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Inhaled hyperpolarized helium-3 (3He) gas is a new magnetic resonance (MR) contrast agent that is being used to study lung functionality. To evaluate the total lung ventilation from the hyperpolarized 3He MR images, it is necessary to segment the lung cavities. This is difficult to accomplish using only the hyperpolarized 3He MR images, so traditional proton (1H) MR images are frequently obtained concurrent with the hyperpolarized 3He MR examination. Segmentation of the lung cavities from traditional proton (1H) MRI is a necessary first step in the analysis of hyperpolarized 3He MR images. In this paper, we develop an active contour model that provides a smooth boundary and accurately captures the high curvature features of the lung cavities from the 1H MR images. This segmentation method is the first parametric active contour model that facilitates straightforward merging of multiple contours. The proposed method of merging computes an external force field that is based on the solution of partial differential equations with boundary condition defined by the initial positions of the evolving contours. A theoretical connection with fluid flow in porous media and the proposed force field is established. Then by using the properties of fluid flow we prove that the proposed method indeed achieves merging and the contours stop at the object boundary as well. Experimental results involving merging in synthetic images are provided. The segmentation technique has been employed in lung 1H MR imaging for segmenting the total lung air space. This technology plays a key role in computing the functional air space from MR images that use hyperpolarized 3He gas as a contrast agent.  相似文献   

Zhu  G. Zeng  Q. Wang  C. 《Electronics letters》2006,42(11):624-626
A novel framework, which combines the region and boundary information in a multiplicative manner, for active contours is proposed. The framework is implemented on the Chan-Vese active contour, which is a popular region-based active contour model. Promising results on real images demonstrate the potential of the novel framework.  相似文献   

Fast greedy algorithm for active contours   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Lam  K.-M. Yan  H. 《Electronics letters》1994,30(1):21-23
The greedy algorithm is a fast iterative method for energy minimisation of snakes for image contour detection. An even faster algorithm is proposed. The new algorithm has the same performance as the conventional greedy algorithm, but reduces the computing time by 30% on average  相似文献   

This paper presents a segmentation and tracking method for quantitative analysis of cell dynamics from in vitro videomicroscopy data. The method is based on parametric active contours and includes several adaptations that address important difficulties of cellular imaging, particularly the presence of low-contrast boundary deformations known as pseudopods, and the occurence of multiple contacts between cells. First, we use an edge map based on the average intensity dispersion that takes advantage of relative background homogeneity to facilitate the detection of both pseudopods and interfaces between adjacent cells. Second, we introduce a repulsive interaction between contours that allows correct segmentation of objects in contact and overcomes the shortcomings of previously reported techniques to enforce contour separation. Our tracking technique was validated on a realistic data set by comparison with a manually defined ground-truth and was successfully applied to study the motility of amoebae in a biological research project.  相似文献   

Fast geodesic active contours   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
We use an unconditionally stable numerical scheme to implement a fast version of the geodesic active contour model. The proposed scheme is useful for object segmentation in images, like tracking moving objects in a sequence of images. The method is based on the Weickert-Romeney-Viergever (additive operator splitting) AOS scheme. It is applied at small regions, motivated by the Adalsteinsson-Sethian level set narrow band approach, and uses Sethian's (1996) fast marching method for re-initialization. Experimental results demonstrate the power of the new method for tracking in color movies.  相似文献   

Localizing region-based active contours   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In this paper, we propose a natural framework that allows any region-based segmentation energy to be re-formulated in a local way. We consider local rather than global image statistics and evolve a contour based on local information. Localized contours are capable of segmenting objects with heterogeneous feature profiles that would be difficult to capture correctly using a standard global method. The presented technique is versatile enough to be used with any global region-based active contour energy and instill in it the benefits of localization. We describe this framework and demonstrate the localization of three well-known energies in order to illustrate how our framework can be applied to any energy. We then compare each localized energy to its global counterpart to show the improvements that can be achieved. Next, an in-depth study of the behaviors of these energies in response to the degree of localization is given. Finally, we show results on challenging images to illustrate the robust and accurate segmentations that are possible with this new class of active contour models.  相似文献   

Integrated active contours for texture segmentation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We address the issue of textured image segmentation in the context of the Gabor feature space of images. Gabor filters tuned to a set of orientations, scales and frequencies are applied to the images to create the Gabor feature space. A two-dimensional Riemannian manifold of local features is extracted via the Beltrami framework. The metric of this surface provides a good indicator of texture changes and is used, therefore, in a Beltrami-based diffusion mechanism and in a geodesic active contours algorithm for texture segmentation. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with that of the edgeless active contours algorithm applied for texture segmentation. Moreover, an integrated approach, extending the geodesic and edgeless active contours approaches to texture segmentation, is presented. We show that combining boundary and region information yields more robust and accurate texture segmentation results.  相似文献   

Statistical shape models are often learned from examples based on landmark correspondences between annotated examples. A method is proposed for learning such models from contours with inconsistent bifurcations and loops. Automatic segmentation of tibial and femoral contours in knee X-ray images is investigated as a step towards reliable, quantitative radiographic analysis of osteoarthritis for diagnosis and assessment of progression. Results are presented using various features, the Mahalanobis distance, distance weighted K-nearest neighbours, and two relevance vector machine-based methods as quality of fit measure.  相似文献   

Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing - The segmentation of intensity inhomogeneity images is always a challenging problem. There are two kinds of intensity inhomogeneities, one associated...  相似文献   

This paper addresses the implementation of image processing and computer vision techniques to automate tracer flow extraction in images obtained by the photochromic dye technique. This task is important in modeled arterial blood flow studies. Currently, it is performed via manual application of B-spline curve fitting. However, this is a tedious and error-prone procedure and its results are nonreproducible. In the proposed approach, active contours, snakes, are employed in a new curve-fitting method for tracer flow extraction in photochromic images. An algorithm implementing snakes is introduced to automate extraction. Utilizing correlation matching, the algorithm quickly locates and localizes all flow traces in the images. The feasibility of the method for tracer flow extraction is demonstrated. Moreover, results regarding the automation algorithm are presented showing its accuracy and effectiveness. The proposed approach for tracer flow extraction has potential for real-system application  相似文献   

Scale space analysis and active contours for omnidirectional images.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new generation of optical devices that generate images covering a larger part of the field of view than conventional cameras, namely catadioptric cameras, is slowly emerging. These omnidirectional images will most probably deeply impact computer vision in the forthcoming years, provided that the necessary algorithmic background stands strong. In this paper, we propose a general framework that helps define various computer vision primitives. We show that geometry, which plays a central role in the formation of omnidirectional images, must be carefully taken into account while performing such simple tasks as smoothing or edge detection. Partial differential equations (PDEs) offer a very versatile tool that is well suited to cope with geometrical constraints. We derive new energy functionals and PDEs for segmenting images obtained from catadioptric cameras and show that they can be implemented robustly using classical finite difference schemes. Various experimental results illustrate the potential of these new methods on both synthetic and natural images.  相似文献   

A framework for the detection and identification of machine faults through vibration measurements and higher order statistics (HOS) analysis is presented. As traditional signal processing techniques are based on the nonparametric magnitude analysis of vibration signals, in this paper, two different state-of-the-art HOS-based methods, namely, a nonparametric phase-analysis approach and a parametric linear or nonlinear modeling approach are used for machine fault diagnostic analysis. The focus of this paper is on the application of the techniques, not on the underlying theories. Each technique is described briefly and is accompanied by an experimental discussion on how it can be applied to classify the synthetic mechanical and electrical faults of induction machines compared with their normality. Promising results were obtained which show that the presented methodologies are possible approaches to perform effective preventive maintenance in rotating machinery  相似文献   

The non-Bayesian detection of an anomaly from a single or a few noisy tomographic projections is considered as a statistical hypotheses testing problem. It is supposed that a radiography is composed of an imaged nonanomalous background medium, considered as a deterministic nuisance parameter, with a possibly hidden anomaly. Because the full voxel-by-voxel reconstruction is impossible, an original tomographic method based on the parametric models of the nonanomalous background medium and radiographic process is proposed to fill up the gap in the missing data. Exploiting this "parametric tomography," a new detection scheme with a limited loss of optimality is proposed as an alternative to the nonlinear generalized likelihood ratio test, which is untractable in the context of nondestructive testing for the objects with uncertainties in their physical/geometrical properties. The theoretical results are illustrated by the processing of real radiographies for the nuclear fuel rod inspection.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new region-based active contour model for extracting the object boundaries in an image, based on techniques of curve evolution. The proposed model introduces an energy functional that involves intensity distributions in local image regions and fuzzy membership functions. The local image intensity distribution information used to guide the motion of the contour, in the paper, is derived by Hueckel operator in the neighborhood of each image point. The parameters of Hueckel operator are estimated by a set of orthogonal Zernike moments before curve evolution. Meanwhile, the fuzzy membership functions are used to measure the association degree of each image pixel to the region outside and inside the contour. To minimize the energy functional, instead of solving the Euler–Lagrange equation of the underlying problem, the paper employs a direct method to compute the energy alterations. As a result, the model can deal with images with intensity inhomogeneity. In addition, the model effectively alleviates the sensitivity to contour initialization. Moreover, the model reduces computational cost, avoids problems associated with choosing time steps as well as allows fast convergence to the segmentation solutions. Experimental results on synthetic, real images and comparisons with other models show the desired performances of the proposed model.  相似文献   

A distributed location system for the active office   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harter  A. Hopper  A. 《IEEE network》1994,8(1):62-70
Distributed systems for locating people and equipment will be at the heart of tomorrow's active offices. Computer and communications systems continue to proliferate in the office and home. Systems are varied and complex, involving wireless networks and mobile computers. However, systems are underused because the choices of control mechanisms and application interfaces are too diverse. It is therefore pertinent to consider which mechanisms might allow the user to manipulate systems in simple and ubiquitous ways, and how computers can be made more aware of the facilities in their surroundings. Knowledge of the location of people and equipment within an organization is such a mechanism. Annotating a resource database with location information allows location-based heuristics for control and interaction to be constructed. This approach is particularly attractive because location techniques can be devised that are physically unobtrusive and do not rely on explicit user action. The article describes the technology of a system for locating people and equipment, and the design of a distributed system service supporting access to that information. The application interfaces made possible by or that benefit from this facility are presented  相似文献   

Tracking leukocytes in vivo with shape and size constrained active contours   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Inflammatory disease is initiated by leukocytes (white blood cells) rolling along the inner surface lining of small blood vessels called postcapillary venules. Studying the number and velocity of rolling leukocytes is essential to understanding and successfully treating inflammatory diseases. Potential inhibitors of leukocyte recruitment can be screened by leukocyte rolling assays and successful inhibitors validated by intravital microscopy. In this paper, we present an active contour or snake-based technique to automatically track the movement of the leukocytes. The novelty of the proposed method lies in the energy functional that constrains the shape and size of the active contour. This paper introduces a significant enhancement over existing gradient-based snakes in the form of a modified gradient vector flow. Using the gradient vector flow, we can track leukocytes rolling at high speeds that are not amenable to tracking with the existing edge-based techniques. We also propose a new energy-based implicit sampling method of the points on the active contour that replaces the computationally expensive explicit method. To enhance the performance of this shape and size constrained snake model, we have coupled it with Kalman filter so that during coasting (when the leukocytes are completely occluded or obscured), the tracker may infer the location of the center of the leukocyte. Finally, we have compared the performance of the proposed snake tracker with that of the correlation and centroid-based trackers. The proposed snake tracker results in superior performance measures, such as reduced error in locating the leukocyte under tracking and improvements in the percentage of frames successfully tracked. For screening and drug validation, the tracker shows promise as an automated data collection tool.  相似文献   

External energies of active contours are often formulated as Euclidean arc length integrals. In this paper, we show that such formulations are biased. By this we mean that the minimum of the external energy does not occur at an image edge. In addition, we also show that for certain forms of external energy the active contour is unstable when initialized at the true edge, the contour drifts away and becomes jagged. Both of these phenomena are due to the use of Euclidean arc length integrals. We propose a non-Euclidean arc length which eliminates these problems. This requires a reformulation of active contours where a single external energy function is replaced by a sequence of energy functions and the contour evolves as an integral curve of the gradient of these energies. The resulting active contour not only has unbiased external energy, but is also more controllable. Experimental evidence is provided in support of the theoretical claims. MRI is used as an example.  相似文献   

在电子对抗系统中,无源定位跟踪系统由于本身不发射电磁波,具有很好的隐蔽性,而提取辐射电磁信号中携带的定位信息的参数,则是实现无源定位的前提和关键.对GPS卫星系统信号加以利用,通过计算出目标反射GPS卫星信号的回波信号相对于直达信号的时延和多普勒频移信息,仿真了一种新的估计算法,为目标的定位提供了基础.  相似文献   

Quantitative evaluation of cardiac function from cardiac images requires the identification of the myocardial walls. This generally requires the clinician to view the image and interactively trace the contours. This method is susceptible to great variability that depends on the experience and knowledge of the particular operator tracing the contours. The particular imaging modality that is used may also add tracing difficulties. Cine-computed tomography (cine-CT) is an imaging modality capable of providing high quality cross-sectional images of the heart. CT images, however, are cluttered, i.e., objects that are not of interest, such as the chest wall, liver, stomach, are also visible in the image. To decrease this variability, investigators have developed computer-assisted or near-automatic techniques for tracing these contours. All of these techniques, however, require some operator intervention to confidently identify myocardial borders. The authors present a new algorithm that automatically finds the heart within the chest, and then proceeds to outline (detect) the myocardial contours. Information at each tomographic slice is used to estimate the contours at the next tomographic slice, thus allowing the algorithm to work in near-apical cross-sectional images where the myocardial borders are often difficult to identify. The algorithm does not require operator input and can be used in a batch mode to process large quantities of data. An evaluation and correction phase is included to allow an operator to view the results and selectively correct portions of contours. The authors tested the algorithm by automatically identifying the myocardial borders of 27 cardiac images obtained from three human subjects and quantitatively comparing these automatically determined borders with those traced by an experienced cardiologist.  相似文献   

Automatic detection of brain contours in MRI data sets   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A software procedure is presented for fully automated detection of brain contours from single-echo 3-D MRI data, developed initially for scans with coronal orientation. The procedure detects structures in a head data volume in a hierarchical fashion. Automatic detection starts with a histogram-based thresholding step, whenever necessary preceded by an image intensity correction procedure. This step is followed by a morphological procedure which refines the binary threshold mask images. Anatomical knowledge, essential for the discrimination between desired and undesired structures, is implemented in this step through a sequence of conventional and novel morphological operations, using 2-D and 3-D operations. A final step of the procedure performs overlap tests on candidate brain regions of interest in neighboring slice images to propagate coherent 2-D brain masks through the third dimension. Results are presented for test runs of the procedure on 23 coronal whole-brain data sets, and one sagittal whole-brain data set. Finally, the potential of the technique for generalization to other problems is discussed, as well as limitations of the technique  相似文献   

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