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为确定浅层地基土的承载性能,利用伞架式装置对某工程场地进行了浅层平板原位载荷试验,分析研究了地基土的承载力特征值、变形模量、地基基床系数等参数。试验结果表明:伞型浅层平板载荷实验装置具有轻便灵活的特点,对粘性土场地具有良好的适用性和经济性。  相似文献   

从岩土工程勘察前期准备工作、勘探点的放点、现场勘探与取样、土样密封及运输等方面对岩土工程勘察外业的概况进行了论述,指出岩土工程勘察对确保建筑物的质量至关重要,应引起勘察人员的重视。  相似文献   

对山谷型垃圾填埋场选址与勘察进行了研究,分别从垃圾填埋场选址准则、勘察技术阶段及方法、选址勘察的关键问题进行了论述,并列举工程实例加以阐述.通过研究表明:对于山谷地带垃圾填埋场的勘察应采用多种综合勘察手段开展工作,并将得到的数据进行相互对比、验证、整理、分析,才能取得精确的勘察成果,任何一种单一的勘察手段都很难达到勘察的技术要求.同时,也得出了在这类工程勘察中场地的水文地质勘察及岩层的渗透性和稳定性是勘察的关键点,在勘察中应加以重视.本文列举的工程实例对类似垃圾填埋场选址与勘察具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

梁慧 《山西建筑》2016,(4):92-93
分析了地下水水位问题对岩土工程的危害,并探讨了地下水的腐蚀性问题,从静水位测量、水理性质分析、污染治理、腐蚀防治等方面,提出了岩土工程勘察中地下水问题的防治方法,从而增强建筑物的耐久性及稳定性。  相似文献   

岩土参数随机场特性及线性预测   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
对利用随机场理论来研究岩土参数的几个基本问题进行了探讨 ,指出目前对岩土参数随机场的随机性描述存在半变异函数和相关函数两种理论方法 ,通过理论分析和推导研究了两种方法的内涵和联系 ,探讨了计算岩土参数的相关距离的几种方法 ,在此基础上证明加权最小二乘多项式可作为最佳线性预测函数 ,并通过大量实测资料进行了验证。  相似文献   

土体空间变异性分析是进行岩土工程可靠度设计的理论基础。采用随机场理论,提出了典型江苏海相黏土的随机场特征及参数,对基于孔压静力触探(CPTU)测试数据的空间变异性进行了系统分析。由于竖直方向上CPTU锥尖阻力数据的样本容量较高,通过对锥尖阻力进行一次多项式去趋势来获得平稳的波动分量,并利用常用的5种自相关模型拟合波动分量的自相关系数。采用修正的Bartlett统计公式来检验波动分量的平稳性,选取最优的竖直波动范围。竖直变异系数由波动分量和去趋势函数来确定。鉴于水平方向上的CPTU锥尖阻力数据的样本容量较小,采用平均零跨距法估计水平波动范围,水平变异系数由总体变异系数来表示。结果表明,竖直向和水平向上江苏海相黏土较报道值显示出更强的空间变异性。  相似文献   

根据Vanmarcke提出的随机场理论描述土性参数的空间变异性,建立了考虑土性参数空间变异性的地基失稳模糊概率公式,并通过实例分析了两种情况下地基的模糊失效概率值,得出用随机场理论空间均值方差计算的模糊失效概率值比不考虑土性参数的空间变异性计算模糊失效概率值偏低的结论.  相似文献   

根据地铁施工方法、福州地质条件和勘察工作的特点等,分析了地铁工程勘察监理的工作重点、技术要求以及质量控制要点,以期更好地发挥勘察监理的作用,提高勘察的水平和质量。  相似文献   

关于随机场理论在土工可靠度计算中应用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫澍旺  朱红霞  刘润 《岩土工程学报》2006,28(12):2053-2059
应用随机场理论进行可靠度分析时,关键在于随机场理论求得的参数,尤其是方差折减函数如何同可靠度理论结合起来。在土工可靠度计算中正确选取并且合理应用方差折减函数是一个非常关键但又很容易被忽略的问题。本文从随机场的基本理论出发,对这一问题进行探讨和研究,提出方差折减函数的确定原则;并通过一个工程算例,说明此折减原则较为合理,且在实际工程中偏于安全。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2012,52(1):99-113
A methodology is presented for observation-based settlement predictions by considering the spatial correlation structure of soil. The spatial correlation is introduced among the settlement model parameters, and the settlements at various points are spatially correlated through these geotechnical parameters, which naturally describe the phenomenon. The method is based on Bayesian estimations, considering both prior information, including spatial correlation, and observed settlements, to search for the best estimates of the parameters. Within the Bayesian framework, the optimized selection of the auto-correlation distance, by Akaike’s Bayesian Information Criterion (ABIC), and the spatial interpolation of the model parameters, by the kriging method, are also proposed. The application of the proposed approach in secondary compression settlement predictions, based on the linear relationship between settlement and the logarithm of time, is presented in this paper. Several case studies are carried out using both simulated settlement data and actual field observation data. It is concluded that the accuracy of settlement predictions can be improved by taking into account the spatial correlation structure, especially when the spacing of the observation points is shorter than half of the auto-correlation distance, and that the proposed approach produces rational predictions of settlements at any location and at any time with quantified errors.  相似文献   

介绍了新疆乌什县某施工场地的工程概况,并以zk11钻孔作业为例,从地层岩性、岩石时代及各岩层的高程、厚度等方面,揭露了施工区地层岩石的工程地质特征,通过分析钻孔取样的标准贯入实验和重型动力触探实验,判定了粉土层和圆砾层的地基承载力特征值,并在实地地质勘查及实验分析结果的基础上,提出了以人工地基为基础的施工方案。  相似文献   

针对低中放废物近地表处置中岩土工程勘察目的不明确、勘察内容界定不明、实际应用难以操作等问题,论述了低中放废物近地表处置场岩土工程勘察的目的、性质、勘察内容的拓展以及勘察过程中基于环境影响评价的考虑和对预选场地水文地质条件的着重认识等问题,并运用实际案例进行了佐证。结果表明由于预选场地勘察的主要目的之一在于为其环境影响评价提供数据支撑,因此勘察性质表现出"环境岩土"的特征,勘察内容较常规岩土工程勘察在水文地质、水文地球化学、各种原位和室内试验以及现场监测等方面均存在较大拓展,更加注重对预选场地环境影响评价内容的考虑和水文地质条件的全面和量化认识。  相似文献   

通过对统计矩理论的分析,提出了一种在时域内利用结构加速度八阶矩作为损伤指标,直接利用输出信号快速判断结构有无损伤及损伤位置的识别方法。通过对典型Benchmark四层钢框架结构数值仿真模型和实测试验进行分析,研究了不同位置斜撑缺失以及弹性模量减少工况下的损伤位置识别,并通过12层标准RC框架振动台试验数据分析了不同楼层梁的损伤工况,判定了各楼层相对损伤程度变化。结果表明:利用响应信号的结构加速度八阶矩适合作为损伤识别的直接判别指标,通过两次定期测试的相对变化可以直接快速对不同损伤工况进行损伤诊断。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(4):806-819
Slope failures caused by rainfall on weathered granite are common occurrences in many parts of the world and it is more severe in Japan where there are a significant number of slopes susceptible to failure. At present, about 31,987 natural, and valley slopes are found to be susceptible to landslide disasters in Hiroshima Prefecture, the highest number of any prefecture in Japan. In Hiroshima Prefecture, the prefectural land is divided into 350 units of 5 km2, and the hazard of each unit was assessed based on the rainfall data and past records of failures. However, the existing hazard assessment system was found not to be adequate of making better predictions of individual failures in the region, and moreover the system was developed without carrying out any reliable slope stability analyses. In this study, an attempt has been made to understand the mechanism of individual slope failure through seepage analyses and stability analyses. A series of laboratory model tests were conducted to develop the relationships among volumetric water content, degree of saturation, suction, and coefficient of hydraulic conductivity under unsaturated conditions. Field investigation and laboratory tests were conducted based on the four valleys which were identified as potentially hazardous zones in Higashi-Hiroshima city in Hiroshima Prefecture. Graphical relationships were developed among the volumetric water content, suction, rainfall intensity, coefficient of hydraulic conductivity, and degree of saturation for Masado soils. Based on the relationships developed, suction was calculated along the soil profile of natural valleys with the lapse of time. Thus, shear strength parameters were determined based on the degree of saturation calculated from the data of volumetric water contents. The stability analyses revealed that the factor of safety gradually decreases with the formation of High Moisture Content Belt (HMCB) and drastically reduces with the formation of the water table. The susceptibility of failure for each of the four valleys is given based on the hazard assessment system, and is compared and discussed.  相似文献   

本文结合工程实践,简要介绍了泻湖沼泽平原地区浅部土层的物理力学特性及该地区利用静力触探试验资料确定单桩竖向承载力的估算方法,并对在该地区进行岩土工程勘察过程中可能遇到的有关工程地质问题作出合理建议。  相似文献   

Rockhead profile is an important part of geological profiles and can have significant impacts on some geotechnical engineering practice, and thus, it is necessary to establish a useful method to reverse the rockhead profile using site investigation results. As a general method to reflect the spatial distribution of geo-material properties based on field measurements, the conditional random field (CRF) was improved in this paper to simulate rockhead profiles. Besides, in geotechnical engineering practice, measurements are generally limited due to the limitations of budget and time so that the estimation of the mean value can have uncertainty to some extent. As the Bayesian theory can effectively combine the measurements and prior information to deal with uncertainty, CRF was implemented with the aid of the Bayesian framework in this study. More importantly, this simulation procedure is achieved as an analytical solution to avoid the time-consuming sampling work. The results show that the proposed method can provide a reasonable estimation about the rockhead depth at various locations against measurement data and as a result, the subjectivity in determining prior mean can be minimized. Finally, both the measurement data and selection of hyper-parameters in the proposed method can affect the simulated rockhead profiles, while the influence of the latter is less significant than that of the former.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to select alternative landfill sites for Ankara based on the growing trends of Ankara toward the Gölba?? municipality, and to eventually select the best alternative through the use of decision-making tools. Geographic information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria decision analyses were employed to perform landfill site selection. Several criteria, including geology, slope, proximity to roads, availability and proximity of landfill containment material, settlement, suitability for agriculture, vegetation cover, erosion, and lineament system were gathered in a GIS environment. A weight value was assigned to each criterion by applying the pairwise comparison method and the analytical hierarchy method. An ideal point method, namely, the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was applied to choose the best alternative landfill site. The geotechnical properties of “Ankara clay”, which shows widespread distribution in Ankara, were reviewed and assessed for the clay's suitability as a single, compacted clay liner and as a component of a geomembrane-compacted clay composite liner for the alternative landfill site selected. The HELP model was employed in order to determine the cumulative, mean leachate head and cumulative, unitized expected leakage rate amounts through the landfill. Four different profiles, from the least conservative to the most conservative, were created and analyzed.  相似文献   

为了在保证基坑稳定性和正常使用的条件下提高土钉支护结构经济性,建立土钉支护的优化模型,并对土钉道数、土钉长度、土钉入射角、土钉间距以及土钉直径和孔径等设计参数进行敏感性分析,在此基础上合理选择各个设计参数的取值范围,为土钉支护优化提供约束条件。针对传统的遗传算法在迭代过程中出现的适应度值标定方式复杂、过早的收敛到局部最优解和在最优值附近收敛速度慢等缺点,提出采用动态自适应技术和非标准的遗传操作算子改进遗传算法的新算法。通过实例分析表明,采用改进遗传算法进行优化不仅可以大大节省求解时间,而且能够得到满意的结果。  相似文献   

针对大型公共建筑存在的结构复杂、消防疏散困难等问题,提出了用于优化疏散路径的改进蚁群算法。首先,针对基本蚁群算法(ACO)引入Dijkstra 算法,并利用Dijkstra 算法计算出全局性较好的次优路径进而对蚁群算法初始信息素分布情况进行了加强。其次,根据火灾的实时情况改进了蚁群算法的转移概率、更新规则、信息素挥发系数、启发函数等。最后,对改进的蚁群算法进行对比仿真实验。实验结果表明该算法具有较强的全局搜索能力以及较高的搜索效率,能够避免算法进入局部最优陷阱,有效提高消防疏散路径规划效率。  相似文献   

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