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The paper presents the results of new, absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity of five alkanes as a function of temperature at their saturation vapor pressure. The alkanes studied include the four normal alkanes n-octane, n-nonane, n-undecane, and n-tetradecane as well as the branched alkane, iso-octane. The results, which extend over the temperature range 282–373 K, have an estimated uncertainty limit of 1.5% deriving mainly from a correction for the effects of radiation absorption in the measurement process. The results are employed to generate effective core volumes for the fluids studied which may be employed to predict the density dependence of the thermal conductivity by means of an existing correlation.  相似文献   

A new instrument for the measurement of the thermal conductivity of liquids by the transient hot-wire method is described. The instrument has features in common with earlier versions but employs a novel technique for the determination of the transient temperature rise of the hot wire during the course of a measurement. New determinations of the thermal conductivity of toluene confirm the accuracy of the instrument to be better than 0.5%.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivities of refrigerant mixtures of difluoromethane (R32) and pentafluoroethane (R125) in the liquid phase are presented. The thermal conductivities were measured with the transient hot-wire method with one bare platinum wire. The experiments were conducted in the temperature range of 233–323 K and in the pressure range of 2–20 MPa. An empirical equation to describe the thermal conductivity of a near-azeotropic mixture, R32+R125, is provided based on the measured 168 thermal conductivity data as a function of temperature and pressure. The dependence of thermal conductivity on the composition at different temperatures and pressures is also presented. The uncertainty of our measurements is estimated to be ±2%. Paper dedicated to Professor Edward A. Mason.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of liquid toluene and benzene was measured in the temperature range 298 to 370 K, near the saturation line, using an absolute transient hot-wire technique. The measurements were made in a modified version of an existing instrument, equipped with a new automatic Wheatstone bridge, computer controlled. The bridge measures the time that the resistance of a 7-m-diameter platinum wire takes to reach predetermined values, programmed by the computer. The computer can generate up to 1024 analog voltages, via a 12-bit D/A converter. The accuracy of the measurements with this new arrangement was assessed by measuring the thermal conductivity of a primary standard, toluene, at several temperatures and was found to be of the order of 0.3%. Benzene was chosen because it is under study as a possible secondary standard for liquid thermal conductivity by the Subcommittee on Transport Properties of IUPAC.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

根据瞬态热线法测量导热系数的原理,研制了测量装置和数据采集系统.利用阳极氧化的方式,在热线表面进行绝缘处理,使其能够适用于导电性或者极性物质的导热系数的研究.为了检验该系统的性能,在常温常压下对蒸馏水的导热系数进行了测量.测试结果表明,该系统能够满足导热系数测试的需要.  相似文献   

New absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity of mixtures of methanol, ethanol, and propanol with water are presented. The measurements were performed in a tantalum-type transient hot-wire instrument at atmospheric pressure, in the temperature range 300–345 K. The overall uncertainty of the reported values is estimated to be less than ±0.5%, an estimate confirmed by measurements of the thermal conductivity of water. The mixtures with water studied have compositions of 25. 50, and 75%, by weight, of methanol and ethanol and 50%, by weight, of propanol. A recently proposed semiempirical scheme for the prediction of the thermal conductivity of pure liquids is extended to allow the prediction of the thermal conductivity of these mixtures from the pure components, as a function of both composition and temperature.  相似文献   

Eighteen correlations appearing in the literature for the prediction of thermal conductivity, , of liquids are critically analyzed, and their reliability is checked using coherent input data and selected experimental values. The best results are obtained using the Reid, Sherwood, and Prausnitz correlation with a mean deviation of about 8% between predicted and experimental values. An improved correlation is proposed starting from the Viswanath equation, chosen because of its simplicity and convenience. The values of thermal conductivity obtained by this new correlation agree with the experimental values within 1%.  相似文献   

This paper describes absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity of aqueous LiBr solutions in the concentration range 5 to 15m (molality), the temperature range 30 to 100°C, and the pressure range 0.1 to 40 MPa. The measurements have been performed with the aid of a transient hot-wire apparatus employing a thin tantalum wire coated with an anodic tantalum pentoxide insulation layer. In using the tantalum wire, a modification of the bridge circuit has been made to keep the electric potential of the wire always higher than the ground level in order to protect the insulation layer from breakdown. The experimental data, which have an estimated accuracy of ±0.5%, have been correlated in terms of the polynomials of concentration, temperature, and pressure for practical use. Also, it has been found that the pressure coefficient of the thermal conductivity decreases with increasing concentrations.  相似文献   

The viscosity and thermal conductivity of acetic acid water mixtures were measured over the entire composition range and at temperatures ranging from 293 to 453 K. Viscosity measurements were performed with a high-pressure viscometer and thermal conductivity was measured using a modified transient hot-wire technique. A mercury filled. glass capillary was used as the insulated hot wire in the measurements. The l iscosity data showed unusual trends with respect to composition. At it given temperature. the viscosity was seen to increase with increasing acid concentration, attain a maximum. and then decrease. The thermal conductivity, on the other hand, decreased monotonically with acid concentration. A generalized corresponding-states principle using water and acetic acid as the reference fluids was used to predict both viscosity and thermal conductivity with considerable sucres.Paper presented at the Twelfth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 19–34, 1994, Boulder. Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A new instrument is presented to measure the thermal conductivity of polar and electrically conducting liquids based on the transient coated hot-wire method. The performance of the apparatus has been assessed with toluene and water, which are recognized as standard reference materials for nonpolar and polar fluids, respectively. New results are reported fort the thermal conductivity of these liquids between 298 and 370 K and at pressures slightly above the saturation. The results show that the instrument is capable of an accuracy better than ±0.5%, while the precision and reproducibility are better than ±0.3%.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of molten InSb in the temperature range between 800 and 870 K was measured by the transient hot-wire method using a ceramic probe. The probe was fabricated from a tungsten wire printed on an alumina substrate and coated with a thin alumina layer. The thermal conductivity was found to be about 18 W· m·Kat the melting point and increased moderately with increasing temperature. The thermal conductivity of alumina used as the substrate for the probe was also measured in the same temperature range.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.On leave from NEC Corporation.  相似文献   

The gaseous thermal conductivity of dilluoromethane (HFC-32). pentalluoroethane (HFC-125). and their binary mixtures was measured with a transient hot-wire apparatus in the temperature ranges 283–333 K at pressures up to saturation. The uncertainty of the data is estimated to be within I %. The thermal conductivity as a function of composition of the mixtures at constant pressure and temperature is found to have a small maximum near 0.3–0.4 mole fraction of HFC-32. The gaseous thermal-conductivity data obtained for pure HFC-32 and HFC-125 were correlated with temperature and density together with the liquid thermal-conductivity data from the literature, based on the excess thermal-conductivity concept. The composition dependence of the thermal conductivity at a constant temperature is represented with the aid of the Wassiljewa equation.Paper presented at the Twelfth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 19–24, 1994, Boulder, Colorado. U.S.A.  相似文献   

The liquid thermal conductivities of the CFC alternatives, HFC-125, and HCFC-141b measured by a transient hot-wire apparatus with one bare platinum wire are reported in the temperature ranges from 193 to 333 K (HFC-125, CHF2, CF3) and from 193 to 393 K (HCFC-141b,CCI2F-CF3), in the pressure ranges from 2 to 30 MPa (HFC-125) and from 0.1 to 30 MPa (HCFC-141b), respectively. The results have been estimated to have an accurancy of ±0.5%. The liquid thermal conductives obtained have been correlated by a polynomial of temperature and pressure which can represent the experimental results within the standard deviations of 0.49% for HFC-125 and 0.46% for HCFC-141b, respectively.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of some molten salts was measured at atmospheric pressure, using the coaxial cylinder method. The pure compounds NaCO3, KNO3, and NaNO2, the equimolar mixture NaNO3-KNO3, and HITEC, which is a three-component mixture, NaNO3-NaNO2-KNO3 (0.07-0.40-0.53 in weight), were investigated. For mixtures, it was found that the experimental thermal conductivity coefficients are in agreement with calculated values using a simple linear mixing law. The thermal diffusivity was calculated and compared with experimental data.  相似文献   

New absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity of liquid benzene are reported. The measurements have been carried out in the temperature range 295–340 K, at atmospheric pressure, in a transient hot-wire instrument. The accuracy of the measurements is estimated to be ±0.5%. The measurements presented in this paper have been used, in conjunction with other high-pressure measurements of thermal conductivity and viscosity, to develop a consistent theoretically based correlation for the prediction of these properties. The proposed scheme permits the density dependence of the thermal conductivity and viscosity of benzene, for temperatures between 295 and 375 K and pressures up to 400 MPa, to be represented successfully by two equations containing just two parameters characteristic of the fluid at each temperature.  相似文献   

New absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity of ethylene and propylene glycol and their mixtures with water are presented. The measurements were performed in a tantalum-type transient hot-wire instrument at atmospheric pressure, in the temperature range 295–360 K. The overall uncertainty of the reported values is estimated to be less than ±0.5%, an estimate confirmed by measurements of the thermal conductivity of water. The mixtures with water studied have compositions of 25, 50, and 75%, by weight. A recently proposed semiempirical scheme for the prediction of the thermal conductivity of pure liquids is extended to allow the prediction of the thermal conductivity of these mixtures from the pure components, as a function of both composition and temperature.  相似文献   

A correlation presented in previous papers for the prediction of organic liquid thermal conductivity, , is generalized in order to estimate the thermal conductivity of the binary mixtures of organic liquids. The proposed equation contains the reduced temperature, the molar fractions, and two factors characteristic of the components. The comparison between predicted and experimental A values is developed at atmospheric pressure, taking into account data present in the literature and experimental values obtained at the Department of Energy of Ancona University, using the steady-state hot-wire method. Fifty binary mixtures are considered (28 of them are investigated by the authors at 25 and 50°C), and the mean general deviation between predicted and experimental thermal conductivity values (621 data points) is 2.5%.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a version of a transient hot-wire apparatus which employs an integrating digital voltmeter to measure the bridge out-of-balance signal. The integrating period of the voltmeter is variable and is routinely set equal to one 60-Hz power-line cycle, 16.67 ms. Use of measurement or integration periods less than an integral multiple of the power-line period results in substantially more electronic noise and a significant degradation in experimental precision. A correction to the working equation which accounts for the integration of the out-of-balance signal is also presented. The precision of the digital voltmeter used with the apparatus is ±0.1 V, which translates into an ultimate precision of ±0.03 mK in the measured temperature rise. In practice the precision in the temperature rise is typically ±0.3 mK, which represents a moderate improvement over the precision generally obtained with transient techniques employing automatic bridge balancing schemes. Although the current apparatus is designed principally for measurements of the thermal conductivity of liquids, it can been used for gas-phase measurements, with some decrease in accuracy due to the somewhat larger heat capacity correction which must be applied to the temperature rise measurements. The operation of the instrument was verified by measuring the thermal conductivities of toluene and nitrogen. Preliminary data are presented for the new environmentally acceptable fluorocarbons such as R-134a (CF3CH2F), R-123 (CHCl2CF3), and R-141b (CCl2FCH3).Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The paper presents new experimental measurements of the thermal conductivity of liquid argon for four temperatures between 110 and 140 K with pressures to 70 MPa and densities between 23 and 36 mol · L –1. The measurements were made with a transient hot-wire apparatus. A curve fit of each isotherm allows comparison of the present results to those of others and to correlations. The results are sufficiently detailed to illustrate several features of the liquid thermal conductivity surface, for example, the dependence of its curvature on density and temperature. If these details are taken into account, the comparisons show the accuracy of the present results to be 1 %. The present results, along with several other sets of data, are recommended for selection as standard thermal conductivity data along the saturated liquid line of argon, extending the standards into the cryogenic temperature range. The results cover a fairly wide range of densities, and we find that a hard-sphere model cannot represent the data within the estimated experimental accuracy.  相似文献   

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