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F1-stripped membrane vesicles from Clostridium thermoautotrophicum and Escherichia coli were reconstituted with F1-ATPases from both bacteria. Reconstituted F1F0-ATPase complexes were catalytically active, i.e. capable of hydrolyzing ATP. Homologous-type ATPase complexes having F0 and F1 parts of ATP synthases from the same origin were DCCD sensitive and supported ATP-driven enhancement of anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) fluorescence. Hybrid-type ATPase complexes having F0 and F1 parts of ATP synthases from different origins were neither DCCD sensitive nor did they support ATP-driven enhancement of ANS fluorescence. Analyzing these results it has been demonstrated that the F0 and F1 parts of ATP synthases of these two bacteria are not functionally compatible. 相似文献
This case describes a new feature of fetal brain death syndrome, abnormal movements mimicking fetal convulsions being subsequently found to be decerebrate hypertonicity in a brain-dead fetus. It also confirms the diagnostic criteria of fetal brain death, both clinical and ultrasonic. The development of polyhydramnios both prior to and after the presumed neurological event is suggested as an association with the diagnosis of fetal brain death. Increased awareness of this event and the heterogeneity of the presentation may prevent further unnecessary Caesarean sections, as to date only 4 of the 10 cases in the literature were diagnosed prenatally. Utilization of techniques such as fetal blood sampling should be considered to further delineate the diagnosis. 相似文献
The conserved glutamate residue at position 65 of the Propionigenium modestum c subunit is directly involved in binding and translocation of Na+ across the membrane. The site-specific introduction of the cQ32I and cS66A substitutions in the putative vicinity to cE65 inhibited growth of the single-site mutants on succinate minimal agar, indicating that both amino acid residues are important for proper function of the oxidative phosphorylation system. This growth inhibition was abolished, however, if the cF84L/cL87V double mutation was additionally present in the P. modestum c subunit. The newly constructed Escherichia coli strain MPC848732I, harboring the cQ32I/cF84L/cL87V triple mutation, revealed a change in the coupling ion specificity from Na+ to H+. ATP hydrolysis by this enzyme was therefore not activated by NaCl, and ATP-driven H+ transport was not affected by this alkali salt. Both activities were influenced, however, by LiCl. These data demonstrate the loss of the Na+ binding site and retention of Li+ and H+ binding sites within this mutant ATPase. In the E. coli strain MPC848766A (cS66A/cF84L/cL87V), the specificity of the ATPase was further restricted to H+ as the exclusive coupling ion. Therefore, neither Na+ nor Li+ stimulated the ATPase activity, and no ATP-driven Li+ transport was observed. The ATPase of the E. coli mutant MPC32N (cQ32N) was activated by NaCl and LiCl. The mutant ATPase exhibited a 5-fold higher Km for NaCl but no change in the Km for LiCl in comparison to that of the parent strain. These results demonstrate that the binding of Na+ to the c subunit of P. modestum requires liganding groups provided by Q32, E65, and S66. For the coordination of Li+, two liganding partners, E65 and S66, are sufficient, and H+ translocation was mediated by E65 alone. 相似文献
Diamide treatment of the F0F1-ATP synthase in "inside out" submitochondrial particles (ESMP) in the absence of a respiratory Delta mu H+ as well as of isolated Fo reconstituted with F1 or F1-gamma subunit results in direct disulfide cross-linking between cysteine 197 in the carboxy-terminal region of the F0I-PVP(b) subunit and cysteine 91 at the carboxyl end of a small alpha-helix of subunit F1-gamma, both located in the stalk. The F0I-PVP(b) and F1-gamma cross-linking cause dramatic enhancement of oligomycin-sensitive decay of Delta mu H+. In ESMP and MgATP particles the cross-linking is accompanied by decoupling of respiratory ATP synthesis. These effects are consistent with the view that F0I-PVP(b) and F1-gamma are components of the stator and rotor of the proposed rotary motor, respectively. The fact that the carboxy-terminal region of F0I-PVP(b) and the short alpha-helix of F1-gamma can form a direct disulfide bridge shows that these two protein domains are, at least in the resting state of the enzyme, in direct contact. In isolated F0, diamide also induces cross-linking of OSCP with another subunit of F0, but this has no significant effect on proton conduction. When ESMP are treated with diamide in the presence of Delta mu H+ generated by respiration, neither cross-linking between F0I-PVP(b) and F1-gamma subunits nor the associated effects on proton conduction and ATP synthesis is observed. Cross-linking is restored in respiring ESMP by Delta mu H+ collapsing agents as well as by DCCD or oligomycin. These observations indicate that the torque generated by Delta mu H+ decay through Fo induces a relative motion and/or a separation of the F0I-PVP(b) subunit and F1-gamma which places the single cysteine residues, present in each of the two subunits, at a distance at which they cannot be engaged in disulfide bridging. 相似文献
A mutant of the Escherichia coli F1F0-ATPase has been generated (alphaQ2C) in which the glutamine at position 2 of the alpha subunit has been replaced with a cysteine residue. Cu2+ treatment of ECF1 from this mutant cross-linked an alpha subunit to the delta subunit in high yield. Two different sites of disulfide bond formation were involved, i.e. between Cys90 (or the closely spaced Cys47) of alpha with Cys140 of delta, and between Cys2 of alpha and Cys140 of delta. Small amounts of other cross-linked products, including alpha-alpha, delta internal, and alpha-alpha-delta were obtained. In ECF1F0, there was no cross-linking between the intrinsic Cys of alpha and Cys140. Instead, the product generated between Cys2 of alpha and Cys140 of delta was obtained at near 90% yield. Small amounts of alpha-alpha and delta internal were present, and under high Cu2+ concentrations, alpha-alpha-delta was also formed. The ATPase activity of ECF1 and ECF1F0 was not significantly affected by the presence of these cross-links. When Cys140 of delta was first modified with N-ethylmaleimide in ECF1F0, an alpha-delta cross-link was still produced, although in lower yield, between Cys64 of delta and Cys2 of alpha. ATP hydrolysis-linked proton pumping of inner membranes from the mutant alpha2QC was only marginally affected by cross-linking of the alpha to the delta subunit. These results indicate that Cys140 and Cys64 of the delta subunit and Cys2 of the alpha subunit are in close proximity. This places the delta subunit near the top of the alpha-beta hexagon and not in the stalk region. As fixing the delta to the alpha by cross-linking does not greatly impair either the ATPase function of the enzyme, or coupled proton translocation, we argue that the delta subunit forms a portion of the stator linking F1 to F0. 相似文献
H Hirawake M Taniwaki A Tamura S Kojima K Kita 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,79(1-2):132-138
Complex II (succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is an important enzyme complex in both the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the aerobic respiratory chains of mitochondria in eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic organisms. In this study, the amino acid sequences of the large (cybL) and small (cybS) subunits of cytochrome b in human liver complex II were deduced from cDNAs isolated by homology probing with mixed primers for the polymerase chain reaction. The mature cybL and cybS contain 140 and 103 amino acids, respectively, and show little similarity to the amino acid sequences of the subunits from other species in contrast to the highly conserved features of the flavoprotein (Fp) subunit and iron-sulfur protein (Ip) subunit. From hydrophobicity analysis, both cybL and cybS appear to have three transmembrane segments, indicating their role as membrane-anchors for the enzyme complex. Histidine residues, which are possible heme axial ligands in cytochrome b of complex II, were found in the second transmembrane segment of each subunit. The genes for cybL (SDHC) and cybS (SDHD) were mapped to chromosome 1q21 and 11q23, respectively by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). 相似文献
R Morse MD Collins K O'Hanlon S Wallbanks PT Richardson 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,46(4):1004-1009
rRNA sequencing has shown that leuconostocs comprise three distinct phylogenetic lineages which have been designated separate genera (viz., the genera Leuconostoc sensu stricto, Oenococcus, and Weissella). In addition, the 16S rRNA line formed by Oenococcus oeni (formerly Leuconostoc oenos) is exceptionally long; this fact, together with variations in the compositions of conserved positions in the 16S rRNA, has led to the hypothesis (D. Yang and C. R. Woese, Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 12:145-149, 1989) that this organism is a fast-evolving bacterium. Previous evidence that the leuconostocs should be divided into three genera and that O. oeni is an example of tachytelic evolution has come solely from rRNA analyses. In this study we seqenced the rpoC gene encoding the beta' subunit of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of leuconostocs and performed a comparative phylogenetic analysis. The subdivision of the leuconostocs into three distinct lineages was confirmed by the rpoC gene data, but no evidence that indicated that O. oeni is evolving at an extraordinary rate was found. If O. oeni is truly tachytelic, then fast-evolving phenomena would be expected to occur throughout the whole genome, including this independent molecular chronometer. 相似文献
S Kapas JP Hinson JR Puddefoot MM Ho GP Vinson 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,204(3):1292-1298
A specific antibody, 6313/G2, to the N-terminus of the angiotensin II type I (AT1) receptor causes retention of the AT1 receptor in the plasma membrane of rat adrenal zona glomerulosa cells and stimulates steroidogenesis and inositol trisphosphate (IP3) release. Its effects are not significantly additive with those of angiotensin. In contrast, 6313/G2 completely inhibits angiotensin induced translocation of protein kinase C to the membrane fraction, although alone it has no effect. The data suggest that IP3 linked events, such as steroidogenesis, do not require receptor internalization, but protein kinase C activation does. They also confirm that protein kinase C activation is not required for stimulation of steroidogenesis in rat dispersed glomerulosa cells. 相似文献
M Yoshikawa T Murakami T Ueda S Yoshizumi K Ninomiya N Murakami H Matsuda M Saito W Fujii T Tanaka J Yamahara 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,117(2):108-118
The methanol-soluble fraction from a Chinese natural medicine Hoveniae Semen Seu Fructus, the seed and fruit of Hovenia dulcis THUNB. (Rhamnaceae) was found to show an inhibitory effect on the alcohol-induced muscular relaxation and a protective activity on the D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide or carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury. Through bioassay-guided separation using a traction performance test, three new dihydrofravonols named hovenitins I, II, and III were isolated from Hoveniae Semen Seu Fructus together with four known flavonoids, (+)-ampelopsin, laricetrin, myricetin, and (+)-gallocatechin. The absolute stereostructures of hovenitins I, II, and III were determined on the basis of chemical and physicochemical evidence to be (2R, 3R)-5,7,4',5'-tetrahydroxy-3'-methoxydihydroflavonol, (2R,3S)-5,7,4',5'-tetrahydroxy-3'-methoxy-dihydroflavonol, and (2R, 3S)-5,7,3',4',5'-pentahydroxydihydro-flavonol, respectively. Hovenitin I and (+)-ampelopsin, both of which were principal ingredients of the active fractions from this natural medicine, were found to show an inhibitory activity on the ethanol-induced muscle relaxation in rats. In addition, hovenitin I showed a protective activity on the liver injury induced by D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide or carbon tetrachloride in mice. 相似文献