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结合工程实例 ,从设计方案选择、设计方法、应用效果等方面 ,介绍了利用深基础做地下架空层的应用 ,指出利用深基础做地下架空层可以合理利用土地 ,可取得良好的经济效益。 相似文献
Amy Murphy 《Journal of Architectural Education》2013,67(2):234-242
Most apocalyptic films are considered dystopian based on their aesthetic terms, yet many of their narratives are structured in such a way to reveal our society's larger utopian desires—particularly in terms of our future relationship with nature, the role of the individual in society, and particular ideals of community life. This article traces several dominant themes found within this genre of cinema as related to contemporary urban design solutions and recent post-disaster strategies, in order to expose what collectively we may be hoping for, as well as still fear. 相似文献
随着21世纪我国经济持续发展,电梯行业新一轮竞争的到来,群雄并起、诸侯列国、谁主沉浮。电梯企业仿佛江河中的小舢板,在市场经济大潮中,如何将小舢板演变为大轮船,最后打造成一艘坚不可摧的航空母舰驶进太平洋,以适应全球经济一体化的市场需求,为什么有些企业在千变万化、激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,长久保持了企业可持续发展,而有些企业还未来得及咸鱼翻身却折戟沉沙、销声匿迹,最终被迫破产解体或被残酷的竞争淘汰出局。 相似文献
中央空调是技术性要求较高.涉及面较广的大型耗能设备。近几年来.中央空调的使用日益广泛.其能耗所占社会总能耗的比例也日益增大。据有关资料显示.七十年代末,我国建筑能耗仅占总能耗的17.66%,低于欧美,前苏联等国家,而现在已接近全国总能耗的30%.基本与欧美等发达国家相同,增长速度很快。据专家推算.仅一座2万平方米的建筑.能耗最高和最低之比.每年运行费用就相差100多万元.节能潜力很大,因此研究中央空调节能技术意义巨大。 相似文献
1.1987年10月下旬,我大学毕业经过一番辗转后从桂林来到南宁,那时已是秋天,朝阳路上依然绿树成荫,浓密的扁桃树在天空下犹如一片绿色的浮云,苍翠欲滴。走在街上,能明显感觉到 相似文献
从现代单元式住宅反观中国传统住宅, 两种住宅和两种生活有很大的不同。传统住宅有一些有趣的布局,传统生活中有一些有趣的情景是现代单元住宅所缺乏的。文章从几个片断进行探索,试图把两者进行一点结合,使一些传统的生活方式得以继承。 相似文献
Tianzhen Hong Fred Buhl Philip Haves Stephen Selkowitz Michael Wetter 《Building Simulation》2008,1(3):210-213
This paper presents an approach for comparing the computer run time of building simulation programs. The computing run time
of a simulation program depends on several key factors, including the calculation algorithm and modeling capabilities of the
program, the run period, the simulation time step, the complexity of the energy models, the run control settings, and the
software and hardware configurations of the computer used to run the simulation. To demonstrate this approach, we ran simulations
for several representative DOE-2.1E and EnergyPlus energy models. We then compared and analyzed the computer run times of
these energy models. 相似文献
V. L. Polyakov 《Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology》2009,31(6):345-353
The article presents a number of formulas for relative volume concentrations of the suspension and sediment, head loss in a uniform medium obtained as a result of a strict decision of mathematical problems of filtration of a constant discharge with linear and nonlinear mass-exchange kinetics. The procedure of accurate computation of the relative filter run time based on indicated formulas on the basis of maximum admissible quality of water purification and head loss in the medium. Using numerous typical examples we investigated the impact of the initial concentration of the suspension and sorption properties of the filtration material on the time of the filter efficient performance. 相似文献
Kamal S. Tawfiq
Joseph A. Caliendo
《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》1993,12(8):739-762A testing program was undertaken in which the effectiveness of polyethylene sheeting in mitigating downdrag in cohesionless soils was investigated using a direct shear apparatus and a rod shear test. A large number of concrete blocks were prepared in the laboratory and furnished with various arrangements of polyethylene sheets. These arrangements included samples with one or two sheets with fixed or free boundary conditions. The concrete-polyethylene-soil samples were tested in the laboratory under different temperatures and shearing rates. Based on the parameters used in this investigation, the obtained results demonstrated that the polyethylene sheets can be used as a friction reducer in piles. Using single layer of polyethylene sheeting reduced the skin friction by 62–67% depending on the soil type. The best arrangement was found in the two free 0·15 mm polyethylene sheets. This setup increased the effectiveness of the sheets to 77%. Lubricating the two sheet arrangement with mineral oil improved the effectiveness to 98%. Considering the effect of the shearing rate and the temperature on the behaviour of the lubricated sheets, a formula is suggested 相似文献
Philip Thiel 《Journal of Architectural Education》2013,67(3):100-104
The image that most readily comes to mind in connection with the university and its attempts, in professional design schools, to comprehend and cope with the problems of the bio-social and physical environment, is that of the five blind men who discovered an elephant and respectively conceived it as very much like a tree, a rope, a wall, a fan and a spear. 相似文献
陈思齐 《建设科技(建设部)》2021,(20):22-26
现代木结构建筑通过对森林资源的长周期利用,延长了森林固碳时间,减少了碳排放.从建筑全寿命期的角度,木结构在取材、运输、建设、运行、维护和拆除等各个环节都具有显著的低碳环保优势.秉持可持续森林管理理念发展木结构,是对现有建筑形式的有益补充,可为建筑业实现碳中和作出贡献. 相似文献
观察行业大势,记录风云事件,与建材行业同行,我们走过了2003。 “文章满纸书生累”。2003年,《中国建材》记录了建材行业多少事!回望梳理,六大主题汇集成了建材行业2003主旋律—— “神五”飞升,与玻璃工业五十年同贺; 水泥大会,水泥工程界打开国际市场大门; 抗击“非典”,建材行业冲破险阻持续发展; 名牌荟萃,绿色建材大推展; 打假扶优,服务建设推陈出新; 三分天下,水泥结构调整合纵连横成格局。 “谈笑凯歌还”。辞旧迎新之际,让我们一起重温建材行业风云际会的2003—— 《中国建材》第11期发表了热情洋溢… 相似文献
《建设机械技术与管理》编辑部 《建设机械技术与管理》2007,20(1):23-36
年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同.时势在变、环境在变、中国在变、世界在变,中国的工程机械产业又该如何应对这种迅捷的变迁? 相似文献