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CIMT2003 will be held at the very time after Chinaentered into WTO when the sustainable rapid growingeconomy has added huge purchasing power to the coun-try.This tremendous business opportuinity will makeCIMT2003 a real international grand market. In recent years,China’s economy stood out while the 相似文献
M. Mahboubkhah M. J. Nategh S. Esmaeilzade Khadem 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2008,38(11-12):1236-1243
Parallel mechanisms have found new applications in machine tool’s as the end effector carrying the spindle or used as the table of the machine. Investigations on the dynamics and especially the vibration behavior of these mechanisms are in the initial stage. The authors developed a vibration model for the hexapod table of milling machines and machining centers and derived the relevant explicit equations. The eigenvalue problem of the upper platform of hexapod was solved to obtain the natural frequencies of the platform. The results have been verified with FEM simulation. The distinguishing features of the hexapod tables from the view point of dynamic behavior have also been concluded. 相似文献
Gathering the up - to - date products from the worldwide manufacturers Attracting over hundred thousands qualified visitors and potential end users Promoting abundant technical exchange and trade activities Co - establishing a grand international machine tool market in China 相似文献
Simranpreet Singh Gill Harpreet Singh Rupinder Singh Jagdev Singh 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2010,48(1-4):175-192
Cryoprocessing, a supplementary process to conventional heat treatment process, is the process of deep-freezing materials at cryogenic temperatures to enhance the mechanical and physical properties of materials being treated. The execution of cryoprocessing on cutting tool materials increases wear resistance, hardness, and dimensional stability and reduces tool consumption and down time for the machine tool set up, thus leading to cost reductions. The effects of cryoprocessing on tool steels and carbides, metallurgical aspects including reduced amount of retained austenite, precipitation of η-carbides, phase change in carbides, improvement in wear resistance, and applications are reviewed for manufacturing industry. Although it has been confirmed that cryogenic processing can improve the service life of tools, the degree of improvement experienced and the underlying mechanism remains ambiguous. The steps involved in cryoprocessing are critical enough to account for the significant incongruity in post-treated performance. 相似文献
Guillaume Fromentin Gérard Poulachon 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2010,47(1-4):73-80
Reel-to-reel processes like rotary hot embossing allow micro-patterning of flexible foil based polymer substrates. Such technologies have the potential to be the basis for extremely cheap micro-products. This is due to the low price for polymer foils as well as to the high throughput of reel-to-reel processes. An application field which could benefit of this technology is micro-fluidics. In this paper, a new type of reel-to-reel hot embossing machine will be presented. In contrast to commercially available reel-to-reel embossing machines, the machine described here is capable of doing continuous and discontinuous hot embossing. It is thus suited for fabrication of low, medium and high quantities of micro-patterned polymer components. It has been investigated how parameters like foil temperature, feed rate, embossing force, hardness of the counter roller and temperature of the embossing roller will influence the quality of the embossed structures. The results of this investigation will be presented and discussed. 相似文献
中国加入世贸组织后,长期快速发展的中国市场潜力,正在转化为更大的购买力,从而为世界各国、各地区提供一个庞大的商机。此时此刻举办CIMT2003,将成为在中国国土上一个实实在在的国际机床大市场。 相似文献
大宇综合机械株式会社是韩国大型的数控机床制造商,年产几十种数控机床达6000台产销量居世界第四位,产品技术水平领先,研发能力强,80%的产品销往世界各地一在世界各地运行的高精度、高寿命和高效率的立、卧式加工中心和数控车床已为大宇赢得崇高的声誉 相似文献
机床行业的发展受到汽车及其零部件、电子电气、建筑、医疗、通讯等行业对生产设备投资力度的影响.当需求扩大时,机床生产厂家一片繁忙;当需求减少时,机床厂家之间竞争激烈,整个机床行业的营业额缩小、经营利润减少、公司裁员.在机床工业界有种说法,那就是机床公司的规模不能太大,过度扩大公司的规模是危险的.在美国除了几个生产低价位机床的公司以外,其他的公司都已倒闭.在欧洲,由于剧烈的竞争使得公司间不得不进行合并或结构重组.在日本,20世纪90年代的泡沫经济后,也有几个主要的机床公司申请了破产. 相似文献
世界机床工业的发展(下) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前机床的最新技术包括两项,主要是直接驱动电机(Direct Drive Motors)和重心驱动DCG(Driven at the Center of Gravity). 相似文献
机床工业产值虽然只占世界GDP的0.07%,但却在世界制造业和工业中扮演着极其重要的角色,在国民经济中占有重要的战略地位.通过研究分析,我们发现世界机床工业有如下几个特点:1)本土机床工业与本土制造业、工业高度相关;2)机床工业国际化程度很高;3)单个国家国内机床需求波动剧烈,世界总机床需求相对平稳;4)机床工业产业集聚效应显著;5)家族企业是世界机床工业流行的所有制模式. 相似文献
中国机床工具工业协会根据近两年美国芝加哥、德国汉诺威、日本东京和中国北京四大国际机床展览会搜集的资料,以及在世界各国(地区)机床协会信息交流会上提供的经济运行资料,经过整理,编写了这份材料,供业界同仁参考. 相似文献
谢华锟 《世界制造技术与装备市场》2003,(6):22-25
量大面广、品种繁多的机械量测试量具,即使在计算机信息技术、自动化数字测量技术快速发展的今天,仍然是各种制造业、尤其是传统机械制造业不可或缺的测量器具;其良好的使用性能和质量,对于提高机械制造精度和加工效率仍然具有相当重要的意义。CIMT2003展览会上国内外厂商展出的相关量具产品及其技术,给我们提供了相当有益的启示。 相似文献