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The paper discusses; the ways for affecting the current and torque surges originating due to non-simultaneous switch-on of feeding phases to a 3-phase induction motor. Here, the non-simultaneous switch-on is defined to be that during which at first two phases are switched on (at an instant defined with respect to the time course of voltage) and only then, with some delay, the switch-on of the third phase follows. The paper demonstrates that -when compared to a simultaneous switch-on of all 3 phases- proper control of non-simultaneous switch-on as defined above can reduce both the motor impact stress and the current surges substantially. However, unproper successive switching-on may increase these unwanted phenomena. First, the present contribution brings an analytical solution for current and torque at zero revolutions and then, in the latter part, the influence of the controlled switch-on motor start is discussed.  相似文献   

根据由李亚普诺夫定理导出的综合阻尼系数的原理,统一定义了同步发电机的动态阻尼力矩系数和动态同步力矩系数。对同步发电机的阻尼力矩产生的机理进行了分析,并指出了使电力系统稳定装置产生阻尼力矩的同时,不致减少动态同步力矩的理论方向。  相似文献   


The synchronizing torque matrices are used to characterize the transition from stability to instability in a multimachine power system. This transition is called a bifurcation. In this paper we concentrate on static bifurcations. Two representaions are used: the clssical and a detailed one. It is shown that steady state instabilty can be identified by checking the signs of the eigenvlues of the synchronizing matrix. This method has the advantage of applicability to any representation classical or detailed. It also provides a more convenient alternative to the identification of instability by the sign of the determinant of the Jacobian as suggested in the Russian literature. The method is checked using two systems: one with five machines and the other with ten.  相似文献   


Solid pole synchronous machines fed by current inverters are generally subjected to high pole face eddy-current losses. This paper describes a method which uses a conducting layer at the surface of solid salient poles to reduce these losses. For a given stator geometry and a fundamental frequency there may exist an optimal thickness of conducting layer that minimizes the losses. We calculate the losses by a simple analytical method. As a result we are able to define, in the stator geometry plane, a region where the conducting layer is beneficial. Outside this region the conducting layer may be detrimental. The domain's variations are investigated as a function of the fundamental frequency and the material. Parameters.  相似文献   

考虑转子谐波电流影响后双馈电机电磁功率的分析与计算   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
有不少文章研究了双馈电机的稳态运行性能,但在研究其性能时考虑谐波电流影响的却较少。该文从该类电机的基本电磁关系出发,提出了基波和谐波的等效电路,给出了谐波电路中参数的计算方法。导出了基波电磁功率、稳定谐波电磁功率及脉动谐波电磁功率的计算公式。文章最后以一个实际的绕线型感应电机用交直交电压型逆变器供给励磁的双馈电机为例,计算了主要谐波的稳定和脉动的电磁功率以及电机总的电磁功率。结果表明,该文给出的分析与计算方法是有效的。  相似文献   


The analysis of certain end-winding vibration problems requires an accurate knowledge of the transient currents in an induction motor during the early part of the start-up period where the time rates of change of current are the highest. This paper details the derivation of expressions for the winding currents assuming that the machine remains at rest during the period of interest. Under these conditions, the currents are shown to contain three time dependent components, one of which is oscillatory, the remaining two being damped exponentials. The rates of decay of the exponential components are particularly important to some aspects of the vibration problem and they are shown to be dependent on the winding resistances and inductances and also upon the degree of coupling between stator and rotor.  相似文献   


In this paper the commutation phenomenon in a synchronous machine (generator or motor) associated with a thyristor bridge is studied. The transient analysis of the different currents in the different windings is done for a salient pole synchronous machine with damper windings. The different expressions are given in terms of the classical machine reactances and time constants which can be directly measured or furnished by the manufacturer. Comparison between theoretical and practical results are given.  相似文献   

一种新型的感应电动机直接转矩控制   总被引:15,自引:29,他引:15  
提出了一种新型的感应电动机直接转矩控制方法,采用空间矢量调制方式生成逆变器开关控制信号,从而有效减小转矩、磁链和电流的脉动。与其他基于空间电压矢量调制的直接转矩控制方法不同,定子磁链幅值与转矩控制器的设计基于变结构控制理论,具有实现简单、鲁棒性强的特点。理论分析证明了定子磁链幅值与转矩控制的渐近稳定性。仿真和实验结果表明了所提方法具有良好的动静态性能。  相似文献   

永磁同步电动机直接转矩控制方法的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:10,他引:6  
提出一种用于永磁同步电动机的基于磁链误差矢量补偿的直接转矩控制(EFVC—DTC)策略,给出了磁链误差矢量的估计算法,并将该控制策略下的稳态和动态运行性能与常规DTC进行比较。仿真及实验结果表明EFVC—DTC可以使电力开关器件工作在基本固定的频率上,磁链和转矩脉动显著减小,比常规DTC具有更优越的稳态性能,而动态转矩响应几乎与常规DTC相同。  相似文献   


A novel method for calculating the transient currents, flux linkages and electromagnetic torque of a synchronous machine following a sudden voltage disturbance is presented. The solution is obtained for a sudden change from an arbitrary balanced to an arbitrary unbalanced voltage condition. Since minimum constraints are placed on the disturbance, many typical types of transients such as three-phase and line-to-line short-circuit faults can be accommodated. Complete solutions for all machine currents are obtained as explicit functions of time. Any number of rotor circuits can be included and full allowance is inherently made for coupling between all stator and rotor circuits. Constant speed is assumed but no additional approximations are made other than those implicit in the derivation of Park's Equations. The technique incorporates the state space concept of modal analysis in its implementation. Closed form solutions obtained by the modal theory are compared with standard solution techniques  相似文献   

机网暂态过程数值仿真中的同步电机模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戴家祯 《电网技术》2000,24(2):25-28
提出了一种新的适用于电力系统机网暂态过程数值仿真的无阻尼组同步电机模型,通过采且“先求通解,再用梯形法求积”的方法对同步电机的电压方程组进行差分化,成功地消除了因旋转电势引起的、存在于同步电机直轴电压方程和交轴电压方程之间的耦合,导出了相互解耦的直轴和交轴瞬态等值电路。通过算例比较了该模型与EMTP模型的仿真结果,证明这种新模型是正确的,其仿真算法比EMTP算法更精确、更稳定。  相似文献   


This paper presents a simplified method to predict the cogging torque in induction machines including the skewing effect An equivalent circuit including die effect of both slot harmonics and rotor skewing is developed. A special attention is paid to study the skewing effect on the machine behaviour especially at starting instant. Moreover, the leakage reactance due to the skewing is calculated using the suggested method. Useful conclusions are given at the end of this paper which is thought of good use and valuable for both designers and users of squirrel cage induction motors.  相似文献   

自起动永磁同步电动机齿槽转矩的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
永磁电机中永磁体与有槽电枢铁心之间相互作用,产生齿槽转矩,引起电机振动和噪声.该文提出了一种针对自起动永磁同步电动机的解析分析方法,得到了齿槽转矩的解析表达式.基于所导出的表达式,根据产生机理的不同,将齿槽转矩各分量分为4类,对各类齿槽转矩的特点进行了分析,并研究了斜槽对各类齿槽转矩的影响,研究表明:与表面式永磁电机不同的是,在自起动永磁同步电动机中采用斜槽的方法不能消除所有的齿槽转矩.  相似文献   


Three types of feedback compensation schemes are described which can be used to reduce the torque pulsations which normally occur when induction machines are supplied from a current source inverter. The approach is verified both by a detailed computer simulation and also by test results from an actual system. Limitations of the method near zero slip frequency (no load) is discussed and a means suggested for elimination of the problem.  相似文献   

平板导体中裂纹缺陷探伤涡流场的求解   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
裂纹缺陷是涡流检测中最常遇到的缺陷类型。根据裂纹的特点,可以把它近似为一个没有 度的面缺陷,其作用由分布在裂纹面上的等效电流偶极子层代替。使用积分方程法计算其涡流场问题,只需要很小的计算量。以前的工作都以无限厚导体为求解对象,文中研究了有限厚平板导体,结果表明它更加接近涡流检测的真实情况。线圈阻抗的计算值与实验结果进行了比较,吻合很好。  相似文献   


In solid-rotor synchronous machines associated with static converters, the harmonics generated by the operation of converters result in additional losses in the different parts of the machine. These losses are investigated in this paper. The rotor harmonic currents are determined, the machine equivalent-circuits are derived, and the losses are obtained for the general case of salient-pole machines. The results show that the additional losses are considerable and that constructing the solid-rotor machines with simple damper cages and laminated pole faces has the most prominent effect on reducing these losses.  相似文献   


In this paper the natural commutation phenomenon in solid rotor synchronous machines is treated. An analytical approach is used, and the effect of the solid iron parts in the rotor is considered by an approximate method. The decrement time functions of the commutation currents due to the iron body are determined for the general case of salient pole machines. The results show that the rotor eddy currents modify considerably the values of the armature commutation currents and their duration.  相似文献   


Electrical motors and generators used on mobile platforms--including aircraft and ship and land vehicles--are required to exhibit as high a power density as practically possible. With the advent of high-energy permanent magnets, it appears possible to build permanent magnet machines which can compete with electrically excited machines in terms of power density. This paper presents a discussion of the power density limitations as they apply to synchronous-type permanent magnet machines using rare earth cobalt permanent magnets. It also presents guidelines for future material development necessary to improve the power density of this class of machines.  相似文献   


This paper presents an artificial neural network based on-line approach to assess the dynamic stability of a single machine connected to an infinite bus system. The proposed approach is based on estimating the synchronizing and damping torque coefficients of the synchronous machine from voltage and power on-line measurements. Test results show that the proposed approach is very encouraging for fast evaluation of the dynamic stability.  相似文献   


Basic theory is presented concerning the production of torque in synchronous motors and induction motors under conditions of constant current supply. Simple methods are described for treating the effects of magnetic saturation, which are important at high currents. It is shown that, for a given stator current, a synchronous motor produces more torque than an induction motor, albeit with higher air-gap flux. Examples illustrate the variation, due to saturation, of the optimum torque angle of synchronous motors with cylindrical and salient rotors.  相似文献   

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