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The crystal structure of cubic disordered anion-excess ReO3-related ZrF2.67O0.67 (space group Pm3m, a = 3.997(2) A?) has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques and refined to a R = 0.038-value. Two different kinds of anions are found, one X(1) slightly displaced (by 0.27 Å) from the ideal ReO3-anionic site, the other X(2) more considerably (by 1.16 Å). As previously proposed (8,14) the anion-excess over the parent ReO3-type structure, is accomodated by the formation of interstitial X(2)-X(2) pairs across a vacant X(1) site.The most likely anionic arrangements around zirconium atoms are assessed and on those basis, the structure is described as a disordered three-dimensional framework of edge sharing ZrX(1)5X(2)2 pentagonal bipyramids and corner sharing ZrX(1)5X(2) distorted octahedra.  相似文献   

The cell is orthorhombic, a = 8.051(3); b = 8.169(3); c = 21,24(1)A?; Z = 8; space groupe Pnam, dcalc = 7.2; dobs = 7.1; μ = 897 cm?1. R = 0.065 for 1636 reflections.The anion Sn2Se4?3 is formed by two SnSe4 tetrahedra, which have a common edge. Two kinds of thallium atoms are observed, with different coordinations.  相似文献   

The existence of complex antimonates with the garnet structure is discussed, and a number of such compounds have been effectively synthesized and investigated by X-ray diffractometry and vibrational spectroscopy. The infrared spectra confirm the predicted octahedral coordination of Sb5+ cations.  相似文献   

By using splat cooling devices associated with laboratory solar furnace a new phase is obtained in the neodymium rich part of the Al2O3Nd2O3 system. X ray and optical absorption studies and comparisons with Nd4Ga2O9 show that the two phases are isostructural and monoclinic (space group P21/C) with Al3+ in tetrahedral coordination. Optical examinations show that substitution of Al3+ by Si4+ induced a disorder on the neodymium site.  相似文献   

Mn2P2O7 polyhedral particles were synthesized by simple and cost-effective method using manganese nitrate hydrate and phosphoric acid in the presence of nitric acid with further calcinations at the temperature of 800 °C. The crystallite size obtained from X-ray line broadening is 31 ± 13 nm for the Mn2P2O7. The X-ray diffraction and SEM results indicated that the synthesized nanoparticles have only the structure without the presence of any other phase impurities. The FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra show characteristic bands of the P2O74− anion. The UV–Vis–NIR spectrum confirms the octahedral coordination of Mn2+ ion.  相似文献   

A fluorite-type form of PdF2 has been obtained from the rutile-type variety at 25°C under 50 kb and quenched to room conditions. It is the first d-element fluoride presenting this structure so far isolated under normal conditions. The transition corresponds to a volume decrease δVVrutile of 11 %. The cell parameter a = 5.322 ± 0.002 A? supposes a PdF distance of 2.16 Å. The thermal variation of the magnetic susceptibility suggests an antiferromagnetic behavior with an ordering temperature close to 200 K. The rutile → fluorite transition has been followed by resistivity vs. pressure measurements. Fluorite-type PdF2 presents at room conditions a resistivity of 105Ω.cm, 105 lower than the rutile form.  相似文献   

The preparation of a new series of heptavalent rhenium compounds of Ln3ReO8 type (Ln = rare earths) is described. The crystals are orthorombic for Ln = La (space groups Ccmm, Ccm21 or Cc2m) and Ln = Pr, …, Gd (space group B2212), face centered cubic of fluorite type for Ln = Tb, …, Lu and Y.  相似文献   

DTA and X-Ray studies of TlFeBr3 show a transition at 384°C. The low temperature phase β-TlFeBr3 is related to NH4CdCl3 and crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with a = 9.279(4) A?, b = 3.984(3) A?, c = 15.070(7) A?, Z = 4. The crystal structure has been determined from 564 independent reflexions. The structure contains FeBr6 octahedra in which each Fe atom is coordinated to six Br atoms. The FeBr6 octahedra share vertices to form infinite double chains along the b? axis. This compound behaves paramagnetically above 40 K, with a Curie-Weiss temperature of θ = 12 K and a magnetic moment of μ = 5.59 μB, but becomes antiferromagnetic below 14 K.  相似文献   

Te(OH)6.Rb2HPO4.RbH2PO4 is monoclinic with°: a = 12.26(1) b = 7.059(3) c = 8.225(3) A β = 90.32(5)° and Z = 2. The space group is P21a. Crystal structure has been solved by using 1093 independant reflexions with a final R value 0.051. As already observed in the first crystal structures of phospho-tellurates the main feature of this atomic arrangement is the coexistence of two different types of anions in the unit cell (PO4 and Te(OH)6 groups).  相似文献   

Cobalticinium and ferricinium cations have been intercalated at room temperature into the lamellar structure of V2O5 gels. In both cases an almost constant basal d-spacing is observed, about 13.2 Å whatever the counterion used. The basic V2O5 ribbon structure is not modified upon intercalation, but noticeable improvement of the order along the ribbon packing direction is obtained, especially with Co(C5H5)+2. The 4.4 Å increase in the basal d-spacing and its high temperature evolution allow to deduce that cyclopentadienyl rings interpenetrate the V2O5 ribbons presumably in the usual perpendicular position. Water is involved in the intercalation mechanism which is likely of the exchange type rather than of the redox type. Intercalate formula is approximately V2O5, 0.4 Fe(C5H5)2, x H2O (with x < 0.5). The materials, especially the Co(C5H5)+2 intercalate, are still stable beyond 200°C. Such a high thermal stability is quite remarkable.  相似文献   

CnH2n+1N+(CH3)3 ions and CnH2n+1NH2 amines with n ranging from 1 to 18 have been intercalated into the lamellar structure of V2O5 gels. Alkyl chain orientation in the interfoliar space has been deduced from the basal d-spacing evolution with the chain length : the chains are parallel, then tilted and finally perpendicular to the host lamellae as the chain length increases. Their monolayer disposition is also demonstrated. The large adaptability of the host structure proceeding from its gel state, leads to fast reaction at room temperature, especially with small polar heads such as -NH2 (less than an hour). Contrary to usual intercalates, due to the gel state, only a mean composition can be defined. It has been found to correspond to 0.3–0.4 intercalated species per V2O5 : this is in good agreement with the upper limit (0.5) deduced from sterical considerations based upon a full filling of the interfoliar space. Thermal decomposition of alkyl chains restricts the stability of these intercalates to 160°C. More likely of the cationic exchange type with trimethylammonium ions, intercalation mechanism appears more complex with amines, involving probably also a host-guest charge transfer.  相似文献   

The new X form of rare earth disilicates Ln2Si2O7 (Ln=Lu, Yb, Tm) is described by means of X-ray powder data. The X-ray indexation is made using single microcristal electronic diffraction. The investigation of structural relation between Ln2Si2O7 and M2A2O7 compounds as also the X-ray powder data of X-Ln2Si2O7 show that this X form is isostructural with tetragonal Er2Ge2O7. The rare earth coordination polyhedra and the (Si2O7)6? configuration are compared with those actually known in neighbouring phases and discussed in terms of pressure effect.  相似文献   

Monophosphate hydrogen copper monohydrate : CuHPO4,H2O is monoclinic, space group P21a. The unit cell parameters are : a = 8.63(6), b = 6.35(3), c = 6.82(5) A?, β = 94.14(6°) and Z = 4. The crystal structure has been determined with 1249 independent reflexions and refined to a final R value of 2.9%. The crystal is built up of PO4 tetrahedron and CuO6 octahedron deformed by Jahn-Teller effect which are linked to form a three dimensional network.Based on the inter-ionic distances between CuII and O2? in the recently determined structures of monoarsenates or phosphates, we give a value for the effective ionic radius of copper II.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a synthetic hollandite phase K1,8(Li2,45Sb5,55)O16 has been refined by the full matrix least-squares method using 940 three-dimensional reflexions to a final R value of 0.046. The K atoms are randomly distributed on the special positions 2b (0 0 12) and 4e (0 0 ±z) with z = 0.340(4).A long-exposure rotation photograph along the c axis shows diffuse X-ray scattering between the layer line. After a thermal treatment the X-ray diffraction pattern shows weak but sharp reflexions that could be indexed by tripling the short axis. The structural studies indicate an ordering of the large K atoms within the channels.The ionic conductivity of this phase has been investigated on a single crystal by hyperfrequences method. The potassium ion conductivity is the ordre of magnitude of 10?3 (ohm cm?1) at 30°C along the c axis.  相似文献   

The structural properties of the new ternary phosphide and arsenide of nickel and manganese Ni16Mn6P7 and Ni16Mn6As7 have been investigated. This crystal structure as determined by powder X-ray diffraction was found to be the well known structure of the G phases of germanides and silicides.  相似文献   

Single crystals of neodymium oxide Nd2O3 and of a solid solution La0, 4Nd1, 6O3 both with hexagonal A structure were obtained by Verneuil process adapted to plasma torch. Paramagnetic susceptibilities measurements were performed on these crystals at constant temperatures (5, 77 and 300 K) with various orientations of the magnetic field with regard to crystallographic axes. The curves are of the type X = A + B cos 2 θ. Variations of susceptibility versus temperature in the range 5–300 K clearly show an anisotropy. The perpendicular susceptibility varies roughly according to a Curie-Weiss law, whereas the variation of parallel susceptibility may be explained by an evolution of Nd3+ magnetic moment due to crystal field at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Sodium and silver tellurites are isotypic. The space group is P21a. For Ag2TeO3, the parameters of the monoclinic unit cell are: a = 7.000(2), b = 10.509(5), c = 4.911(2) A?, β = 91°51(5). The structures of sodium and silver tellurites has been determined. For Ag2TeO3, a R value of 0.047 is reached with 829 reflexions and for Na2TeO3 R = 0.024 with 1125 reflexions. The framework is built with MeO6 edge sharing octahedra, Me = Ag,Te. Ag2TeO3 is a distortion of NaCl Structure.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility and magnetization measurements on V3O7 from 4,2 to 600 K characterize a paramagnetic behaviour above 18 K : the samples follow a Curie-Weiss law with a Curie constant in good agreement with a spin only value S = 12 per V4+. At lower temperature the magnetic ordering may be attributed to a metamagnetic behaviour resulting from the layer type structure.  相似文献   

A new compound with composition Cu0.75 VS2 has been prepared. Its preparation, X-Ray structure, electrical and magnetic properties are reported. The structure is related to the CdI2-type, as in the case of the previously described CuxTiS2 (1); in Cu0.75 VS2, Cu atoms are ordered in tetrahedral sites between the CdI2-type subunits, whereas in CuxTiS2 Cu atoms are disordered in two independent sites. The vanadium atoms are shifted with respect to the titanium sites which leads a monoclinic distortion of the hexagonal cell. The relation between the CdI2 unit cell and the true monoclinic cell of Cu0.75 VS2 is:
amono = 2ahex3 ; bmono = 43a2hex + c2hex9 ; cmono = 2ahex
In Cu0.75 VS2, vanadium atoms occupy two independent sites, three vanadium atoms forming a triangular cluster (V2—V3 distances are 2.91 Å and V3—V3 are 2.92 Å) while one vanadium atom is isolated (V1?V2 = 3.36 A? and V1?V3 = 3.37 A?. The physical properties exhibit a transition at 50°K approximately, the magnetic susceptibility being temperature-independent above and temperature dependent below the transition (Curie-Weiss behavior). Resistivity and Hall measurements confirm the metallic nature of the compound and show the existence of the low temperature transition. The observed properties could be interpreted as a result of the low temperature localisation of the 3d electron of V1.  相似文献   

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