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The aim of the present study was to verify the potential of chitosan-thio-butyl-amidine (TBA) microspheres as carrier systems for controlled drug delivery. In this study microspheres were prepared utilizing water in oil (w/o) emulsification solvent evaporation technique. A concentration of 0.5% of chitosan-TBA conjugate displaying 100 µM thiol groups per gram polymer was used in the aqueous phase of the emulsion in order to prepare microspheres. The obtained non-aggregated free-flowing microspheres were examined with conventional light microscope as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The microscopic images indicated that the prepared chitosan-TBA microspheres were of spherical shape and smooth surface while microparticles obtained from the unmodified chitosan were of porous structure and non-spherical shape. Particle size distribution was determined to be in the range from 1 to 59 µm. The free thiol group content of chitosan-TBA microspheres prepared with an aqueous phase of pH 2, 5, and 6.5 were determined to be 71.4, 49.4, and 8.2 µM/g polymer, respectively. Furthermore, results attained from in vitro release studies with fluorescein isothiocyanate labelled dextran (FITC-dextran) loaded chitosan-TBA microspheres showed a controlled release rate for more than three hours while the control reached the maximum peak level of release already within an hour. According to these results, chitosan-TBA microspheres seem to be a promising tool in transmucosal drug delivery for poorly absorbed therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

It is advantageous to deliver some drugs with short half-life, and which are to be given frequently for chronic ailments, in the form of controlled-release (CR) formulations. The orally administered drugs, in the form of conventional matrix or reservoir type formulations, pose problems of bioavailability fluctuations due to gastric pH variations. Moreover, the release of drug(s) from these systems is affected by the hydrodynamic conditions of the body. Osmotically controlled drug delivery systems utilize the principles of osmotic pressure for the controlled delivery of active agent(s). The release rate of drug(s) from these systems is independent of the physiological factors of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to a large extent. In the present review, theory underlying the delivery of drugs from osmotic systems is presented. Different types of oral osmotic systems, their advantages over conventional matrix and reservoir types of systems, and their applications are also discussed. Finally, some of the limitations, adverse effects, and patent and market status of these systems are reviewed. These systems form a major segment of drug delivery products. Because of their advantages and strong market potential, it appears that the future of osmotic systems in rate-controlled oral drug delivery is promising.  相似文献   

The oral mucosal cavity is a feasible, safe, and very attractive site for drug delivery with good acceptance by users. The mucosa is relatively permeable and robust, shows short recovery times after stress or damage, is tolerant to potential allergens, and has a rich blood supply. Moreover, oral mucosal drug delivery bypasses the first-pass effect and avoids presystemic elimination in the gastrointestinal tract. Bioadhesive systems provide intimate contact between a dosage form and the absorbing tissue, which may result in high concentration in a local area and hence high drug flux through the absorbing tissue. The efficacy of oral bioadhesive drug delivery systems is affected by the biological environment and the properties of the polymer and the drug. In the present paper, we review systematically some relevant citations regarding the environment, strategies for oral drug delivery and evaluation, and utilization of the main polymers.  相似文献   

Novel interpenetrating polymeric network microspheres of gellan gum and poly(vinyl alcohol) were prepared by the emulsion cross-linking method. Carvedilol, an antihypertensive drug, was successfully loaded into these microspheres prepared by changing the experimental variables such as ratio of gellan gum:poly(vinyl alcohol) and extent of cross-linking in order to optimize the process variables on drug encapsulation efficiency, release rates, size, and morphology of the microspheres. Formation of interpenetrating network and the chemical stability of carvedilol after preparing the microspheres was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Differential scanning calorimetry and x-ray diffraction studies were made on the drug-loaded microspheres to investigate the crystalline nature of the drug after encapsulation. Results indicated a crystalline dispersion of carvedilol in the polymer matrix. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed the spherical nature and smooth surface morphology of the microspheres produced. Mean particle size of the microspheres as measured by laser light scattering technique ranged between 230 and 346 µm. Carvedilol was successfully encapsulated up to 87% in the polymeric matrices. In vitro release studies were performed in the simulated gastric fluid or simulated intestinal fluid. The release of carvedilol was continued up to 12 h. Dynamic swelling studies were performed in the simulated gastric fluid or simulated intestinal fluid, and diffusion coefficients were calculated by considering the spherical geometry of the matrices. The release data were fitted to an empirical relation to estimate the transport parameters. The mechanical properties of interpenetrating polymeric networks prepared were investigated. Network parameters such as molar mass between cross-links and cross-linking density for interpenetrating polymeric networks were calculated.  相似文献   

The application of nanotechnology in the field of drug delivery has attracted much attention in the latest decades. Recent breakthroughs on the morphology control and surface functionalization of inorganic‐based delivery vehicles, such as mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs), have brought new possibilities to this burgeoning area of research. The ability to functionalize the surface of mesoporous‐silica‐based nanocarriers with stimuli‐responsive groups, nanoparticles, polymers, and proteins that work as caps and gatekeepers for controlled release of various cargos is just one of the exciting results reported in the literature that highlights MSNs as a promising platform for various biotechnological and biomedical applications. This review focuses on the most recent progresses in the application of MSNs for intracellular drug delivery. The latest research on the pathways of entry into live mammalian and plant cells together with intracellular trafficking are described. One of the main areas of interest in this field is the development of site‐specific drug delivery vehicles; the contribution of MSNs toward this topic is also summarized. In addition, the current research progress on the biocompatibility of this material in vitro and in vivo is discussed. Finally, the latest breakthroughs for intracellular controlled drug release using stimuli‐responsive mesoporous‐silica‐based systems are described.  相似文献   


The aim of this review is to give an insight into the many potential applications of chitosan as a pharmaceutical drug carrier. The first part of this review concerns the principal uses of chitosan as an excipient in oral formulations (particularly as a direct tableting agent) and as a vehicle for parenteral drug delivery devices. The use of chitosan to manufacture sustained-release systems deliverable by other routes (nasal, ophthalmic, transdermal, and implantable devices) is discussed in the second part.  相似文献   

White blood cells (WBCs) are a major component of immunity in response to pathogen invasion. Neutrophils are the most abundant WBCs in humans, playing a central role in acute inflammation induced by pathogens. Adhesion to vasculature and tissue infiltration of neutrophils are key processes in acute inflammation. Many inflammatory/autoimmune disorders and cancer therapies have been found to be involved in activation and tissue infiltration of neutrophils. A promising strategy to develop novel targeted drug delivery systems is the targeting and exploitation of activated neutrophils. Herein, a new drug delivery platform based on neutrophils is reviewed. There are two types of drug delivery systems: neutrophils as carriers and neutrophil‐membrane‐derived nanovesicles. It is discussed how nanoparticles hijack neutrophils in vivo to deliver therapeutics across blood vessel barriers and how neutrophil‐membrane‐derived nanovesicles target inflamed vasculature. Finally, the potential applications of neutrophil‐based drug delivery systems in treating inflammation and cancers are presented.  相似文献   

Protein‐based nanomedicine platforms for drug delivery comprise naturally self‐assembled protein subunits of the same protein or a combination of proteins making up a complete system. They are ideal for drug‐delivery platforms due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability coupled with low toxicity. A variety of proteins have been used and characterized for drug‐delivery systems, including the ferritin/apoferritin protein cage, plant‐derived viral capsids, the small Heat shock protein (sHsp) cage, albumin, soy and whey protein, collagen, and gelatin. There are many different types and shapes that have been prepared to deliver drug molecules using protein‐based platforms, including various protein cages, microspheres, nanoparticles, hydrogels, films, minirods, and minipellets. The protein cage is the most newly developed biomaterial for drug delivery and therapeutic applications. The uniform size, multifunctionality, and biodegradability push it to the frontier of drug delivery. In this Review, the recent strategic development of drug delivery is discussed with emphasis on polymer‐based, especially protein‐based, nanomedicine platforms for drug delivery. The advantages and disadvantages are also discussed for each type of protein‐based drug‐delivery system.


Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a recently discovered cytokine with tremendous antitumor potential. It has been shown to boost the host immune response against experimental cancers in animal models. However, most studies have utilized IL-12 in the solution form, necessitating frequent dosing with higher doses, consequently leading to issues of toxicity. The only attempts at sustaining release have been in the production and use of genetically engineered cells that can secrete IL-12 constantly. These attempts are cost prohibitive and involve extensive labor. This study demonstrates the use of biodegradable albumin microspheres to sustain the release of IL-12. In vitro release of IL-12 from the microspheres was found to fit Higuchi's square-root-of-time model, suggesting diffusion-mediated release. About 46% of the theoretical IL-12 content was released slowly over a period of 24 hr. When administered intraperitoneally to C57BL/6 mice bearing subcutaneous melanomas, the microspheres significantly prolonged the survival when administered at half the weekly dose of the solution formulation. The microsphere dosage form also resulted in generally lower levels of liver and kidney function enzymes, suggesting lower toxicity.  相似文献   


Recently, there has been a great deal of research activity in the development of stimulus-responsive polymeric hydrogels. These hydrogels are responsive to external or internal stimuli and the response can be observed through abrupt changes in the physical nature of the network. This property can be favorable in many drug delivery applications. The external stimuli can be temperature, pH, ionic strength, ultrasonic sound, electric current, etc. A majority of the literature related to the development of stimulus-responsive drug delivery systems deals with temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide)(pNIPAAm) and its various derivatives. However, acrylic-based pH-sensitive systems with weakly acidic/basic functional groups have also been widely studied. Quite recently, glucose-sensitive hydrogels that are responsive to glucose concentration have been developed to monitor the release of insulin. The present article provides a brief introduction and recent developments in the area of stimulus-responsive hydrogels, particularly those that respond to temperature and pH, and their applications in drug delivery.  相似文献   

Triggerable drug delivery systems enable on‐demand controlled release profiles that may enhance therapeutic effectiveness and reduce systemic toxicity. Recently, a number of new materials have been developed that exhibit sensitivity to visible light, near‐infrared (NIR) light, ultrasound, or magnetic fields. This responsiveness can be triggered remotely to provide flexible control of dose magnitude and timing. Here we review triggerable materials that range in scale from nano to macro, and are activated by a range of stimuli.  相似文献   

Nanoscale drug carriers play a crucial role in reducing side effects of chemotherapy drugs. However, the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) and the drug protonation after nanoparticles (NPs) burst release still limit the drug delivery efficiency. In this work, a self-disguised Nanospy is designed to overcome this problem. The Nanospy is composed of: i) poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)-polyethylene glycol (PLGA-PEG) loading doxorubicin is the core structure of the Nanospy. ii) CD47 mimic peptides (CD47p) is linked to NPs which conveyed the “don't eat me” signal. iii) 4-(2-aminoethyl) benzenesulfonamide (AEBS) as the inhibitor of Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) linked to NPs. Briefly, when the Nanospy circulates in the bloodstream, CD47p binds to the regulatory protein α (SIRPα) on the surface of macrophages, which causes the Nanospy escapes from phagocytosis. Subsequently, the Nanospy enriches in tumor and the AEBS reverses the acidic microenvironment of tumor. Due to above characteristics, the Nanospy reduces liver macrophage phagocytosis by 25% and increases tumor in situ DOX concentration by 56% compared to PLGA@DOX treatment. In addition, the Nanospy effectively inhibits tumor growth with a 63% volume reduction. This work presents a unique design to evade the capture of MPS and overcomes the influence of acidic tumor microenvironment (TME) on weakly alkaline drugs.  相似文献   

陈智捷  陈燕芳  郑军  徐小燕 《材料导报》2018,32(Z1):169-175
水凝胶作为性能良好的载体,在药物的控释、组织工程等领域有着广泛的应用。壳聚糖是一类天然的带正电荷的碱性多糖,由其形成的水凝胶具有较好的生物相容性、生物降解性、抗菌和低细胞毒性,因此,壳聚糖水凝胶有着良好的生物应用前景。本文综述了壳聚糖水凝胶的制备方法(包括物理交联法和化学交联法),在物理交联法部分着重介绍了离子化合物及聚电解质分子与壳聚糖通过离子交联形成水凝胶,以及利用分子链间的疏水作用形成壳聚糖水凝胶的方法;而在化学交联法部分介绍了合成壳聚糖水凝胶的化学手段,包括交联剂、光照辐射和酶的使用。继而概述了壳聚糖水凝胶在药物缓释应用方面的研究进展,包括温度、pH值和电场响应的药物控释体系。最后展望了壳聚糖水凝胶未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

Innovative nanoparticles hold promising potential for disease therapy as drug delivery systems. For brain‐disease therapy, a drug delivery system that can sustainably control drug‐release and monitor fluorescence of the drug cargos is highly desirable. In this study, a light‐traceable and intracellular microenvironment‐responsive drug delivery system was developed based on the combination of glutathione‐responsive autoflurescent nanogel, dendrimer‐like mesoporous silica nanoparticles, and gold nanoparticles. The resulting hybrid nanoparticles represent a new class of delivery system that can efficiently load, transport, and control multistage‐release of sulfydryl‐containing drugs into neurons, with light‐traceable monitoring for future brain‐disease therapy.  相似文献   

As an alternative to traditional oral and intravenous injections with limited efficacy, transdermal drug delivery (TDD) has shown great promise in tumor treatment. Over the past decade, natural polymers have been designed into various nanocarriers due to their excellent biocompatibility, biodegradability, and easy availability, providing more options for TDD. In addition, surface functionalization modification of the rich functional groups of natural polymers, which in turn are developed into targeted and stimulus-responsive functional materials, allows precise delivery of drugs to tumor sites and release of drugs in response to specific stimuli. It not only improves the treatment efficiency of tumor but also reduces the toxic and side effects to normal tissues. Therefore, the development of natural polymer-based TDD (NPTDD) systems has great potential in tumor therapy. In this review, the mechanism of NPTDD systems such as penetration enhancers, nanoparticles, microneedles, hydrogels and nanofibers prepared from hyaluronic acid, chitosan, sodium alginate, cellulose, heparin and protein, and their applications in tumor therapy are overviewed. This review also outlines the future prospects and current challenges of NPTDD systems for local treatment tumors.  相似文献   

郑静  陈琳  张欢  杨永珍  刘旭光 《材料导报》2017,31(21):151-157
有序介孔碳纳米材料(OMCNs)因具有高的比表面积、有序的介观结构和良好的生物相容性,在药物缓释方面应用广泛。介绍并对比分析了硬、软模板法合成OMCNs的相关研究,综述了基于OMCNs构建载药系统,尤其是具有响应性释药和靶向释药特性的载药系统的研究进展。  相似文献   

Degradable microparticles have broad utility as vehicles for drug delivery and form the basis of several therapies approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Conventional emulsion‐based methods of manufacturing produce particles with a wide range of diameters (and thus kinetics of release) in each batch. This paper describes the fabrication of monodisperse, drug‐loaded microparticles from biodegradable polymers using the microfluidic flow‐focusing (FF) devices and the drug‐delivery properties of those particles. Particles are engineered with defined sizes, ranging from 10 µm to 50 µm. These particles are nearly monodisperse (polydispersity index = 3.9%). A model amphiphilic drug (bupivacaine) is incorporated within the biodegradable matrix of the particles. Kinetic analysis shows that the release of the drug from these monodisperse particles is slower than that from conventional methods of the same average size but a broader distribution of sizes and, most importantly, exhibit a significantly lower initial burst than that observed with conventional particles. The difference in the initial kinetics of drug release is attributed to the uniform distribution of the drug inside the particles generated using the microfluidic methods. These results demonstrate the utility of microfluidic FF for the generation of homogenous systems of particles for the delivery of drugs.  相似文献   

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