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为了研究中国低活化马氏体(CLAM)钢在不同相对流速铅铋共晶合金(LBE)中的腐蚀行为,本研究对CLAM钢在550℃不同流动速度(0 m/s、1. 70 m/s、2. 98 m/s、3. 69 m/s、4. 77 m/s)的液态LBE中进行了500 h的腐蚀试验。试验后分别对腐蚀试样表面进行SEM、XRD检测以及对试样截面进行SEM-EDS和面扫描检测。结果表明,经过500 h腐蚀试验后的试样表面均形成双层结构的氧化层,外氧化层由Fe_3O_4组成,内氧化层由(Fe,Cr)_3O_4组成。在LBE相对流速从0 m/s增大到2. 98 m/s的过程中,试样表面氧化层的厚度逐渐增大,这是由于相对流速的增大提高了Fe元素的溶解速率和O元素的扩散迁移速率,进而导致试样表面发生严重的氧化腐蚀。而当LBE相对流速从2. 98 m/s继续增大到4. 77 m/s时,CLAM钢表面的氧化层厚度逐渐减小,这是由于随着LBE相对流速的进一步增大,试样表面冲蚀腐蚀程度逐渐加重,外氧化层厚度因遭受一定程度的剥落而急剧减小,进而使得试样表面总氧化层的厚度逐渐减小。本研究结果为未来ADS嬗变系统的实际应用提供了数据支持和参考。  相似文献   

T91/316L异种钢焊缝在高流速液态铅铋共晶合金(LBE)中的腐蚀是T91和316L钢在未来核电领域应用中所面临的重要挑战。利用ER309L、ER316L和ERNiCr-3三种不同焊丝获得了T91/316L异种钢焊缝,采用自主设计的旋转腐蚀试验装置研究其在550℃高流速(相对流速2.98 m/s)液态LBE中的腐蚀。三种焊缝经过300 h、600 h和900 h的腐蚀试验后,腐蚀表面均表现出明显的方向性。焊缝在高流速液态LBE中的腐蚀机理主要为焊缝基体中Fe、Cr、Ni元素和LBE中Pb、Bi、O元素的溶解与迁移。由于不同元素的溶解度以及所形成氧化物相的稳定程度不同,最终在焊缝表面形成了由疏松外氧化层和致密内氧化物层构成的双层结构。三种焊丝中,利用309L焊丝所得的焊缝的耐高流速LBE腐蚀性最好,利用316L焊丝所得的焊缝次之,利用NiCr-3焊丝所得的焊缝最差。经焊后再热处理所得的焊缝具有更好的耐高流速LBE腐蚀性。  相似文献   

为了研究马氏体410不锈钢在不同流速的高温液态铅铋共晶合金中的腐蚀行为,本工作对410不锈钢在相对流速为0 m/s、1. 70 m/s、2. 31 m/s、2. 98 m/s的550℃液态铅铋共晶合金中进行600 h试验后的腐蚀现象进行研究,并对不同流速腐蚀试验后的腐蚀试样的表面和截面分别进行XRD、SEM、EDS检测。结果发现:随着相对流速的增大,腐蚀样品表面的氧化层越来越致密,氧化层的厚度也不断增厚。这是由于传质速率的增大加快了氧化层的生成速率;腐蚀样品表面的氧化层主要分为外氧化层和内氧化层,外氧化层主要由Fe_3O_4以及部分渗入的Pb-Bi组成,内氧化层主要为尖晶石结构的(Fe,Cr)_3O_4;在腐蚀过程中同时发生晶间腐蚀和氧化腐蚀现象。  相似文献   

铅冷快堆使用具有更高安全性的液态铅铋合金作为冷却剂,是颇具发展前景的先进四代堆型。本研究围绕耐铅铋腐蚀涂层,在奥氏体不锈钢基体上开展司太力合金涂层的制备,分析其组成成分和微观结构。开展涂层的铅铋腐蚀实验,分析其结构完整性、力学性能、表面氧化层及物相组成变化。通过微观结构和力学性能表征,评估司太力合金涂层的耐铅铋腐蚀性能,从而为铅铋快堆的工程应用提供理论支撑和技术支持。  相似文献   

目的 研究应力对316L在高温液态铅铋合金(LBE)中腐蚀行为的影响。方法 将316L制成C型环试样,加载应力后将其置于500 ℃的LBE中腐蚀2 500 h,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、场发射扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)等手段分析腐蚀程度。结果 在应力作用下,316L在LBE中的腐蚀机制仍然为氧化腐蚀,且形成的氧化层结构和成分与无应力状态下的一致;材料表面氧化层总厚度显著增加,且内/外氧化层之间更容易产生裂纹,随腐蚀时间的延长,外氧化层有剥落的趋势。施加应力后,试样的氧化速率系数从0.190 1 μm/h增大至0.278 1 μm/h,其中内氧化层生长速率增加得更显著。EBSD分析表明,施加应力后,316L组织未发生改变,晶界附近的腐蚀加剧。结论 在应力作用下,基体晶界缺陷密度增加,元素在晶界处的扩散速率增大,内氧化层的生长速度加快,腐蚀速度增加。  相似文献   

宋刚  迟佳玉  于景威  刘黎明 《材料导报》2018,32(16):2773-2777
采用激光-电弧复合填丝对接焊方法获得了成形及力学性能良好的AZ31B镁合金/Q235钢板焊接接头;利用金相显微镜和电子探针观察焊接接头组织和元素分布状态,通过浸泡腐蚀试验和电化学试验研究了焊接接头不同区域(镁母材、焊缝、钢母材)的腐蚀行为。结果表明:AZ31B母材存在各向异性的腐蚀现象;焊缝与钢母材之间发生电偶腐蚀,邻近界面处的焊缝腐蚀严重,而界面处富集Al、Mn元素,腐蚀倾向较小;焊缝中存在较多钢飞溅,钢飞溅周围的区域比焊缝其他位置的腐蚀更为严重,焊接过程中产生的钢飞溅对焊缝的耐蚀性是不利的;焊缝中的β相一方面作为屏障层阻碍基体的腐蚀,另一方面作为电偶腐蚀中的阴极增加焊缝基体的腐蚀敏感性。  相似文献   

高强度管线钢在油气管道长距离输送应用中埋地管道焊接接头处的腐蚀现象越发明显.为了探究高强度钢焊接接头在不同pH值土壤中的腐蚀行为,利用动电位极化及交流阻抗技术对X80钢焊接接头在库尔勒土壤模拟溶液中的电化学特征进行测定,并结合金相显微镜对其腐蚀形貌进行了观察.结果表明:随着土壤pH值的增大,X80钢焊接接头的腐蚀速率呈现逐渐减小的趋势;当模拟溶液为弱酸性环境时,腐蚀产物膜遭到破坏,加剧了Cl-等腐蚀性离子对金属的腐蚀,试样电极表面腐蚀坑明显;当溶液为碱性环境时,腐蚀产物膜对材料起到一定的保护作用,金属腐蚀受到抑制;当溶液pH值为10.5时,电极表面出现了钝化膜,试样表面腐蚀现象不明显,只有几个微小的腐蚀坑存在.  相似文献   

为了提高高铁的行车安全,通过现场暴露试验,采用数码显微镜、能量色散谱、拉曼光谱及电化学测量方法研究了高铁不锈钢焊接接头在万宁海洋大气环境中暴露2a后的腐蚀行为规律。结果表明:暴晒2a后不锈钢焊接接头的腐蚀类型以点蚀为主,蚀坑密度较高;腐蚀产物主要有Fe3O4、α-Fe2O3、γ-Fe2O3、α-FeOOH,β-FeOOH和γ-FeOOH,不锈钢焊接试样在3.5%NaCl溶液中阳极行为存在一定钝化特性;各区域点蚀电位高低排序为筋板母材区〉底板母材区〉焊缝区。  相似文献   

Micromechanical behavior of a fine-grained China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel under nanoindentation was studied in this work. The grain size of the as-prepared 0.1Ti-CLAM steel is ∼5 μm and the average diameter of the spherical precipitates is ∼5 nm. Both elastic modulus and hardness decrease with increasing contact depth of the nanoindenter, following an exponential decreasing function. The abnormally large contact depths should be resulted from defect concentration under the indenter. The effect of nanosized precipitates on hardness is responsible for the pop-ins occurring in the load-depth curves, corresponding to the blockage of nanosized precipitates to the dislocation movement. Nanosized VC and M23C6precipitates with the volume fractions of 0.32% and 1.21% can be identified, respectively. Different strengthening mechanisms originated from the two types of nanosized precipitates. The blockage of dislocations by VC particles leads to an Orowan strengthening whilst dislocations could cut through theM23C6particles because of the large size of the particles. The strengthening effects originated from the VC and M23C6 precipitates lead to the strength increase of ∼448 MPa and ∼254 MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

CLAM钢穿孔等离子超声电弧焊接激励频率的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化超声电弧焊接激励频率,针对穿孔等离子超声电弧焊接熔池进行了计算机模态分析.根据穿孔等离子弧焊接特点,利用特定的数值分析模型,通过ANSYS软件计算超声电弧焊接熔池模态,分析与模态频率相对应的熔池响应情况.最后,分别施加不同大小的超声电弧频率,以3组4.5 mm厚的中国低活化马氏体(CLAM)钢板为实验材料进行平板对接焊试验.结果表明:在谐振条件下,焊缝区面积增大,组织的细化效果较好,界面棒状碳化物生长得到抑制,同时焊缝区硬化现象得到显著改善;利用这种方法基本达到了超声电弧频率优化的目的.  相似文献   

铅合金由于在硫酸体系中稳定性好而广泛应用于湿法冶金电沉积工序。铅合金的耐腐蚀性能不仅影响生产成本,还会影响阴极产品质量,因此耐腐蚀性能是评价铅合金优劣的关键因素。简要综述了铅合金的晶粒尺寸,二次相形貌及分布和轧制对其腐蚀行为的影响。总结了具有理想耐腐蚀性能的铅合金的微观结构的特征,并对铅合金晶界工程和微区腐蚀行为研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

首先利用表面机械研磨技术(SMAT)使低碳钢实现了表面纳米化,然后通过金相显微镜、X射线衍射仪对SMAT后低碳钢的微观组织结构进行表征,最后通过CS350型电化学工作站测试系统对试样进行测试,分析及比较了低碳钢及其SMAT试样在0.05 mol/L H2SO4+0.05 mol/L Na2SO4介质中的腐蚀行为。实验表明,在SMAT之后,20号钢的耐腐蚀性能好于10号钢,而这恰恰与粗晶状态下10号钢的耐腐蚀性能好于20号钢的结果相反,其原因值得探究。  相似文献   

Dissimilar metals TIG welding-brazing of aluminum alloy to galvanized steel was investigated, and the wettability and spreadability of aluminum filler metal on the steel surface were analyzed. The resultant joint was characterized in order to determine the brittle intermetallic compound (IMC) in the interfacial layer, and the mechanical property of the joint was tested. The results show that the zinc coated layer can improve the wettability and spreadability of liquid aluminum filler metal on the surface of the steel, and the wetting angle can reach less than 20°. The lap joint has a dual characteristic and can be divided into a welding part on the aluminum side and a brazing part on the steel side. The interfacial IMC layer in the steel side is about 9.0 μm in thickness, which transfers from (α-Al + FeAl3) in the welded seam side to (Fe2Al5+ FeAl2) and (FeAl2+ FeAl) in the steel side. The crystal grain of the welded seam is obviously larger in size in the aluminum side. The local incomplete brazing is found at the root of the lap joint, which weakens the property of the joint. The fracture of the joint occurs at the root and the average tensile strength reaches 90 MPa.  相似文献   

Study on steel corrosion in different seabed sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of simulation experiments on carbon steel (A3 steel) and low alloy steel (16 Mn steel) in marine atmosphere (MA), seawater (SW) and seabed sediment (SBS) including rough sea sand, fine sea sand and seabed mud were carried out indoors for a year or so by means of individually hanging plates (IHP) and electrically connected hanging plates (ECHP). The corrosion of steels in SBS was mainly due to the macrogalvanic cell effect. The steel plates at the bottom of SBS, as the anode of a macrogalvanic cell, showed the heaviest corrosion with a corrosion rate of up to 0·12 mm/a, approximately equal to that of steel plates in marine atmosphere. The test results showed that the corrosion rates of A3 and 16 Mn steel in marine environment were in the order: MA>SW>SBS by the IHP method; and MA>SBS>SW by the ECHP method. The corrosion rates of steels in the water/sediment interface were directly proportional to the grain size of the SBS by the ECHP method, but those of steels in the water/sediment interface did not vary with the grain size of SBS by the IHP method. The corrosion rate of low-alloy steel was a little higher than that of carbon steel. The results of this study have important applications for design of offshore steel structures such as oil platform, pier, and port.  相似文献   

The high temperature corrosion performance of Q235 steel in sulfur-bearing solutions as a function of temperature, test time, and sulfur content was investigated by weight loss measurements in this study. The results indicate that the corrosion behavior of Q235 steel in sulfur-bearing solution is directly related to the experimental temperature, immersion time and sulfur content. Higher temperature leads to a higher corrosion rate of the steel. The corrosion rate increases during the initial test time and then decreases with increasing the test time. As the sulfur content increases in the solution, the corrosion rate increases, and further increasing the sulfur content leads to a decreased corrosion rate.  相似文献   

通过电化学噪声技术(EN)、动电位扫描法、噪声电阻(Rn)等方法研究了304L不锈钢在含Cl-溶液中的腐蚀行为过程,探讨了Cl-对304L不锈钢腐蚀行为的影响,以及腐蚀的形成、特征、机理。结果表明,由于有Cl-的存在,对不锈钢金属的钝化膜的破坏必然导致腐蚀过程中离子扩散速度的加快,因此,Cl-对304L不锈钢腐蚀行为有着明显的钝化作用。  相似文献   

Weldments of AISI grade 316 stainless steel, having a ferrite content of 4–6% and a variety of nitrogen concentrations were prepared using a modified element implant technique. Charpy impact specimens prepared from these weldments were subjected to a variety of aging treatments. Impact toughness decreases with aging time at all aging temperatures. Nitrogen is found to be beneficial to toughness. An empirical relation connecting the aging temperature, aging time and nitrogen content with toughness has been developed which can be used to estimate the time for embrittlement.  相似文献   

The effect of tin addition on the atmospheric corrosion behavior of a low-alloy steel in simulated coastal-industrial atmosphere has been investigated by indoor wet/dry cyclic corrosion test (CCT). The results indicate that tin addition can obviously make the steel substrate more resistant to atmospheric corrosion by suppressing the cathodic H+ reduction reaction, and but tin addition is not of obvious beneficial effect when the steel is covered with a thicker rust layer during long-term corrosion process. The reason lies in the fact that the presence of un-reduced H+ can lower the electrolyte pH value and lead to a loose and porous rust layer on tin-containing steel sample than that on tin-free steel sample. In addition, the 120 CCT cycles corrosion process of the two steels can be divided into three stages. Both the tin-free and tin-containing steels show an increasing corrosion rate during the initial corrosion stage and then exhibit a decreasing corrosion rate during the second and third corrosion stages. Moreover, tin addition makes the tin-containing steel rust layer have a higher amount of α-FeOOH and lower amount of γ-FeOOH and Fe3O4 than the tin-free steel rust layer.  相似文献   

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