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Progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measuured in the plasma of Large White turkey hens at frequent intervals during the ovulatory cycle and during the periods when ovulations did not occur. The hormones were quantitated at the beginning and the end of the reproductive season to follow the change in patterns and concentrations of these hormones. Radioimmunoassay procedures were used to assay both hormones. Both progesterone and LH reached a peak amount at about 8 to 2 hours before ovulation. At no time did the progesterone peak precede that of LH. On the other hand, the peak of progesterone was observed to last somewhat longer than the LH peak. Progesterone and LH concentrations demonstrated no peak during the non-ovulatory periods. The patterns of both hormones at the end of the reproductive season was about the same as at the beginning of the season, but with lower concentrations.  相似文献   

This research investigated whether ergot alkaloids associated with endophyte-infected tall fescue could alter plasma concentrations of pituitary hormones that regulate biological processes related to cattle performance. Seven Angus yearling steers received single i.v. injections of ergotamine tartrate, ergonovine maleate, or saline vehicle in a simple cross-over design. Each steer was given a different compound each week. Blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals for 45 min before and 240 min after treatments to assess plasma concentrations of prolactin, growth hormone, and LH. Respiratory rates were measured hourly to ascertain a systemic effect. Ambient temperature averaged 34 degrees C during data collection. Treatment x time was a significant source of variation for respiration rate and plasma concentrations of each hormone evaluated. Respiration rates were higher for ergonovine than for saline (P < .02) and ergotamine (P < .07) 30 min after treatment, but they were higher (P < .05) for ergotamine than for ergonovine and saline by 210 min after treatment. Both alkaloids transiently elevated (P < .01) plasma growth hormone concentrations compared with before alkaloid treatment and after saline treatment. Ergotamine reduced (P < .01) plasma concentrations of prolactin and LH throughout the 120-min period after treatment compared with concentrations before ergotamine treatment and after saline treatment. Ergonovine lowered (P < .01) prolactin concentrations for a shorter time than ergotamine and did not affect mean LH concentrations. Results indicated that ergot alkaloids implicated as contributing agents to fescue toxicosis can alter plasma concentrations of pituitary hormones important to cattle production.  相似文献   

Jugular plasma prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) and progesterone (P4) levels were estimated in goats under three different conditions with prolonged luteal function (P4 > or = 1 ng/ml): pseudopregnant animals (n = 4), goats hysterectomized during early pregnancy (n = 4) and does with normal pregnancy (n = 4). Mean duration (+/- S.E.M.) of luteal phases were 189 +/- 20, 171 +/- 10, and 147 +/- 2 days in the three groups, respectively. Until day 120, mean PRL levels were below 150 ng/ml in each group. After day 120 of the luteal phase, PRL concentrations were significantly higher than before, but continued to increase up to 800 ng/ml only in pregnant animals around parturition. Mean GH levels varied between 2 and 3 ng/ml in animals of each group during the luteal phase. Only after parturition, a significant elevation occurred. P4 levels in pseudopregnant animals were significantly lower than in the other two groups between days 10 and 55, and showed a gradual but continuous decline towards the end of the luteal phase. After hysterectomy of early pregnant animals, P4 concentrations decreased to levels measured in pseudopregnant animals but were significantly higher again as compared to pseudopregnant animals between days 121 and 150. It is concluded that a pseudopregnant condition, characterized by intrauterine fluid accumulation, is not related to increased plasma PRL and GH concentrations. The low and gradually decreasing plasma progesterone levels in the pseudopregnant animals probably reflect the absence of a luteotrophic stimulus by the conceptus. The progesterone profile in the animals that were hysterectomized during early pregnancy suggests that the corpora lutea of these does have been permanently changed by the presence of the conceptus during the first weeks of the luteal phase.  相似文献   

The pregnancy rate in 321 Friesian dairy replacement heifers was not different following two inseminations on a fixed time basis when oestrus was synchronised with either a 12-day progesterone treatment using silastic coils or a double injection regimen of a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin f2alpha (chloprostenol). There was a significantly higher (P less than 0-01) pregnancy rate following insemination when 143 Hereford-cross beef suckler cows were treated with the 12-day progesterone treatment (55 per cent pregnant) in comparison to the pregnancy rate following insemination of 131 cows receiving the double injection of cloprostenol 12 days apart (32 per cent pregnant). The ovarian activity at the start of treatment affected pregnancy rate following the cloprostenol regimen but not following the progesterone regimen. In suckler cows in these trials where ovarian activity was classified at the start of treatment, 30 per cent had inactive ovaries, indicating the magnitude of the problems of synchronising oestrus in beef suckler cows.  相似文献   

Sir Vincent Wigglesworth (1899-1994), a founder of the discipline of Insect Physiology, was a central figure in the emergence of the concept of postembryonic insect development as sequential polymorphism regulated by endocrine signals. At a time in mid-century when genetics and developmental physiology were severely compartmentalized, he made the conceptual linkage with the recognition that sequential polymorphism must have a genetic basis with gene activation regulated by internal signals.  相似文献   

Rapid vasicular resistance adjustments in the brain and in the circle of Willis have been continuously measured and enhanced by signal averaging methods. Naftidrofuryl, a drug chemically similar to local anesthetics and to beta adrenergic blocking agents, increases local CBF by reducing resistance in brain and in extracerebral supply arteries. It has also been reported to affect brain metabolism. Other similar drugs merit study for potential effects on CBF and brain metabolism which may be useful in treatment.  相似文献   

Five cows with reticular abscesses were examined clinically, haematologically, radiographically and ultrasonographically. They all had clinical signs typical of traumatic reticuloperitonitis, including chronic indigestion, pyrexia, an absence of or reduced ruminal motility, weight loss and a positive reaction to foreign body test. A haematological examination revealed anaemia, increased concentrations of plasma protein and fibrinogen and a decreased clotting time in the glutaraldehyde test. On the basis of the radiographic examination, a tentative diagnosis of reticular abscess was made in four of the cows, because the reticulum was displaced from the peritoneum or because there was an extensive gas-fluid interface in the reticular region. By ultrasonography, a large reticular abscess with a well developed capsule was visible in each of the cows. The abscess was located between the reticulum and ventral peritoneum in two of them, between the reticulumn and right thoracic wall in two and between the reticulum and spleen in the other cow. A foreign body penetrating the abscess could be visualised ultrasonographically in one cow. In two cows, the abscesses were drained through an ultrasound-guided transcutaneous incision. In the other three cows, the abscess was incised and drained from within the reticulum during a rumenotomy. Ultrasonographic examination revealed that the abscess had been completely evacuated in four cows, but only by about two-thirds in the remaining cow. All the cows were clinically healthy when they were discharged.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between plasma levels and coronary vasodilation after administration of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN), the plasma concentration and diameters of six segments of the left coronary artery were measured before and after sublingual (SL) ISDN (5 mg) and left intracoronary (IC) administration of ISDN (3 mg) in 12 patients. After SL-ISDN, the systolic aortic pressure decreased with no significant concomitant changes in heart rate or diastolic aortic pressure. After IC-ISDN, all hemodynamic parameters showed significant changes, and these were greater after IC-ISDN than those after SL-ISDN. The individual mean vasodilation of six segments induced by SL- and IC-ISDN, were 23 +/- 9 and 35 +/- 11% (p < 0.01), respectively. Before SL-ISDN, ISDN was not detected in plasma. After SL- and IC-ISDN, however, the plasma values of the ISDN were 36.1 +/- 53.3 and 101.5 +/- 90.0 ng/ml (p < 0.01), respectively. Thus, both coronary vasodilative responses and plasma ISDN levels after IC-ISDN were significantly greater than those after SL-ISDN. However, neither the individual mean coronary vasodilation nor the hemodynamic changes correlated significantly with plasma ISDN levels. Consequently, with administration of the same dose, the coronary vasodilative response to ISDN did not correlate with plasma levels. Furthermore, IC-ISDN dilutes coronary arteries more effectively than SL-ISDN.  相似文献   

The biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of intra-arterially administered N-isopropyl-p[123I] iodoamphetamine (123I-IMP) were prospectively evaluated in 38 patients with histologically proven pulmonary or hepatic tumors. Intra-arterially infused 123I-IMP was distributed initially in peripheral tissues in which the blood supply was maintained. Its concentration in malignant neoplasms was demonstrated to be higher than in normal tissues. In pulmonary cancer, the tumor uptake of the administered dose without a tissue attenuation correction (% uptake) of 123I-IMP at 1-2 min after injection was 14.7 +/- 5.7% (s.d.). The tumor to normal tissue ratio was 2.1 +/- 0.7 in hepatocellular carcinoma and 1.4 +/- 0.7 in metastatic tumors. The biodistribution of 123I-IMP was also compared to that of 99mTc-macroaggregated albumin (99mTc-MAA) in 9 cases of hepatic cancer. The distribution of 123I-IMP resembled that of 99mTc-MAA in 5 cases and was different in 4 cases. 123I-IMP was more concentrated in the tumor than 99mTc-MAA. Intra-arterial infusion scintigraphy with 123I-IMP seems to provide information on effective blood supply to neoplasms which are targeted in interventional radiology.  相似文献   

Mevalonic acid (mevalonate or MVA), is an obligate precursor in the biosynthetic pathway of cholesterol. It is partially metabolized by the kidneys and its plasma concentrations are an index of endogenous cholesterol synthesis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate plasma MVA concentrations in uremic patients with different degrees of chronic renal failure (CRF; group A), and the effects of a single hemodialysis treatment on plasma MVA in a group of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD; group B). CRF patients exhibited a higher mean basal mevalonate concentration (13.3 +/- 6.5 ng/ml) than control subjects (4.68 +/- 1.32 ng/ml; P < 0.001). A statistically significant direct correlation was evident in CRF patients between mevalonate and creatinine plasma levels (r = 0.86; P < 0.001). A single hemodialysis treatment was associated with a significant reduction of plasma mevalonate concentrations four hours after the hemodialysis session (-57%; P < 0.001) and an increase up to the basal values 24 hours after the end of the treatment. In conclusion, our results demonstrated: (i) higher plasma MVA concentrations in patients with decreased renal function; (ii) a direct relationship between plasma MVA levels and the degree of kidney failure as expressed by creatinine plasma concentrations; and (iii) a clear cut reduction of elevated plasma MVA levels after a single hemodialysis treatment.  相似文献   

Steady-state plasma pyrimethamine levels were measured by gas chromatography. The specimens were taken from 74 adults with advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection receiving pyrimethamine-containing drugs for prophylaxis or curative therapy of reactivated cerebral toxoplasmosis. During an overall treatment period of 1,049 months, 1,012 plasma samples were investigated. Pyrimethamine concentrations could be evaluated in 904 plasma samples. The weekly dosage of pyrimethamine ranged from 25 to 1,400 mg; one patient with severe diarrhea received 2,100 mg/week. Steady-state plasma pyrimethamine concentrations were achieved after 12 to 20 days. Pyrimethamine concentrations evidently increased with the weekly dosage given. Mean concentrations were 253 +/- 151 ng/ml with 50 mg of pyrimethamine per week, 471 +/- 214 ng/ml with 100 mg of pyrimethamine per week, 1,893 +/- 1,182 ng/ml with 350 mg of pyrimethamine per week and 3,369 +/- 1,726 ng/ml with 1,050 mg of pyrimethamine per week. A widespread interpatient range was found for every dosage. With the simultaneous use of enzyme-inducing comedication, the plasma pyrimethamine levels decreased in several patients. Mild chronic liver disease did not influence plasma pyrimethamine concentrations. To avoid ineffective therapy or severe side effects, monitoring of pyrimethamine could be useful in patients receiving enzyme-inducing comedications and in patients with severe diarrhea or poor compliance.  相似文献   

The ovarian steroids, estrogen, androgen, and progestin, were measured in the peripheral plasma of adult female rabbits that were either conscious or anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (nembutal) or halothane. Concentrations of estrogen, androgens, and progestin were determined before and at 10 and 45 min after systemic injection of either buffer or LH. In the controls androgen levels were significantly different between animals anesthetized with nembutal and halothane. However, the greatest treatment effect was noted in plasma progestin concentrations which were significantly elevated in halothane-anesthetized animals in comparison to the conscious and nembutal-anesthetized animals. Following LH, the androgen and progestin levels were significantly elevated over basal levels. Most likely the treatment effect observed in the controls was still present but was overridden by the increased release of steroids following gonadotrophin stimulation. This study suggests that halothane, in contrast to nembutal, does significantly elevate peripheral progestin and androgen levels.  相似文献   

Supplementation of selenium and vitamin E to enhance disease resistance in dairy cattle has become common, particularly to prevent periparturient reproductive disorders and mastitis. To establish reference values for serum vitamin E and selenium concentrations in postparturient dairy cattle and to determine whether serum concentrations of these micronutrients varied with season and stage of lactation, cows from a stratified random sample of 50 herds were studied for 1 year. Blood samples were collected from each of the 50 study herds twice, from the 10 most recently parturient cows or from 10% of the herd, whichever was greatest. Mean concentration of vitamin E and selenium was 2.55 micrograms/ml and 78.12 ng/ml, respectively. Vitamin E concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) higher during the summer and fall than during the winter and spring. Selenium concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) lower during the summer and fall than during the winter and spring. Herd, season of blood sample collection, and time since parturition were significant (P < 0.02) in explaining variation in vitamin E and selenium concentrations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of treatment with additional progesterone (P4) or 17 beta-oestradiol (E2) at the end of a period of P4 treatment on ovarian follicular development, ovulation time, and plasma gonadotrophin and steroid hormone concentrations of Bos indicus cows. Initially, two injections of PGF2 alpha were given 14 days apart, and at the time of the second injection (Day 0) all cows received a single P4-releasing controlled internal drug release (CIDR) device that was removed 10 days later. Control cows (Group 1, n = 8) received no other treatment. On Day 8, cows in Group 2 (n = 8) and Group 3 (n = 8) received either a s.c. implant containing E2, or a second CIDR device, respectively. All CIDR devices and E2 implants were removed at a similar time on Day 10. Treatment with E2 or P4 delayed mean (+/- SD) time of ovulation (113.1 +/- 25.6 h, 153.4 +/- 44.5 h and 150.8 +/- 25.1 h for Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; P < 0.05) and the mean time (+/- SD) of the luteinising hormone (LH) peak (87.4 +/- 24.5 h, 124.3 +/- 45.0 h and 122.3 +/- 25.04 h for Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; P < 0.05). Both treatments delayed the mean (+/- SD) day of emergence of the ovulatory follicle (7.7 +/- 3.6 days, 11.3 +/- 1.7 days and 11.1 +/- 1.5 days for Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; P < 0.05), and reduced the variability in the day of emergence of the ovulatory follicle (P < 0.05) compared with the control cows. Variability in age and duration of dominance of the ovulatory follicle was greater in control animals compared with treated animals (P < 0.05). Treatment with E2 on Days 9 and 10 did not alter mean concentrations of gonadotrophins in the cows in Group 2 compared with control cows (P > 0.05), whereas treatment of cows with an additional CIDR device resulted in greater mean concentrations of FSH and lesser concentrations of LH on Day 9 (P < 0.05) compared with cows in Groups 1 and 2. By Day 10 mean concentrations of gonadotrophins were similar among cows in all three groups. Concentrations of E2 were less in cows in Group 3 compared with cows in Groups 1 and 2 from Day 9 to Day 11 (P < 0.05). We conclude that treatment with either E2 or P4 can influence the pattern of ovarian follicular development and ovulation in cattle; however, the mechanism of action of the two treatments may differ. Atretogenic treatments for ovarian follicles applied at the end of a period of progesterone treatment did not improve synchrony of ovulation.  相似文献   

The disagreement in the literature concerning the role of aldosterone in the maintenance of potassium homeostasis in chronic renal disease might be partially explained by differences in plasma renin activity (PRA) among individual patients. Therefore, a study was done in 28 selected patients with varying degrees of renal insufficiency whose serum potassium and PRA concentrations were within the normal range. The results indicate that at comparable serum potassium and PRA concentrations, plasma aldosterone is in most instances elevated when creatinine clearance is lower than 50% of normal.  相似文献   

In the present study, 35 bitches (various breeds and ages) with pyometra were involved. Blood sampling (jugular vein) took place every day between examination and hysterectomy. All the bitches examined after 60 days post-oestrus had a low progesterone concentration (about 1 ng/ml). Along the 27 bitches observed before that time, 22 had a high mean level (about 8 ng/ml). By contrast 5 of them had low levels. As a whole these results suggest that: 1) There is no evidence of an essentially high or prolonged progesterone secretion in pyometra. 2) Luteolysis occuring normally about 60 days post ovulation is not postponed by this affection and 3) In some animals, early luteolysis seems to occur. Therefore it cannot be concluded that progesterone has an indispensalbe role in polymetra.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the concentrations of the metabolites of prostaglandin E2 (PGEM) and of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM) prior to the onset of labour and during spontaneous labour, and to correlate the changes in concentrations of these metabolites with labour outcome. DESIGN: Longitudinal study throughout labour. SETTING: Labour ward of a large maternity unit. SUBJECTS: Seven primigravid and 11 parous women in the late third trimester with no signs of labour, and 17 primigravid and 11 parous women in spontaneous labour. INTERVENTIONS: Six of the primigravid women required augmentation with oxytocin because of dysfunctional labour. RESULTS: Before labour, parous women had significantly higher concentrations of both PGEM (P < 0.007) and PGFM (P < 0.006) compared with primigravid women. During labour, PGFM concentrations were significantly higher in both primigravid (P < 0.0002) and parous (P < 0.0001) women compared with the concentrations of these metabolites in women not in labour; the same was true for PGEM in primigravid (P < 0.003) but not in parous (P = 0.1) women. There was a small but significant increase (P < 0.02) in PGEM as labour progressed in both the normal groups. Amniotomy was associated with a significant increase in PGFM in primigravid and parous women (P < 0.002 and P < 0.009, respectively). The concentration of PGFM one hour following amniotomy correlated inversely with the amniotomy to delivery interval in both the normal primigravid (r = -0.624; P = 0.04) and the parous (r = 0.745; P = 0.021) groups. Women with dysfunctional labour showed no significant rise in PGEM or PGFM. Their PGFM concentrations were significantly lower than those seen in normal labour (P < 0.05). The concentration of PGFM in cord blood was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in the parous women who laboured than in women delivered by elective caesarean section. There was no difference in the corresponding concentrations of PGEM (P = 0.9). CONCLUSIONS: These data show that spontaneous labour is associated with increased concentrations of prostaglandin metabolites in the maternal plasma, and are consistent with PGF2 alpha being an important stimulator of uterine contractility, with a relative deficiency of PGF2 alpha being associated with dysfunctional labour.  相似文献   

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