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清乾隆年间(公元一七四四年),在洛阳老城密密麻麻的青砖青瓦民房中,出现了一组规模宏伟的建筑群,它占地一万五千多平方米,面对洛河,气势非凡。该建筑群挺过了改朝换代的天翻地覆,经历了解放战争的枪林弹雨,闯过了九死一生的“文革”焚火,挣扎着苟活到了今天,成了洛阳屈指可数的还有几许原汁原味的建筑群。正国为如此,它成了洛阳市内“全国重点保护单位”。如今,该古建筑群被作为洛阳民俗博物馆,向世人展示中原大地清代古建筑的特色,也展示河洛地区多姿多彩的民俗文化。  相似文献   

邢爱伟 《陶瓷》2011,(18):41-41
2008年,即便国际金融危机席卷全球,中国经济依然快速发展,高歌猛进。但在经济快速发展的背后,却萌生了一系列问题:喝杯牛奶中毒了,睡个午觉楼倒了,坐趟高铁追尾了,买个家具甲醛超标了……一系列的安全事故,加深了人们对生活环境的担忧。  相似文献   

汪凌云 《中国橡胶》1993,(20):11-12
1987年以来,跃进橡胶厂进行了卓有成效的技术改造,兴建了8000多m^2的成型大楼,淘汰了一些老设备,改建了2000m^2的制帮车间,新装了五条生产线,并对公用工程进行了填平补齐,从而为九十年代的经济发展奠定了物质基础,使企业长期保持兴旺发达。该厂的经验归纳起来有如下几点:  相似文献   

曾听过这样一则故事,一位服装店老板收了两个徒弟。大徒弟聪明能干,师傅教的一点就通、一看就会,很快掌握了裁剪、缝纫等全套技术;小徒弟心灵手巧,但有点不安分,常常对服装设计提出一些奇思异想,弄得师傅哭笑不得。几年后两个徒弟都出师了,大徒弟自己开了个服装店,小徒弟则去了大城市打工,一直没有音讯。又过了若干年,大徒弟的手艺超过了师傅,成了小有名气的服装师傅,服装店生意也比较稳定。  相似文献   

本文归纳介绍了国外近年来发明的先进的几种典型筒式过滤机及其结构,工作原理,特点,应用范围等,并进行了分析,近年来,美国和日本等国家,发明了多种型式的,用于涂料,净化水及啤酒等工业上的筒式过滤机,这些过滤机,揭开了过滤行业的新纪元,促进了工业的发展。  相似文献   

鉴于新型锌合金的硅含量,可高于常见锌合金的10倍,在用光度法测硅前,对单硅酸的聚合性问题,进行了理论分析,并作了试验验证。结果表明,新型锌合金在测定条件下,单硅酸不聚合,所配制的一系列测硅检量液可隔夜使用,这既保证了测硅的准确度,又简化了操作,提高了分析速度,节约了药品。  相似文献   

乔自然 《陶瓷》2011,(14):14-14
近年来,电子商务的应用给中小企业带来了明显的业务增长。据相关统计资料显示,开展电子商务的中小企业中,59.48%的企业增加了客户,51.61%的企业实现了销售量增长,49.80%的企业扩展了销售区域,45.97%的企业实现了品牌提升,46.57%的企业降低了营销成本。  相似文献   

裴世红  吴迪  孙怀宇 《无机盐工业》2007,39(6):31-32,43
提出了一种催化氧化酸浸硫化铜矿的湿法冶炼方法。采用纯氧作氧化剂,找到了一种新型催化剂,降低了反应温度,缩短了反应时间,在密闭条件下,通过两步反应,利用中间脱硫方法,解决硫磺包膜阻碍反应速度问题,最终制得海绵铜,副产硫酸亚铁及硫磺(在得到硫磺的基础上进而制备硫化钠)。考察了反应温度、固体质量与液体体积之比、氯离子浓度、反应时间对铜浸出率的影响。研究结果表明,在适宜的工艺条件下,铜的浸出率达到了98%以上。采用闭路循环,充分利用了资源,并且克服了火法炼铜中副产二氧化硫污染环境的缺点,污染小,体现了环保意识,为硫化铜矿的湿法冶炼开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

针对三元复合驱井随着开采时间的延长,抽油泵,抽油杆,管线以及储层中易出现大量结垢,严重影响抽采效率的问题,本文分析了三元驱井堵塞的原因,结合压裂解堵工艺原理,通过将三元清垢解堵与压裂造缝技术相结合,实现了清“旧”垢,造“新”缝,达到了高效解堵的目的,形成了一套压裂清垢复合解堵技术,取得了较好的应用效果,促进了三元复合驱井的增产增效。  相似文献   

周兰雁 《贵州化工》2005,30(3):48-49
利用DCS控制系统及智能变送器,取代了原来的就地气动控制系统,解决了原系统存在的问题,提高了生产的稳定性,减少了维护人员的工作量,大大提高了工作效率,保证了醋酸异丙脂的萃取。  相似文献   

国内外染料工业发展新动向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文阐述了国内外染料工业发展的新动向,指出了国外染料市场趋势和发展新特点:染料企业重组已趋平稳和进一步确立我国作为世界染料生产和供应中心的地位,在国际上设置"技术壁垒"和"贸易壁垒"的力度进一步加强,新染料的开发放到比较重要的地位,不断适应纺织工业新的着色要求;还指出了我国染料工业的发展新特点:市场活跃新品不断,出口增长,连创新高,新兴基地,发展壮大。注重染料质的提高,采用新技术和清洁工艺生产是我国染料工业发展的重中之重。有7篇参考文献。  相似文献   

Heating value of biomass and biomass pyrolysis products   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
K. Raveendran  Anuradda Ganesh 《Fuel》1996,75(15):1715-1720
Studies conducted on the heating value of various types of biomass components and their pyrolysis products such as char, liquids and gases are presented. Heating values of chars are comparable with those of lignite and coke; heating values of liquids are comparable with those of oxygenated fuels such as methanol and ethanol, which are much lower than those of petroleum fuels. Heating values of gases are comparable with those of producer gas or coal gas and are much lower than that of natural gas. It is also found that the heating values of products are functions of the initial composition of biomass; correlations are developed to express these. Also, correlations are developed which explain the influence of ash elements on heating values of the pyrolysis products and on percentage distribution of energy in the products.  相似文献   

During processing of vegetable oils, certain by-products and waste materials are generated. Where and how the by-products are recovered and used and how the solid wastes are handled and disposed of are considered. Several suggestions for the future are explored.  相似文献   

丁二烯萃取装置聚合物产生原因分析及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁二烯抽提装置因其萃取溶剂二甲基甲酰胺及丁二烯本身的特性 ,在运行过程中易产生各类聚合物 ,堵塞设备、管线、阀门等 ,制约装置的运行负荷和周期。从理论上分析了装置中各类聚合物的特性及危害 ,总结聚合物产生的原因 ,结合生产实际 ,提出了相应的对策  相似文献   

Some of the material investigations which are necessary before a glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) can be selected for use in large marine structures are described. The requirements of large-scale manufacture are as important as mechanical performance when the basic constituents of the laminate, the polyester resin and the glass reinforcements, are being selected. Various production problems which can arise, and the need for detailed quality control, are discussed. Other areas of investigation which are appropriate are the performance of joints and fasteners, and the influence of the glass reinforcement on the impact resistance of the laminate.  相似文献   

Albert Erkip 《Polymer》2004,45(2):641-648
The fluctuations of residues of proteins about their equilibrium configurations are analyzed by the Langevin equation. Residue pairs that are covalently bonded and those that are within a given cutoff distance of each other are assumed to be connected by linear springs. The actions of the solvent and intramolecular interactions on each residue are treated as random noise. The correlations of fluctuations resulting from the solution of the Langevin equation are observed to be identical to those obtained by the Gaussian Network Model based on equilibrium statistical mechanics. The time-delayed correlations of fluctuations, and the response of the protein to a given frequency and to a window of frequencies are determined. The fluctuations of the residues resulting from a given fixed externally applied frequency are evaluated for different modes of the system. Synchronous and asynchronous components of correlations for different modes are formulated. The findings of the present paper are applied to the 241 residue protein S. marcescens endonuclease (1QL0).  相似文献   

李辉 《辽宁化工》2012,41(2):191-192,209
采用Gc-MS分析方法,研究了稠油石化污水中有机物分布特征,分析结果表明,稠油石化污水中有机物以烷烃、酚类和有机酸为主并含有一定量的PAHs,污水中有机物分子量140以下的以酚类为主,分子量在140以上的有机物多为烷烃和PAHs,其中烷烃类主要为分子量在200~350的饱和烷烃为主,PAHs以含不同数量甲基取代基的萘为主.  相似文献   

Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy are used to study local electronic variations across a surface containing one monolayer of copper on TiO2 rutile (001). The interactions that occur at the metal–oxide interface when the sources of the copper are segregation from the bulk and ultra-high-vacuum deposition are compared by characterizing the associated surface morphologies and electronic properties. The morphologies of these surfaces are similar in that the copper forms clusters; they are dissimilar in that copper features exist on two size scales on the segregated surface, whereas the deposited copper clusters are uniform in size and are aggregated. The electronic properties of the two surfaces also are found to differ: the copper-segregated surface is insulating, whereas the copper-deposited surface is conductive. The electronic properties are discussed in terms of the effects of surface-charge and ionic-charge concentration gradients.  相似文献   

New classes of exact solutions of nonlinear equations and systems of equations that are encountered in the mass and heat transfer theory of reacting media and mathematical biology are described. General equations and systems of equations where the rates of chemical reactions depend on one or several arbitrary functions are the focus of attention. Solutions with functional arbitrariness are found (they are expressed through the solutions of a linear heat transfer equation and the solutions of nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations); solutions with generalized separation of variables and other solutions are described. The transfer coefficients and the kinetics of chemical reactions are considered as functions of temperature (concentration).  相似文献   

Physicochemical issues are discussed which are relevant to chemists interested in the synthesis of unknown compounds to serve as precursors to organic metals. Molecular topics are emphasized, physical and structural concepts which motivate synthetic activity in chalogen chemistry are presented, and new results in selenium and tellurium systems are summarized. Two model representations for donor molecular structures based on polyenes and polyacenes are presented and known examples are discussed. Quantitative correlations between gas phase vertical ionization potential and solution electrochemical redox potential are examined using donors of interest for organic metals as data. Limitations of such correlations and consequences of these shortcomings are given. Finally, possible future directions for several of these topics are posed.  相似文献   

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