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Chitosan film formulations for steroid delivery after craniomaxillofacial surgery were formulated by using three different types of chitosan with respect to their molecular weight as low, medium and high. Film formulations were prepared by casting/solvent evaporation technique. In vitro characterization, film thickness, equilibrium swelling degree, in vitro release profiles and surface morphologies were investigated. For two different types of crosslinkings, the release of dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DSP) can be extended as the molecular weight increases. As a result, chitosan film formulations should be beneficial for steroid delivery for a certain time after craniomaxillofacial surgery.  相似文献   


The release profiles of flurbiprofen (F) from different gel and ointment formulations were studied in order to evaluate factors governing the release process. Carbopol 934P (CAB), poloxamer 407 (POL), and eudragit S100 (EUD) gel bases were used, while emulsion (EML) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) ointments were employed. The release studies were conducted using membraneless diffusion cells and lipophilic receptor medium, isopropyl myristate (IPM). The effects of gelling agent concentrations and the initial drug load on drug release were determined. Hydrogels were observed to give higher amounts of drug release than hydrophobic EUD gel and ointments, despite the lower bulk viscosity of these bases. Flurbiprofen release from CAB gels was 3.06–1.56-fold higher than from other formulations. Over a 4-hr period, the amount of F released was 492.8 and 316.0 µg/cm2 from 2% CAB and 25% POL gels, while it was 213.05, 168.61, and 160.9 µg/cm2 from EML, 40% EUD, and PEG bases, respectively. The diffusivity of F in the gel bases was an inverse function of the polymer concentrations over the range of 1–3% CAB, 20–30% POL, and 35–45% EUD gels. Drug release was increased from the bases as the initial F concentration increased over the range 0.25–1.0%, while the diffusion coefficient observed an inverse relationship. The CAB and POL gels could be the vehicles of choice for the rapid release and onset of F after topical application.  相似文献   


In order to achieve the delivery and controlled release of lactoferrin (LF), a biologically multifunctional protein, chitosan microparticles loaded with LF were prepared. Several types of chitosan microparticles containing LF were prepared by the w/o emulsification-solvent evaporation method, and the particle characteristics and release properties in JP 2nd fluid, pH 6.8, were examined. All kinds of microparticles were obtained at a yield of more than 75% (w/w). LF-loaded microparticles prepared by nonsonication and nonaddition of sulfate, named Ch-LF(N), showed high drug content, small particle size and spherical particle shape. Also, for release properties, Ch-LF(N) exhibited gradual drug release over 7 hr with less remaining in the microparticles. Considering the mucoadhesive properties of chitosan microparticles, Ch-LF(N) are suggested to be useful for gradual supply to topical diseased sites or for effective delivery to intestinal areas with abundant LF receptors.  相似文献   

The importance of piroxicam, a therapeutic anti-inflammatory drug, is well known. Because of gastrointestinal disorders, dermatological dosage forms are recommended most. In our first studies, oil-in-water (O/W) creams of piroxicam (1% concentration) were prepared using glyceryl monostearate (GMS), stearic acid, and triethanolamine as additive ingredients. In our second studies, hydroalcoholic transparent gel formulations of this drug in a 0.5% concentration were prepared using hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) as the gelling agent. The release of piroxicam from all formulations via dialysis through a cellulose membrane into phosphate buffer pH 6.8 at 37°C was studied. The effects of additives such as propylene glycol and 2-propanol on the drug release were also investigated. The release profiles from the standpoint of diffusion-controlled processes, as well as zero-order and first-order kinetics, were evaluated, and relevant parameters, such as diffusion coefficient, permeability coefficient, and partition coefficient, were calculated. The release obeys both the diffusion mechanism and first-order kinetics. The drug release from gel formulations containing 10%, 20%, and 30% propylene glycol was decreased due to the enhancement of viscosity. However, the limpidity of these formulations was improved. Moreover, the release of drug from gel formulations containing 15% and 20% of 2-propanol was increased. These results show that a hydroalcoholic gel formulation with HPC is a more suitable preparation of piroxicam when compared with an O/W cream formulation.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the monolithic osmotic tablet system (MOTS) containing a solid dispersion with the practically water-insoluble drug nifedipine in vitro and in vivo. In the drug release study in vitro, the release profiles of this system had almost zero-order kinetics. The influences of tablet formulation variables, sizes of the delivery orifice, membrane variables, and values of pH in the dissolution medium on nifedipine release from MOTS have been investigated. The results provided evidence that the tablet core played an important role in MOTS. While orifice sizes and membrane variables affected the nifedipine release rate, MOTS was independent of the dissolution medium. The appropriate orifice size was found to be in the range of 0.5–1.0 mm. The coating membrane incorporating hydrophilic polyethylene glycol (PEG) formed a porous structure. The human pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of MOTS containing nifedipine were compared with a commercial Adalat® osmotic tablet system containing an equivalent dose of nifedipine following an oral single dose of 30 mg given to each of 11 healthy volunteers in an open, randomized crossover study in vivo. The relative bioavailability for MOTS was 112%. There was no statistically significant difference in the pharmacokinetic parameters between two dosage forms. It is concluded that the monolithic osmotic tablet controlled release system is feasible for a long-acting preparation as a once-daily treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of a pectin formulation with in situ gelling properties for the oral sustained delivery of paracetamol (acetaminophen). The formulations consisted of dilute aqueous solutions (1% to 2% w/v) of low methoxy pectin containing calcium ions in complexed form, which on release in the acidic environment of the stomach caused gelation of the pectin. In vitro studies demonstrated diffusion‐controlled release of paracetamol from the gels over a period of 6 h. A bioavailability of approximately 96% of that of a paracetamol solution could be achieved from gels containing an identical dose of drug formed in situ in the stomachs of rats, with appreciably lower peak plasma levels and a sustained release of drug over a period of at least 6 h.  相似文献   

The feasibility of transdermal controlled delivery system of 17 β-estradiol was investigated by conducting in vitro release studies. Several new 17 β-estradiol unilaminate adhesive devices capable of releasing 17 β-estradiol in a controlled fashion over a 24-h, 36-h, 96-h, 104-h, 168-h, and 216-h period have been developed using acrylic resins (Eudragits E100, RSPO, and RLPO) as adhesive and rate-controlling polymers. The in vitro release profiles of 17 β-estradiol from various TDS unilaminate devices were characterized in a new developed dissolution tester vessel (total volume 200 ml), using a new paddle. The release of drug from different formulations was measured by a sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method. The release of drug from all prepared adhesive devices seems to obey zero-order kinetics (r > 0.98). The effect of two different plasticizers (acetyltributyl citrate [ATBC] and triethyl citrate [TEC]) on the release patterns of 17 β-estradiol from TDS formulations was studied, and they were almost identical. The effect of two different release modifiers, propylene glycol (PG) and myristic acid (MA), on the release pattern of 17 β-estradiol from prepared unilaminate devices was evaluated. It was shown that the use of these release modifiers significantly increased the release of 17 β-estradiol from a TDS unilaminate patch. Furthermore, these data clearly demonstrated that the acrylic resins are suitable polymers for the preparation of 17 β-estradiol TDS adhesive devices.  相似文献   

Recent warnings by regulatory bodies and a product recall by the FDA have generated much interest in the area of dose dumping from controlled-release opioid analgesic formulations when coingested with alcohol. It was the aim of this study to address this issue and in doing so, gain understanding on how alcohol-induced effects may be avoided. In this study, tramadol release from Ultram® ER tablets and T-long® capsules was significantly increased in the presence of ethanol. Conversely, a decrease in the rate of tramadol release was seen from Tridural? extended-release tablets in the presence of alcohol.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to obtain a novel microparticulate formulation of prednisolone, which was adequate for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The formulations prepared were evaluated in vitro. Two types of chitosan microspheres containing prednisolone, named Ch-Pred and Ch-SP-MS, were prepared by an emulsification-solvent evaporation method using a chitosan-prednisolone mixture and a chitosan-succinyl-prednisolone conjugate (Ch-SP), respectively. Ch-Pred and Ch-SP-MS were obtained in almost spherical shape. Ch-Pred showed a relatively high drug content of 13.2% (w/w), but the particle size was distributed from 10 to 45 µm, and a large initial burst release of approximately 60% was observed. On the other hand, although Ch-SP-MS exhibited a fairly low drug content of 3.5% (w/w), their particle size ranged from several hundred nanometers to 20 µm, with the mean diameter of 5 µm, and a gradual drug release profile was achieved. These characteristics on particle size and in vitro release suggested that Ch-SP-MS should have good potential as a microparticulate system for the treatment of IBD.  相似文献   


The aim of this review is to give an insight into the many potential applications of chitosan as a pharmaceutical drug carrier. The first part of this review concerns the principal uses of chitosan as an excipient in oral formulations (particularly as a direct tableting agent) and as a vehicle for parenteral drug delivery devices. The use of chitosan to manufacture sustained-release systems deliverable by other routes (nasal, ophthalmic, transdermal, and implantable devices) is discussed in the second part.  相似文献   


Simvastatin (SVS), a cholesterol-lowering drug, has been shown to stimulate bone formation. This study deals with the design and in vitro evaluation of local delivery systems for simvastatin. They are intended to treat bony defects resulting from periodontitis or to induce osteogenesis around the titanium implants. Granules and gels were formulated using bioerodible/biocompatible polymers, namely hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (H), sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (C), and chitosan (Ch). The in vitro release profiles and kinetics were evaluated and the swelling and/or erosion was monitored. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and infrared (IR) were used to detect any SVS/polymer interactions that may affect drug release. The results revealed variable extents of controlled drug release from the designed formulae depending on the polymer nature. About 50% cumulative SVS was released from both H granules and gel formulae within 24 h and ~66% and ~88% from C granules and gel, respectively. Ch formulae exhibited ~50% release from granules and ~30% from gel.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation is to develop solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nano-structured lipid carrier (NLC) as carriers for topical delivery of nitrendipine (NDP). NDP-loaded SLN and NLC were prepared by hot homogenization technique followed by sonication, and they were characterized for particle size, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency, stability, and in vitro release profiles. Also the percutaneous permeation of NDPSLN A, NDPSLN B, and NDPNLC were investigated in abdominal rat skin using modified Franz diffusion cells. The steady state flux, permeation coefficient, and lag time of NDP were estimated over 24 h and compared with that of control (NDP solution). The particle size was analyzed by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) using Malvern zeta sizer, which shows that the NDPSLN A, NDPSLN B, and NDPNLC were in the range of 124–300 nm during 90 days of storage at room temperature. For all the tested formulations (NDPSLN A, NDPSLN B, and NDPNLC), the entrapment efficiency was higher than 75% after 90 days of storage. The cumulative percentage of drug release at 24 h was found to be 26.21, 30.81, and 37.52 for NDPSLN A, NDPSLN B, and NDPNLC, respectively. The results obtained from in vitro release profiles also indicated the use of these lipid nanoparticles as modified release formulations for lipophilic drug over a period of 24 h. The data obtained from in vitro release from NDPSLN A, NDPSLN B, and NDPNLC were fitted to various kinetic models. High correlation was obtained in Higuchi and Weibull model. The release pattern of drug is analyzed and found to follow Weibull and Higuchi equations. The permeation profiles were obtained for all formulations: NDPSLN A, NDPSLN B, and NDPNLC. Of all the three formulations, NDPNLC provided the greatest enhancement for NDP flux (21.485 ± 2.82 μg/h/cm2), which was fourfold over control (4.881 ± 0.96 μg/h/cm2). The flux obtained with NDPSLN B (16.983 ± 2.91 μg/h/cm2) and NDPNLC (21.485 ± 2.82 μg/h/cm2) meets the required flux (16.85 μg/h/cm2).  相似文献   


The present study was performed to evaluate the possibility of using modified xanthan films as a matrix system for transdermal delivery of atenolol (ATL), which is an antihypertensive drug. Acrylamide was grafted onto xanthan gum (XG) by free radical polymerization using ceric ion as an initiator. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry indicated the formation of the graft copolymer. The obtained graft copolymer was loaded with ATL and films were fabricated by solution casting method for transdermal application. Various formulations were prepared by varying the grafting ratio, drug loading, and different penetration enhancers. The formulations prepared were characterized for weight, thickness uniformity, water vapor transmission rate, and uniformity in drug content of the matrix. All the thin films were slightly opaque, smooth, flexible, and permeable to water vapor, indicating their permeability characteristics suitable for transdermal studies. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry studies indicated no significant interactions between drug and polymer. Drug is distributed uniformly in the matrix but showed a slight amorphous nature. Drug-loaded films were analyzed by X-ray diffraction to understand the drug polymorphism inside the films. Scanning electron microscopic studies of the placebo and drug-loaded films demonstrated a remarkable change in their surface morphology. The skin irritation tests were performed in mice and these results suggested that both placebo and drug-loaded films produced negligible erythema and edema compared to formalin (0.8% v/v) as the standard irritant. The in vitro drug release studies were performed in phosphate buffer saline using a Keshary-Chien diffusion cell. Different formulations were prepared and variations in drug release profiles were observed. Release data were analyzed by using the Ritger and Peppas equation to understand the mechanism of drug release as well as the estimation of n values, which ranged between 0.41 and 0.53, suggesting a Fickian diffusion trend.  相似文献   


The release of naproxen through synthetic membranes, mounted in modified Franz-type diffusion cells, was evaluated, either from saturated solutions or from commercially available topical formulations containing 10% naproxen. The results obtained showed that the porous type synthetic membranes chosen (cellulose acetate and polyethersulphone) can be used for assessing product performance in quality control procedures. The formulations interacted with the solid membranes (silicone and EVA) to change their diffusional characteristics. However, transfer in the membrane, and not the formulation was rate controlling. These membranes could not therefore be used in assessing product release performance for quality control.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the synthesis of a new thiolated chitosan conjugate and the evaluation of its viscoelastic properties in vitro. The modification of chitosan was achieved by covalent attachment of isopropyl-S-acetylthioacetimidate to chitosan. The resulting conjugate (chitosan-TEA; chitosan-thioethylamidine) exhibited 300.7 ± 27.4 µmol thiol groups per gram polymer and no disulfide bond. For rheological studies, the pH of 0.5% and 1% polymer solutions was adjusted to 6.5 in order to simulate a physiological pH-level. Both, 0.5% and 1% chitosan-TEA solutions showed the transition from sol to gel within 30 min. Within 6 h of incubation, the storage modulus of 0.5% and 1% chitosan-TEA increased 3354-fold and 6199-fold, whereas the loss modulus increased 11-fold and 38-fold, respectively. Frequency sweep measurements demonstrated an increase in crosslinking of the thiolated polymer as a function of time. The formation of inter- and/or intramolecular disulfide bonds was monitored indirectly via determining the decrease of thiol groups. Unmodified chitosan did not exhibit in situ gelling properties. The release of a fluorescent marker being incorporated in a 0.5% chitosan-TEA solution was significantly (p < 0.001) slower, when the formulation was preincubated for one hour and consequently already highly crosslinked. The polymer generated within this study represents a promising novel tool for various drug delivery systems, where in situ gelling properties are advantageous.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of an in situ gelling pectin formulation as a vehicle for the oral sustained delivery of theophylline and cimetidine. In vitro studies demonstrated diffusion-controlled release of theophylline from 1, 1.5, and 2% w/v pectin gels. Release of this drug from 1.5% w/v pectin gels formed in situ in rabbit stomach was sustained over a period of 12 hours giving a theophylline bioavailability some seven fold higher than when administered from a commercial syrup. In contrast, interactions between cimetidine and pectin led to weak gelation of the pectin sols that prevented any meaningful determination of in vitro release characteristics. Similarly, in vivo release profiles from pectin formulations containing cimetidine were similar to that from a solution of this drug in buffer, indicative of weak gelation. Examination of the content of the rabbit stomach 5 hours after administration of 1.5% w/v pectin sols containing drug confirmed gel formation, but gels containing cimetidine were noticeably softer than those containing theophylline.  相似文献   

When considering the development of potential controlled-release pulmonary drug delivery systems, there is at present no standard method available for the assessment of in vitro drug release profiles necessary to understand how the drug might release following deposition in the lungs. For this purpose, the twin-stage impinger (TSI), apparatus A of the BP, has been redesigned and tested. This modified TSI was found capable of discriminating between drug release rates from conventional and different dry powder formulations consisting of model controlled-release excipients, providing information related to (a) drug diffusion properties of controlled-release dry powder blends with different excipient components and (b) the effect of varying drug concentration within a given formulation.  相似文献   


Chitosan and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) microspheres loaded with alendronate sodium (AS) were prepared for orthopedic as well as dental applications. In orthopedics the aim was to make the total joint prostheses stay in the body for a long time without causing bone tissue loss, while in dentistry it was aimed to treat the alveolar bone resorption caused by periodontitis and also to make the dental treatment using implants easier by reducing the bone loss in patients with osteoporosis. Solvent evaporation method was used to prepare AS loaded PLGA microspheres and emulsion polimerization method was used to prepare AS loaded chitosan microspheres. Particle size, loading efficacy, surface characteristics, and in vitro release characteristics were examined on prepared formulations. After the examination of the scanning electron microscopy photographs of microspheres, chitosan microspheres were observed to have spherical structure and smooth surface characteristics while PLGA microspheres were observed to have spherical porous surface structure. Loading efficacy was found to be 3.30% for chitosan microspheres and 7.70% for PLGA microspheres. It was observed that 85% of AS had been released at the end of the third day from chitosan microspheres whereas 58% was released at the end of the fifth day from PLGA microspheres. It was found that chitosan microspheres gave first order release while PLGA microspheres gave zero order release.  相似文献   


Nicotine transdermal patches (NTPs) were fabricated using an acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive emulsion to form a transparent matrix film. An automated thin layer chromatography (TLC) plate scraper was used to control the thickness of the cast nicotine matrix film. The in vitro release behavior and permeation of nicotine across abdominal human epidermis (HE) from the NTPs was studied using United States Pharmacopeia (USP) dissolution apparatus 5 (paddle over disk) and modified Franz-diffusion cell, respectively. The release of nicotine from the NTPs showed a good linear correlation with the square root of time (R2>0.99). This indicated a matrix diffusion controlled-release mechanism. The surface morphology of the matrix of the NTP was uniform and nonporous before and after release, indicating that the dried adhesive nicotine matrix was a homogeneous single-phase film. Neither the nicotine content in the range 4.70–8.41% w/w nor the film thicknesses of the NTPs affected the apparent diffusion coefficient of nicotine in the acrylic matrix. A good relationship between the amount of nicotine permeated across the HE and the square root of time was also observed with R2>0.98. This study also showed that the NTPs provided a good delivery system with more than 65% of the nicotine delivery being controlled by the device. Moreover, the release of nicotine from six production batches met the criteria of USP 24. This finding presented a good potential of this method for upscaling to industrial manufacturing.  相似文献   

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