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在对太阳能屋顶光伏发电系统构成及发展意义阐述的基础上,通过对某15MW屋顶光伏发电工程大量实际数据的分析,表明太阳能屋顶光伏发电工程具有良好的社会、经济效益和广阔的发展前景。 相似文献
本研究旨在探讨基于太阳能的光伏发电系统,为解决能源和环境问题提供可靠的解决方案。研究采用实验和理论分析相结合的方法,通过建立光伏发电系统模型,对其性能进行评估和优化。实验结果表明,光伏发电系统的输出功率与太阳辐射强度、环境温度、组件温度等因素密切相关,同时系统的转换效率也受到组件质量、阴影遮挡等因素的影响。为了提高系统的性能,本研究还探讨了光伏发电系统的优化策略,包括适当调整组件角度、增加组串数量、采用优质组件等。最终,本研究得出结论:基于太阳能的光伏发电系统是一种可行的可再生能源解决方案,但其性能和效益需要通过科学的设计和管理来实现最大化。本研究为光伏发电系统的优化和推广提供了理论支持和技术指导,对于推动我国能源结构调整和环境保护具有重要意义。 相似文献
太阳电池作为一种清洁能源越来越多地被世界各国用在各个领域,我国近年在西部无电地区建立了大量的太阳能光伏电站,被广泛应用在通讯、广播、石油运输、公路交通、江河航运等领域。随着国家西部铁路的建设,光伏发电正逐渐显示出它的巨大优势。本文着重论述光伏发电系统在西部铁路建设和运营中的应用。 相似文献
在世界面对能源与环境可持续发展的重大课题和气候变化严峻挑战的形势下,在国际市场和国内政策的推动下,中国的光伏产业正迎来发展高峰期,特别是2008年中国光伏产业继续快速发展,太阳电池/组件产量占世界产量的27%以上.但目前我国的光伏产能与光伏市场严重失调,加上国际技术半封闭、产品质量要求严格的壁垒,在这样的大环境下,中国的光伏产业将面临怎样的出路?中国光伏企业应如何面对国外政策的变动?中国光伏产品如何在世界上真正的"站稳脚跟"等一系列问题,都是时下大家关注的焦点. 相似文献
1我国新能源的发展形势我国随着工业经济的高速发展,环境问题日益凸显,因此大力发展可再生能源发电,特别是太阳能发电是解决我国能源危机和保证可持续发展的重要战略。 相似文献
A Solar Photovoltaic (PV) pump operated drip irrigation system has been designed and developed for growing orchards in arid region considering different design parameters like pumps size, water requirements, the diurnal variation in the pressure of the pump due to change in irradiance and pressure compensation in the drippers. The system comprising a PV pump with 900 Wp PV array and 800 W dc motor-pump mono-block, micro filter, main and sub-mains and three open-able low-pressure compensating drippers on each plant was field tested. The emission uniformity was observed to be 92–94% with discharge of 3.8 l/h in the pressure range of 70–100 kPa provided by the pump and thus the system could irrigate some 1 ha area within 2 h. Based on the performance of the PV pump and the drip system, it was inferred that about 5 ha area of orchard could be covered. The projected benefit–cost ratio for growing pomegranate orchards with such a system was evaluated to be above 2 even with the costly PV pump and therefore the system was considered to be an appropriate technology for the development of arid region. 相似文献
光伏发电系统是由能把太阳光能直接转换为电能的部件和子系统构成。其中的光伏阵列是将入射的太阳辐射能直接转换为直流电能的单元,太阳电池板组成的阵列与光伏阵列连接箱连接,电流经连接箱汇流后输出到逆变器或直接应用环节。太阳电池板组成的光伏阵列约占光伏发电系统总成本的70%,如何保护光伏阵列和充分提高 相似文献
Karim Asali 《Refocus》2002,3(3):32
Governments, NGO's and UN organisations are increasingly convinced that renewable energies not only help to solve energy problems in Africa but are indispensable in alleviating regional disparities, social problems and bridging the digital gap. Still, many years after introducing high efficiency solar PV systems the necessary breakthrough of implementing them on a mass scale is still not a reality. Karim Asali, Kyocera Fineceramics GmbH, provides perspectives on developing solar PV in Africa. 相似文献
超导储能(SMES)具有非常快速的功率调节能力和灵活的四象限运行能力,可完成调节电力系统功率因数、补偿电压跌落等功能。文章针对光伏发电系统的特殊运行方式,提出了利用光伏出力与本地负荷需求的差值作为SMES控制器的功率控制信号策略。在PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台建立了超导储能系统模型,并对其在光伏发电系统的中的运行控制方式进行研究。研究结果表明,超导储能与光伏系统配合可以很好地解决光伏发电功率易受环境影响、不可调节、难于满足负荷需求的问题,对由负荷变化引起的母线电压波动和故障引起的母线电压跌落具有良好的补偿作用。 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a new configuration of solar concentration optics utilizing modularly faceted Fresnel lenses to achieve a uniform intensity on the absorber plane with a moderate concentration ratio. The uniform illumination is obtained by the superposition of flux distributions resulted from modularly faceted Fresnel lenses. Based on the concept of modularly faceted Fresnel lenses, the cost effective 3-D concentration solar PV system is designed for future applications. Mathematical treatments for deriving the flux distribution and the concentration efficiency at the absorber plane are introduced. As an example, the distribution of the solar flux, at the cell position, is simulated using ray-trace technique for 9, 25, 49, 81, and 121 suns concentration systems. The irradiance distributions at the cell plane are estimated to be uniform within 20%, with a transmission efficiency larger than 70% for low and medium concentration ratios (less than 50 suns). 相似文献
Solar air conditioning system directly driven by stand-alone solar PV is studied. The air conditioning system will suffer from loss of power if the solar PV power generation is not high enough. It requires a proper system design to match the power consumption of air conditioning system with a proper PV size. Six solar air conditioners with different sizes of PV panel and air conditioners were built and tested outdoors to experimentally investigate the running probabilities of air conditioning at various solar irradiations. It is shown that the instantaneous operation probability (OPB) and the runtime fraction (RF) of the air conditioner are mainly affected by the design parameter rpL (ratio of maximum PV power to load power). The measured OPB is found to be greater than 0.98 at instantaneous solar irradiation IT > 600 W m−2 if rpL > 1.71. RF approaches 1.0 (the air conditioner is run in 100% with solar power) at daily-total solar radiation higher than 13 MJ m−2 day−1, if rpL > 3. 相似文献
离网型太阳能光伏发电系统是解决常规电网难以覆盖的偏远地区供电的有效途径.太阳能光伏发电系统能够满足部分无电牧民的基本用电需求,改善当地牧民的生活水平.以国际科技合作项目"中意太阳村"为案例,概述了项目的实施过程,并就项目运行状况进行分析,提出了相关的结论及建议,可为太阳能光伏发电在偏远地区的推广应用积累经验,同时为进一步的国际科技合作奠定基础. 相似文献
地面用光伏电源系统设计 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
0引言严格地讲 ,一个较大的太阳电池电源系统的设计内容十分广泛 ,包括太阳电池方阵设计 ,系统电器性能的设计和测量 ,总的充、放电电流和电量的测量 ,当地辐射的测量和瞬态光强度的测量 ,蓄电池、逆变器 ,配电、输电、限电、保护装置设计 ,热设计和机械结构设计等。小的独立太阳电池系统 ,可以简单得多。在给定用电负载要求后 ,主要考虑太阳电池和蓄电池用量和优化配置 ,以及选用合适的充、放电控制器。设计时可以年平均太阳辐射总量和太阳工作温度作为主要依据 ,并对倾斜面上的辐射进行必要的修正后 ,直接用于地面光伏电源系统的设计 ,可… 相似文献