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A Directional Borehole Radar System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present the simulation and design of a directional borehole radar. In addition we discuss an imaging method for the radar system. The antenna system contains an electric dipole which is in one direction shielded by a cylindrical perfectly conducting reflector. The radiation pattern of the reflected wavefield is computed by first solving the integral equation. This equation combines the unknown electric surface current density on the reflector and the known incident field from the electric dipole. Once the electric surface current density is known, the radiation pattern of the system is computed using the integral representation over the reflector and the dipole. The radiation patterns for various configurations have been computed in order to find an optimal configuration. A prototype of the antenna system based on an optimal configuration has been built, and the directional radiation pattern has been measured in the plane perpendicular to the antenna system. The measurements were in good agreement with the computations. Subsequently a three dimensional imaging method for the borehole radar is presented. Here a deconvolution is carried out in the angular direction, making use of the computed radiation pattern. Some imaging results will be shown.  相似文献   

Radar polarimetry is a technology that overcomes the limitation between the radar resolution and the penetration depth of borehole radar. We have developed a stepped-frequency polarimetric borehole radar system. This is a polarimetric borehole radar system which measures the full-radar polarimetry in a borehole by changing the antenna arrangements. By using a network analyzer and an optical analog signal link, this system has a frequency bandwidth of 2–500MHz, which is suitable for two different antennas for radar polarimetry. We also propose a technique for polarimetric antenna calibration. In order to understand the potential of polarimetric borehole radar, field measurement were carried out at the Mirror Lake fractured-rock research site (NH, USA). The radar penetration depth from the borehole in the reflection measurement was over 10m, at the frequency range of 2–402MHz. We observed many clear reflections from fractures in each polarization status. Even in the raw data, we found the differences in the radar profile for different polarization status. We believe the polarimetric feature is closely related to the roughness of each fracture, and it is also related to the physical properties of the fracture such as water permeability.  相似文献   

针对传统傅里叶变换对雷达回波信号分析方法所存在的不足,提出了利用小波变换的方法来改善雷达回波信号的质量.分析了小波变换的原理,并在此基础上着重论述了小波变换去除噪声的原理和方法.仿真试验和实际数据验证结果表明,该方法改善了雷达回波信号中波形的质量,提高了目标信号的识别率,切实可行,具有一定应用价值.  相似文献   

To delineate the inhomogeneities including fractures and to estimate the freshness of rock, borehole radar and resistivity tomography surveys were conducted at a granite quarry mine in Korea. Borehole radar reflection images were obtained at five boreholes and we could get high resolution image of fractures. Spatial orientations of fractures, however, could not be attained because of omni-directional characteristic of antennas. Radar tomography method, a very useful method to estimate the freshness of rock, was also applied but we failed to get images of fractures because vertical fractures were dominant in this site. To get tomographic image of vertical fractures, we conducted the resistivity tomography over eight sections. Although resistivity tomography method provides very low resolution image of the subsurface compared to radar method, we could get tomographic images of vertical fractures. Spatial orientations of fractures were easily obtained by joint interpretation of radar reflection and resistivity tomography images, and we could accurately define the fractures in 3-D manner. Moreover, we could estimate the physical property of fractures by resistivity tomograms, which have been used to successfully explain the hydrogeologic setting of granite quarry mine.  相似文献   

大气边界层探测技术初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大气边界层的探测方法呈现多样化趋势,本文重点介绍了几种常用的边界层探测方法,并进行了初步的分析,指出了探测方法的一些缺点和不足。最后,本文就大气边界层探测发展方向做了一些探讨。  相似文献   

异类传感器数据关联是数据融合中的一个难点,综合利用角度和其他特征信息是改善异类传感器数据关联的一个重要途径.对于雷达在直角坐标系对目标进行跟踪、红外传感器在修正的球坐标系对目标进行跟踪情况,文中综合利用角度、角度变化率和ITG(Inverse-Time-to-Go)信息,构建了新的关联统计量,并进行了计算机仿真.结果表明:文中给出的新关联统计量较之只利用角度和ITG信息的关联统计量有更好的关联性能.  相似文献   

文中对机载脉冲多普勒雷达在HPRF(高脉冲重复频率)状态下,使用PRF转换法和线性调频测距的优缺点进行了比较分析,提出了采用二者综合运用的测距方法。结果表明,该方法能够在HPR.F工作模式下完成远距离目标速度测量的同时,获得精度较高的距离测量值。  相似文献   

针对石油钻井中井壁成像的现状,在对柱面线性相控阵(Cylindrical linear phased array,CLPA)换能器辐射声场研究的基础上进行换能器的参数优化和选择,设计并制作了一种基于CLPA换能器的井下超声相控阵井壁成像检测系统。该系统包括声系短节、电路短节和地面系统等,声系短节由CLPA换能器组成,避免了常规声系中探头绕井轴的机械旋转方式,电路短节由高集成度的发射接收模块和基于FPGA+DSP架构的数字信号处理模块组成,完成对井壁回波信号幅度和到时信息的提取,最终实现实时高效的井壁成像显示。利用该系统在试验井中对存在不同尺寸缺陷的套管进行现场测试,结果表明:该系统对套管井的成像结果能够反映缺陷的基本位置及尺寸等信息,具有良好的成像效果。  相似文献   

文中主要针对雷达天线伺服系统故障,提出了一种基于内部回归( Internally Recurrent Net,IRN)神经网络的故障诊断手段。通过分析雷达伺服系统的信号流程图,找到了导致天线故障的所有可能部件。利用故障树的分析手段对这些部件分类,发现同一故障部件可能引发不同的故障现象,同时对所有部件进行编号。建立适用于雷达天线伺服系统的IRN 神经网络,其中输入层共有23 个神经元对应23 个测试点,输出层共有4 个神经元对应所有故障的编号。对所建立的神经网络进行训练与测试,发现IRN 神经网络能够很好地完成对所有故障部件的分类。  相似文献   

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) signatures of shallowly buried landmines are normally obscured by a strong background signal comprised of the reflections from the ground surface and the antenna crosstalk. Based on the notion that buried landmine produces an anomaly in the soil dielectric an automated procedure has been developed which detects soil dieletric anomalies of the size comparable to the size of landmine in GPR data and enhances the signatures of such anomalies. A local background estimate is computed and a soil dielectric anomaly is detected at the spatial position where a change from the estimated background signal occurs. A translation invariant wavelet packet decomposition is applied for detection. The computation takes place in a running window which allows for the algorithm to adapt to the variations in ground conditions and antenna height. The technique was tested using a number of minelike targets buried in several different soil environments and the testing results are presented.  相似文献   

为阐明进气方式对气力提升特性的作用规律,以普通河沙模拟井下矿层,利用小型输沙系统实验研究在恒定浸入率和供沙量下气孔数量与进气角度对扬水量、扬沙量及总效率的影响。结果表明:任一进气方式下扬水量、扬沙量及总效率并不随气量值增加呈现单调特性,前两者峰值所处位置大致接近,且较总效率峰值对应点右移。气孔数量和进气角度对扬水量及扬沙量影响较小,对总效率影响程度稍大。就整体而言,对应气孔数量和进气角度分别为4和90°时其扬沙量与总效率较其它进气方式上扬。另外,实验测得最高扬沙效率所对气相佛汝德数大致相同,约为2.5,且最佳扬沙效率所对应的气相佛汝德数随管径递增。  相似文献   

随着瓦斯治理技术的发展,钻掘交替矛盾日益突出,现有钻机虽然能够满足钻孔的需求,但其机动性差,稳钻和固定钻进角度辅助时间长,已不能很好地满足穿层钻孔的施工要求,为此研制一种机动灵活、能够快速支撑稳钻的钻机,文中讨论了该种穿层孔施工钻机用于支撑稳钻的可调角支撑机构。  相似文献   

为了使电机机械部件按照标准要求运行、满足自动化生产需求,提出一种应用红外图像识别技术的电机滑模变结构同步控制方法。利用光学系统、扫描器、探测器和制冷机等设备,组成热成像系统,采集目标具体信息,通过空间域增强和灰度均衡操作,增强图像整体画质和均匀灰度值,利用 Laplacian 算子锐化图像边缘,丰富细节信息,保护图像背景,将静止坐标系变换为旋转坐标系,结合电机的电压、定子磁链与转矩方程,构建电机运动数学模型;针对滑膜同步控制器,预留图像传输接口,将图像信息转变为电信号,选取切换函数,设置函数切换、状态变量和等效 3 种控制规律,结合不同目标实际情况,完成滑膜变结构同步控制。仿真结果表明,该算法能够获得更多目标信息,提供丰富的控制依据,提高了电机滑模变结构同步控制过程的精准度和稳定性。  相似文献   

雷达底座是整个雷达天线系统中的重要部件,使用KUKA Sim Pro仿真软件,对雷达底座进行了机器人焊接的模拟仿真,并与现场实际的焊接过程进行了对比分析,证明了仿真软件的模拟仿真结紧可以用于指导实际产品的机器人焊接。  相似文献   

论文阐述了合成孔径雷达与实孔径雷达工作原理的差别,分析了采用线性调频信号提高雷达距离向分辨力和孔径合成提高方位向分辨力技术途径,并对机载合成孔径雷达的应用及发展做了简要介绍和说明.  相似文献   

稀土改性碳纳米管宽带吸波材料   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以碳纳米管为雷达波吸收剂进行稀土掺杂后,和环氧树脂充分混合,制成复合吸波涂料并涂覆在铝板上制成吸波涂层,使用反射率扫频测量系统检测碳纳米管的吸波性能。结果表明:用适量稀土氧化物改性后,碳纳米管的吸波性能大幅提高,在8.40~16.08GHz频段内,反射率R〈-10dg,带宽迭7.68GHz,峰值R=-29.10dB,波峰在10.88GHz。反射率R〈-5dB的带宽达10.60GHz。  相似文献   

介绍了某车载雷达的总体布局设计,并对结构布局参数作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

以齿侧面加工的铲磨工序为基础,建立了直槽硬质合金滚刀变偏距重磨的数值仿真模型。根据计算机模拟变偏距重磨的数据可知:变偏距重磨比等偏距重磨能较大地改善滚刀重磨后的齿形精度。文中的仿真模型亦可用于零前角及正前角齿轮滚刀重磨后的齿形误差计算和齿形的修正。  相似文献   

A full-polarimetric ultra wideband GPR front-end has been developed. The technical specifications of the radar have been determined based on the analysis of different GPR scenarios and based on user-oriented demands. The radar has been designed to meet most of these specifications and at the same time to be within a limited budget. The front-end comprises a generator section, a multi-static antenna system and a receiving unit based on a multi-channel sampling converter. The novelty aspects of the radar are: principally new antenna system, use of multiple pulse generators and compensation circuits to improve stability of the system. In comparison with commercially available video impulse GPR systems the key advantages of the front-end are the considerably larger bandwidth, the ability to measure the polarimetric structure of the scattered field and the high precision of scattered field measurements. The front-end is suitable for subsurface imaging with 3D resolution sufficient for antipersonnel mine detection and recognition.  相似文献   

以液压缸驱动力最小为优化目标,以满足安装和使用要求为约束条件,建立了某雷达举升机构的优化数学模型并在ANSYS环境下进行优化求解,得到了最优的举升机构布局尺寸。通过优化计算将单极油缸最大举升力降低了3%,双级油缸最大举升力降低了24%。  相似文献   

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