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The integration of the COREX process with the blast-furnace process, the installation of CO2 removal and gas-and-steam CHP plant displays many energy and ecological advantages. The application of COREX gas after the removal of CO2 as hot reducing gas leads first of all to a saving of coke. Besides the reduction of the consumption of coke, also the consumption of blast, high-purity oxygen, the amount and lower heating value (LHV) of blast-furnace gas are changed, as well as the production of electricity in the recovery turbine, the consumption of blast-furnace gas in the Cowper stoves and the amount of blast-furnace gas supplied to the gas-energy subsystem of the ironworks. Related to a unit amount of pig iron, these quantities are called energy characteristics of the blast-furnace assembly. They may be used to assess the energy process effects of applying COREX gas in the blast-furnace process. In order to assess the influence of injecting COREX gas into the thermal reserve zone, the zone balance method of the blast-furnace process has been used.  相似文献   

针对钢铁生产流程中焦化及烧结工序的能量平衡、热效率及火用效率等展开研究,并对各种余热资源的能级等进行了计算和评价。在焦炉产生的余热资源中,红焦的焓值和火用值均高于其他两项,说明红焦余热量大,并且余热品质好。焦炉煤气的比焓值和比火用值均大于焦炉烟气,说明焦炉煤气的能量品质要好于焦炉烟气,而焦炉烟气的焓值大于焦炉煤气。烧结矿的比焓值和比火用值均比烧结烟气和环冷废气的比焓值和比火用值高,说明烧结矿的余热资源量和余热品质均高于烧结烟气和环冷废气。这项研究为焦化工序及烧结工序余热利用等奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了研究高炉喷吹的能源利用效率,根据物质流分析方法,建立了高炉炼铁工序的<火,用>分析模型.应用该模型,对某钢铁公司的炼铁工序进行了能量流<火,用>分析,结果表明:与高炉喷煤相比,在高炉喷吹煤与废塑料混合燃料的条件下,高炉炼铁工序不仅节约了焦炭和喷吹用煤,同时<火,用>效率提高了4%.  相似文献   

通过对焦炉煤气初冷过程的理论分析,指出焦化厂现行的单靠循环氨水喷洒集气管加初冷器的冷却过程中,能量利用的不合理,着重介绍了一项值得推广的煤气初冷余热利用系统。  相似文献   

工业固废物CFB处理技术浅述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
环境问题以及由煤、石油、天然气等化石燃料逐年递减所引起的能源替代问题使循环流化床燃烧技术逐渐在工业固体废弃物的回收和利用方面扮演越来越重要的角色。综述了采用循环流化床锅炉燃烧石油焦、油页岩、煤矸石、煤泥、水煤浆、污泥、纸厂废弃物、皮革加工废弃物和废轮胎等工业固废物的国内外研究和应用现状,指出了目前存在的问题及努力的方向。  相似文献   

根据能量的综合梯级利用原理,设计了串联型炼焦-发电联产系统.新系统缩小了燃料化学能释放侧与热能接受侧的品位差;尽量减少炼焦过程耗气量,把更多富氢的焦炉煤气提供给联合循环,以实现高效洁净发电;还变革传统的焦炉工艺流程,优化和整合燃气轮机和焦炉的排气系统,使得系统总排烟量和损失都降低.研究表明,新系统具有优良的热力特性,系统相对节能率高达23%.  相似文献   

本文分别建立了焦炉煤气制氢与车载二甲醚重整制氢生产及运输过程的模型,分析了两个过程中的总能耗与CO2总排放情况。结果表明在中短途运输中,车载二甲醚重整制氢的总能耗与CO2总排放都远远小于焦炉煤气制氢;焦炉煤气制氢的三种运输方式的总能耗和CO2总排放在不同运输情况中各不相同,因此三种方式各有优势。利用这些对比结果,既能根据各种情况提供较为合适的制氢技术,又能降低其生命周期能耗、减少环境污染,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

电炉冶炼作为钢铁行业的一种工艺,具有工艺流程短,能够及时控制炉况的特点.由于其冶炼的所消耗的能源大部分是电能,能减少焦炭的使用和减少了CO2等温室气体的排放.以电炉熔融还原炼铁试验研究为基础,得出试验能够生产出符合一定标准的炼钢用铁,试验中得到最大煤取代焦炭的比例为50%.经分析,电炉熔融还原铁的最佳单位能耗折合标准煤能够达到504.51 kg/t.为电炉生产其他铁合金的煤代焦的研究提供依据.  相似文献   

李博知 《节能技术》2006,24(3):240-242
介绍分析了高炉喷吹废塑料技术的研究现状和所用废塑料分离预处理的技术,并对高炉喷吹废塑料技术所带来的环境影响、能源利用和降低炼铁成本等方面的效果进行了综述。  相似文献   

升温速率对废塑料热解过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取废旧塑料聚乙烯(polyethylene,PE)、聚丙烯(polypropylene,PP)、聚氯乙烯(polyvi-nyl chloride,PVC)及其混合物,在氮气气氛下进行热解实验,实验温度从室温到700℃,升温速率分别为10℃/m in、20℃/m in和30℃/m in。讨论了不同升温速率对废塑料热解过程的影响,并采用Coast-Redfern法进行了热解动力学分析,得到了三种废塑料及其混合物的热解特性及反应动力学参数。研究结果表明,升温速率对热解速率,热解温度段,活化能,频率因子都有影响。升温速率越快,热解反应越快,所需的活化能也越大,热解过程对能量的消耗越多。因此,在废塑料热解过程中,要综合考虑升温速率,热解原料,热解温度等条件。本文可为废塑料热解工艺的研究提供理论依据和参考数据。  相似文献   

HCNG加气站的设计及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵文洁  陈钢 《中外能源》2013,18(7):25-28
氢气和天然气具有相近的燃烧特性,而HCNG作为这两种燃气的混合物,综合了氢气燃烧速率快、着火极限宽、可从可再生能源制取获得的特点,以及天然气体积热值高、储量丰富、排放较低等优点而成为清洁、环保的新型动力燃料。山西省是我国主要的焦炭生产基地之一,拥有丰富的焦炭及焦炉煤气资源,在山西运行HCNG项目,可以使焦炉煤气中的氢气得到有效利用,具有良好的经济、社会效益。HCNG加气站采用的工艺主要包括将混合前的氢气和天然气调成一个压力等级、进行两种气体的混合、对混合后的气体进行加压。项目实施过程中采用流量随动式混气机实现氢气与天然气的混合,采用带钢缠绕式储气罐作为HCNG储存设备。高压HCNG用于给汽车充装作动力燃料使用,低压HNG可直接提供给工矿企业、单位和居民作生产、生活燃料使用。  相似文献   

Post-consumer plastic waste derived from municipal solid waste was investigated using a two-stage, catalytic steam pyrolysis–gasification process for the production of hydrogen. The three important process parameters of catalyst:plastic ratio, gasification temperature and water injection rate were investigated. Temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods were used to analyse the reacted catalysts. The results showed that there was little influence of catalyst:plastic ratio between the range 0.5 and 2.0 (g/g) on the mass balance and gas composition for the pyrolysis–gasification of waste plastics; this might be due to the effective catalytic activity of the Ni–Mg–Al catalyst. However, increasing the gasification temperature and the water injection rate resulted in an increase of total gas yield and hydrogen production. The coke formation on the catalyst was reduced with increasing use of catalyst; however, a maximum coke formation (9.6 wt.%) was obtained at the gasification temperature of 700 °C when the influence of gasification temperature was investigated. The maximum coke formation was obtained at the water injection rate of 4.74 g h−1, and a more reactive form of coke seemed to be formed on the catalyst with an increase of the water injection rate, according to the TPO experiments.  相似文献   

钢铁工业的节能新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铁产量连年大幅攀升,能量消耗约占钢铁生产成本的1/3左右,节约能源是钢铁企业发展的重点,采用震荡燃烧、稀释氧燃烧、直接火焰冲击燃烧、高(焦)炉喷吹废塑料以及微波、电弧和放热加热直接炼钢技术,可以有效地节能降耗,促进钢铁工业可持续发展。  相似文献   

许维相 《中外能源》2010,15(3):85-88
辽河石化公司针对延迟焦化装置大油气管线与焦炭塔出口接口处结焦的影响因素进行了分析,提出预防措施:控制好加热炉出口温度;焦炭塔顶温度采用注入急冷油使塔出口温度保持在(420±5)℃;焦炭塔在切换新塔2h前,将加热炉出口温度提高2~3℃,将干气脱硫塔顶出口处压力由0.90MPa憋压到0.94MPa,减少大油气管线结焦几率;采用12点分4路向管网注3.5MPa中压蒸汽,来提高管内介质流速以缩短缩和反应时间,减少因缩和反应生成的中间相吸附在炉内管壁引起的结焦;老塔切换新塔后,将小吹汽1.0MPa低压蒸汽由设计值6~8t/h调整为4~6t/h,时间由1.5h调整为2.0h,减少在小吹汽过程中因部分泡沫层和焦粉带入大油气管线引起结焦;控制焦炭塔顶压力在0.15~0.18MPa,避免因压力过高发生泡沫夹带和压力过低增加操作成本;在焦炭塔18m、23m、27m处分别安装137Cs作为γ射线料位计放射源,随时监测料位高度,防止因生焦高度过高引起焦粉携带和溢塔事故。  相似文献   

IntroductionCoke Dry Quenching (CDQ) unit is a regenerativesystem whose thermal fUnchon is to cool off the red hotcoke with the circulahng gas and at the same time tOtransfer energy from the incandescent coke to watervapor fOr electricity generation. In comParison toconventional Coke Wet Quenching (CWQ) system, CDQenables not only energy savings, but also environmentalprotection. Further advantage is the imProved quality ofcoke. TherefOre, CDQ technology is becoming theconunon practi…  相似文献   

This paper examines the technical and economic feasibility of producing hydrogen at a refinery from coal and petroleum coke via gasification-shift-purification steps. A number of potential gasifiers were analyzed for their applicability to gasify a high sulfur bituminous coal and a high sulfur delayed coke. A pressurized entrained bed process was selected from the analysis for production of 50 MM SCFD hydrogen. A conceptual design was performed to develop overall materials and energy balances and major equipment lists for use in the conceptual cost estimates. Gilbert/Commonwealth's proprietary project analysis model was used to calculate the product costs. Sensitivity of the product costs with the coke and coal costs was also analyzed and compared with those from natural gas reforming. It was found that coke is highly competitive with natural gas for the production of hydrogen.  相似文献   

叙述了近年来CH4/CO2催化重整制合成气的研究进展,指出,焦炉煤气重整可减少温室气体排放,并节约能源。  相似文献   

建立了干熄炉内焦炭层床循环气体的传热模型,并耦合燃烧反应计算,分析了干熄炉冷却室内的温度变化,计算结果与实测数据基本一致。本文还进一步分析了化学反应活化能、风料比和燃烧反应对干熄炉内传热的影响,以期为干熄炉的优化设计提供一定参考。  相似文献   

In this study, the H2O co-gasification of petroleum coke (PC) with low (sulfur and V2O5 contents) and different five kinds of biomass wastes were conducted using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The biomass used were the agricultural wastes (rice husk (RH), rice stalk (RS), and cotton straw (CS)) and by-product wastes (sawdust (SD) and sugar cane bagasse (SCB)). Their reactivities, kinetics and thermodynamics parameters were investigated and compared in detail as well as a synergistic effect during co-gasification of the blends. The kinetics and thermodynamics parameters were estimated by using the homogeneous model (HM) or the first-order chemical reaction (O1) and shrinking core models (SCM) or Phase boundary controlled reactions (R2 and R3). It was found that the biomass wastes was significantly improved the blends gasification reactivity. The obvious significant synergistic effect was observed in the char gasification stage of the blends compared with the pyrolysis stage. Compared to other models the phase boundary controlled reaction (R2) was found to be the best model to predict the experimental data of the co-gasification process. For both reaction stages of single fuels, SD showed the lowest values of activation energy and thermodynamics parameters. The blends of PC: SD and PC: CS provided the lowest activation energy and thermodynamics parameters for the pyrolysis stage and the char gasification stage, respectively. The co-gasification of PC and biomass wastes are a promising technique for the efficient utilization of PC and biomass wastes.  相似文献   

The current work investigates a coke oven gas fueled spark ignition (SI) engine from the perspective of the first and second laws in order to understand the energy conversion performance of fuels and achieve highly efficient utilization. A detailed energy and exergy analysis is applied to a quasi-dimensional two-zone spark ignition engine model which combines turbulence flame propagation speed model at 1500 rpm by changing gas fuel types, compression ratio, load and ignition timing. It was found that the irreversibility of methane is the maximum and that of syngas is the minimum among the three different fuels. The irreversibility in the combustion process of a coke oven gas fueled SI engine is reduced when the compression ratio or the throttle valve opening angle is increased and the ignition timing is delayed. Increasing the compression ratio and delaying the ignition timing can improve the first and second law efficiency and reduce the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC). The power performance and fuel economy are good and the energy is also used effectively when the compression ratio is 11, the throttle angle is 90% and the ignition time is ?10° CA ATDC respectively.  相似文献   

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