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This article examines the question of newspaper journalists’ education in environmental matters, the role of the newspapers as an informal means of environmental education, and the approach of provincial and national newspapers in Greece, noting deficiencies. The minor contribution of scientists to newspaper articles is highlighted.  相似文献   

高等教育质量保障与高校教学质量评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
高等教育评价是现代教育研究的三大领域之一,也是保障高等教育质量的重要途径。借鉴国内外高等教育管理理论的新理念,建立有效的内部、外部保障高等教育质量的评价机制,使其真正发挥保障高等教育质量的作用,是需要深入研究的课题。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步及经济的发展,人类的各种活动正在破坏生态环境。环境科学与环境道德教育进入学校课程已是一种世界性的潮流。通过学校开展生态环境警示教育。乃至提高全民族生态环境保护意识,既是高等教育发展的内在要求。也是现代科学技术发展和人类社会进步的迫切需要。然而,采取什么样的方式来进行环境科学与环境道德教育,目前仍然是一个有待研究的问题。  相似文献   

2016年11月,共青团中央、教育部联合印发《高校共青团改革实施方案》,在共青团改革大局中推进高校共青团改革创新,切实加强和改进高校共青团各项工作和建设。《方案》中对新形势下高校网络平台,尤其是新媒体平台的建设提出了新的要求。当前,网络新媒体已经成为学生生活的一部分,这对高校共青团工作提出了新的要求。因此,与时俱进,探索高校共青团新媒体平台管理的途径与方法,对共青团工作具有积极作用。  相似文献   

The recently published building energy conservation regulation of China (GB50189-2005, 2005 [1]) was compared with the latest UK building energy conservation regulation (Part L) (Building Regulation Approved Document L2A, 2006 [2]). The UK regulation appeared stricter in its requirements and standards than the Chinese regulation. In two case studies, the design of a sample building is altered to fulfil the minimum requirements of the two regulations. The energy consumption and Carbon print of the virtual building under the two set of regulations are estimated by computer based models in the two case studies based on a building in the Cold regions. The building under the UK regulation showed higher energy efficiency and less Carbon emissions per year. The high level estimate in the case studies discovered a potential energy savings of 29% by strengthening the design requirements in the Chinese regulation to the UK level. The improvement on energy efficiency of buildings can be achieved in strengthening the proactive design aspects on building envelope, efficient HVAC, lighting and lighting control system. The software used was SBEM which is the default tool in the UK Part L regulation.  相似文献   

环境问题作为人类面临的共同挑战,日益为国际社会广泛关注。开展环境教育,普及环境科学知识,提高人们的环境意识,是解决环境问题最基本,最有效的措施,如何认识和进行环境教育是广大教育工作应该给予关注的重大课题,笔对其中的几个问题,诸如环境意识、环境教育的目的和方法等进行了研究和探讨,提出了自己的观点和建议。  相似文献   

通过回顾环境设计专业教育的发展历史,指出环境设计是整体的人居环境艺术与设计,该专业的创办具有划时代的意义。另一方面,环境设计正面临着环境艺术或环境设计的基本定位,以及专业整合与学科分化的抉择。研究结果表明,环境设计专业应该继续秉承整体的人居环境设计办学理念,依托"设计学"一级学科,以专业性教育为基本定位,设置合理的本科和研究生课程体系,探索环境设计中的技术科学问题。  相似文献   

Indices of Biological integrity (IBI) are considered valid indicators of the overall health of a water body because the biological community is an endpoint within natural systems. However, prediction of biological integrity using information from multi-parameter environmental observations is a challenging problem due to the hierarchical organization of the natural environment, the existence of nonlinear inter-dependencies among variables as well as natural stochasticity and measurement noise. We present a method for predicting the Fish Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) using multiple environmental observations at the state-scale in Ohio. Instream (chemical and physical quality) and offstream parameters (regional and local upstream land uses, stream fragmentation, and point source density and intensity) are used for this purpose. The IBI predictions are obtained using the environmental site-similarity concept and following a simple to implement leave-one-out cross validation approach. An IBI prediction for a sampling site is calculated by averaging the observed IBI scores of observations clustered in the most similar branch of a dendrogram -a hierarchical clustering tree of environmental observations- built using the rest of the observations. The standardized Euclidean distance is used to assess dissimilarity between observations.The constructed predictive model was able to explain 61% of the IBI variability statewide. Stream fragmentation and regional land use explained 60% of the variability; the remaining 1% was explained by instream habitat quality. Metrics related to local land use, water quality, and point source density and intensity did not improve the predictive model at the state-scale. The impact of local environmental conditions was evaluated by comparing local characteristics between well- and mispredicted sites. Significant differences in local land use patterns and upstream fragmentation density explained some of the model’s over-predictions. Local land use conditions explained some of the model’s IBI under-predictions at the state-scale since none of the variables within this group were included in the best final predictive model. Under-predicted sites also had higher levels of downstream fragmentation.The proposed variables ranking and predictive modeling methodology is very well suited for the analysis of hierarchical environments, such as natural fresh water systems, with many cross-correlated environmental variables. It is computationally efficient, can be fully automated, does not make any pre-conceived assumptions on the variables interdependency structure (such as linearity), and it is able to rank variables in a database and generate IBI predictions using only non-parametric easy to implement hierarchical clustering.  相似文献   

张虹 《高等建筑教育》2023,32(5):156-166
城市建设与规划史课程教学以文化自觉为导向,通过构建认知-理解-反思-自立的课程思政教学框架,结合古今中外城市建设史、城乡规划思想史两大教学板块,从文化自信、道路自信、工匠精神、家国情怀等方面深挖课程思政元素,搭建了主干-支系的课程思政元素融入路径。运用多元教学方式,引导学生学习和继承中国优秀城市规划传统,理解世界城市发展规律,践行行业职业精神,实现知识传授与育人同向同行的课程思政教学目标,以为城乡规划专业相关理论课程思政教学提供参考。  相似文献   

颜莺 《山西建筑》2008,34(7):41-42
讨论了现代社会媒体对建筑行业的冲击以及媒体建筑和建筑媒体之间的联系和互动,评价了当今社会媒体建筑存在的意义和发展走向,指出媒体建筑作为一种新的建筑存在方式所具有的前瞻意义。  相似文献   

Before biological treatment, the effluents from one CTMP (chemi-thermomechanical pulping) and three TMP (thermomechanical pulping) mills were acutely lethal to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and the water flea Ceriodaphnia with 48-h LC50 values of 2.2 to > 50%. The effluents also caused chronic effects at concentrations of 0.01–5.3%. After biological treatment, effluents from the three TMP mills were not acutely lethal to either test species. Biotreated effluents from the CTMP mill were also not acutely lethal to minnows but were lethal to Ceriodaphnia (48-h LC50: 54–80%). The chronic effects of biotreated effluents occurred at concentrations of 47 to > 100% for fathead minnows and at 5–37% for Ceriodaphnia. Biological treatment also reduced the levels of BOD (>80%), COD (>60%) and wood extractives (>99%).  相似文献   

In recent years, several non‐tariff trade provisions have been regarded as means of holding back transboundary environmental damages. Affected countries have then increasingly come up with trade policies to compensate for or to enforce the adoption of environmental policies elsewhere. These non‐tariff trade constraints are claimed to threaten the freedom of trading across nations, as well as the harmonization sought towards the distribution of income and policy measures. Therefore the ‘greening’ of world trade issues essentially ranges over whether there ought or ought not to be a trade‐off between trade and environmental policies. The impacts of free trade and environmental policies on major economic variables (such as trade flows, balances of trade, resource allocation, output, consumption and welfare) are thus studied here, and so is the EKC hypothesis, when such variables are played against the resulting emission levels. The policy response is seen as a political game, played here by two representative parties named North and South. Whether their policy choices, simulated by four scenarios, are right or wrong depends on their policy goals, split into economic and environmental ones.  相似文献   

培养面向产业、面向世界、面向未来,符合新工科要求的一流电气电子信息技术人才,是中国高校新工科建设过程中面临的紧迫任务,向教育发达国家学习和借鉴成功经验是一条有效途径。多伦多大学信息技术人才培养以提高学生的工程与人文素养为特色,以强化多学科交叉融合、丰富学习体验、加强多方协同育人体系为途径,全面贯彻以学生为中心和核心能力培养等教育理念,对新工科建设及卓越工程师培养具有重要启示。  相似文献   

In this study, the performance assessment of empirical models for modelling global solar radiation in Ibadan is presented. The empirical models are derived from the three basic models: Angstrom–Prescott model, Garcia model and Hargreaves–Sammani model. The data used in the analysis consist of daily average global solar radiation, daily average sunshine hours, daily average maximum temperature and daily average minimum temperature collected over a period of nine years (2000–2008). Regression constants are determined for each of the model for each months of the year. The study reveals that Garcia Quadratic model puts up the best overall performance. The model can predict the daily average global solar irradiation with Mean Absolute Error of 1.86?MJ?m?2?day?1, Root Mean Square Error of 2.7?MJ?m?2?day?1, Mean Absolute Percentage Error 9.34% and Coefficient of Determination (R2) of 0.68.  相似文献   

欧洲环境工程专业教育的现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目前,环境工程专业教育在欧洲已得到普遍的重视。1999年8月在瑞士苏黎世市召开的第一届欧洲环境工程教育(Environmental Engineering Education,简称3E)研讨会,就环境工程的内涵与外延、环境工程专业课程设置及环境工程专业设置等开展了广泛的讨论。章就上述几方面的问题作一介绍。  相似文献   

科技馆作为科学教育的主要场所,开展科学教育活动是实现其教育功能的重要手段。从科技馆开展科学教育活动的必要性和意义展开,分析科技馆教育活动应具备的基本特征,结合科技馆教育活动的实践现状分析科技馆的利用情况和存在问题,对科技馆教育活动的概况和内涵进行了剖析。从科技馆科学教育活动的主体、受体、教育理念、服务及运营等层面,提出打造科技馆特色教育活动、发挥科技馆教育功能的建议,旨在将科技馆塑造成为公众接受的终身教育场所。  相似文献   

介绍了城市勘测电子档案的研究背景,阐述了电子档案的研究内容,在此基础上通过建立高效的业务管理系统,开展电子档案的资源整合和开发利用,解决了城市勘测行业电子档案管理存在的问题,从而提高城市勘测成果的可靠性和共享利用水平.  相似文献   

文章从学生选拔、课程设置、企业实习、就业状况等方面对法国工程师教育模式进行了探析。法国的工程师教育招生严格,学生起点高;课程设置和内容与企业需求密切相关,并能根据企业的需求不断调整;企业实习已成为工程师教育的重要组成部分。与之相比,中国现有的工科教育存在不够重视学生综合素质的培养、教学与企业实际需求脱节等问题。对此,中国工科教育可适当借鉴法国工程师教育模式,推行精英教育,办出高质量、有特色的工科院校。  相似文献   

加强青少年科技教育对培养科技后备人才至关重要,因此,高校应突破传统的人才培养观念,主动开发科教资源,与中学衔接,面向广大青少年开展多层次的科技教育与科技体验活动。通过提高认识、完善制度、建立机制,文章提出组建科教专家团,开发共享科技教育基地,打造科技体验品牌活动,与中学协同开展青少年科技教育,培养青少年严谨客观的科学态度、开拓创新的科学精神和求真务实的科学素质。  相似文献   

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