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Astolfi, Ortega, and Venkatraman (2010) recently proved the existence of a globally exponentially convergent speed observer for general Euler–Lagrange systems. Key to their result, is a function defined by certain integrals which cannot be solved a priori, and may not have explicit analytic solutions. In this paper, this obstacle to a constructive design is removed and equations that solve the speed observer problem are given in closed form. The design is further simplified by removing up to one third of the observer states used in Astolfi et al. (2010). With the significant reduction in complexity, the new observer is easily applied to estimate the angular velocities in a Furuta pendulum example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a new discontinuous output feedback tracking controller for a class of uncertain, nonlinear, multi-input/multi-output, mechanical systems whose dynamics are first-order differentiable. A novel filter design and Lyapunov-type stability analysis are used to prove semi-global asymptotic tracking. As a by-product of the proposed framework, we also present the design of a new simple, discontinuous velocity observer that ensures global asymptotic velocity observation.  相似文献   

Full-order observer design for a class of port-Hamiltonian systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a special class of port-Hamiltonian systems for which we propose a design methodology for constructing globally exponentially stable full-order observers using a passivity based approach. The essential idea is to make the augmented system consisting of the plant and the observer dynamics to become strictly passive with respect to an invariant manifold defined on the extended state-space, on which the state estimation error is zero. We first introduce the concept of passivity of a system with respect to a manifold by defining a new input and output on the extended state-space and then perform a partial state feedback passivation which leads to the construction of the observer. We then illustrate this observer design procedure on two physical examples, the magnetic levitation system and the inverted pendulum on the cart system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of the velocity estimation from position measurement for linear mechanical systems (with multiple degrees of freedom) subject to single non-smooth impacts, both elastic and inelastic (i.e., with coefficient of restitution e=1 and e(0,1), respectively). Through a simple example, it is shown that a classical Luenberger observer is not able to reproduce instantaneously the jumps in the mass velocities, since it recovers the error induced by such jumps only asymptotically: an infinite sequence of impacts can prevent the estimation error to asymptotically go to zero. A new observer structure is proposed for linear mechanical systems subject to single unilateral constraints, that guarantees that the corresponding error dynamics are exponentially stable, also in presence of an infinite sequence of non-smooth impacts. The observer that we propose switches at the impact times, that can be recognized by position measurements only. To validate the proposed observer, both simulation and experimental tests have been carried out and are briefly reported, pointing out the drawbacks and advantages of the observer.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a method for constructing exponentially convergent control laws for n-dimensional nonholonomic systems in power form. The methodology is based on the construction of a series of nested invariant manifolds for the closed-loop system under a linear control law. A recursive algorithm is presented which uses these manifolds to construct a three-dimensional system in power form. It is shown that the feedback controller for the original system is the one for this three-dimensional system with a proper choice of the gains.  相似文献   

多变量非线性系统的间接模糊输出反馈自适应控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对一类多输入多输出非线性不确定系统,提出一种基于观测器的模糊间接自适应控制方法,并基于李亚普诺夫函数方法,导出了输出反馈控制律以及参数的自适应律,证明了整个控制方案不但能保证闭环系统稳定,而且取得了良好的跟踪控制性能。  相似文献   

For nonlinear single-input single-output systems , the relationships for a state transformation into the nonlinear observer canonical form are developed. It is possible to dimension a nonlinear observer by an eigenvalue assignment without solving the nonlinear partial differential equations for the transformation, if the transformed nonlinearities are linearized about the reconstructed state. With reference to the extended Kalman filter algorithm, this nonlinear observer design is called the extended Luenberger observer.  相似文献   

This paper deals with fault detection for nonlinear continuous-time systems. A procedure based on interval analysis is proposed to build a guaranteed qLPV (quasi-Linear Parameter-Varying) approximation of the nonlinear model. The interval qLPV approximation makes it possible to derive two point observers which estimate respectively the lower and the upper bound of the state vector using cooperativity theory. A set guaranteed to contain the actual value of the residual is then designed. The modelling uncertainties and measurement errors are taken into account at the design stage. The proposed methodology is illustrated through numerical simulations.  相似文献   

S.N. Huang  K.K. Tan  T.H. Lee 《Automatica》2005,41(12):2161-2162
In Kim et al. [(1997) A dynamic recurrent neural-network-based adaptive observer for a class of nonlinear systems. Automatica 33(8), 1539–1543], authors present an excellent neural network (NN) observer for a class of nonlinear systems. However, the output error equation in their paper is strictly positive real (SPR) which is restrictive assumption for nonlinear systems. In this note, by introducing a vector b0 and Lyapunov equation, the observer design is obtained without requiring the SPR condition. Thus, our observer can be applied to a wider class of systems.  相似文献   

Two novel compensation schemes based on accelerometer measurements to attenuate the effect of external vibrations on mechanical systems are proposed in this paper. The first compensation algorithm exploits the neural network as the feedback-feedforward compensator whereas the second is the neural network feedforward compensator. Each compensation strategy includes a feedback controller and a neural network compensator with the help of a sensor to detect external vibrations. The feedback controller is employed to guarantee the stability of the mechanical systems, while the neural network is used to provide the required compensation input for trajectory tracking. Dynamics knowledge of the plant, disturbances and the sensor is not required. The stability of the proposed schemes is analyzed by the Lyapunov criterion. Simulation results show that the proposed controllers perform well for a hard disk drive system and a two-link manipulator.  相似文献   

An adaptive dynamic surface control (DSC) approach using fuzzy approximation and nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) for uncertain nonlinear systems in the presence of input saturation, output constraint and unknown external disturbances is proposed in this paper. The issue of input saturation is addressed by introducing a lower bound assumption on the approximation function of saturation. The output constraint is handled by introducing an appropriate barried Lyapunov function. The nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) is employed to estimate the unknown unmatched disturbances. It is manifested that the ultimately bounded convergence of all the variables in the closed-loop system is guaranteed and the tracking error can be made farely small by tuning the design parameters. Finally, two simulation examples illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The trajectory tracking control is considered for nonholonomic mechanical systems with affine constraints and dynamic friction. A new state transformation is proposed to deal with affine constraints, and then an integral feedback compensation strategy is used to identify the dynamic friction. The proposed controller ensures that the output tracking errors converge to zero as t →∞.As an application, a detailed example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the control scheme.  相似文献   

Immersion and Invariance (I&I) is the method to design asymptotically stabilizing control laws for nonlinear systems that was proposed in [Astolfi, A., & Ortega, R. (2003). Immersion and invariance: A new tool for stabilization and adaptive control of nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48, 590-606]. The key steps of I&I are (i) the definition of a target dynamics, whose order is strictly smaller than the order of the system to be controlled; (ii) the construction of an invariant manifold such that the restriction of the system dynamics to this manifold coincides with the target dynamics; (iii) the design of a control law that renders the manifold attractive and ensures that all signals are bounded. The second step requires the solution of a partial differential equation (PDE) that may be difficult to obtain. In this short note we use the classical cart and pendulum system to show that by interlacing the first and second steps, and invoking physical considerations, it is possible to obviate the solution of the PDE. To underscore the generality of the proposed variation of I&I, we show that it is also applicable to a class of n-dimensional systems that contain, as a particular case, the cart and pendulum system.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a method for constructing exponentially convergent control laws for n-dimensional nonholonomic systems in power form. The methodology is based on the construction of a series of nested invariant manifolds for the closed-loop system under a linear control law. A recursive algorithm is presented which uses these manifolds to construct a three-dimensional system in power form. It is shown that the feedback controller for the original system is the one for this three-dimensional system with a proper choice of the gains.  相似文献   

L.  A. 《Automatica》2002,38(12):2169-2175
This paper is concerned with the estimation of the velocity variables (when the position variables are the measured outputs) for non-linear mechanical systems subject to non-smooth impacts, both elastic and inelastic (i.e., with coefficient of restitution e=1 and e(0,1), respectively). A reduced-order observer is proposed, which guarantees that the corresponding error system, despite the possible presence of an infinite sequence of non-smooth impacts, is locally exponentially stable. An estimate of the basin of attraction is also given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to solve the time-optimal control problem for single-degree-of-freedom (DOF) mechanical systems with friction, while taking into account not only the velocity-dependent control input constraint but also the state constraint. Direct application of the Pontryagin's maximum principle (PMP) leads to a sixth-order nonlinear two-point boundary-value problem (TPBVP) which is very difficult to solve numerically. In this context, we take a phase-plane analysis without resorting to the PMP. Thereby, the exact time-optimal solution can be obtained simply by solving a set of first-order differential equations with continuous right-hand sides. We also present some simulation results to demonstrate the practical use of the time-optimal solution.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a partially distributed functional observer scheme for a class of interconnected linear systems with very strong non-instantaneous subsystems interaction and with time delays in the local states and in the transmission of output information from the remote subsystems. A set of easily verifiable existence conditions is established and upon its satisfaction, simple distributed observers are designed using a straightforward design procedure. Simulation results of a numerical example are given to substantiate the feasibility of the approach.  相似文献   

In this note, a simple and useful reduced-order observer for a large class of non-linear discrete-time systems is presented. Neither detectability of the linear part nor resolution of the Sylvester constraint is required. From the stability analysis we show that the proposed state observer has strong tracking properties under very general conditions and generalizes results in (M. Boutayeb et al., IEEE. Trans. Automat. Control 42(4) (1997) 581–586). High performances, from the design and implementation point of view, will be shown through three numerical examples of physical processes largely used in industrial applications.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the stabilization of nonholonomic systems in port-controlled Hamiltonian formulae based on time-varying generalized canonical transformations. A special class of time-varying generalized canonical transformations are introduced which modify the kinetic energy of the original system without changing the generalized Hamiltonian structure with passivity. Utilizing these transformations, time-varying asymptotically stabilizing controllers for the nonholonomic Hamiltonian systems are derived. Since the proposed method is a natural generalization of passivity based control for conventional holonomic systems, it is expected that the tools developed for conventional systems will be applicable to nonholonomic systems based on the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the construction of a power-based modeling framework for mechanical systems. Mathematically, this is formalized by proving that every standard mechanical system (with or without dissipation) can be written as a gradient vector field with respect to an indefinite metric. The form and existence of the corresponding potential function is shown to be the mechanical analog of Brayton and Moser's mixed-potential function as originally derived for nonlinear electrical networks in the early sixties. In this way, several recently proposed analysis and control methods that use the mixed-potential function as a starting point can also be applied to mechanical systems.  相似文献   

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