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The 1998 Ceyhan (Adana, Turkey) earthquake caused major damage to construction on caliche formations. Caliche (a heterogenous secondary calcium carbonate deposit formed in arid and semi-arid regions) is widespread in the Adana area. The paper distinguishes three types of caliche: massive, containing vegetation remains and containing gravel. The porosity, water absorption and unconfined compressive strength of these three groups of caliche were determined. The compressive strengths are low compared to caliches in other areas—an important consideration as Adana is the fourth largest city in Turkey.   相似文献   

The high rates of environmental change and accelerated species loss in the urban development process should be quantified to rebalance the social and environmental dimensions of sustainability. In this study, an emergy-based environmental impact assessment model is designed according to the framework of the Eco-Indicator 99 for monitoring the negative effects on human well-being and ecosystem integrity in the urban development system of Beijing from 1999 to 2006. The environmental impact assessment model is based on the sustainability promotion perspective, and emphasizes the determinants of human health and ecosystem integrity in the urban development process. It is vital that the links among human health, ecosystem integrity and urban sustainability are therefore considered especially from the perspective of a supply-side environmental cost evaluation (including ecological service supply, ecological and economic losses and investment for treatment). Results suggest that: (1) out of all the pollutants, ecological services were mainly used to dilute sulfur dioxide and NH3-N; (2) nitrogen dioxide and greenhouse gases released by the urban system contribute heavily to both ecological and economic losses evaluated in emergy terms; and (3) emissions impact, mainly from airborne pollutants, with small contribution from waterborne emissions, generally increases from 1999 to 2006, undermining the sustainability of Beijing. The emergy synthesis proves to be very appropriate to account for large-scale and indirect costs generated by pollution as side effects of economic activity. Such knowledge is a necessary pre-requisite to perform a reliable cost-benefit evaluation of urban sustainability strategies, and provide guidance for policy decision making to maximize benefits and minimize negative impacts.  相似文献   

Urban agriculture in Africa has been identified as an important income generation and survival strategy among poor and not so poor households. However, official attitudes to urban agriculture vary considerably between and within different African countries. Recent field-based research undertaken in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, reveals that urban agriculture makes a significant contribution to the food basket of many urban households in the city. Despite this contribution, urban agriculture in Lusaka has remained a peripheral issue in urban development strategies and planning policy. Interviews with urban farmers and professionals from various government departments and non-governmental organisations indicate that urban agriculture suffers from a number of factors such as a shortage of land and unsupportive official policy. This paper attempts to illuminate the patterns, processes and decision-making strategies associated with the production of foodstuffs for sale and/or household consumption. The extent to which urban agriculture is being supported or marginalized in Lusaka is examined in the context of evolving strategies for achieving sustainable urban development, poverty alleviation and food security.
Tony Binns (Corresponding author)Email:

Danny Simatele   is a Graduate Researcher in the Department of Geography at the University of Sussex in Brighton, United Kingdom. Tony Binns   is Ron Lister Professor of Geography in the Department of Geography at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.  相似文献   

刘德明  荣玥芳 《华中建筑》2007,25(6):136-137,147
以哈尔滨将继续申办冬奥会为前提,针对哈尔滨城市环境保护、城市安全以及城市文化与特色等提出哈尔滨城市软环境建设规划对策.以期为哈尔滨未来中办冬奥会迎接重大国际赛事提供一个具有可操作性的努力方向以及工作重点.  相似文献   

拉美地区的城市化水平非常高,2011年达到了79.1%,仅次于北美的82.2%。本文首先概述了拉美地区的城市化进程及其特点,即城市首位度高、城市化与经济发展水平不协调、城市治理面临严峻挑战。其次,重点分析了拉美城市化进程中出现的几个最具代表性的城市问题:失业与非正规就业、贫困化、贫民窟与住房问题。最后,针对上述问题从三个方面介绍了拉美的城市治理经验,一是引导人口合理布局,防止盲目城市化;二是柔性治理贫民窟,完善城市住房保障;三是实施一系列减贫政策,从根本上解决城市社会问题。  相似文献   

在中国改革开放的三十年间,城镇化成为了评判地方经济发展与地区社会组织程度和管理水平的重要标准之一。但快速城镇化也造成了城市生态层面及社会资源层面的危机。为了实现可持续的发展观念,平衡生态与发展的关系,我国于1965年正式建立了城市林业学科,并逐步开展了城市林业规划实践。实践中的中国城市林业规划是根源于土地性质的,对所有林地进行规划的土地规划方式。在中国林业规划的发展过程中,规划方式与评价方法逐渐建立与完善,有效地指导了城市林业的发展。但由于土地性质、评价标准与监管体制等根本问题,城市林业规划也显现出其格局局限性、指标片面性与监管执行性等方面的特点与问题。本文通过对中国快速城镇化以来的法律、法规以及相关案例的调查与总结,梳理中国城市林业的发展现状与发展特点,分析其主要问题,求得解决办法。  相似文献   

本文通过对河南郑东新区城市规划实施过程及建设现状的调研分析,归纳总结河南省在城市规划、新区建设、城市运营等方面的经验做法,从而提出我省在提升城乡建设发展理念、集中力量开展"三整治三改造三提升"、创新城建工作机制等方面的具体思路和建议。  相似文献   

关于中国城市行政中心变迁的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳华 《华中建筑》2005,23(3):57-60
该文旨在通过对中国城市行政中心变迁现象的解读,阐释现象背后的深层次含义,挖掘其现象的根本动因,指出城市行政中心建设中的误区与反思,并展望其未来发展的趋势。  相似文献   

夏铸九 《建筑师》2017,(4):55-74
百花齐放的都市史成就展现在出版上,包括了社会与文化取向的都市史、在通史写作之外对都市形式课题与对城市设计的历史研究、威尼斯学派的批判史学以及新马克思主义的历史地理学、社会学与史学等方面的杰出学术贡献。作者指出面对21世纪网络社会的挑战,工业社会崛起时的都市化方法论假设必须通过理论的检验才能面对1980年代后中国大陆都市现实中浮现的悖论性空间与社会。以马克思·韦伯为代表的两方现代城市的普同价值,不仅不易区分中国城市的政治性格与繁华市井的都市氛围,而且面对新的信息技术冲击,在研究分析上显得过时,在实践上难接地气。所以,值得由比较的角度重建亚洲的都市史写作,而规划史则是其中重要的现代专业者反思空间实践的历史环节。  相似文献   

刘永辉 《规划师》2012,28(Z1):85-88
城市人居环境的变迁影响了城市化进程的推进,经济学理论在解释城市经济活动的同时,也对城市人居环境变迁进行了解释。在城市化进程中,城市人口迁移的背后隐含着人们对不同利益的追求,运用蒂博特公共产品最优供给理论可以解释城市人居环境作为公共物品在全球城市化进程中起到的作用。基于此,研究以蒂博特公共产品最优供给理论作为理论支持,对全球城市化进程中的城市人居环境质量进行了经济学分析,得出了城市人居环境变迁对城市化进程走向的重要指导作用。  相似文献   

陈楠  李欣  王艳 《规划师》2007,23(4):11-13
规划建设领域存在开发商利益膨胀、政府角色错位、市民参与规划不积极等问题。在规划工作中应规范建设开发活动、重新定位政府在规划中的角色、促使公众积极参与规划工作,体现公平观。  相似文献   

Haphazard urbanization and unprecedented vehicular growth that exacerbate air quality are prevalent features in India. Coimbatore, an important industrial city ranking 15th in terms of principal urban agglomerations of India, was classified as a moderately polluted area in National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring survey in 1997. The current study (March 1999–February 2001) was undertaken to assess suspended particulate matter (SPM) in urban and suburban Coimbatore. It was found that in the Coimbatore atmosphere SPM with a diameter of less than 10 µm (respirable fraction, RSPM or PM10) and those with a diameter above 10 µm, the non‐respirable (NRSPM) fraction, ranged between 30–149 µg/m3 and 24.4–460 µg/m3 respectively. The study infers that urban areas, especially those with frequent vehicular traffic and traffic congestion, had comparatively high RSPM exceeding the Indian prescribed standards (60 µg/m3). Emission inventory estimated for current vehicle strength showed that about 840 000 kg of particulate matter was emitted during 2001. Wind speed negatively correlated with RSPM, while it was positively correlated with NRSPM. Temperature had a negative correlation with RSPM values.  相似文献   

对1870年以来荷兰的城镇化与城市区域规划发展演化的过程进行阐述,揭示社会的发展改变了多元的公共利益的角色,同时也改变了与其相伴的城市与区域规划的角色.  相似文献   

试论城乡用地一体化规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈玮 《规划师》2002,18(12):63-66
论述城乡用地一体化规划的必要性与现实性,结合实践经验提出城乡用地一体化规划的要点是:统一规划控制范围,打破城乡分割局面;科学规划城镇体系,引导二三产业合理集聚;城乡一体优化生态环境,走可持续发展之路;加强对乡村发展的引导,集约发展小城镇;妥善协调用地利益关系,合理处理土地产权问题。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between climate change and urban development in Africa, especially in sub‐Saharan Africa, and discusses potential adaptation policies for moderating the consequences of climatic changes on urban development in the region.  相似文献   

Differently than in the past, today environmental problems have local, national and international concern. The environmental problems in the Black Sea region are a good example for this phenomenon. These problems have affected all six countries that have shores with the Black Sea. The current study analyses these problems in detail. It intends to detect potential reasons for problems and provide suggestions to solve these problems by considering the economic dimensions. In addition, the impact of problems on the city life is examined. Also, the roles and importance of voluntary organizations on solving environmental problems are emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-criteria decision analysis for environmental risk assessment (ERA) with regard to avoiding and eliminating damages and loss under natural disasters in international airport projects. It starts from an assumption that the strategy of eliminating damages and losses under natural disasters is related to the location selection problem, and it is necessary to use the multi-criteria decision analysis for calculated decision-making support. The paper uses the analytic network process (ANP) to demonstrate one of its utility modes in decision-making support to location selection problems, which aims at an evaluation of different projects from different locations. A set of generic criteria for risk assessment at international projects was put forward to support ANP modelling, and it was due to the consideration of social, technical, economic, environmental and political (STEEP) criteria related to the built, social and natural (BSN) trinity environment of international airport projects. At the end, an experimental case study on three international hub airports in China is given to test the ANP model called ERA.Airport, and it is concluded that ANP can be effectively used for risk assessment in the specific utility mode. The ERA.Airport is a generic multi-criteria decision-making model and can be used across the world for accurate environmental risk assessment for international airports.  相似文献   

在过去的几十年中,美国通过联邦 的环境保护署致力于改良城市空气质量,在 大范围上取得了相当优异的成绩。然而,在 一些重要的工业大都会,空气污染依旧比较 严重。工业排放和依赖传统化石能源的交通 工具被普遍认为是城市空气污染的两个主要 来源。在国外城市规划的相关研究中,经常 探讨污染对居民住房选择的影响,评价社区 发展的公平性与正义性,并提出相应的环境 污染管理政策。然而,很少有研究对环境政 策的效果进行量化评价。本文选择美国德克 萨斯州休斯顿地区作为研究对象,分析研究 空气污染和住房价格之间的潜在联系,回答 空气污染是否对住房价格具有显著影响的 问题。同时,探讨空气污染对不同种族聚居 的社区的影响,以及区域性环境保护政策的效果,特别是对空气质量和住房价格的关系所产生的影响。本研究采用享乐价格模型(hedonic price model),利用休斯顿地区哈里斯县的住房价格来量化城市臭氧污染对社区和人口的影 响,以及房价对当地区域性环境政策的反馈。研究发现哈里斯县的房价符合一般市场规律,即 房价与房龄成负相关,与建筑面积,学区质量,交通可达性和家庭收入等变量成正相关。其次, 可达性等交通分析显示出房价与到城市中心商业区的距离成负相关,这体现出美国城市发展的 模式。另外,通过分析发现,空气污染对城市少数族裔聚集的社区具有不平衡的影响。最后,通 过对联邦环境署在该地区颁布的三个年份(1997年、2008年和2015年)的环境标准进行评估, 显示出环境政策对房价的影响:第一,政策带来的效果具有滞后性;第二,新的环境政策实施 以后,普遍对当地房价具有积极的意义。该研究首次分析了休斯顿地区的空气污染与住房市场 之间的关系,深入地探讨了当地的环境政策,同时以此为实例解释了美国城市发展与环境之间 的联系。  相似文献   

徐泽 《国际城市规划》2012,27(3):107-112
本文认为新一轮省域城镇体系规划的编制要充分认识国家城镇化政策导向变化、国家空间格局演进、政府管活模式转型的宏观背景,注重提高城镇化发展的协调性,提高空间发展的开放性、战略性与统筹水平,理顺条块关系、加强引导和调控功能.在编制方法上要注重关联分析、注重解构分析、注重规划过程的多方协调,提高规划的综合性、针对性和协调性,探索省域城镇体系规划的新范式.  相似文献   

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