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不断改善用户体验是快递企业加强自身竞争力的重要举措。针对送货时遇到用户不在的情况,提出了基于ARM的自助货柜系统设计。系统主要由ARM主控芯片、RFID身份验证单元、条码扫描单元、信息输入/显示单元、GPRS通信单元、视频监控单元、报警单元、货柜机械控制单元等部分构成,实现了自助取件功能,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

设计了一种利用2.4GHZ无线模块进行数据传输,将远端传感器采集到的PM2.5信息送入主控单元,将采集到的数据与用户设定的参数进行对比。应用GPRS技术以短信方式通过LED显示屏实现超限报警显示,并自动拨打用户设定的手机。  相似文献   

目前,许多居民楼、住宅里缺乏消防设施,一旦出现火情不但难以立即做出行动而且信息传递困难,缺乏对居住环境的安全监控.文章研究的火灾报警系统在检测到火灾时,可以第一时间切断电源并通知用户,能够明确显示火灾发生的具体位置,烟感报警后摄像头接通用户手机实现实时远程监控.此装置可以及时通知用户联系消防,通过监控查看火情,便于消防...  相似文献   

现有家庭安防系统最大的弊端是不能及时的对报警信息进行有效的验证,从而出现误报、错报的问题。为了克服这个问题,采用彩信图片的形式将报警现场的情况及时地反映到用户的手机屏幕上。此外,为了进一步增强系统的防盗安全性,设计了双重电子锁,该锁采用RFID码感应技术和用户开锁时间规律,有效地克服盗贼用万能钥匙开锁的现象。经试验测试达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

顾慧燕 《信息技术》2003,27(5):87-88
μXl是先进的过程自动化技术和电子技术相结合的产物 ,反映时代需求 ,面向企业信息过程控制 ,它是由MOPS操作站和控制单元组成。MOPS操作站是一个具有优秀人机接口功能的专家界面 ,它包括浏览显示 ,控制组态显示 ,趋势显示 ,用户定义流程图和闪光报警显示。介绍 μXl集散控制系统 ,对水处理工艺进行自动化控制  相似文献   

周鹏  张昱  金心宇 《电讯技术》2005,45(4):51-53
本文介绍了电信话务各特服号报警指挥中心如何遵循信息产业部“信息不准拷贝、不准联网拷贝、报警时送三字段信息”的有关指示,建立能及时、准确地获得拨打各特服号码的主叫用户信息的实用系统,提出了相应的解决方案。经系统测试和实际运行,效果显著,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

在视频监控系统中应用报警推送服务,能够及时地对用户进行预警,能够在一定程度上保障生命财产安全。重点介绍一种基于Web的报警推送模型,该模型使用了信息推送技术、数据库管理技术,能有效兼容基于Android、IOS等平台视频监控客户端软件,能随时、随地对各种类型的报警进行订阅并将该报警消息实时推送给用户。  相似文献   

答主叫识别信息传送及显示(CID)业务是向被叫电话用户提供的一种新的服务项目,是指在被叫用户终端设备上显示主叫号码、主叫用户姓名、呼叫日期、时间等主叫识别信息并进行存储,以供用户查询的一种服务项目。ZXJ10机支持主叫号码显示功能,使用说明及具体实现方法如下:(1)将对应用户的用户外围单元处理器板换为具备 N—ISDN 功能的外  相似文献   

1概述在电视监控系统中,因切换的视频信号较多,操作者很难快速判别某一图像来自何处,故需要在图像上叠加地点信息,如摄像机号或汉字地名。要录像存档的图像还要叠加上日期。时间,常常是年、月、日。时、分、秒显示,有时也可能需要对某事件进行计时或倒计时。在报警系统中,更要叠加上报警信息,包括报警的类型、开始时间和地点。有的工矿企业的现场监控要求叠加诸如温度、湿度、有害气体浓度等各种各样的信息。为能对图像上显示的多种信息快速反应,最好各种信息用不同颜色显示。比如报警信息用红色显示,地点信息用绿色显示,时间用…  相似文献   

为克服传统GPS定位系统在室内或建筑物密集区存在盲点的缺陷,更好地满足个人定位的需求,基于GPSOne 技术,提出了一种便携式个人定位终端的设计与实现方案.该终端由定位单元、主控单元MCU、UIM单元、LED显示等模块组成,其中定位单元使用AnyData公司的DTGS-800 GPSOne模块,主控单元选用超低功耗的16位单片机MSP430F147,借助于AT指令与CDMA网络实现了对个人的位置监控、定位和报警等功能.测试结果表明,该终端的定位误差室外小于20 m,室内小于500 m,初始定位时间小于20 s,报警信息能在1 s内传送到CDMA网络控制中心.  相似文献   

在传统的基于内容视频检索的方法中,由于视频的领域较宽,视频的低级视觉特征和高级概念之间存在着较大的语义鸿沟,常导致检索效果不佳.本文认为更有现实意义的做法是,以含有比镜头更多语义信息的事件相关故事单元为检索单位,通过提取事件相关媒体中的文本信息并利用机器学习方法自动建立事件类的模型,从而提供概念化的故事单元查询方式.本文提出了组合特征选择方法和一种二阶段修剪KNN:TSP-KNN,组合特征选择方法相对于MI方法更适合事件相关故事单元的检索.二阶段修剪KNN先对训练集进行修剪,然后再用KNN训练得到分类器,该方法解决了样本混叠以及多中心分布问题.实验结果表明所提出的方法是有效的,明显地提高了事件相关故事单元的检索性能.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于无线公用窄带网络的IRSS(综合远程支援服务系统)。系统将前方外场采集的视频、语音等多媒体信息通过无线公用窄带网络传到后方中心服务器,使后方专家可以对外场提供同步支援。IRSS采用了多P2P服务单元体系结构,对数据进行了快速运动补偿和DCT(离散余弦变换),对视频编码与视频语音传输控制方式进行优化。IRSS在CDMA(码分多址)、GPRS(通用分组无线电业务)等网络上运行良好,使用便捷,数据安全,图像质量良好。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a real-time compact device for inputting handwritten characters to mobile personal digital assistants (PDAs). A novel method for the recognition of online handwritten Chinese characters is presented, giving emphasis to the representation of the patterns using fuzzy logic. The information contained in a character, including shapes of individual strokes and their relative spatial relations, is examined by inference of fuzzy rule base, and the fuzzified representation is organized in a matrix structure. It is well known that Chinese characters are comprised of a set of basic units, representing fundamental meanings. Hence, a unit extraction module is designed to search the possible units within characters. The input character object is recognized by a combination of units with the largest fuzzy confidence degree. The training capability, which provides the unit model set, is performed using the qualitative fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm. An experimental system is implemented that achieves a real-time recognition rate of about 95% with a test set of 550 characters and two cases for each character written by six users. The experimental system has an average real-time recognition speed of 0.5 s/character. The presented approach shows the following two significant advantages over other methods: (1) less training time; and (2) less storage required to store character models. These are two crucial factors in designing PDA devices for mobile communication  相似文献   

An age replacement policy is considered for pairs of units which operate in parallel and which have lifetimes displaying a bivariate exponential distribution. Both units are to be replaced at the same time. The limiting expected cost per unit time is the optimization criterion. The results state that no replacements should be made until at least one of the units in the pair fails. Both units shoould then be replaced either when one fails or when both fail, depending on which procedure involves the smaller limiting expected cost per unit time.  相似文献   

Radiomobile networks, among them GSM, DECT, TETRA, and PCN, are increasingly providing voice and data services to users over vast territories. In radiomobile systems, access to radio channels is controlled by a radio base station which sends and receives digital signals from mobile units in order to implement connections. All the digital messages are time-division multiplexed over one or more control channels, while the information flow is transmitted over shared radio channels. This paper evaluates the performance of the slotted Aloha access method with a superimposed frame structure. Its advantages, especially when channel occupancy is not detectable by all users and/or under particular traffic conditions, are pointed out. The proposed method, which has been incorporated in European trunking system standards such as MPT 1327, is suitable for both private (PMR) and public networks. The method is analyzed in terms of the average number of collisions per unit of time (or frame), with finite and infinite numbers of users, and with fixed and variable frame lengths. The analysis also includes hybrid access, i.e., simultaneous random and dedicated, which mobile fleets, for example, use to send data at a preset rate. In addition, the criteria for sizing frame lengths and investigating the stability of the methods are described. New ways of optimizing network performance are also presented. The results of the simulations are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions  相似文献   

随着5G商业化和标准化的逐步推进,对6G技术的研究也提上了日程。由于其在6G无线通信系统中的巨大应用前景,物联网(IoT)技术引起了人们广泛的兴趣。面向6G的物联网网络需要允许大量设备接入并支持海量数据传输,其鲁棒性和可扩展性至关重要。在物联网中,所述“事物”(用户)可以通过采用各种多功能无线传感器实时收集环境数据。通常来说,收集的数据将反馈到中央单元以进行进一步处理。但是这一机制依赖于中央单元的正常工作,鲁棒性较差。该文提出一种分布式译码算法,该算法通过让各用户之间互相协作,交换信息来实现在各个用户处完成译码。利用分布式译码算法,每个用户可以得到与中心化处理相似的译码性能,从而提高了网络的鲁棒性和可扩展性。同时,相比传统分布式译码算法,该算法不需要每个用户了解网络的拓扑结构,因此为面向6G的高动态物联网提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

一种智能用电管理装置,该装置分别与电力通信网络上的用电互动终端、用电设备和智能电表连接,该装置包括:网络通信单元,智能控制单元,用电采集单元,数据检测处理单元,利用网络通信单元,智能控制单元,用电采集单元,数据检测处理单元结合的构造,实现独立于用电设备使用,还可实时对用电信息进行监测采集和数据监测处理,从而提高了智能用电管理装置实时用电监测的性价比,实现用电安全监控管理功能。该装置已获得国家实用新型专利(专利名称:一种智能用电管理装置,专利号:201520825392.5)。  相似文献   

虽然智能反射表面(IRS)单元可以通过改变相移和反射系数来增强系统性能,但是用户运动和时延等未知因素使反射波束无法准确覆盖用户。为此,提出一种面向移动用户的波束追踪与覆盖增强算法。首先,根据用户的初始位置、运动方向和速度等信息,估算IRS的目标覆盖区域;然后,对IRS单元进行分组,并设计不同分组单元的反射相移使反射波束指向目标区域的相邻位置,进而实现对用户可能位置的有效覆盖;最后,采用注水算法分配由基站(gNB)发射在IRS不同分组单元上的波束功率,实现对目标区域覆盖的增强。  相似文献   

We consider J transmitter units each equipped with N transmit antennas over wireless Rayleigh fading channels. Previously in [1], it was proved that when each transmitter unit has TV transmit antennas, using (J - 1)N + r receive antennas for any r ges 1, the receiver can completely separate the signals of J users. The provided diversity to each user was shown to be Nr if the units employ space-time trellis codes even if the units transmit asynchronously. Here, we consider the case when all units are synchronized and employ quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes (N > 2). It is proved that in this case a receiver with J + r - 1 antennas with r ges 1 can separate the transmitted signals of all units and provide each unit with a diversity order of Nr. Based on our interference cancellation technique, we then offer an array processing scheme which provides trade-off between diversity and spatial multiplexing. It is shown via simulations that this array processing scheme performs better than well-known modulation schemes, e.g. space-time block codes and BLAST, for a moderate number of receive antennas.  相似文献   

Nonorthogonal binary frequency-shift keying is considered in frequency-hopped multiple-access communication systems with Reed-Solomon coding. The effect of tone spacing on the average number of successfully transmitted information bits per unit time per unit bandwidth (called normalized throughput) is examined in Rayleigh fading channels. The tradeoff among tone spacing, code rate, and number of frequency slots in maximizing the normalized throughput is examined, keeping the total bandwidth fixed. The optimal tone spacing, code rate, and number of frequency slots in terms of the number of users and E¯b/N0 is also discussed. The throughput gain attained by using the optimal tone spacing becomes more significant as the number of users is increased  相似文献   

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