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高贝利特硫铝酸盐水泥具有早期强度高、后期强度发展好的特点,生产能耗低且CO2排放量少。从固废原料的利用、水泥制备工艺与水泥性能3个层面,综述了固体废弃物制备高贝利特硫铝酸盐水泥的研究现状;并提出固废制备高贝利特硫铝酸盐水泥需进一步研究和解决的问题,如大宗固废原料的利用、全固废制备技术及固废重金属固化、溶出评价等,亦为今后理论研究与实践发展的新路径。  相似文献   

人口增长、迅速城镇化、工业化和经济发展导致在全球范围内以惊人的速度产生大量固体废弃物(以下简称固废),所以最大限度地利用固废生产绿色建材是当今材料业的一个研究热门。水泥作为一种最常见的软土固化剂,大量的生产造成了一定的环境破坏和资源消耗,而一些固废经过粉化之后,存在较好的水化活性,具有一定的胶凝性能,故利用这些固废替代水泥用于制作软土固化剂存在可能性。目前关于固废在软土固化剂上的研究较少,因此,利用固废研制一种软土固化剂,用来替代水泥,不仅能够节约资源,而且能够有效的保护环境。  相似文献   

In order to contribute to better resource efficiency and industrial waste management leading to a sustainable production and consumption pattern new processes must be developed, which should be operated in such a way that waste production is reduced or avoided. Fluoride removal by precipitation generates huge amounts of a water rich sludge. Calcium fluoride is not recovered from the waste streams and it is not recycled due to the high water content and the low quality of the sludge. Crystallization process in a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) appears as an alternative technology to the conventional chemical precipitation process. In the crystallization process in a FBR silica sand is usually used as seed material, however silica is a deleterious impurity because it causes losses in the yield of HF and its content should be less than 1%. In this paper, granular calcite has been used as seed material in order to obtain synthetic calcium fluoride. According to the composition (CaF(2)>97%, SiO(2)<1%), the synthetic calcium fluoride from the crystallization process in a FBR is able to be recycled as raw material for the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid leading to a reduction of raw materials consumption. The crystallization process in a FBR to remove fluoride from industrial wastewaters contributes to an environmental friendly production, because it allows to reduce the waste production as well as to increase the recovery of materials.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾日益增多,阻碍了城市的可持续发展。焚烧作为一种成熟、先进、处理量大、有用资源可回收利用的处理技术在我国大中城市得到了广泛的应用。但是,焚烧后的炉渣仍占到了原始垃圾重量的20%-30%,且数量随着焚烧量的增加而增加。文中探讨了填埋、堆肥、焚烧等3种城市生活垃圾处理技术研究现状,并且焚烧炉渣具有稳定的物理和化学性质,因此对其进行资源化再利用,进行新型墙材研发是可行的。  相似文献   

废弃玻璃在当今城镇固体废弃物中占有很大比例,大量的堆积引起了一系列的环境和资源浪费问题。目前废弃玻璃的回收利用可以分为自身的循环利用与其他领域的应用两大类,而将其应用到混凝土领域里无疑是大量处理废弃玻璃的最佳途径。废弃玻璃既可用作混凝土骨料,又可用做混凝土的掺合料。发达国家对此已开展了多年研究,在各种类型的混凝土中都做了有益的尝试,取得了一些成果。研究表明:将废弃玻璃应用于混凝土中在生态、经济及工程方面都能取得较好的效益,前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

通过分析烧结陶粒生产工艺及产排污节点,系统梳理了陶粒窑烟气执行的大气污染物排放标准,探讨了近年来研究较多的淤泥等固废制备陶粒过程执行现有标准可能存在的问题,为相关陶粒制备企业提供参考。  相似文献   

The use of cement kilns for managing solid and hazardous wastes is facilitated by the high temperature, long gas retention periods, natural alkaline environment, minimum amount of waste produced and high thermal capacity. The main benefits include energy recovery, conservation of fossil fuels, reduction in cement production costs and the use of already existing facilities.
The test burns conducted in cement kilns worldwide have demonstrated very high destruction efficiencies for most stable organic compounds, with toxic contaminants barely above the background levels.
There are several cement plants in the US and Europe presently using solid and hazardous wastes as supplementary fuel. The application of this technology in Australia has been ignored in the past. An international conference (Kilnburn'92) on the role of cement kilns in waste management was held recently in Australia and has enhanced the implementation of this technology in Australia.  相似文献   

Little is known about the geotechnical properties of waste materials, either in their initial state or after various levels of decomposition. Such information is critical when assessing the stability of waste fills during placement, and at the time of closure and rehabilitation. Recent efforts to address these particular concerns remain in developmental stages, and practical problems persist with regards to in‐situ or laboratory scale testing. In addition, the complexity of the problems is increased due to the variability in composition, placement conditions and levels of decay of the various constituents of the waste fills. This paper describes laboratory experiments that were conducted to establish relevant shear strength parameters for municipal solid waste. The shear strength testing was accomplished by using a large direct shear apparatus specifically designed and developed for the purpose. Results from the laboratory‐testing program are then applied in conducting geotechnical stability analyses at a major sea fill along the Mediterranean shore. A parametric sensitivity analysis affecting stability is also presented.  相似文献   

In connection with its research and development work the Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH München (GSF) has successfully developed and tested methods for the final disposal of low and medium radioactive waste in 200 litre containers at the Asse salt mine. The low radioactive waste (LLW) was disposed of in chambers using various methods. The medium radioactive waste (MLW) was transported in single radiation shielding containers of almost 9 t weight into the former rocksalt mine. Subsequently the 200 l containers were lowered into the storage chamber. Analysis of past experience indicated that the storage methods as developed could be improved upon. Under the direction of the Reprocessing Project (PWA: Projekt Wiederaufarbeitung) in Kalrsruhe an R & D programme was started for the containerless final disposal of low and medium radioactive waste with subsequent consolidation in situ into a quasi-monolithic block. The process consists of the following steps: The low and medium radioactive waste produced in a reprocessing plant is processed into a 5 mm cement granulate. The hardened cement granulate is mixed in an aboveground installation with a cement slurry. The mixed product is dosed with additives and channelled under gravity down a vertical conduit of only 60 mm diameter into 75 000 cm3 caverns. Several other parties are involved in the project, which has been underway since 1976 in three main phases.
  • Phase I Proof of technical feasibility in principle
  • Phase II Preparation of a detailed technical concept
  • Phase III Large scale testing with 1 000 m3 inactive simulated product and transport of this product down approx. 1 000 m production pipe into the 10 000 m3 prototype cavern at Asse.
  • The caverns are constructed either conventionally, i.e. drilling and blasting or part-face heading machies or by solution mining in rock salt structures. This paper deals in particular with the drilling engineering, problems and solutions, and the storage area construction and sealing techniques.  相似文献   

    我国建筑能耗巨大,其中墙体材料生产能耗占建筑能耗的比例最大。文章介绍了我国墙体材料生产对能源、资源和环境的影响现状,分析了我国利用工业废渣、城市垃圾和固体废弃物作为墙体材料生产原料的可行性,提出墙体材料生产发展的方向。  相似文献   

    人类进入21世纪后,面临社会、经济、环境等诸多问题,可持续发展已成为人类的必然选择。文中对城市生活垃圾现状及卫生填埋、堆肥、焚烧等处理方法的优缺点进行了阐述,指出必须对垃圾进行减量化、无害化、资源化处理,为我国21世纪的可持续发展打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

    固体废弃物的增加已经成为环境污染和阻碍城市可持续发展的主要因素,本文在研究文献的基础上,探讨了煤矸石、建筑废弃物、农作物秸秆在建筑材料中的资源化利用。指出了这些固体废弃物处理过程中主要存在的问题、对人类生态环境带来的危害,并展望了其应用前景。  相似文献   

    镁基胶凝材料具有可多元改性的特点,与各种材料表面的亲和兼容性较好,力学强度优于钙质胶凝材料,防火性能达A1级。将镁基胶凝材料与固体废弃物资源化再生利用相结合,制备建筑材料,既可解决固废大量堆放占用土地和影响环境的问题,又能节约生产建材消耗的部分资源,具有重要的环境效益和社会效益,实现了环境保护、资源节约、循环经济的多赢。  相似文献   

    System analysis for solid waste management has received wide attention from both economic and environmental planners because of the complex nature of these multi-faceted linkages between source generation, collection, recycling, treatment, and disposal. One of the recent issues in the operational program is how to properly handle the impacts due to various solid waste streams generated with varying heating values in different service area, which have to be destined for incineration and disposal. This paper explores a new idea that the optimal shipping strategy could be rearranged or reorganized from time to time with respect to the varying quantity and quality of solid waste streams in order to meet both the energy recovery and throughput requirements simultaneously in a solid waste management system. Through the application of goal programming models, research findings in this paper clearly indicate that such a management strategy may provide flexibility for those metropolitan regions where the problems of rapid growth of solid waste generation, residents' reluctance to adopt recycling activities, and insufficient incineration capacity must be taken into account at one time. A case study for the western Taipei County in Taiwan shows the application potential of such a methodology.  相似文献   

    从资源体系、资源分布、资源日历、资源主导性、资源搭配、人力资源、资源风险、资源优化等角度综合比较分析了MS Project、P3、清华斯维尔、梦龙智能项目管理等项目管理软件中的资源管理理念、方式、功能,并就它们的不足进行了适当补充。另外,还就软件适用范围做了探讨。  相似文献   

    城市大宗固废资源化于制备建材是消纳固废的重要手段,本研究初步建立起科学合理的城市大宗固废制备绿色建筑材料的环境评价体系,以企业为主体,结合生产过程中的大气排放和建材产品使用和废弃时可浸出重金属进行评价,有助于提升我国固废资源化利用的整体技术水平,促进我国建材和建筑业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

    This paper identifies and discusses, within a resource economics perspective, some of the most important legal dimensions of the Gordon‐Franklin dam controversy in Australia. This analysis demonstrates the existence of specific shortcomings in the Australian natural resources legislation. Three basic changes in this legislation are proposed to palliate these shortcomings. These are: (i) the requirement that natural resource use decisions be based on a systematic decision‐making procedure, the specifics of which are presented in the paper; (ii) the opening up of these decisions to the process of judicial review; and (iii) the extension of locus standi rules to individuals or groups who do not have a proprietary interest in a natural resource case. It is shown that these changes would provide a framework for the peaceful resolution of other natural resource conflicts in Australia.  相似文献   

    周春艳  金虹 《华中建筑》2011,29(7):39-41
    该文采用全生命周期的分析方法,比较在采用相同保温措施的情况下,与普通保温墙体相比,三种形式的被动集热墙在全寿命周期的范围内的采暖能源消耗、温室气体及固体废弃物排放情况.通过比较分析可以看出,直接受益式和附加阳光间式集热墙体在能源消耗、温室气体和固体废弃物的排放量上均小于对比房,在环境影响上具有明显的优越性;集热蓄热墙的...  相似文献   

    自新世纪以来,随着我国经济飞速发展,各地掀起建设会展建筑的热潮。作为大空间公建,若设计不当,势必产生巨大能耗,给社会资源造成浪费。本文从会展建筑节能设计出发,首先通过国内外会展建筑发展,指出当前其在方面存在的问题,并阐述相关解决方式及途径。基于生态会展业和中美绿色建筑评估体系,本文最后提出会展建筑节能评价体系之展望。  相似文献   

    张瑞敏  韩玉杰 《山西建筑》2014,(26):206-207
    对目前城市中存在的生活垃圾、固体废弃物、大气污染、噪声、水环境污染严重的问题进行了论述,从城市规划与环境保护的角度入手,提出了城市规划建设中保护环境的对策,以真正做到人口、资源与环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

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