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The influence of shot peening on the fatigue properties of duplex stainless steel reinforcing bars manufactured using both hot- and cold-rolled processes was studied. The S-N curves of the bars before and after the shot-peening process were determined, showing that shot peening improves the fatigue behaviour of the rebars. This improvement is essentially due to the introduction of a compressive residual stress field in the surface of the reinforcing bars, but also to the smoothing of the surface flaws and cold working generated during the manufacturing process. This improvement is much greater in the case of the hot-rolled bars, mainly as a result of their much higher ability for plastic deformation, whereas cold-rolled bars had a much higher hardness. A more severe peening action capable of promoting greater plastic deformation on the bar surface is judged necessary to improve the fatigue resistance of cold-rolled rebars.  相似文献   

Failure analysis of a paper machine duplex stainless steel suction roll material demonstrated that the mechanism of failure was intergranular stress-corrosion cracking followed by fatigue. Crack initiation was related to both the heat treatment of the alloy and the chloride content developed in the system during paper machine shutdowns. Crack propagation occurred during normal operating conditions by a corrosion fatigue mechanism.  相似文献   


Thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) of the duplex stainless steel SAF2205 (X2CrNiMoN22-5-3) was studied in the temperature range of 100–350°C. The tests were carried out on the duplex steel and on single-phase ferritic (X6Cr17, AISI 430) and austenitic steels (X2CrNiMo18-14-3, AISI 316L) similar to the two phases of the duplex steel for comparison. The mechanical behaviour of the three steels is analysed and discussed together with microstructural investigations by scanning electron microscopy, including electron backscatter diffraction and electron channelling contrast imaging.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical study on the fatigue behaviour of cruciform load carrying joints made from the duplex stainless steel and failing from the weld root through the weld metal. Fatigue crack growth (FCG) data, obtained in specimens of the weld metal, are presented, as well as threshold data, both obtained for R= 0 and 0.5. The influence of stress ratio is discussed, and the FCGR results are compared with data for low carbon structural steels. S–N data were obtained in the joints, both for R= 0.05 and 0.5, and the fatigue cracking mechanisms were analysed in detail with the SEM. It was found that the cracks propagated very early in the lifetime of the joints, under mixed mode conditions (I + II), but the mode I component was found to be predominant over mode II. The geometries of the cracks were defined in detail from measurements taken in the fracture surfaces. A 2D FE analysis was carried out for the mixed mode inclined cracks obtained at the weld root, and the J‐integral formulations were obtained as a function of crack length and crack propagation angle. The values of the crack propagation angle, θi, were obtained for the Jmax conditions, and it was found that, in the fatigue tests, the cracks propagated in directions very close to the predicted directions of maximum J. KI and KII formulations were obtained, and the KI data were compared with the formulations given in the PD6493 (BS7910) document, and some differences were found. A more general formulation for K under mixed mode conditions was derived. The derived K solutions were applied to predict the fatigue lives of the joints under crack propagation, and an extremely good agreement was found with the experimental results obtained in the fatigue tests.  相似文献   

Tensile and fatigue crack growth tests of 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) were performed in laboratory air, gaseous hydrogen at 0.2 MPa and saturated H2S solution. The longitudinal specimen showed a lesser degradation of tensile properties than the transverse ones in saturated H2S solution. The orientation of specimens with respect to rolling direction had little influence on the fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) of the alloy in air. Furthermore, 2205 duplex stainless steel was susceptible to hydrogen‐enhanced fatigue crack growth. Transmission electron micrographs, in addition to X‐ray diffraction, revealed that the strain‐induced austenite to martensite transformation occurred near the crack surface within a rather narrow depth. Fatigue fractography of the specimens tested in air showed mainly transgranular fatigue fracture with a small amount of flat facet fracture. Furthermore, extensive quasi‐cleavage fracture of 2205 duplex stainless steel was associated with the hydrogen‐enhanced crack growth.  相似文献   

In digital image correlation (DIC), the unknown displacement field is typically identified by minimizing the linearized form of the brightness conservation equation, while the minimization scheme also involves a linearization, yielding a two‐step linearization with four implicit assumptions. These assumptions become apparent by minimizing the non‐linear brightness conservation equation in a consistent mathematical setting, yielding a one‐step linearization allowing a thorough study of the DIC tangent operator. Through this analysis, eight different image gradient operators are defined, and the impact of these alternative image gradients on the accuracy, efficiency, and initial guess robustness is discussed on the basis of a number of academic examples and representative test cases. The main conclusion is that for most cases, the image gradient most common in literature is recommended, except for cases with: (1) large rotations; (2) initial guess instabilities; and (3) costly iterations due to other reasons (e.g., integrated DIC), where a large deformation corrected mixed gradient is recommended instead. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The plasma transferred arc technique has been used for the production of high nitrogen surfaces on 2205 duplex stainless steel substrates. Nitrogen was introduced into the melt using Ar+5%N2 and Ar+10%N2 gas mixtures. The nitrided surfaces are austenitic–ferritic and have a thickness of 1140±35 and 1650±31 μm respectively. The change of the austenite crystal lattice, due to the absorption of nitrogen, was determined by X-ray diffraction. Pin on disc tests showed that the wear resistance was increased. The corrosion in 3·5%NaCl and 1 N H2SO4 aqueous solutions was also slightly improved. Significant improvement was, however, observed in the pitting corrosion resistance of the nitrided surfaces, with regard to the 2205 duplex stainless steel substrate.  相似文献   

The kinetics of short crack growth has been studied in austenitic‐ferritic 2205 duplex stainless steel. Smooth cylindrical specimens and specimens with shallow notch were subjected to constant plastic strain amplitude loading. The crack growth was studied in notched specimens. The notch area has been mechanically and electrolytically polished to facilitate the observation of crack initiation and growth. The initiated cracks were observed in an SEM (scanning electron microscope). The crack growth was studied using long distance QUESTAR optical microscope equipped with high‐resolution camera. In constant plastic strain amplitude loading the microcracks were initiated and their growth kinetics has been studied. The characteristic features of the crack growth at different plastic strain amplitudes were recorded. Two approaches to analyse the crack growth rates were adopted. The comparison of the prediction of the fatigue life using the plastic‐strain‐dependent crack growth rate was compared with Manson–Coffin law and the relation between parameters of this law and parameters of the short crack growth law were established.  相似文献   

Some studies have related damages in duplex stainless steel (DSS) structures due to stress corrosion cracking (SCC), however, different mechanisms are observed depending of the electrolyte, temperature, electrochemical potential and steel composition. Wherefore, the SCC mechanisms of the AISI 318 DSS in a 115?000?ppm of chloride solution at 25 and 70°C were investigated. The results showed that the SCC cracks propagated in both phases, ferrite and austenite. A reduction in elongation was observed at anodic potentials caused by electrochemical dissolution and at cathodic potentials below ?650?mVECS at 70°C and ?750?mVECS at 25°C related to SCC mechanism. Accordingly, the more susceptible and protective potentials were determined for DSS in both temperatures.  相似文献   

The basic principle and the algorithm of a digital image correlation method, and the procedure for obtaining displacements and strains are described. In order to describe the basic principle precisely, only in-plane displacement and strain measurement of a planar object are explained. Gray levels between integer pixels of a digital image after deformation are interpolated to obtain displacements with subpixel resolution. Displacements are then determined by solving nonlinear simultaneous equations taking the deformation of a subset into consideration. Strains are obtainable by differentiating the measured displacements. In addition to the basic principle of digital image correlation, the example of the measurement and its results are shown.  相似文献   

The kinetics of microcrack growth during cycling has been studied in a S32205 duplex stainless steel in the as-received and aged (100 h at 475 °C) conditions. Cylindrical specimens with a shallow notch were subjected to a constant plastic strain range of 0.3% in both thermal conditions. The characteristic features of surface damage and crack growth showed striking differences in microcrack density, nucleation location and propagation rate between the two thermal conditions even though the fatigue lives are comparable. In the as-received material, microcrack density is low and they nucleate mainly at grain and phase boundaries or second-phase particles. In the aged condition, slip markings first appear in the ferritic phase and they are the preferred site for microcrack nucleation. Crack propagation takes place along slip markings in adjacent grains for crack lengths less than 100 μm. A comparison between fatigue life and the relevant parameters of a microcrack growth law was made.  相似文献   

利用超声波空蚀实验装置对Cr-Ni-Mo奥氏体-铁素体不锈钢及其同质材料堆焊后的堆层金属在自来水溶液中的空蚀行为进行了研究.通过扫描电镜(SEM)、显微硬度计等检测设备研究了材料空蚀表面形貌和微观结构.结果表明:Cr-Ni-Mo双相不锈钢的抗空蚀性能明显优于经TIG(钨极惰性气体保护焊)表面堆焊后的堆层金属试样;双相不...  相似文献   

The heterogeneous deformation behavior of austenite and ferrite in the 2205 duplex stainless steel was subjected to multiscale analysis based on the in situ synchrotron-based high energy X-ray diffraction,microscopic digital image correlation,electron backscatter diffraction,and transmission electron microscopy.It is found that the heterogeneous deformation triggers from the yielding of austenite.During this deformation stage,austenite experiences greater strain in the area near the phase boundaries because of the impeded function of the phase boundaries to dislocations.Owing to the relatively small difference in hardness between the constituent phases,the strain in austenite grains extends into the adjacent ferrite grains when entering into the ferrite yielding stage.In addition,the strain distribution of the austenite grains is more homogeneous than that of the ferrite grains because of the lower stacking fault energy of austenite,which results in a planar slip,and higher stacking fault energy in case of ferrite,causing cross slip.The interaction between austenite and ferrite becomes considerably obvious when the strain further increases after both constituent phases yielding because of the back stress and forward stress in austenite and ferrite,respectively,which are generated by the pile-up of the geometrically necessary dislocations.  相似文献   

The transformation characteristics of ferrite transformation in a cast of specially designed duplex stainless steel have been studied. The ferrite content in the duplex stainless steel was found to settle to steady values after long-term exposure to high temperatures. This feature can be used for developing an average temperature indicator that is very easy to use and requires only very simple equipment.  相似文献   

The ferrite phase of cast duplex stainless steels becomes embrittled after thermal ageing, leading to a significant decrease in fracture properties. In the present paper, the influence of ageing and solidification structure on the fatigue crack growth rates (FCGRs) and on the fatigue crack growth mechanisms in a cast duplex stainless steel is studied. FCGRs measured at room temperature increase slightly after ageing at 400 °C, due to ferrite cleavage and to the resulting irregular shape of the crack front. The crack propagates without any preferential path by successive ruptures of ferrite and austenite phases. The macroscopic crack propagation plane depends on the crystallographic orientation of the ferrite grain. Secondary cracks can appear due to the complex solidification structure. This in turn influences the FCGR. The fatigue crack closure level decreases with increasing ageing. This can be explained by a decrease in the kinematic cyclic hardening of these materials.  相似文献   

The low‐cycle fatigue behaviour of a duplex stainless steel was comparatively studied in standard heat‐treated and isothermally aged (at 475 °C for 100 h) conditions by mechanical testing, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. It was established that fatigue life is longer in the aged condition as compared to the annealed condition at lower values of total strain amplitude Δ?/2 (Δ?/2 = 4.0 × 10?3 and 6.0 × 10?3) and becomes similar in annealed and aged conditions at Δ?/2 = 8.0 × 10?3. Fatigue resistance of the material converges with increase in Δ?/2 values as a result of rapid cyclic softening of the ferritic phase in the aged condition.  相似文献   

This study intends to characterize the residual stress relaxation in a girth-welded duplex stainless steel pipe exposed to cyclic loading. FE thermal simulation of the girth welding process is first performed to identify the weld-induced residual stresses. 3-D elastic–plastic FE analyses incorporated with the cyclic plasticity constitutive model which can describe the cyclic stress relaxation are next carried out to evaluate reconstruction of the residual stresses under cyclic mechanical loading. The results unveils that considerable reduction of the residual stresses in and around the girth weld occur even after the initial few loading cycles and degree of the stress relaxation is dependent on the magnitude of applied cyclic loading.  相似文献   

In this study, static strain ageing behavior of commercially available and solution heat treated duplex stainless steel was investigated and the effect of static strain ageing on the mechanical properties was also determined in detail. Some of as-received duplex stainless steel test specimens were pre-strained in tension by 5% and then aged at 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C and 600 °C for 30 min in furnace. Some of duplex stainless steel test specimens were solution heat treated at 1050 °C for 30 min, water quenched and then pre-strained for 5% in tension shortly after the solution heat treatment.In order to identify the effect of static strain ageing on the mechanical properties, the tensile strength, the change in the strength due to ageing (ΔY), elongation fracture and hardness were determined. The test results showed that the mechanical properties were affected by static strain ageing mechanism which was applied at different temperatures for same time interval.  相似文献   

An antibacterial 2205-Cu duplex stainless steel(DSS)was shown to inhibit the formation and growth of corrosive marine biofilms by direct contact with copper-rich phases and the release of Cu~(2+)ions from the2205-Cu DSS surface.In this work,the microbiologically influenced corrosion(MIC)resistance of 2205-Cu DSS in the presence of the corrosive marine bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated.The addition of copper improved the mechanical properties such as the yield strength,the tensile strength and the hardness of 2205 DSS.Electrochemical test results from linear polarization resistance(LPR),electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)and critical pitting temperature(CPT)measurements showed that 2205-Cu DSS possessed a larger polarization resistance(R_p),charge transfer resistance(R_(ct))and CPT values,indicating the excellent MIC resistance of 2205-Cu DSS against the corrosive P.aeruginosa biofilm.The live/dead staining results and the SEM images of biofilm confirmed the strong antibacterial ability of 2205-Cu DSS.The largest pit depth of 2205-Cu DSS was considerably smaller than that of 2205 DSS after 14 d in the presence of P.aeruginosa(2.2μm vs 12.5μm).2205-Cu DSS possessed a superior MIC resistance to regular 2205 DSS in the presence of aerobic P.aeruginosa.  相似文献   

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