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We introduce CoCasl as a light-weight but expressive coalgebraic extension of the algebraic specification language Casl. CoCasl allows the nested combination of algebraic datatypes and coalgebraic process types. Moreover, it provides syntactic sugar for an observer-indexed modal logic that allows e.g. expressing fairness properties. This logic includes a generic definition of modal operators for observers with structured equational result types. We prove existence of final models for specifications in a format that allows the use of equationally specified initial datatypes as observations, as well as modal axioms. The use of CoCasl is illustrated by specifications of the process algebras CSP and CCS.  相似文献   

We introduce a rewrite-based specification language for modelling probabilistic concurrent and distributed systems. The language, based on PMaude, has both a rigorous formal basis and the characteristics of a high-level rule-based programming language. Furthermore, we provide tool support for performing discrete-event simulations of models written in PMaude, and for statistically analyzing various quantitative aspects of such models based on the samples that are generated through discrete-event simulation. Because distributed and concurrent communication protocols can be modelled using actors (concurrent objects with asynchronous message passing), we provide an actor PMaude module. The module aids writing specifications in a probabilistic actor formalism. This allows us to easily write specifications that are purely probabilistic – and not just non-deterministic. The absence of such (un-quantified) non-determinism in a probabilistic system is necessary for a form of statistical analysis that we also discuss. Specifically, we introduce a query language called Quantitative Temporal Expressions (or QuaTEx in short), to query various quantitative aspects of a probabilistic model. We also describe a statistical technique to evaluate QuaTEx expressions for a probabilistic model.  相似文献   

Design of a magnetostrictive (MS) actuator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several advanced technologies are introduced in automotive applications. Higher energy density and dynamic performance are demanding new and cost-effective actuator structures. Magnetostriction (MS), change in shape of materials under the influence of an external magnetic field, is one of the advanced technologies. Good understanding of specific design constrains is required to define and optimize a magnetostrictive actuator. This paper presents parametrical analysis with magnetic simulation of a magnetostrictive actuator. Proposed actuator has been designed, and the performance has been evaluated on experimental rig. Strain, elongation of the shaft, of 1000 ppm at 10 A and a blocked force over 4500 N has been achieved with shaft of 8 mm diameter, made of Terfenol-D. Furthermore, the effect of pre-stress of the Terfenol-D shaft has been evaluated experimentally. The study shows that excellent features can be obtained by magnetostrictive materials for many advanced applications.  相似文献   

In this work we present the on-the-fly workload prediction and redistribution techniques used in Zeus [Braberman, V., A. Olivero and F. Schapachnik, Zeus: A distributed timed model checker based on kronos, in: Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Model Checking, affiliated to CONCUR 2002 (13th International Conference on Concurrency Theory), ENTCS 68 (2002), Braberman, V., A. Olivero and F. Schapachnik, Issues in Distributed Model-Checking of Timed Automata: building zeus, to appear in International Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer (2004)], a Distributed Model Checker that evolves from the tool Kronos [Daws, C., A. Olivero, S. Tripakis and S. Yovine, The Tool KRONOS, in: Proceedings of Hybrid Systems III, LNCS 1066 (1996), pp. 208–219].After reviewing why it is so hard to have good speedups in distributed timed model checking, we present the methods used to get promising results when verifying reachability properties over timed automata [Alur, R. and D. L. Dill, A theory of timed automata, Theoretical Computer Science 126 (1994) 183–235].  相似文献   

A Random test generator generates executable tests together with their expected results. In the form of a noise-maker, it seeds the program with conditional scheduling primitives (such as yield()) that may cause context switches. As a result different interleavings are potentially produced in different executions of the program. Determining a-priori the set of seeded locations required for a bug to manifest itself is rarely possible.This work proposes to reformulate random test generation of concurrent Java programs as a search problem. Hence, it allows applying a set of well known search techniques from the domain of AI to the input space of the test generator. By iteratively refining the input parameters fed to the test generator, the search process creates testing scenarios (i.e. interleavings) that maximizes predefined objective functions. We develop geneticFinder, a noise-maker that uses a genetic algorithm as a search method. We demonstrate our approach by maximizing two objective functions: the high manifestation rate of concurrent bugs and the exporting of a high degree of debugging information to the user. Experimental results show our approach is effective.  相似文献   

We define a logic EpCTL for reasoning about the evolution of probabilistic systems. System states correspond to probability distributions over classical states and the system evolution is modelled by probabilistic Kripke structures that capture both stochastic and non–deterministic transitions. The proposed logic is a temporal enrichment of Exogenous Probabilistic Propositional Logic (EPPL). The model-checking problem for EpCTL is analysed and the logic is compared with PCTL; the semantics of the former is defined in terms of probability distributions over sets of propositional symbols, whereas the latter is designed for reasoning about distributions over paths of possible behaviour. The intended application of the logic is as a specification formalism for properties of communication protocols, and security protocols in particular; to demonstrate this, we specify relevant security properties for a classical contract signing protocol and for the so–called quantum one–time pad.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a term rewriting based library for manipulating Java bytecode. We define a mapping from bytecode programs to algebraic terms, and we use Tom, an extension of Java that adds pattern-matching facilities, to describe transformations. An originality of Tom is that it provides a powerful strategy language to express traversals over trees and to control how transformation rules are applied. To be even more expressive, we use CTL formulae as conditions and we show how their satisfiability can be ensured using the strategy formalism. Through small examples, we show how bytecode analysis and transformations can be defined in an elegant way. In particular, we outline the implementation of a ClassLoader parameterized by a security policy that restricts file access.  相似文献   

Consideration was given to the universal software packages for modeling objects and distributed-parameter systems obeying the partial differential equations. The packages may serve as important tools for industrial automation because the majority of industrial objects have distributed parameters. The review presented the results of comparing a number of commercial packages against a set of user-defined criteria. Its final part was devoted to some freeware packages. Conclusions were drawn, and recommendations for using the considered packages were given.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the formal verification of a Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger’s algorithm for computing Gröbner bases of polynomial ideals. This work is carried out in ACL2, a system which provides an integrated environment where programming (in a pure functional subset of Common Lisp) and formal verification of programs, with the assistance of a theorem prover, are possible. Our implementation is written in a real programming language and it is directly executable within the ACL2 system or any compliant Common Lisp system. We provide here snippets of real verified code, discuss the formalization details in depth, and present quantitative data about the proof effort.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a structural translation of terms from a simple variant of the Klaim process algebra into behaviourally equivalent finite high level Petri nets. This yields a formal semantics for mobility allowing one to deal directly with concurrency and causality.  相似文献   

The classic readers-writers problem has been extensively studied. This holds to a lesser degree for the reentrant version, where it is allowed to nest locking actions. Such nesting is useful when a library is created with various procedures each starting and ending with a lock operation. Allowing nesting makes it possible for these procedures to call each other.We considered an existing widely used industrial implementation of the reentrant readers-writers problem. Staying close to the original code, we modelled and analyzed it using a model checker resulting in the detection of a serious error: a possible deadlock situation. The model was improved and checked satisfactorily for a fixed number of processes. To achieve a correctness result for an arbitrary number of processes the model was converted to a specification that was proven with a theorem prover. Furthermore, we studied starvation. Using model checking we found a starvation problem. We have fixed the problem and checked the solution. Combining model checking with theorem proving appeared to be very effective in reducing the time of the verification process.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe some statistical results obtained by the verification of random graph transformation systems (GTSs). As a verification technique we use over-approximation of GTSs by Petri nets. Properties we want to verify are given by markings of Petri nets. We also use counterexample-guided abstraction refinement approach to refine the obtained approximation. A software tool (Augur) supports the verification procedure. The idea of the paper is to see how many of the generated systems can be successfully verified using this technique.  相似文献   

Xml documents conceptually are not trees, but forests. Therefore, we extend the concept of macro tree transducers (mtt's) to a transformation formalism of forests, macro forest transducers (mft's). We show that mft's form a strict superset of mtt's operating on forests (represented as binary trees). On the other hand, the transformation of every mft can be simulated by the composition of two mtt's. Although macro forest transducers are more powerful, the complexity of inverse type inference, i.e., computing the pre-image of a recognizable language, is almost the same as for tree transducers.  相似文献   

Four enantioselective, potentiometric membrane electrodes based on carbon paste impregnated with α-, β-, 2-hydroxyl-3-trimethylammoniopropyl-β-(as chloride salt) and γ-cyclodextrins (γ-CDs) are proposed for the assay of l-histidine (l-his). The proposed electrodes showed near-Nernstian response over l-his but not over d-histidine (d-his). The recovery of l-his in the presence of d-his was higher than 99.10% with R.S.D. lower than 0.1%. The surfaces of the electrodes are easily renewable by simply polishing on an alumina paper.  相似文献   

We present a new proof of Theorem of 1989 about non-stationary (transient) distribution of the number of jobs in the M/G/1 queue with egalitarian processor sharing. To get this goal, we use the well-known method of supplementary variables. The complete proof of that non-trivial Theorem of 1989 (see Theorem 2.1) was first given in the author’s monograph [12, §2.8] (1989) by means of essentially novel analytic method. Before appearing author’s work, this problem had been considered from analytic viewpoint as insoluble one. In essence, Theorem 2.2 almost repeats Theorem 2.1, but with other proof. In Section 3, Theorem 2.2 is extended to the case of an M/G/1-EPS queue with catastrophes which appear according to a Poisson process.  相似文献   

Singularly perturbed systems of ordinary differential equations are studied. A method for analysis of canard-type trajectories in such systems based on the topological degree theory is suggested. The method does not require smoothness of the right-hand side of the system. A result on the existence of periodic canards in systems with non-smooth perturbations is obtained. The trajectories located in this way are not necessarily Lyapunov stable, and appropriate control algorithms are required to stabilize them, e.g., feedback control.  相似文献   

Peer Data Management Systems (Pdms) are a novel, useful, but challenging paradigm for distributed data management and query processing. Conventional integrated information systems have a hierarchical structure with an integration component that manages a global schema and distributes queries against this schema to the underlying data sources. Pdms are a natural extension to this architecture by allowing each participating system (peer) to act both as a data source and as an integrator. Peers are interconnected by schema mappings, which guide the rewriting of queries between the heterogeneous schemas, and thus form a P2P (peer-to-peer)-like network.Despite several years of research, the development of efficient Pdms still holds many challenges. In this article we first survey the state of the art on peer data management: We classify Pdms by characteristics concerning their system model, their semantics, their query planning schemes, and their maintenance. Then we systematically examine open research directions in each of those areas. In particular, we observe that research results from both the domain of P2P systems and of conventional distributed data management can have an impact on the development of Pdms.  相似文献   

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