrix polymer. At high strain rates a relaxation layer was found below the fracture surface, where the voids were no longer present. This relaxation zone was found to be due to the adiabatic temperature rise of the material during fracture at high strain rates.  相似文献   

高温贮存稳定的SBS/沥青共混物的制备   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在沥青生研究中引入动态硫化概念,制得了力学性能优良、高温贮存稳定的SBS/沥青共混物。  相似文献   

Reactive extrusion of polypropylene (PP)/natural rubber (NR) (90/10) blends was conducted in the presence of a peroxide [1,3-bis(t-butylperoxy)benzene] and coagent (trimethylolpropanetriacrylate, TMPTA). Effects of peroxide and coagent content were studied in terms of melt index (MI), melt viscosity, morphology, thermal, and mechanical properties. At a constant content of the coagent, melt viscosity increased at a low and decreased at a high content of the peroxide. On the other hand, melt viscosity increased monotonically with the coagent concentration at constant peroxide content. The increase and decrease of viscosity were interpreted in terms of crosslinking and chain scission of PP, which governed the rubber domain size and mechanical properties of the reactive blends. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of rubber-modified polymers are not single-valued functions of rubber/matrix type and rubber content, but also vary with processing conditions. The variations in mechanical properties with processing conditions arise mainly from changes in rubber-phase dispersion. In our past work, by lightly crosslinking the rubbers to increase their melt tenacity and strength, we have succeeded in producing fine and consistent dispersions despite diverse processing conditions. In this study, mechanical properties of polypropylene/lightly crosslinked rubber blends are compared with those of polypropylene/uncrosslinked rubber blends. The results indicate that, like dispersion, mechanical properties of polypropylene/crosslinked rubber blends also appear to be consistent and independent of process variables. The influences on mechanical behavior of degree of crosslinking, rubber content, and rubber/matrix type are also discussed.  相似文献   

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