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Background: Oral-sustained release gel formulations with suitable rheological properties have been proposed as a means of improving the compliance of dysphagic and geriatric patients who have difficulties with handling and swallowing oral dosage forms. Aim: We have modified the rheological and release properties of thermally reversible methylcellulose solutions by admixture with pectin, the gelation of which is ion-responsive, with the aim of formulating an in situ gelling vehicle suitable for oral-sustained drug delivery. Method: Gels formed by solutions containing methylcellulose (1.0–2.0%) and pectin (0.5–2.0%) were assessed for suitable gel strength, and in vitro and in vivo release of paracetamol. Results: Addition of 1.5% pectin to a 2.0% methylcellulose formulation containing 20% d-sorbitol and calcium ions in complexed form increased the gel strength and provided a formulation with a suitable viscosity for ease of swallowing by dysphagic patients. Gels formed in situ after oral administration of this formulation retained their integrity in the rat stomach for sufficient time for sustained release to be achieved. In vitro release of paracetamol from methylcellulose, pectin, and methylcellulose/pectin gels was diffusion-controlled. Plasma levels of paracetamol after oral administration to rats (gastric pH 2.6 and 5.5) of a solution including 2.0% methylcellulose/1.5% pectin showed improved sustained release compared with that from both 2.0% methylcellulose and 1.5% pectin solutions. Conclusions: The addition of suitable concentrations of pectin to methylcellulose solutions produces in situ gelling formulations with suitable viscosity for administration to dysphagic patients and improved sustained release characteristics.  相似文献   

Background: Elderly patients with swallowing dysfunction may benefit from the oral administration of liquid dosage forms with in situ gelling properties.

Aim: We have designed in situ gelling liquid dosage formulations composed of mixtures of methylcellulose, which has thermally reversible gelation properties and sodium alginate, the gelation of which is ion-responsive, with suitable rheological characteristics for ease of administration to dysphagic patients and suitable integrity in the stomach to achieve a sustained release of drug.

Method: The rheological and gelation characteristics of solutions containing methylcellulose (2.0%) and sodium alginate (0.25–1.0%) were assessed for their suitability for administration to dysphagic patients. The gel strength and in vitro and in vivo release characteristics of gels formed by selected formulations were compared using paracetamol as a model drug.

Results: Mixtures of 2.0% methylcellulose and 0.5% alginate containing 20% d-sorbitol were of suitable viscosity for ease of swallowing by dysphagic patients and formed gels at temperatures between ambient and body temperature allowing administration in liquid form and in situ gelation in the stomach. In vitro release of paracetamol from 2.0% methylcellulose/0.5% alginate gels was diffusion-controlled at pH 1.2 and 6.8. Measurement of plasma levels of paracetamol after oral administration to rats of a 2.0% methylcellulose/0.5% alginate formulation showed improved sustained release compared to that from 2.0% methylcellulose and 0.5% alginate solutions and from an aqueous solution of paracetamol.

Conclusions: Solutions of mixtures of methylcellulose and alginate in appropriate proportions are of suitable consistency for administration to dysphagic patients and form gels in situ with sustained release characteristics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of a pectin formulation with in situ gelling properties for the oral sustained delivery of paracetamol (acetaminophen). The formulations consisted of dilute aqueous solutions (1% to 2% w/v) of low methoxy pectin containing calcium ions in complexed form, which on release in the acidic environment of the stomach caused gelation of the pectin. In vitro studies demonstrated diffusion-controlled release of paracetamol from the gels over a period of 6 h. A bioavailability of approximately 96% of that of a paracetamol solution could be achieved from gels containing an identical dose of drug formed in situ in the stomachs of rats, with appreciably lower peak plasma levels and a sustained release of drug over a period of at least 6 h.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of a xyloglucan formulation with in situ gelling properties for the oral sustained delivery of paracetamol. Gelation of dilute aqueous solutions of the polysaccharide xyloglucan occurred in rabbit and rat stomachs as the orally administered chilled solutions attained body temperature. In vitro studies demonstrated diffusion-controlled release of paracetamol from the gels over a period of 6 hr. The bioavailabilities of paracetamol from the xyloglucan gels formed in situ in the stomachs of rabbits after oral administration of the liquid formulations were similar to that of a commercially available suspension containing an identical dose of paracetamol.  相似文献   

Background: Developing a sustained release drug to cure arthritis is needed. Sinomenine (SIN) is abstracted from sinomenium acutum and widely used in the treatment of various rheumatism and arrhythmia with few side effects. The primary aim of this study is to develop SIN microcapsules with polyelectrolyte multilayers for controlled drug release. Method: SIN microcrystals were encapsulated with chitosan, gelatin, and alginate by layer-by-layer technique, such as (gelatin/alginate)4 and (chitosan/alginate)6. The size distribution, zeta-potential, stability, and morphology of the microcapsules were characterized by a particle size analyzer, zetasizer, ultraviolet spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscope, respectively. The in vitro controlled release pattern of SIN was studied using a diffusion cell assembly at physiological pH of 6.8 or 1.4. Results: Light stability of these microcapsules was improved after microencapsulation. Compared with release rate of the SIN microcapsules coated by the poly(dimethyldiallyl ammonium chloride)/alginate and gelatin/alginate multilayers, release rate of the SIN microcapsules coated with chitosan/alginate multilayers was fast. Release rate progressively decreased with the increase of chitosan/alginate bilayer number and the decrease of pH value of release medium. Conclusion: These novel SIN microcapsules may be developed into oral controlled drug delivery for rheumatism and arthritis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of an in situ gelling pectin formulation as a vehicle for the oral sustained delivery of theophylline and cimetidine. In vitro studies demonstrated diffusion-controlled release of theophylline from 1, 1.5, and 2% w/v pectin gels. Release of this drug from 1.5% w/v pectin gels formed in situ in rabbit stomach was sustained over a period of 12 hours giving a theophylline bioavailability some seven fold higher than when administered from a commercial syrup. In contrast, interactions between cimetidine and pectin led to weak gelation of the pectin sols that prevented any meaningful determination of in vitro release characteristics. Similarly, in vivo release profiles from pectin formulations containing cimetidine were similar to that from a solution of this drug in buffer, indicative of weak gelation. Examination of the content of the rabbit stomach 5 hours after administration of 1.5% w/v pectin sols containing drug confirmed gel formation, but gels containing cimetidine were noticeably softer than those containing theophylline.  相似文献   

Context: Advancement in technology has transformed the conventional dosage forms to intelligent drug delivery systems. Such systems are helpful for targeted and efficient drug delivery with minimum side effects. Drug release from these systems is governed and controlled by external stimuli (pH, enzymes, ions, glucose, etc.). Polymeric biomaterial having stimuli-responsive properties has opened a new area in drug delivery approach.

Objective: Potential of a polysaccharide (rhamnogalacturonan)-based hydrogel from Linseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.) was investigated as an intelligent drug delivery material.

Materials and methods: Different concentrations of Linseed hydrogel (LSH) were used to prepare caffeine and diacerein tablets and further investigated for pH and salt solution-responsive swelling, pH-dependent drug release, and release kinetics. Morphology of tablets was observed using SEM.

Results: LSH tablets exhibited dynamic swelling–deswelling behavior with tendency to swell at pH 7.4 and in deionized water while deswell at pH 1.2, in normal saline and ethanol. Consequently, pH controlled release of the drugs was observed from tablets with lower release (<10%) at pH 1.2 and higher release at pH 6.8 and 7.4. SEM showed elongated channels in swollen then freeze-dried tablets.

Discussion: The drug release was greatly influenced by the amount of LSH in the tablets. Drug release from LSH tablets was governed by the non-Fickian diffusion.

Conclusions: These finding indicates that LSH holds potential to be developed as sustained release material for tablet.  相似文献   

Polymeric microparticles have been previously demonstrated to deliver various therapeutic agents efficiently to targeted regions by protecting the drug from harsh gastric milieu of the gastrointestinal tract. In this study, we investigated the hypoglycemic effect of β-cyclodextrin polymeric insulin microparticles in diabetic rats via the oral route of administration. β-cyclodextrin microparticles were prepared by a unique one-step spray-drying technique and stabilized by incorporating enteric retardant polymers in the formulation. The insulin-loaded microparticles had a mean size of 0.8?±?0.25?μm with a zeta potential of 3.57?+?0.62?mV. As seen with the chromatographic analysis, the drug content in the microparticles was determined to be 94.9?±?2.77%. RAW macrophage cells showed greater than 80% viability after 24?h of incubation with the insulin and blank microparticles. For the in vitro release study, the microparticles were able to protect the insulin in gastric fluid where no significant release was detected, followed by only 50% release in intestinal fluid for the first 8?h of the study. This was seen to correlate with the in vivo data where 50% glucose inhibition was seen after 8?h of oral administration in diabetic rats. This data suggest that the oral insulin microparticles were able to reduce glucose levels in disease conditions and would be a favorable route of administration to patients as an alternative to daily subcutaneous injections.  相似文献   

Osmotically controlled oral drug delivery   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
It is advantageous to deliver some drugs with short half-life, and which are to be given frequently for chronic ailments, in the form of controlled-release (CR) formulations. The orally administered drugs, in the form of conventional matrix or reservoir type formulations, pose problems of bioavailability fluctuations due to gastric pH variations. Moreover, the release of drug(s) from these systems is affected by the hydrodynamic conditions of the body. Osmotically controlled drug delivery systems utilize the principles of osmotic pressure for the controlled delivery of active agent(s). The release rate of drug(s) from these systems is independent of the physiological factors of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to a large extent. In the present review, theory underlying the delivery of drugs from osmotic systems is presented. Different types of oral osmotic systems, their advantages over conventional matrix and reservoir types of systems, and their applications are also discussed. Finally, some of the limitations, adverse effects, and patent and market status of these systems are reviewed. These systems form a major segment of drug delivery products. Because of their advantages and strong market potential, it appears that the future of osmotic systems in rate-controlled oral drug delivery is promising.  相似文献   

The preparation of pH-dependent, time-based and enzyme degradable pellets was investigated for use as an oral colonic drug delivery system. It was expected that drug would be released immediately once the pellets reached the colon. The pellets were prepared using extrusion-spheronizing equipment and subsequently coated with three layers of three functional polymers by an air-suspension technique. The core consisted of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) as a model drug, CaP as an enzyme-degradable material and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) as an additive. As far as the three coated layers were concerned, the outer layer was coated with Eudragit L30D-55 for protection against gastrointestinal juices, the intermediate layer was coated with ethylcellulose (EC) to inhibit drug release during passage through the small intestine, and the inner film was coated with pectin for swelling and enzyme-degradation, which required a 30, 10, and 12% weight gain, respectively. Several micromeritic properties of the core pellets, including particle size distribution, particle size, degree of circularity, and friability, were evaluated to investigate the effects of the formulations of the cores and preparation conditions. Also, dissolution testing of the cores showed that the presence of calcium pectinate (CaP) markedly increased the drug release rate from the cores, as determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In-vitro release studies indicated that the coated pellets completely protected the drug release in 0.1 mol/L HCl, while the drug release was delayed for 3-4 hr in pH 6.8 PBS. A synergistic effect of enzyme dependence for the coated pellets was seen following removal of the coated layer and during contact with colonic enzymes. Consequently, it was possible to achieve colon-specific drug delivery using this triple-dependence system.  相似文献   

A convenient and efficient in vitro diffusion cell method to evaluate formulations for inner ear delivery via the intratympanic route is currently not available. The existing in vitro diffusion cell systems commonly used to evaluate drug formulations do not resemble the physical dimensions of the middle ear and round window membrane. The objectives of this study were to examine a modified in vitro diffusion cell system of a small diffusion area for studying sustained release formulations in inner ear drug delivery and to identify a formulation for sustained drug delivery to the inner ear. Four formulations and a control were examined in this study using cidofovir as the model drug. Drug release from the formulations in the modified diffusion cell system was slower than that in the conventional diffusion cell system due to the decrease in the diffusion surface area of the modified diffusion cell system. The modified diffusion cell system was able to show different drug release behaviors among the formulations and allowed formulation evaluation better than the conventional diffusion cell system. Among the formulations investigated, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)–poly(ethylene glycol)–poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) triblock copolymer systems provided the longest sustained drug delivery, probably due to their rigid gel structures and/or polymer-to-cidofovir interactions.  相似文献   

Recently, significant advances have been made in order to optimize drug delivery to ocular tissues. The main problems in ocular drug delivery are poor bioavailability and uncontrollable drug delivery of conventional ophthalmic preparations (e.g. eye drops). Hydrogels have been investigated since 1965 as new ocular drug delivery systems. Increase of hydrogel loading capacity, optimization of drug residence time on the ocular surface and biocompatibility with the eye tissue has been the main focus of previous studies. Molecular imprinting technology provided the opportunity to fulfill the above-mentioned objectives. Molecularly imprinted soft contact lenses (SCLs) have high potentials as novel drug delivery systems for the treatment of eye disorders. This technique is used for the preparation of polymers with specific binding sites for a template molecule. Previous studies indicated that molecular imprinting technology could be successfully applied for the preparation of SCLs as ocular drug delivery systems. Previous research, particularly in vivo studies, demonstrated that molecular imprinting is a versatile and effective method in optimizing the drug release behavior and enhancing the loading capacity of SCLs as new ocular drug delivery systems. This review highlights various potentials of molecularly imprinted contact lenses in enhancing the drug-loading capacity and controlling the drug release, compared to other ocular drug delivery systems. We have also studied the effects of contributing factors such as the type of comonomer, template/functional monomer molar ratio, crosslinker concentration in drug-loading capacity, and the release properties of molecularly imprinted hydrogels.  相似文献   

Background: Drug delivery via oral mucosa is an alternative method of systemic administration for various classes of therapeutic agents. Among the oral mucosae, buccal and sublingual mucosae are the primary focus for drug delivery. Buccal delivery offers a clear advantage over the peroral route by avoidance of intestinal and hepatic first-pass metabolism. However, despite offering the possibility of improved systemic drug delivery, buccal administration has been utilized for relatively few pharmaceutical products so far. One of the major limitations associated with buccal delivery is low permeation of therapeutic agents across the mucosa. Various substances have been explored as permeation enhancers to increase the flux/absorption of drugs through the mucosa, but irritation, membrane damage, and toxicity are always associated with them and limit their use. A clinically accepted permeation enhancer must increase membrane permeability without causing toxicity and permanent membrane damage. To date, the information available on oral mucosal permeation enhancement is much less than transdermal enhancement, though oral mucosa is more resistant to damage than other mucosal membranes. This article reviews the various categories of permeation enhancers for oral mucosal drug delivery, their mechanism of action, their usefulness, and the limitations associated with their use. Conclusion: To optimize the concentration of enhancer to limit its toxicity while facilitating an enhancing effect reproducibly will be a big challenge for future developments. Advances in permeability modulation and formulation with appropriate enhancers can provide for effective and feasible buccal drug delivery for many drugs, which otherwise have to be injected or ingested with water.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop curcumin-loaded hollow mesoporous silica microspheres (HMSMs@curcumin) to improve the poor oral bioavailability of curcumin. Hollow mesoporous silica microspheres (HMSMs) were synthesized in facile route using a hard template. HMSMs and HMSMs@curcumin were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). In addition, to demonstrate the potential application of the HMSMs@curcumin, cytotoxicity, in vitro release behavior and in vivo pharmacokinetics of curcumin loaded in these HMSMs were investigated by using of Caco-2 cells and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, respectively. These mono-dispersed HMSMs exhibited high drug loading ratio and encapsulation efficiency due to the mesoporous shell and hollow core. The excellent characteristics of HMSMs such as mono-dispersed morphology, smooth surface, uniform, ordered and size-narrowing mesopores resulted in a good in vitro release profile of curcumin from HMSMs@curcumin. Moreover, an impressive improvement in the oral absorption of curcumin and prolonged systemic circulation time were achieved in the in vivo animal studies. In addition, the good biocompatibility of developed HMSMs with Caco-2 cells was confirmed based on the in vitro cytotoxicity assay. In conclusion, this system demonstrated a great potential for efficient delivery of curcumin in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a good prospect for its application in clinic for therapeutic drug delivery in future.  相似文献   

The various requirements placed on materials that might serve as suitable components in drug delivery systems are discussed. Special attention is paid to the interactions between the drug delivery constructs and the biological environment, using the interactions in the vascular compartment of the body as an example. Two alternative general approaches are compared: (a) “controlled drug release”, which aims to reduce or eliminate side effects by producing a steady therapeutic concentration of drug in the body; (b) “site-selective drug delivery”, which aims to ensure that the drug is delivered to the site of its biochemical and disease-related site of action, at the same time maintaining the drug inactive elsewhere in the body. It is concluded that materials for delivering drugs to selected sites of disease within the body must be designed to utilise the unique features (structure, function, rhythm) of the main elements involved in the disease. Equally important is to design drug carriers that do not interact non-specifically within the body so that their specific action would be prevented. It is difficult to see how this could be achieved using materials entirely “foreign” to the body. Utilising the primary structures used by the biological systems (proteins, glycoproteins, carbohydrates) and creating novel higher structures (secondary, tertiary, quartenary) that mimic the native material is the logical way forward in the search for new drug delivery systems, and we need to turn more and more to the molecular basis of biology for guidance and inspiration.  相似文献   

Release modules of amoxicillin and clarithromycin combined in a single dosage form designed to float in the gastric content and to sustain the intra-gastric concentrations of these two antibiotics used for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori have been studied. The modules having a disc shape with curved bases were formulated as hydrophilic matrices. Two modules of clarithromycin were assembled by sticking the concave base of one module to the concave base of the other, creating an internal void chamber. The final dosage form was a floating assembly of three modules of clarithromycin and two of amoxicillin in which the drug release mechanism did not interfere with the floatation mechanism. The assembled system showed immediate in vitro floatation at pH 1.2, lasting 5?h. The in vitro antibiotics release profiles from individual modules and assembled systems exhibited linear release rate during buoyancy for at least 8?h. The predicted antibiotic concentrations in the stomach maintained for long time levels significantly higher than the respective minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC). In addition, an in vivo absorption study performed on beagle dogs confirmed the slow release of clarithromycin and amoxicillin from the assembled system during the assembly’s permanence in the stomach for at least 4?h.  相似文献   

Some naturally occurring biocompatible materials were evaluated as mucoadhesive controlled release excipients for buccal drug delivery. A range of tablets were prepared containing 0-50% w/w xanthan gum, karaya gum, guar gum, and glycol chitosan and were tested for swelling, drug release, and mucoadhesion. Guar gum was a poor mucoadhesive and lacked sufficient physical integrity for buccal delivery. Karaya gum demonstrated superior adhesion to guar gum and was able to provide zero-order drug release, but concentrations greater than 50% w/w may be required to provide suitable sustained release. Xanthan gum showed strong adhesion to the mucosal membrane and the 50% w/w formulation produced zero-order drug release over 4 hours, about the normal time interval between daily meals. Glycol chitosan produced the strongest adhesion, but concentrations greater than 50% w/w are required to produce a nonerodible matrix that can control drug release for over 4 hours. Swelling properties of the tablets were found to be a valuable indicator of the ability of the material to produce sustained release. Swelling studies also gave an indication of the adhesion values of the gum material where adhesion was solely dependent upon penetration of the polymer chains into the mucus layer.  相似文献   

Five years of successful work in our lab have shown that graft copolymer networks of poly(methacrylic acid-g-ethylene) [P(MAA-g-EG)], are very promising candidates for oral drug delivery. In an acidic environment, these copolymers form interpolymer complexes, protecting the active agent from the harsh environment of the gastrointestinal tract. At high pH, these complexes dissociate, causing the polymer to swell and release the drug. Films of P(MAA-g-EG) with a monomer ratio of 1:1 (MAA:EG) were prepared by free radical solution UV-polymerization, washed in order to remove the unreacted monomer, and crushed to form microparticles with different particle size distribution. Previous studies in our lab have focused on using polymer disks in their swelling studies. The swelling properties of polymer disks vs. crushed particles were investigated via equilibrium swelling experiments in this study. Another goal in this study is to compare different PEG chain length (MW-400 and MW-1000) and different particle size (150-212 microns, 90-150 microns and 25-90 microns) in their loading and release behavior. After 6 hours of exposing the polymer with the insulin solution we achieved approximately 90% of insulin loading.  相似文献   

Dibutyrylchitin (DBC), a lipophilic chitin diester, has been synthesized from chitin and butyric anhydride with methanesulfonic acid as catalyst. Exhaustive esterification of free alcoholic groups of chitin was assessed by FT-IR and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. High degree of alkyl substitution allowed DBC to acquire an almost completely lipophilic character. Tablets of paracetamol and metformin employing DBC as major excipient, in comparison with starch, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose and polyvinylpyrrolidone, were prepared and rates of drug release were checked by dissolution test assays. DBC released drug at a lower rate than that of the other tested materials. A comparison study of rate release of metformin from DBC tablets and from metformin-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose prolonged release oral formulation available on the market has been also curried out. Under the same conditions and in the presence of the same amount of loaded drug, DBC released 64% of metformin whereas hypromellose-based tablets released 87%.  相似文献   

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