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Emotion recognition of music objects is a promising and important research issues in the field of music information retrieval. Usually, music emotion recognition could be considered as a training/classification problem. However, even given a benchmark (a training data with ground truth) and using effective classification algorithms, music emotion recognition remains a challenging problem. Most previous relevant work focuses only on acoustic music content without considering individual difference (i.e., personalization issues). In addition, assessment of emotions is usually self-reported (e.g., emotion tags) which might introduce inaccuracy and inconsistency. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive brain-machine interface which allows external machines to sense neurophysiological signals from the brain without surgery. Such unintrusive EEG signals, captured from the central nervous system, have been utilized for exploring emotions. This paper proposes an evidence-based and personalized model for music emotion recognition. In the training phase for model construction and personalized adaption, based on the IADS (the International Affective Digitized Sound system, a set of acoustic emotional stimuli for experimental investigations of emotion and attention), we construct two predictive and generic models \(AN\!N_1\) (“EEG recordings of standardized group vs. emotions”) and \(AN\!N_2\) (“music audio content vs. emotion”). Both models are trained by an artificial neural network. We then collect a subject’s EEG recordings when listening the selected IADS samples, and apply the \(AN\!N_1\) to determine the subject’s emotion vector. With the generic model and the corresponding individual differences, we construct the personalized model H by the projective transformation. In the testing phase, given a music object, the processing steps are: (1) to extract features from the music audio content, (2) to apply \(AN\!N_2\) to calculate the vector in the arousal-valence emotion space, and (3) to apply the transformation matrix H to determine the personalized emotion vector. Moreover, with respect to a moderate music object, we apply a sliding window on the music object to obtain a sequence of personalized emotion vectors, in which those predicted vectors will be fitted and organized as an emotion trail for revealing dynamics in the affective content of music object. Experimental results suggest the proposed approach is effective.  相似文献   

With the growth of digital music, the development of music recommendation is helpful for users to pick desirable music pieces from a huge repository of music. The existing music recommendation approaches are based on a user’s preference on music. However, sometimes, it might better meet users’ requirement to recommend music pieces according to emotions. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for emotion-based music recommendation. The core of the recommendation framework is the construction of the music emotion model by affinity discovery from film music, which plays an important role in conveying emotions in film. We investigate the music feature extraction and propose the Music Affinity Graph and Music Affinity Graph-Plus algorithms for the construction of music emotion model. Experimental result shows the proposed emotion-based music recommendation achieves 85% accuracy in average.  相似文献   

本文在音乐情感分类中的两个重要的环节:特征选择和分类器上进行了探索.在特征选择方面基于传统算法中单一特征无法全面表达音乐情感的问题,本文提出了多特征融合的方法,具体操作方式是用音色特征与韵律特征相结合作为音乐情感的符号表达;在分类器选择中,本文采用了在音频检索领域表现较好的深度置信网络进行音乐情感训练和分类.实验结果表明,该算法对音乐情感分类的表现较好,高于单一特征的分类方法和SVM分类的方法.  相似文献   

Current emotion recognition computational techniques have been successful on associating the emotional changes with the EEG signals, and so they can be identified and classified from EEG signals if appropriate stimuli are applied. However, automatic recognition is usually restricted to a small number of emotions classes mainly due to signal’s features and noise, EEG constraints and subject-dependent issues. In order to address these issues, in this paper a novel feature-based emotion recognition model is proposed for EEG-based Brain–Computer Interfaces. Unlike other approaches, our method explores a wider set of emotion types and incorporates additional features which are relevant for signal pre-processing and recognition classification tasks, based on a dimensional model of emotions: Valenceand Arousal. It aims to improve the accuracy of the emotion classification task by combining mutual information based feature selection methods and kernel classifiers. Experiments using our approach for emotion classification which combines efficient feature selection methods and efficient kernel-based classifiers on standard EEG datasets show the promise of the approach when compared with state-of-the-art computational methods.  相似文献   

音乐的情感标签预测对音乐的情感分析有着重要的意义。该文提出了一种基于情感向量空间模型的歌曲情感标签预测算法,首先,提取歌词中的情感特征词构建情感空间向量模型,然后利用SVM分类器对已知情感标签的音乐进行训练,通过分类技术找到与待预测歌曲情感主类一致的歌曲集合,最后,通过歌词的情感相似度计算找到最邻近的k首歌曲,将其标签推荐给待预测歌曲。实验发现本文提出的情感向量空间模型和“情感词—情感标签”共现的特征降维方法比传统的文本特征向量模型能够更好地提高歌曲情感分类准确率。同时,在分类基础上进行的情感标签预测方法可以有效地防止音乐“主类情感漂移”,比最近邻居方法达到更好的标签预测准确率。  相似文献   

Automatic emotion recognition from speech signals is one of the important research areas, which adds value to machine intelligence. Pitch, duration, energy and Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are the widely used features in the field of speech emotion recognition. A single classifier or a combination of classifiers is used to recognize emotions from the input features. The present work investigates the performance of the features of Autoregressive (AR) parameters, which include gain and reflection coefficients, in addition to the traditional linear prediction coefficients (LPC), to recognize emotions from speech signals. The classification performance of the features of AR parameters is studied using discriminant, k-nearest neighbor (KNN), Gaussian mixture model (GMM), back propagation artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers and we find that the features of reflection coefficients recognize emotions better than the LPC. To improve the emotion recognition accuracy, we propose a class-specific multiple classifiers scheme, which is designed by multiple parallel classifiers, each of which is optimized to a class. Each classifier for an emotional class is built by a feature identified from a pool of features and a classifier identified from a pool of classifiers that optimize the recognition of the particular emotion. The outputs of the classifiers are combined by a decision level fusion technique. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme improves the emotion recognition accuracy. Further improvement in recognition accuracy is obtained when the scheme is built by including MFCC features in the pool of features.  相似文献   

Extracting and understanding of emotion is of high importance for the interaction between human and machine communication systems. The most expressive way to display the human’s emotion is through facial expression analysis. This paper proposes a multiple emotion recognition system that can recognize combinations of up to a maximum of three different emotions using an active appearance model (AAM), the proposed classification standard, and a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier in mobile environments. AAM can take the expression of variations that are calculated by the proposed classification standard according to changes in human expressions in real time. The proposed k-NN can classify basic emotions (normal, happy, sad, angry, surprise) as well as more ambiguous emotions by combining the basic emotions in real time, and each recognized emotion that can be subdivided has strength. Whereas most previous methods of emotion recognition recognize various kind of a single emotion, this paper recognizes various emotions with a combination of the five basic emotions. To be easily understood, the recognized result is presented in three ways on a mobile camera screen. The result of the experiment was an average 85 % recognition rate and a 40 % performance showed optimized emotions. The implemented system can be represented by one of the example for augmented reality on displaying combination of real face video and virtual animation with user’s avatar.  相似文献   

A Regression Approach to Music Emotion Recognition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Content-based retrieval has emerged in the face of content explosion as a promising approach to information access. In this paper, we focus on the challenging issue of recognizing the emotion content of music signals, or music emotion recognition (MER). Specifically, we formulate MER as a regression problem to predict the arousal and valence values (AV values) of each music sample directly. Associated with the AV values, each music sample becomes a point in the arousal-valence plane, so the users can efficiently retrieve the music sample by specifying a desired point in the emotion plane. Because no categorical taxonomy is used, the regression approach is free of the ambiguity inherent to conventional categorical approaches. To improve the performance, we apply principal component analysis to reduce the correlation between arousal and valence, and RReliefF to select important features. An extensive performance study is conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the regression approach for predicting AV values. The best performance evaluated in terms of the R 2 statistics reaches 58.3% for arousal and 28.1% for valence by employing support vector machine as the regressor. We also apply the regression approach to detect the emotion variation within a music selection and find the prediction accuracy superior to existing works. A group-wise MER scheme is also developed to address the subjectivity issue of emotion perception.  相似文献   

Different physiological signals are of different origins and may describe different functions of the human body. This paper studied respiration (RSP) signals alone to figure out its ability in detecting psychological activity. A deep learning framework is proposed to extract and recognize emotional information of respiration. An arousal-valence theory helps recognize emotions by mapping emotions into a two-dimension space. The deep learning framework includes a sparse auto-encoder (SAE) to extract emotion-related features, and two logistic regression with one for arousal classification and the other for valence classification. For the development of this work an international database for emotion classification known as Dataset for Emotion Analysis using Physiological signals (DEAP) is adopted for model establishment. To further evaluate the proposed method on other people, after model establishment, we used the affection database established by Augsburg University in Germany. The accuracies for valence and arousal classification on DEAP are 73.06% and 80.78% respectively, and the mean accuracy on Augsburg dataset is 80.22%. This study demonstrates the potential to use respiration collected from wearable deices to recognize human emotions.  相似文献   

Contextual factors greatly influence users’ musical preferences, so they are beneficial remarkably to music recommendation and retrieval tasks. However, it still needs to be studied how to obtain and utilize the contextual information. In this paper, we propose a context-aware music recommendation approach, which can recommend music pieces appropriate for users’ contextual preferences for music. In analogy to matrix factorization methods for collaborative filtering, the proposed approach does not require music pieces to be represented by features ahead, but it can learn the representations from users’ historical listening records. Specifically, the proposed approach first learns music pieces’ embeddings (feature vectors in low-dimension continuous space) from music listening records and corresponding metadata. Then it infers and models users’ global and contextual preferences for music from their listening records with the learned embeddings. Finally, it recommends appropriate music pieces according to the target user’s preferences to satisfy her/his real-time requirements. Experimental evaluations on a real-world dataset show that the proposed approach outperforms baseline methods in terms of precision, recall, F1 score, and hitrate. Especially, our approach has better performance on sparse datasets.  相似文献   

With the advent of the ubiquitous era, many studies have been devoted to various situation-aware services in the semantic web environment. One of the most challenging studies involves implementing a situation-aware personalized music recommendation service which considers the user’s situation and preferences. Situation-aware music recommendation requires multidisciplinary efforts including low-level feature extraction and analysis, music mood classification and human emotion prediction. In this paper, we propose a new scheme for a situation-aware/user-adaptive music recommendation service in the semantic web environment. To do this, we first discuss utilizing knowledge for analyzing and retrieving music contents semantically, and a user adaptive music recommendation scheme based on semantic web technologies that facilitates the development of domain knowledge and a rule set. Based on this discussion, we describe our Context-based Music Recommendation (COMUS) ontology for modeling the user’s musical preferences and contexts, and supporting reasoning about the user’s desired emotions and preferences. Basically, COMUS defines an upper music ontology that captures concepts on the general properties of music such as titles, artists and genres. In addition, it provides functionality for adding domain-specific ontologies, such as music features, moods and situations, in a hierarchical manner, for extensibility. Using this context ontology, we believe that logical reasoning rules can be inferred based on high-level (implicit) knowledge such as situations from low-level (explicit) knowledge. As an innovation, our ontology can express detailed and complicated relations among music clips, moods and situations, which enables users to find appropriate music. We present some of the experiments we performed as a case-study for music recommendation.  相似文献   


In this paper we present a genetic programming system that evolves the music composition process rather than the musical product. We model the composition process using a Turing-complete virtual register machine, which renders musical pieces. These are evaluated using a series of fitness tests, which judge their statistical similarity against a corpus of Bach keyboard exercises. We explore the space of parameters for the system, looking specifically at population size, single-versus multi-track pieces and virtual machine instruction set design. Results demonstrate that the methodology succeeds in creating pieces of music that converge towards the properties of the chosen corpus. The output pieces exhibit certain musical qualities (repetition and variation) not specifically targeted by our fitness tests, emerging solely based on the statistical similarities.


The online stock message is known to have impacts on the trend of the stock market. Understanding investor opinions in stock message boards is important, and the automatic classification of the investors’ opinions is one of the key methods for the issue. Traditional opinion classification methods mainly use terms and their frequency, part of speech, rule of opinions and sentiment shifters. But semantic information is ignored in term selection, and it is also hard to find the complete rules. In this paper, based on the classification of human emotions proposed by Ekman, we extend the traditional positive–negative analysis to the six important emotion states to build an extremely low dimensional emotion space model (ESM). It enables the prediction of investors’ emotions in public. Specifically, we use lexical semantic extension and correlation analysis methods to extend the scale of emotion words, which can capture more words with strong emotions for ad hoc domain, like network emotion symbols. We apply our ESM on messages of a famous stock message board TheLion. We also compare our model with traditional methods information gain and mutual information. The results show that ESM is not parameter sensitive. Besides, ESM is efficient for modeling sentiment classifying and can achieve higher classification accuracy than traditional ones.  相似文献   

研究了情绪的维度空间模型与语音声学特征之间的关系以及语音情感的自动识别方法。介绍了基本情绪的维度空间模型,提取了唤醒度和效价度对应的情感特征,采用全局统计特征减小文本差异对情感特征的影响。研究了生气、高兴、悲伤和平静等情感状态的识别,使用高斯混合模型进行4种基本情感的建模,通过实验设定了高斯混合模型的最佳混合度,从而较好地拟合了4种情感在特征空间中的概率分布。实验结果显示,选取的语音特征适合于基本情感类别的识别,高斯混合模型对情感的建模起到了较好的效果,并且验证了二维情绪空间中,效价维度上的情感特征对语音情感识别的重要作用。  相似文献   

Human emotion recognition using brain signals is an active research topic in the field of affective computing. Music is considered as a powerful tool for arousing emotions in human beings. This study recognized happy, sad, love and anger emotions in response to audio music tracks from electronic, rap, metal, rock and hiphop genres. Participants were asked to listen to audio music tracks of 1 min for each genre in a noise free environment. The main objectives of this study were to determine the effect of different genres of music on human emotions and indicating age group that is more responsive to music. Thirty men and women of three different age groups (15–25 years, 26–35 years and 36–50 years) underwent through the experiment that also included self reported emotional state after listening to each type of music. Features from three different domains i.e., time, frequency and wavelet were extracted from recorded EEG signals, which were further used by the classifier to recognize human emotions. It has been evident from results that MLP gives best accuracy to recognize human emotion in response to audio music tracks using hybrid features of brain signals. It is also observed that rock and rap genres generated happy and sad emotions respectively in subjects under study. The brain signals of age group (26–35 years) gave best emotion recognition accuracy in accordance to the self reported emotions.  相似文献   

With rapid growth in the online music market, music recommendation has become an active research area. In most current approaches, content-based recommendation methods play an important role. Estimation of similarity between music content is the key to these approaches. A distance formula is used to calculate the music distance measure, and music recommendations are provided based on this measure. However, people have their own unique tastes in music. This paper proposes a method to calculate a personalized distance measure between different pieces of music based on user preferences. These methods utilize a randomized algorithm, a genetic algorithm, and genetic programming. The first two methods are based on Euclidean distance calculation, where the weight of each music feature in the distance calculation approximates user perception. The third method is not limited to Euclidean distance calculation. It generates a more complex distance function to estimate a user’s music preferences. Experiments were conducted to compare the distance functions calculated by the three methods, and to compare and evaluate their performance in music recommendation.  相似文献   


Emotion is considered a physiological state that appears whenever a transformation is observed by an individual in their environment or body. While studying the literature, it has been observed that combining the electrical activity of the brain, along with other physiological signals for the accurate analysis of human emotions is yet to be explored in greater depth. On the basis of physiological signals, this work has proposed a model using machine learning approaches for the calibration of music mood and human emotion. The proposed model consists of three phases (a) prediction of the mood of the song based on audio signals, (b) prediction of the emotion of the human-based on physiological signals using EEG, GSR, ECG, Pulse Detector, and finally, (c) the mapping has been done between the music mood and the human emotion and classifies them in real-time. Extensive experimentations have been conducted on the different music mood datasets and human emotion for influential feature extraction, training, testing and performance evaluation. An effort has been made to observe and measure the human emotions up to a certain degree of accuracy and efficiency by recording a person’s bio- signals in response to music. Further, to test the applicability of the proposed work, playlists are generated based on the user’s real-time emotion determined using features generated from different physiological sensors and mood depicted by musical excerpts. This work could prove to be helpful for improving mental and physical health by scientifically analyzing the physiological signals.


情感是音乐最重要的语义信息,音乐情感分类广泛应用于音乐检索,音乐推荐和音乐治疗等领域.传统的音乐情感分类大都是基于音频的,但基于现在的技术水平,很难从音频中提取出语义相关的音频特征.歌词文本中蕴含着一些情感信息,结合歌词进行音乐情感分类可以进一步提高分类性能.本文将面向中文歌词进行研究,构建一部合理的音乐情感词典是歌词情感分析的前提和基础,因此基于Word2Vec构建音乐领域的中文情感词典,并基于情感词加权和词性进行中文音乐情感分析.本文首先以VA情感模型为基础构建情感词表,采用Word2Vec中词语相似度计算的思想扩展情感词表,构建中文音乐情感词典,词典中包含每个词的情感类别和情感权值.然后,依照该词典获取情感词权值,构建基于TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)和词性的歌词文本的特征向量,最终实现音乐情感分类.实验结果表明所构建的音乐情感词典更适用于音乐领域,同时在构造特征向量时考虑词性的影响也可以提高准确率.  相似文献   

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