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阐述了实验室人可发展和进行实验室认可的意义,提出引入PDCA循环法概念推进实验室认可工作,并总结了迁钢实验室认可的工作的探索过程。 相似文献
1 实验室认可制度简介 随着市场经济的发展,人们对经济质量提出了越来越高的要求。在商品流通领域内,商品的技术含量不断增加。因此,人们也要求检测市场应有与其相适应的发展,这就促成了实验室工作质量评估和认可活动得以迅速发展。 相似文献
介绍了实验室绿色化建设的措施,叙述了实验室废弃物的处理方法。从化学试剂的科学管理和应用,检测方法的选择,减少常规湿法分析,实验室废弃物的管理以及实验室废弃物的处理方法等方面提出了具体方案。 相似文献
前不久,浙江久立特材科技股份有限公司钢铁实验室取得了CNAS(中国合格评定国家认可委员会)实验室认可证书。久立特材钢铁实验室前身为浙江久立特材科技股份有限公司检测中心,成立于1989年,于2007年11月经批准更名为钢铁实验室。 相似文献
PD Royal 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,4(4):274-282
Accreditation or certification is a recognition given to an operation or product that has been evaluated against a standard; be it regulatory or voluntary. The purpose of accreditation is to provide the consumer with a level of confidence in the quality of operation (process) and the product of an organization. Environmental Protection Agency/OCM has proposed the development of an accreditation program under National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program for Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) laboratories as a supplement to the current program. This proposal was the result of the Inspector General Office reports that identified weaknesses in the current operation. Several accreditation programs can be evaluated and common components identified when proposing a structure for accrediting a GLP system. An understanding of these components is useful in building that structure. Internationally accepted accreditation programs provide a template for building a U.S. GLP accreditation program. This presentation will discuss the traditional structure of accreditation as presented in the Organization of Economic Cooperative Development/GLP program, ISO-9000 Accreditation and ISO/IEC Guide 25 Standard, and the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories, which has a biological component. Most accreditation programs are managed by a recognized third party, either privately or with government oversight. Common components often include a formal review of required credentials to evaluate organizational structure, a site visit to evaluate the facility, and a performance evaluation to assess technical competence. Laboratory performance is measured against written standards and scored. A formal report is then sent to the laboratory indicating accreditation status. Usually, there is a scheduled reevaluation built into the program. Fee structures vary considerably and will need to be examined closely when building a GLP program. 相似文献
PD Royal 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,3(3):312-315
Australian women face major difficulties with contraception because of the limited range of choices, the need for meticulous attention to compliance with most available methods and because of cost limitations for a significant minority of the population. The most commonly used methods are oral contraceptive pills and barrier methods, and each has substantial compliance problems which can be minimized with care and counselling. There is an urgent need for a wider range of options in Australia and for good information and publicity about them. Present progress in this direction gives some hope for the near future. 相似文献
主要介绍了宣钢建立实验室认可管理体系的过程,以开展认可体系为平台,对实验室认可体系在实验室人员、设备、方法以及质量控制几个方面的实际应用进行了阐述。通过开展实验室认可,实验室的检测能力和管理水平有了显著提升,提高了公司产品质量的可信度和市场竞争力。 相似文献
寇艳丽 《冶金标准化与质量》2006,44(6):44-46
对企业人力资源比较分析表明,企业核心竞争力往往是企业所拥有的人力资源和人力资本所决定,企业在人力资源管理中如何处理好“求才、用才、育才、留才”的问题是不可忽视的大事。人力资源的优劣对企业的发展有举足轻重的影响。 相似文献
B Owall 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1975,67(23):1376-1379