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自行设计研发了以活性炭海绵作为膜基材的动态膜生物反应器,为污水处理的提标排放及资源化利用提供了科学依据及实际参考价值。详细考察了该反应器对污染物的去除效果和运行特性,通过和现有污水处理厂处理效果比较,探索活性炭海绵基材动态膜生物反应器用于城市污水提标改造的可行性。结果表明,在水力停留时间8h、污泥浓度8 000mg/L的条件下,活性炭海绵动态膜生物反应器出水COD、NH3-N、TN和TP浓度分别≤35.0mg/L、≤1.4mg/L、≤10.2mg/L和≤0.3mg/L,出水达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》GB18918 2002一级A标准。活性炭的吸附性能和海绵的空间结构特征协同作用强化了系统对污染物的去除效果,活性炭海绵动态膜生物反应器可完全取代现有污水厂深度处理工艺应用于提标改造。曝气反冲洗可有效减缓出水通量下降,使系统出水通量稳定在30L/(m2·h)左右。  相似文献   

The paper addresses physico-chemical treatment of biologically treated distillery effluent using conventional and non-conventional coagulants. Conventional coagulants, viz. ferrous sulphate, ferric sulphate, and alum were used during the study. Ferrous sulphate in combination with lime was found to be optimal which could remove 78.50 percent COD with efficient removal of colour. Further, commercially available polyelectrolyte aid, Percol 47 was found to be suitable for the reduction of ferrous sulphate requirement from 20?gL ?1 to 10?gL ?1 , which produced the same quality of effluent without affecting the overall efficiency of the treatment. Non-conventional coagulants viz. wastewater from an iron pickling industry and titanium ore processing industry were also evaluated. The iron pickling wastewater also removed 86.8 percent and 92.5 percent residual COD and BOD, respectively, from the biologically treated distillery effluent. Further, commercial activated carbon was assessed for polishing the effluent after treatment with coagulants. A dose of 8?gL ?1 of carbon with contact time of 45 minutes was found to be optimal. The effluent generated after treatment with activated carbon had COD concentrations less than the discharge standard for inland surface water as prescribed by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), Government of India.  相似文献   

崇福皮革厂的废水通过加碱预处理,并加阳离子PAM絮凝沉淀后,再用活性污泥法处理取得良好的效果,生物反应段对COD的去除率高达85%。后续通过投加少量粉末活性炭进一步强化处理,出水COD〈85mg/L。  相似文献   

粉末活性炭/污泥回流工艺强化膜前预处理的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用粉末活性炭(PAC)吸附/混凝沉淀/浸没式超滤膜组合工艺处理苏州市某河水,考察了PAC/污泥回流工艺对膜前预处理的强化效果及对膜污染的影响,并与常规混凝沉淀、污泥回流强化混凝沉淀、PAC吸附/混凝沉淀等3种预处理工艺进行了对比。结果表明,PAC/污泥回流强化预处理工艺对浊度、DOC、UV254和THMFP的去除率分别为80.2%、47.5%、42.3%和52.3%,均比其他预处理工艺的高,对MW30 ku和MW1 ku有机物的去除效果明显。PAC/污泥回流强化预处理和超滤膜组合工艺对浊度、DOC、UV254和THMFP的去除率分别可达到99.2%、54.1%、47.2%和60.2%;经过15 d的运行,超滤膜的跨膜压差基本保持稳定,而其他预处理工艺虽能在一定程度上减轻膜污染,但无法避免不可逆膜污染的发生。  相似文献   

C. Lubello  S. Caffaz  R. Gori  G. Munz   《Water research》2009,43(18):4539-4548
In this paper, a modified version of the IWA-ASM1 model capable of correctly simulating the production of solids over a wide range of solids retention time (SRT) is presented. The parameters of the modified model have been estimated by integrating the results of respirometric and titrimetric tests with those of studies conducted on pilot scale plants that treat industrial wastewaters of differing characteristics.On the basis of the experimental results and their subsequent processing, it appears that the production of solids may be satisfactorily estimated using the modified model in which fractions XP and XI are supposed to be hydrolysable with a first-order kinetic.In the cases that were examined, the constant of the aforementioned kinetics was estimated to be ki = 0.012 d−1 and ki = 0.014 d−1, for tannery and textile wastewater respectively.A reliable calibration of the parameter ki was possible when data relative to the experiment conducted in the pilot plants for no less than 60 d and in conditions of complete solid retention was utilized.  相似文献   

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