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A laboratory study using a bench scale model of two unit operations involved processes of coagulation (using Moringa oleifera seeds as a natural coagulant) and flocculation-sedimentation have been adopted to treat the leachate from Air Hitam Sanitary Landfill at Puchong in Malaysia. The results of this study has shown, that M. oleifera has a potential for the removal of heavy metals from the leachate, and may be used as a pre-treatment stage for biological treatment to eliminate a portion of the toxic heavy metals, which limit the activity of micro-organisms in the leachate.  相似文献   

Seasonal samples were taken from four selected stations on the Habbaniya lake, middle of Iraq during 1997, to study six heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni, Mn, and Zn), in water suspended particles, sediments and aquatic plants. Five plant species were collected, represented the most dominant in the lake, namely Myriophyllum verticillatum, Potamogeton crispus, P. pectinatus, Ceratophyllum demersum and Vallisnaria spiralis . Zn had the highest concentration among the studied metals in filtered water and suspended particles with an average of 4.08 w g/l and 26088 w g/g, respectively. Whereas, Mn had the highest in the sediments and all studied aquatic plants, which ranged between 213.3- 2027 w g/g and 100-1725 w g/g, respectively, Meanwhile, Cd had the lowest concentration in all studied samples.  相似文献   

随着高校教育体制改革的逐步推进,出现了减少必修课而增加选修课、减少课程学时、部分考试课程逐步转变为考查课程三个发展趋势。这种趋势有利于提高教学的效率和效果,但建筑类高校教师在授课过程中也遇到了一些困难,例如学生对待必修课和选修课投入的精力不同、课程学时减少但授课内容不变甚至增加、考查课程难以检验最终的教学成果等,针对这些问题,三段再现式教学不失为一种有效方法。本文将对建筑学教学中的三段再现式教学方法进行一些有益的探讨。  相似文献   

王栋  杨锦春 《建筑与文化》2016,(12):136-137
建筑节能的议题在当下越来越受重视,对于办公建筑而言,在单位面积各类围护结构中,通过外窗散失的能量是较多的,而合理的遮阳设计将能阻挡绝大部分的太阳直射辐射,降低外窗的能耗。笔者通过数值模拟的方法,对办公室南向外窗遮阳构件尺寸进行定量化模拟分析,使其满足室内光热环境的要求,以最大限度地降低能耗,并为遮阳构件与立面的整合设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Epidemiologic research into the causes of non-specific symptoms among office workers has produced a variety of conflicting findings which are difficult to synthesize. This paper first discusses methodologic issues important in the interpretation of epidemiologic studies, and then reviews the findings of 32 studies of 37 factors potentially related to office worker symptoms. Among environmental factors assessed, there were generally consistent findings associating increased symptoms with air-conditioning, carpets, more workers in a space, VDT use, and ventilation rates at or below 10 liters/second/person. Studies with particularly strong designs found decreased symptoms associated with low ventilation rate, short-term humidification, negative ionization, and improved office cleaning, although studies reviewed showed little consistency of findings for humidification and ionization. Relatively strong studies associated high temperature and low relative humidity with increased symptoms, whereas less strong studies were not consistent. Among personal factors assessed, there were generally consistent findings associating increased symptoms with female gender, job stress/dissatisfaction, and allergies/asthma. For other environmental or personal factors assessed, findings were too inconsistent or sparse for current interpretation, and there were no findings from strong studies. Overall evidence suggested that work related symptoms among office workers were relatively common, and that some of these symptoms represented preventable physiologic effects of environmental exposures or conditions. Future research on this problem should include blind experimental and case-control studies, using improved measurements of both environmental exposures and health outcomes  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the phenomenon sick building syndrome and related concepts, and proposes a theoretical model, the Office Environment Model, to explain the relationship between office environment and health. The sick building syndrome should be thought of as a figurative concept of everyday language, rather than as a single disease entity. This is because the phenomenon consists of several types of relations between different environmental determinants and health. Based on Popper's framework of three worlds, the model divides the office environment ontologically into physical and social, and the health outcomes into physiological and psychological. The outcome is further categorized into two dimensions: anatomic site (eyes, respiratory tract, skin, and central nervous system), and hypothesized underlying mechanism (mechanical irritation and inflammation, immunological reaction, toxicity, infection, and environmental psychological stress). The model stipulates the following types of causal relations. The physical environment causes physical and psychological effects via physiological and/or psychological processes. The social environment causes physical and psychological effects via psychological processes. The physical and social environment may have synergistic effects, and constitutional factors such as gender and atopy are additional determinants of the outcomes, as well as possible modifiers of the relations between environment and health. To understand the health effects of the office environment, it is necessary to focus separately on different determinant-outcome relations, bearing in mind that the different determinants affect human health concurrently and sometimes the effects may be synergistic.  相似文献   

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