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万雷  王霞 《中国科技博览》2012,(29):542-542
近几年来,我国经济的飞速发展给我们国内市场带来了很多商机,品种繁复、种类繁多的商品在市场流通,产品的质量也不尽相同,这就让产品质量监督检验尤为重要。本文对产品质量监督检验的作用和检验步骤进行简要分析和探讨。  相似文献   

2015年,国家质检总局组织全国出入境检验检疫机构对法定检验商品目录以外的进出口商品实施了监督抽查。各级出入境检验检疫机构在全国口岸、国内市场、跨境电商、进口产品使用地、出口生产企业和货物集散地实施抽查,抽查环节上做到了进出口商品主要流通渠道的全覆盖。针对近年来质量问题  相似文献   

商品包装的社会功能是商品生产、流通与消费环节中的一个重要问题,商品包装发挥着弘扬社会公平正义、强化社会教育、倡导社会诚信、维护社会安全等社会功能。通过行业自我监管、市场监督部门检查与公众监督的方式,可以提升商品的社会功能。  相似文献   

张明 《中国标准导报》2021,(4):35-37,41
商品条码作为商品的身份证,广泛应用于我们日常生活之中,物流仓储、生产控制、金融海关等各领域都有他们的身影.条码是迄今为止最经济实用的一种自动识别技术,其印刷质量的好坏是流通环节中条码被扫描机器正确识读实现流转的关键.条码包装设计是控制商品条码质量的核心环节,是决定商品条码质量的最根本、最直接的环节.论文主要针对生活中常...  相似文献   

正为满足定量包装商品计量监督检验工作的需要,按《定量包装商品计量监督规定》、《定量包装商品生产企业计量保证能力评价规定》、JJF1070-2005《定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则》等法规的要求,我公司设计开发了"定量包装商品净含量计量监督检验专用成套设备",包含实际质量、体积、长度净含量的测量和检验。该套设备具有较大的完整性和适用性,配置科学、合理、方便,是省、市(地)县级计量部门对市场和定量包装商品生产企业的定量包装商品进行计量监督检验的必备设备。  相似文献   

随着商品经济的发展,我国条码的使用越来越广泛,但条码质量问题较为突出,成为进一步推广应用的制约因素,并影响到我国商品出口创汇和国内商品的自动化管理。为此,必须提高条码印刷质量,加强条码质量的检验工作,特别是监督检验工作。本文仅就条码监督检验的抽样方案问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

肖兰 《标准生活》2012,(11):26-33
棉花是仅次于粮食的第二大农作物,也是关系国计民生的战略物资。它涉及农业和纺织两大产业,也是广大人民的生活必需品,还是出口创汇的重要商品。因此,棉花的生产、流通、加工和消费,与人民群众的生活息息相关,对国民经济的发展也有着重要影响。棉花如此重要,棉花的质量自然举足轻重,在棉花收购、加工、供应、储备、进出口以及指导棉花生产中不可缺少的公证检验环节也因此更为关键。公证检验和通常生产中的企业自检、流通中购销双方的专业检验  相似文献   

为满足定量包装商品计量监督检验工作需要 ,配合国家质量技术监督局近期颁布的《定量包装商品生产企业计量保证能力评价规定》的实施 ,根据《定量包装商品计量监督规定》以及《定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则》(JJF1070 -2000) ,我公司设计并开发了“定量包装商品净含量计量监督检验专用成套设备” ,它包含了实际质量、体积、长度净含量的测量和检验。该套设备具有较大的完整性和适用性 ,配置科学、合理、方便。是省、市(地)、县级计量部门对市场和定量包装商品生产企业的定量包装商品进行计量监督检验的必备设备。一、适用…  相似文献   

本文根据《定量包装商品计量监督规定》和(定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则)的规定,就体积标注净含量的液体、半流体商品在计量检验中存在的问题,提出将以体积标注净含量的液体、半流体商品改为质量标注净含量,更有利于企业生产和执法部门对产品的监督。  相似文献   

一、定量包装商品检验概述 定量包装商品是指以销售为目的.与消费者利益密切相关,在一定量限范围内具有统一质量、体积、长度标注的预包装商品。技术监督部门加强对企业定量包装商品的抽样检验、计量监督.保证了定量包装商品的净含量符合国家的有关规定。保护了消费者的利益。为了便于生产企业对生产过程中定量包装商品净含量进行计量和抽样检验.  相似文献   

抽样检验是我国现行的产品质量监督制度的主要方式。在实际工作中要求质量监督的工作人员要正确认识和处理好抽检合格率、质量监督分析报告、备样的加倍复检以及产品标准与监督检验的关系等几个敏感而重要的问题,以便更好地发挥好质量监督的职能作用。  相似文献   

本文对监督抽查工作的定义及抽样要求进行介绍,通过对抽样环节中发现的问题进行分析,提出在新形势下做好抽样工作的建议。  相似文献   

This article develops a new sampling scheme by variables inspection, namely a quick switching sampling (QSS) system based on the process yield index for lot determination when the quality characteristic is normally distributed with two specification limits. The QSS system can provide a flexible sampling procedure by switching decision policies, normal inspection and tightened inspection. The operating characteristic curve of the proposed QSS system is derived and required to pass through two designed points, acceptable quality level and limiting quality level for satisfying risks simultaneously suffered by the producer and the consumer. The proposed sampling system’s performance is investigated and a comparison with the conventional variables single sampling (VSS) plan is also examined. The results indicate that the proposed system outperforms the VSS plan by requiring a smaller sample size for inspection while retaining the same protection. For practical purposes, the plan parameters’ tables are provided on the basis of various selected quality requirements and risks. Finally, we demonstrate the proposed sampling system using an example taken from a silicone LED lens industry.  相似文献   

This study applies the concept of repetitive group sampling (RGS) to develop a new variables sampling plan for lot sentencing on the basis of process fraction nonconforming. The product acceptance determination problem is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem where the objective function is to minimise the average sample number required for inspection, and the constraints are set by satisfying the acceptable quality level, limiting quality level, producer’s risk and consumer’s risk in the contract. The proposed lot sentencing approach’s behaviour is examined and discussed. The results indicate that the performance of the proposed variables RGS plan is better than that of a conventional variables single sampling plan in terms of the required sample size for inspection. Thus, the proposed approach can help the practitioner efficiently make a decision to determine whether the submitted lots should be accepted.  相似文献   

The effects of inspection error on performance measures of single and double sampling by attributes are well known for certain combinations of sample by lot dispositions. This paper generalizes previous work on double sampling to multistage sampling. It provides expressions for the O.C. curves, average outgoing quality and average total inspection in the presence of inspection error for all combinations of sample by lot dispositions. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis is carried out from a more general algebraic standpoint.  相似文献   

车用气瓶安装的监督检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了车用气瓶安装监督检验的必要性。从资料审查、气瓶外观质量检查、安装质量检查、试验与验收等方面介绍了车用气瓶安装监督检验控制要点。  相似文献   

The quality loss suggested by Taguchi has been recognised as a new quality evaluation based on variable property instead of the quality evaluation based on traditional attribute property such as the proportion of nonconforming items. Some variable sampling inspection plans in order to assure the quality have been considered. As one of those sampling inspection plans, the single sampling plan with screening (SSPS) has been constructed for acceptance quality loss limit inspection scheme. Further, the repetitive group sampling plan with screening (RGSPS) has been developed for reducing the average total inspection (ATI). Although ATI by RGSPS has successfully been reduced in comparison with ATI by SSPS, RGSPS may sometimes increase the average sampling frequency (ASF) in return for reducing ATI. In this study, the stage-independent double sampling plan with screening (SIDSPS) based on the concept of the acceptance quality loss limit inspection scheme is proposed under the consideration of the trade-off between ATI and ASF. Through some numerical comparisons about ATI and ASF in SSPS, RGSPS, and SIDSPS, the usefulness of SIDSPS proposed in this study is confirmed.  相似文献   

如果将生产过程中上一道工序的加工过程(设备)视为生产者,而紧邻的下一道工序的加工过程(设备)视为使用者,则上道工序加工的零部件在通过质量抽样检验进入下道工序的过程中.就将产生抽样风险。而由抽样风险确定的抽样方案直接关系到加工过程质量控制和检验成本控制等加工效率问题。考虑到许多大批量自动生产线的检验设备已经具备在线计算过程能力指数的能力.提出了一个基于过程能力指数的抽样风险分析方法,通过计算过程能力指数,得到相应的抽样风险.进而确定合理的抽样检验方案,从而将加工过程的重要指标——过程能力指数与抽样检验方案之间建立了联系。最后,以某汽车发动机曲轴生产线加工过程为例进行了抽样风险分析。  相似文献   

在我国,网络购物网站作为买卖双方的交易平台和中介,应当承担起商品质量监管的责任。这既是商业模式和政策法规的要求,也是我国当前社会信用体系不完善情况下的必然选择。我国网络购物网站采取了在线信誉机制、质量检验和质量保证、提高市场准入等措施对商品质量进行监管。但现有措施仍存在诸多待完善之处,而且网络购物网站普遍未建立起商品质量监管体系,未完全营造出健康的、追求优质商品的文化和氛围。针对这些问题,网络购物网站应尽快采取相应对策加以改善。  相似文献   

Dodge and Romig's 1944 volume Sampling Inspection Tables provided, among other procedures, sampling inspection plans for attributes inspection which were indexed by average outgoing quality limit. These tabulated plans guaranteed that when rejected lots are appropriately treated, the long-term average outgoing product quality would not exceed the average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) index of the plan. In addition, the plans were structured so that when the submitted quality level was at the indicated level of process average, the total amount of inspection would be minimized. In this article, plans are presented that match the AOQL, lot size, and process average parameters of the Dodge and Romig plans, but are based on variables sampling rather than attributes sampling. It is assumed that the distribution of the measured characteristic is Normal. Although measurements data are usually more difficult to obtain than attributes data and more calculation is involved in using the plans, the sample sizes are generally substantially smaller. The exception to this is for unknown standard deviation plans, higher AOQL index, and process average near the listed AOQL. It would be presumed that in present-day applications, plans involving low levels of both process average and AOQL would be most widely used.  相似文献   

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