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在玻璃纤维连续原丝毡的’二步法”成型工艺中,气流抛丝嘴是铺毡工艺中的核心部件之一,其性能优劣严重影响连续毡的均匀性、产量和能耗的高低。它具有以下三方面的:以一定的吸力牵引抛丝对辊送下的原丝,减少缠辊现象;将分好束的原丝以尽可能宽的尺寸均匀分散开,提高成毡均匀性;提供原丝成圈的脉冲动力。连续毡中的丝圈相当重要,可增加连续毡的强度、膨胀性及“流动性”、延伸性。经过多次反复的研究,我们先后研制出了几种抛丝嘴,并用于生产。  相似文献   

采用变频调速技术对丙纶强力丝牵伸加捻机拖动控制进行改造,改造后控制稳定、维护量少、具有良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

文中介绍了变频调速的原理、应用及变频调速的优点。  相似文献   

玻璃纤维连续原丝毡是由连续玻璃纤维原丝无定向呈圈状均匀分布,靠原丝束之间的力学联锁作用并配以有机粘结剂所制成的一种玻璃纤维无纺制品。  相似文献   

通过对各种类型变频器控制特性的比较阐述了各种变频器的特点,提出了在系统设计中应结合系统的技术条件选择合适的调速系统和变频装置。  相似文献   

分析了变频调速的方法和电动机变频调速的机械特性,从离心式机泵性能及调节方法开始分析,阐述了变频调速一方面能满足工艺指标要求,更重要是实现了节能。由于经济效益非常显著,提出对一部分装置应用该技术实现变频调速节能。  相似文献   

汪辉  黄欣 《玻璃纤维》2016,(5):32-36
针对玻璃纤维连续毡湿态强度要求高的特点,创造性地提出了聚酯-环氧树脂型粉末粘结剂的设计思路。通过基体树脂设计、选择,配比研究、制备工艺选择等各项试验,制得的聚酯-环氧粉末粘结剂能满足玻璃纤维连续毡的各项性能要求。同时,以粉末粘结剂配方4制得的连续毡与进口连续毡进行应用性导流试验对比,证明其具有良好的湿态强度。  相似文献   

老式络纱机多采用直流调速系统控制,该系统存在线路复杂,故障率高,调速性能差等缺点.其运行维护成本高,控制精度差,生产的纱的质量波动较大.其系统原理图为:  相似文献   

1.前言 在制造玻璃纤维短切原丝毡的过程中,各个环节不可避免地产生较高的静电,它对生产的正常进行、产品的性能有着严重的影响.如何消除静电是每个厂家必须面对的问题.本人根据多年的生产经验,就这个问题谈一些粗浅的体会.  相似文献   

邓洪 《玻璃纤维》2003,(4):34-37
本文介绍了连续毡的主要性能和在汽车中的典型实用情况;并介绍了GMT的性质、特点及其在汽车中的应用前景,我国GMT的研究开发现状。  相似文献   

The consolidation and relaxation characteristics of glass mat reinforcements with a thermoplastic polyester binder have been studied. Attention has been given to the effect of preforming conditions on binder flow around the fibers, and on the rearrangement of fiber tows making up the preform. An instrumented hydraulic press was used to compress stacks of glass mat over a wide range of temperatures (51.7 to 176.7°C) and a range of platen closing speeds (0.02 to 2.00 mm/s). Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the fiber tows after deformation. Individual fiber tows were observed to flatten during compression, more so at higher temperatures and slower closing speeds. The scanning electron micrographs also reveal changes in binder distribution around the fiber tows that are closely related to the degree of flattening of the fiber tows. This is because small gaps are opened up within the tow as it is flattened. Flow of binder along such gaps is predominantly due to the squeezing force, with only a minor contribution from capillary forces. The redistribution of binder then facilitates further compaction. The extent of binder redistribution is also governed by the binder viscosity, which was found to be a strong function of strain rate and temperature. The shear thinning viscosity of the binder leads to greater compressibility at the highest closing speed of 2 mm/s, although the compressibility of the mats was lower at moderately higher closing speeds. The compressibility was also higher at higher temperatures as expected. The loft was greater for stacks pressed at higher temperatures; this is a consequence of the lower binder viscosity at higher temperatures allowing more rearrangement of the tows. There was no loss of binder from the stacks in these runs.  相似文献   

Conclusions The continuous process of obtaining polyester fibres enables the improvement of the technico-economic index of production, which will be reached by obtaining even polymers of high quality, reduction in the quantity of apparatus in comparison with the batch process, increased stability of vacuum systems and the introduction of the complex automation of the production process of the chemical-spinning production section.All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Glass Fibres. Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 2, pp. 59–60, March–April, 1969.  相似文献   

供短切原丝毡(简称短切毡)生产用的原丝其切割性要好,短切丝要分散性好,不开花,不形成丝团,浸透性要好,这样才能保证短切毡的质量,而短切毡原丝用浸润剂在其中起着决定性的作用.本文详细叙述了浸润剂对短切毡浸透性和硬挺性的影响.  相似文献   

短切毡用乳液粘结剂专用PVAC乳液的合成   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
李佳 《玻璃纤维》2001,(6):9-11
研制出一种专用于短切毡用乳液粘结剂的PVAC乳液,介绍了它的合成方法,性能及应用情况,该乳液与市售的乳白胶相比,在保证粘结性的同时,解决了保护胶体对浸透速度的影响问题,具有成膜性好,粘合力强,与聚酯树脂相容性好,储存稳定的优点。  相似文献   

连续高速电镀技术在集成电路引线框架生产中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了集成电路引线框架镀层特点及其卷对卷式连续高速局部电镀银技术。分析了高速镀银工艺条件,并与传统氰化物镀银工艺进行了比较。简单介绍了局部电镀技术的原理及方法。  相似文献   

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