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The problem considered is that of selecting an initial covariance matrix for the Kalman filter to ensure that the closed-loop filter at every subsequent time instant is exponentially asymptotically stable as a time-invariant filter. Sufficient conditions are derived based on monotonicity properties of the solution of the Riccati difference equation. The results have application in observer design, and the cases of filtering for nonstabilizable systems and systems with singular system matrices are included.  相似文献   

The eigenvalue assignment problem of a T-periodic linear system using discrete periodic state feedback gains is discussed. For controllable systems, an explicit formula for the feedback law is given that can be used for the arbitrary assignment of the eigenvalues of Φc1(T,0), the closed-loop state transition matrix from 0 to T. For the special case of periodic systems controllable over one period, this control law can be used to obtain any desired Φc1(T,0)  相似文献   

This paper discusses the periodic solutions of the matrix Riccati differential equation in the optimal filtering of periodic systems. Special emphasis is given to non-stabilizable systems and the question addressed is the existence and uniqueness of a steady-state periodic non-negative definite solution of the periodic Riccati differential equation which gives rise to an asymptotically stable steady-state filter. The results presented show that the stabilizability is not a necessary condition for the existence of such a periodic solution. The convergence of the general solution of the periodic Riccati differential equation to a periodic equilibrium solution is also investigated. The results are extensions of existing time-invariant systems results to the case of periodic systems  相似文献   

A network-theoretic approach to the design of a dynamic precompensator C(s) for a multiinput, multioutput plant T(s) is considered. The design is based on the relative degree of each element of T(s). Specifically, an efficient algorithm is presented for determining whether a given plant T(s) has a diagonal precompensator C( s) such that, for almost all cases, T(s)C (s) has a diagonal interactor. The algorithm also finds any optimal precompensator, in the sense that the total relative degree is minimal. The algorithm can be easily modified to work even when a T(s) represented by a nonsquare matrix is given  相似文献   

For the linear discrete time-invariant stochastic system with correlated noises,and with unknown model parameters and noise statistics,substituting the online consistent estimators of the model paramet...  相似文献   

An LQG (linear quadratic Gaussian) control-design problem involving a constraint on H disturbance attenuation is considered. The H performance constraint is embedded within the optimization process by replacing the covariance Lyapunov equation by a Riccati equation whose solution leads to an upper bound on L2 performance. In contrast to the pair of separated Riccati equations of standard LQG theory, the H-constrained gains are given by a coupled system of three modified Riccati equations. The coupling illustrates the breakdown of the separation principle for the H-constrained problem. Both full- and reduced-order design problems are considered with an H attenuation constraint involving both state and control variables. An algorithm is developed for the full-order design problem and illustrative numerical results are given  相似文献   

The condition under which it is possible to find a single controller that stabilizes k single-input single-output linear time-invariant systems pi(s) (i=1,. . .,k) is investigated. The concept of avoidance in the complex plane is introduced and used to derive a sufficient condition for k systems to be simultaneously stabilizable. A method for constructing a simultaneous stabilizing controller is also provided and is illustrated by an example  相似文献   

The existence and properties of the maximal symmetric periodic solution of the periodic Riccati difference equation, is analysed for the optimal filtering problem of linear periodic discrete-time systems. Special emphasis is given to systems not necessarily reversible and subject only to a detectability assumption. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of periodic non-negative definite solutions of the periodic Riccati difference equation which gives rise to a stable filter are also established. Furthermore, the convergence of non-negative definite solutions of the Riccati equation is investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, four characterizations of stabilizability and detectability of linear periodic systems are considered. Two of them look as natural extensions of the classical definitions given for time-invariant systems. The remaining two are modal characterizations which turn out to be useful in the analysis of the periodic Lyapunov and Riccati equations. It is shown that all these notions of stabilizability (and detectability) are in fact equivalent to each other.One of the various definitions calls for the existence of the Kalman canonical decomposition of periodic systems. This issue is addressed in the Appendix.  相似文献   

The commenter argues that the result of the above-titled work (see ibid., vol.37, no.10, p.1558-1561, Oct. 1992) is incorrect. It is pointed out that when sampling a continuous-time system G(s ) using zero-order hold, the zeros of the resulting discrete-time system H(z) become complicated functions of the sampling interval T. The system G(s) has unstable continuous-time zeros, s=0.1±i. The zeros of the corresponding sampled system start for small T from a double zero at z=1 as exp(T(0.1±i )), i.e., on the unstable side. For T>1.067 . . . the zeros become stable. The criterion function of the above-titled work, F(T)=G*(jωs/2)= H(-1)T/2, is, however, positive for all T, indicating only stable zeros. The zero-locus crosses the unit circle at complex values  相似文献   

A control scheme called repetitive control is proposed, in which the controlled variables follow periodic reference commands. A high-accuracy asymptotic tracking property is achieved by implementing a model that generates the periodic signals of period L into the closed-loop system. Sufficient conditions for the stability of repetitive control systems and modified repetitive control systems are derived by applying the small-gain theorem and the stability theorem for time-lag systems. Synthesis algorithms are presented by both the state-space approach and the factorization approach. In the former approach, the technique of the Kalman filter and perfect regulation is utilized, while coprime factorization over the matrix ring of proper stable rational functions and the solution of the Hankel norm approximation are used in the latter one  相似文献   

A Fourier series-based method for approximation of stable infinite-dimensional linear time-invariant system models is discussed. The basic idea is to compute the Fourier series coefficients of the associated transfer function Td(Z) and then take a high-order partial sum. Two results on H convergence and associated error bounds of the partial sum approximation are established. It is shown that the Fourier coefficients can be replaced by the discrete Fourier transform coefficients while maintaining H convergence. Thus, a fast Fourier transform algorithm can be used to compute the high-order approximation. This high-order finite-dimensional approximation can then be reduced using balanced truncation or optimal Hankel approximation leading to the final finite-dimensional approximation to the original infinite-dimensional model. This model has been tested on several transfer functions of the time-delay type with promising results  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of risk-sensitive filtering for continuous-time stochastic linear Gaussian time-invariant systems. In particular, we address the problem of forgetting of initial conditions. Our results show that suboptimal risk-sensitive filters initialized with arbitrary Gaussian initial conditions asymptotically approach the optimal risk-sensitive filter for a linear Gaussian system with Gaussian but unknown initial conditions in the mean square sense at an exponential rate, provided the arbitrary initial covariance matrix results in a stabilizing solution of the (H-like) Riccati equation associated with the risk-sensitive problem. More importantly, in the case of non-Gaussian initial conditions, a suboptimal risk-sensitive filter asymptotically approaches the optimal risk-sensitive filter in the mean square sense under a boundedness condition satisfied by the fourth order absolute moment of the initial non-Gaussian density and a slow growth condition satisfied by a certain Radon–Nikodym derivative.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study asymptotic stability properties of risk-sensitive filters with respect to their initial conditions. In particular, we consider a linear time-invariant systems with initial conditions that are not necessarily Gaussian. We show that in the case of Gaussian initial conditions, the optimal risk-sensitive filter asymptotically converges to a suboptimal filter initialized with an incorrect covariance matrix for the initial state vector in the mean square sense provided the incorrect initializing value for the covariance matrix results in a risk-sensitive filter that is asymptotically stable, that is, results in a solution for a Riccati equation that is asymptotically stabilizing. For non-Gaussian initial conditions, we derive the expression for the risk-sensitive filter in terms of a finite number of parameters. Under a boundedness assumption satisfied by the fourth order absolute moment of the initial state variable and a slow growth condition satisfied by a certain Radon-Nikodym derivative, we show that a suboptimal risk-sensitive filter initialized with Gaussian initial conditions asymptotically approaches the optimal risk-sensitive filter for non-Gaussian initial conditions in the mean square sense. Some examples are also given to substantiate our claims.  相似文献   

An exact solution is presented of the matrix Riccati difference equation associated with a time-invariant discrete Kalman filter. The time-varying solution is expressed by means of the corresponding steady-state algebraic solution. An exact solution of the closed-loop transition matrix is also presented.  相似文献   

The authors consider the two-Riccati-equation solution to a standard H control problem, which can be used to characterize all possible stabilizing optimal or suboptimal H controllers if the optimal H norm (or γ), an upper bound of a suboptimal H norm is given. Some eigen properties of these H Riccati solutions are revealed. The most prominent one is that the spectral radius of the product of these two Riccati solutions is a continuous, nonincreasing, convex function of γ on the domain of interest. Based on these properties, a quadratically convergent algorithm is developed to compute the optimal H norm  相似文献   

The problem of optimal rejection of bounded persistent disturbances is solved in the case of linear discrete-time periodic systems. The solution consists of solving an equivalent time-invariant standard l1 optimization problem subject to an additional constraint. This constraint assures the causality of the resulting periodic controller. By the duality theory, the problem is shown to be equivalent to a linear programming problem, which is no harder than the standard l1 problem. Also, it is shown that the method of solution presented applies exactly to the problem of disturbance rejection in the case of multirate sampled data systems. Finally, the results are applied to the problem of robust stabilization of periodic and multirate systems  相似文献   

J.C. Doyle et al. (1982) have shown that a necessary and sufficient condition for robust stability or robust performance in the H-frame work may be formulated as a bound on the structured singular value (μ) of a specific matrix M which includes information on the system model, the controller, the model uncertainty, and the performance specifications. Often it is desirable to express the robust stability and performance conditions as norm bounds on transfer matrices (T) which are of direct interest to the engineer, e.g. sensitivity or complementary sensitivity. The present paper shows how to derive bounds on σ(T) from bounds on μ(M)  相似文献   

We present the complete solution to the H-optimal control problem when only sampled values of the state are available. For linear time-varying systems the optimum controller is characterized in terms of the solution of a particular generalized Riccati-differential equation, with the optimum performance determined by the conjugate point conditions associated with a family of generalized Riccati differential equations. For the infinite-horizon time-invariant problem, however, the optimum controller is characterized in terms of the solution of a particular generalized algebraic Riccati equation, and the performance is determined in terms of the conjugate-point conditions of a single generalized Riccati equation, defined on the longest sampling interval. If the distribution of the sampling times is also taken as part of the general design, uniform sampling turns out to be optimal for the infinite horizon case, while for the finite horizon problem a nonuniform sampling generally leads to a better performance.  相似文献   

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