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李燕  舒华英 《移动通信》2005,29(9):54-56
文章通过分析3G业务的优势和现有移动通信市场需求特点,指出了3G初期运营商需要采取市场集中策略建立竞争优势,并在这一思路指导下找出运营商的目标市场。  相似文献   

韩静 《通信世界》2001,(30):22-22
中国国民经济的高速增长导致国民对电信业务的需求日益强劲,尤其是移动电话已突破奢侈品或地位象征的范畴,被广泛认为是一种非常有益的商业和生活工具。截至2001年7月底,中国的移动电话用户总数达1.206亿,超过了美国,用户规模位居全球第一,但普及率只有9.2%。  相似文献   

何廷润 《移动通信》2005,29(9):50-53
1前言获取3G牌照是固网运营商实现全业务经营孜孜以求的目标。但是,作为移动通信运营的新进入者,面对已十分强大的移动运营商,面对已有的3.6亿移动用户,固网运营商的3G业务如何定位,3G业务的重点如何布局,是目前应考虑的问题。本文从分析我国移动通信普及率和互联网普及率的地区差异入手,依据3G业务的不同类型,分析固网运营商在不同地区经营3G业务的策略。2我国移动通信普及率和互联网普及率的梯次化结构移动通信普及率反映了一个地区移动通信发展的水平,移动通信普及率越高说明本地区以语音为主的市场空间越小,越需要为3G的数据业务提供…  相似文献   

建立3G新业务的有效商业模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢玥 《世界电信》2004,17(12):25-26
商业模式可以从两个方面来考虑,一方面是商业活动所涉及的成员,另一方面是这些成员之间的关系。由于移动产业链是以移动运营商为中心的链条,所以这里的成员主要指的是移动运营商的合作者,而成员之间的关系主要是合作关系。所以,在分析移动新业务的商业模式类型时,从“合作伙伴数量”和“合作的紧密程度”这两个维度来进行不同业务商业模式的归类(以中国移动和NTT DoCoMo的业务为例),如图1所示。  相似文献   

童贞理  郑晖 《世界电信》2007,20(6):22-25
过去的一年,是3G高速发展的一年。到目前为止,中国香港地区的和黄、英国沃达丰、日本的NTTDoCoMo和韩国的SKT等众多知名运营商在3G业务方面都取得了不错的成绩。然而,3G业务的发展状况与人们的预想还是有一定的差距。  相似文献   

3G移动数据业务商业运营模式初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
移动数据业务对3G运营商至关重要.运营商经营移动数据业务的基本原则是:自主建设基本应用平台,对于数据应用需要与应用/内容提供商合作提供,独立提供应用单一的数据业务,自主建设数据应用支撑系统.不同移动数据业务的商业运营模式不同,根据市场、业务、伙伴关系、运营商自身等因素,可以将移动数据业务的商业运营模式分为四种类型:直销型、主动型、认证型、转售型.移动运营商要针对每类商业模式,制定具体的游戏规则.  相似文献   

3G业务与3G支撑系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵立君 《世界电信》2004,17(1):38-41
通过分析3G网络特点,3G业务特点和3G网络管理需求,从建立支撑系统的统一接入平台、话音与数据的协调一致以及3G计费系统建设等3个方面提出了3G支撑系统的建设需求,希望对运营商更好地进行3G支撑系统建设起到比较好的指导作用。  相似文献   

蔡翔 《现代电信科技》2003,(5):40-43,62
在未来的3G业务市场,移动运营商必须做出的关键性商业决策之一就是如何定价。首先分析了急需研究3G业务定价策略的原因,然后以MMS定价为启示,描述了3G业务定价的思路,最后给出了两个3G业务定价案例。  相似文献   

正是看到2008年移动视频业务的大好机遇,处于奥运前夜的2007年成为运营商积极备战移动视频业务的一年。[编者按]  相似文献   

截止到2005年1月底,全球共颁发了142张3G许可证,公司持有的有效许可证有135张。其中WCDMA占126张,CDMA2000仅在日本、韩国和中国台湾有3家运营商选择。  相似文献   

This paper applies the perspective of business ecosystem to mobile communications industry,trying to help mobile network operators improve their strategies in the era of the third generation mobile communications(3G).According to the definition of the business ecosystem,the ecosystem structure of mobile network operators is analyzed.As an important hub in the ecosystem,mobile network operators are advised to take a keystone strategy.The key points of the strategy are summarized.Finally,suggestions for Chine...  相似文献   

 本文将商业生态系统的概念运用于移动通信产业,以帮助移动网络运营商制定其3G(第三代移动通信)时代的发展战略。文章首先根据商业生态系统的定义,分析了移动网络运营商的生态系统结构,指出运营商作为生态系统中的重要连接点,在战略上应定位为骨干型企业,并总结了骨干型企业战略的要点,最后对中国移动网络运营商的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

电信运营商的移动支付产品商业模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文通过传统意义上业界普遍认同的商业模式参考模型,探讨和总结了上海电信移动支付产品及翼支付·手机刷卡业务正式发布后的成功运营经验,对中国电信移动支付产品的价值主张、消费者目标群体、分销渠道、客户关系、价值配置、核心能力、合作伙伴网络、合作共赢模式等9要素进行了分析,找准了电信运营商移动支付的特点、与当前各界支付服务的差别及带来的提升作用,并分析自身资源,重点对移动支付产品的的价值链和目标客户群及客户使用意愿进行了深入的剖析,最后对中国电信移动支付各子产品的商业模式设计进行了介绍。  相似文献   

随着网络经济的飞速发展,商业模式的重要性日益得到广泛重视.本文首先介绍了商业模式的含义,重点阐述了电信企业的商业模式及评价方法,将电信企业的商业模式划分为技术导向型、网络导向型、业务导向型和客户导向型,提出了定量和定性的评价方法,最后对中国电信的商业模式讲行了评价,并给出了建议.  相似文献   

首先介绍了移动虚拟运营商的业务特点,然后阐述了虚拟运营商的几种业务模式和基础运营商合作策略以及基于特定业务模式下的虚拟运营商网络架构和特点,最后结合国内电信业现状和国外成功的虚拟运营商案例,为国内虚拟运营商的业务发展归纳出若干经验并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

商务模式,乏移动商务的重要研究内容之一,随着无线数据增值业务的快速发展,人们发现开放或封闭的商务模式都可以找到成功和不太成功的案例。首先对中间平台商务模式的组织架构进行了定性的讨论,然后在建立理论模型的基础上对无线数据增值业务平台商务模式中开放和封闭的组织结构对平台利润的影响进行了比较分析,给出了不同商务模式所适用的不同条件。  相似文献   

The paper assesses the market conditions and dynamics, the architectures and the different approaches for deployment of 3G Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), in an attempt to address specific advantages and pitfalls. Following the definition of appropriate service sets and tariff structures, and taking into account demand scenarios, a techno-economic model has been developed, in order to compute key economic indicators. The paper presents techno-economic results of specific business cases and deployment alternatives for an average “large” European country and a smaller, Nordic-type country. Fixed and variable costs have been identified and the business case shows how different service sets lead to different costs. Different MVNO business profiles have been investigated. Profitability for all scenarios and business profiles has been calculated, presented and discussed. Major opportunities and threats, as well as critical parameters and uncertainties have been identified through sensitivity analysis. Dimitris Varoutas holds Physics degree and M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in electronics and radio-communications from the University of Athens. He is a research fellow and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of University of Athens. He is also an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Telecommunications of the newly founded University of Peloponnese. He has participating in numerous European R&D projects in the RACE I &II, ACTS, Telematics, RISI and IST framework in the areas of telecommunications and Technoeconomics. He is an adviser in several organisations including OTE and EETT (Greek NRA for telecommunications) in the fields of telecommunications, broadband and mobile services, licensing, spectrum management, pricing and legislation. His research interests are optical, microwave communications and technoeconomic evaluation of network architectures and services. He has more than 30 publications in refereed journal and conferences in the area of telecommunications, optoelectronics and technoeconomics. He is a member of IEEE and serves as reviewer in several journals and conferences. Dimitris Katsianis received the Informatics degree and the M.Sc in Signal Processing and Computational Systems from the University of Athens. He is a research fellow in the Informatics Department of University of Athens. He was technical consultant scientific co-operator for Hellenic Telecommunication Organisation (OTE) in networking aspects concerning simulation of ATM networks and Management in an all Optical network, participating in several Eurescom (European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunication) projects. He was consultant in investment analysis projects for OTE Consulting S.A. He was also technical consultant in Telecommunication and signal processing for Space Hellas and technical consultant in Networking Applications for ICL-Hellas. He was participating in several ACTS and IST projects (AC364 OPTIMUM, AC364TERA, IST 25172-TONIC, etc.) as the case study leader for 3G and 4G business cases. He has more than 25 publications in journal and conferences in the field of techno-economics and 3G-network design. Thomas Sphicopoulos received the Physics degree from Athens University in 1976, the D.E.A. degree and Doctorate in Electronics both from the University of Paris VI in 1977 and 1980 respectively, the Doctorat Es Science from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in 1986. From 1976 to 1977 he worked in Thomson CSF Central Research Laboratories on Microwave Oscillators. From 1977 to 1980 he was an Associate Researcher in Thomson CSF Aeronautics Infrastructure Division. In 1980 he joined the Electromagnetism Laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne where he carried out research on Applied Electromagnetism. Since 1987 he is with the Athens University engaged in research on Broadband Communications Systems. In 1990 he was elected as an Assistant Professor of Communications in the Department of Informatics, in 1993 as Associate Professor and since 1998 he is a Professor in the same Department. His main scientific interests are Microwave and Optical Communication Systems and Networks and Techno-economics. He is leading about 30 National and European R&D projects (RACE I and II, ACTS, RISI, HCM, COST, Eurescom, etc.) including Synthesis and TITAN. He has more than 80 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is also a reviewer in journals of IEEE and IEE and auditor and evaluator of RACE and ACTS projects. He is the Chairman of the IEEE LEOS Chapter (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia). From 1999 he is advisor in several organisations including EETT (Greek NRA for telecommunications) in the fields of market liberalisation, spectrum management techniques and technology convergence. Kjell Stordahl received his M.Sc. from Oslo University in 1972. He has been at the Research Department Telenor for 15 years; 7 years as a manager of the Teletraffic field. He joined Telenor Networks in 1989 as Chief Planning Manager until 1996. He has been manager of Market analysis in Telenor Networks 1997–2002. Kjell Stordahl was appointed associated reporter and special reporter 1981–1988 in CCITT SGII for “Forecasting International Traffic”. From 1985 to 1988 he participated in CCITT GAS 10 and developed a forecasting handbook. He has also worked for ITU's headquarter as a specialist on forecasting. From 1994 to 1997 he was on the Board of Telenor Consult AS. He was referee for Project Imagine 21 in the ESPRIT Programme 1999–2001. Kjell Stordahl was on the Technical Advisory Board of Virtual Photonics 2000–2002. Since 1992 he has participated in various projects funded by the European Commission: RACE/TITAN, ACTS/OPTIMUM and TERA, IST/TONIC and CELTIC/ECOSYS. Kjell Stordahl has published over 150 papers in International Journals and Conferences.  相似文献   

国际运营商流量经营模式变革研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
宋杰  张敏 《电信科学》2011,27(8):1-5
当前移动互联网迅猛发展,智能终端呈爆发式增长,移动业务层出不穷,为电信运营商带来了巨大流量,但是运营商并没有实现收益的同步增长,电信运营商投入与收入的剪刀差日益扩大。为此,国际运营商纷纷采取不同措施,应对流量的增长,并力图提升流量的价值。本文分析了国际运营商的应对措施,提出了电信运营商流量经营的CTR模型,为国内电信运营商流量经营模式转型提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

钱慧  吕廷杰 《电信科学》2006,22(11):40-43
价值网是价值链发展的高级阶段,它的优势在于可以使网上的各成员在充分共享信息和知识的基础上,利用彼此的互补优势和资源,共同满足客户的多样化需求.3G时代是个新的融合电信时代,移动互联网发展,新经济的崛起产生新的商业模式,重新思考价值链已经提到了议事日程,本文根据以客户为中心的3G价值网的理念对运营商提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

受诺基亚网络(Nokia Networks)委托,HPI Research Group针对移动信息传递业务进行了一项全球市场调查,本报告总结了该项调查的一些重要发现和结论。  相似文献   

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