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The objective of this research was to examine the effects of sodium citrate plus sodium diacetate or buffered vinegar on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and psychrotrophic bacteria when incorporated in brine solutions for injected beef. Two experiments were conducted in which 30 top rounds and 30 top sirloins were injected (110%) to contain (i) 0.5% sodium chloride and 0.4% sodium tripolyphosphate as the control (CNT); (ii) CNT with a 1% solution of 80% sodium citrate plus 20% sodium diacetate (SC + D); or (iii) CNT with 2% buffered vinegar (VIN) in the final product. For the E. coli challenge, muscles were surface inoculated to target 6 log CFU/cm(2). After injection and 10 days of storage in a vacuum package (4°C), one half of each muscle was sampled raw and the other half was cooked to an internal temperature of 60°C with a 12-min hold. For raw samples, a significant reduction of 0.6 and 1.0 log CFU/g of E. coli O157:H7 was observed in both SC + D- and VIN-injected top rounds and sirloins, respectively. All cooked samples were E. coli O157:H7 negative. For psychrotrophic analysis, subprimals were injected and vacuum packaged for 10 days at 0 ± 1°C. After 10 days of storage, steaks were fabricated and placed in aerobic display (4 ± 1°C) for 1, 7, 14, and 21 days. Psychrotrophic organism growth was restricted in SC + D and VIN samples when compared with CNT on all days except day 1. Sodium citrate plus sodium diacetate or buffered vinegar may improve the safety and shelf life of multineedle brine-injected beef.  相似文献   

Beef biceps femoris (n = 10; muscle sections, n = 20; BF), infraspinatus (n = 10; muscle sections, n = 20; IS), and longissimus (n = 10; muscle sections, n = 20; LM) muscles were utilized to evaluate the effect of enhancement with phosphate and varying levels of sodium chloride in beef muscles differing in composition and palatability. Muscles were untreated or solution enhanced to 112% of raw product weight with sodium tripolyphosphate at 0.4% of product weight (STPP), or STPP and sodium chloride (NaCl) at 0.5%, 1.0% or 1.5% of product weight. There was a quadratic relationship (P = 0.04) for percent free water to decrease and a linear relationship (P < 0.01) for cook yield to increase as the level of NaCl increased. The IS steaks required less (P < 0.05) shear force than either the BF or LM, with the BF and LM having similar (P > 0.05) shear force values. There was a linear relationship (P < 0.01) for shear force values to decrease with increasing salt concentration. Steaks from all four enhancement treatments had lower (P < 0.05) shear force values than untreated steaks. Sensory overall tenderness ratings revealed that the IS and LM were similar (P > 0.05) and superior (P < 0.05) to the BF in tenderness. Steaks enhanced with STPP and 0.5%, 1.0%, or 1.5% NaCl all were rated more tender (P < 0.05) than untreated or STPP-only treated steaks. The BF exhibited the lowest (P < 0.05) L* (lightness) and a* (redness) values, as well as decreased (P < 0.05) vividness. The LM generally exhibited superior color to the other two muscle types. There was a linear relationship (P < 0.01) for L*, a*, b* (yellowness) values, and vividness to decline with increasing salt concentration, but steaks enhanced with STPP and 0.5% NaCl were similar (P > 0.05) in a* values and vividness to untreated steaks. These results suggest that across three different muscles varying in composition and palatability, enhancement with 0.4% STPP and 0.5% NaCl allowed for improvements in palatability while minimizing the color deterioration associated with phosphate/salt enhancement.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of varying levels of salt and fat on the sensory and physiochemical properties of beef patties were investigated. Twenty beef patties with varying levels of fat (30% 40% 50% 60% w/w) and salt (0.5%, 0.75% 1.0% 1.25% 1.5% w/w) were manufactured. All samples were assessed instrumentally for colour, moisture, fat, cooking loss and texture profile analysis. Sensory consumer evaluation was conducted using 25 consumers. The consumers rated each coded product, in duplicate, in terms of colour, texture, tenderness, juiciness, salt, taste, meat flavour, off flavour and overall acceptability. The data indicate that the most consumer acceptable beef patty was that containing 40% fat with a salt level of 1%. This is a 20% decrease in fat and a 50% decrease in salt levels when compared to commercial patties available in Ireland and the UK.  相似文献   

The surface sheen phenomenon in enhanced beef steaks, packaged under modified atmosphere, was studied using various combinations of processing techniques and brine formulations. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of time between enhancement and when steaks were cut on surface sheen. Beef temperature less than 0 °C prior to enhancement, resulted in less (P ≤ 0.05) sheen and less retained pump (P ≤ 0.05) than beef greater than 2 °C. Removal of phosphate from the brine resulted in lower (P ≤ 0.05) sheen, and the addition of lactate decreased (P ≤ 0.05) sheen but resulted in less (P ≤ 0.05) retained pump. Sheen was correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with pump uptake (r = 0.58) and pH (r = -0.29). Results indicate that surface sheen can be significantly affected by ingredients used, but caution must be taken as retained brine and pH can also be affected, causing secondary influences on instrumental and visual traits.  相似文献   

The inclusion of two sources of buffered vinegar and sodium dodecyl sulfate plus levulinic acid were studied as interventions for Salmonella Typhimurium and for their effect on shelf-life and sensory characteristics of ground beef. For the Salmonella challenge, beef trimmings (80/20) were inoculated then treated with 2% (w/v) liquid buffered vinegar (LVIN), 2.5% (w/w) powdered buffered vinegar (PVIN), a solution containing 1.0% levulinic acid plus 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDLA) at 10% (w/v), or had no intervention applied (CNT). The same trim source and production methods were followed during production of patties for shelf-life and sensory testing without inoculation. SDLA patties had the largest reduction (P < 0.05; 0.70 log CFU/g) of Salmonella. However, LVIN and PVIN had the least (P < 0.05) psychrotrophic growth. SDLA patties had more purge (P < 0.05) and lower (P < 0.05) subjective color scores. There were not large differences in sensory characteristics, except PVIN exhibited stronger off-flavor (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Hyperspectral imaging images were used to predict fresh beef tenderness (WBSF: Warner-Bratzler Shear Force) and color parameters (Lab). Sixty-five fresh strip loin cuts were collected from 33 carcass after 2 days postmortem. After acquiring hyperspectral images, the samples were vacuum packaged and aged for 7 days, and then the color parameters and WBSF of the samples were measured as references. The optical scattering profiles were extracted from the images and fitted to the Lorentzian distribution (LD) function with three parameters. LD parameters, such as the scattering asymptotic vale, the peak height, and full scattering width were determined at each wavelength. Stepwise discrimination was used to identify optimal wavelengths. The LD parameters’ combinations with optimal wavelengths were used to establish multi-linear regression (MLR) models to predict the beef attributes. The models were able to predict beef WBSF with Rcv = 0.91, and color parameters (Lab) with Rcv of 0.96, 0.96 and 0.97, respectively.  相似文献   

Top Choice (n=48) and Select (n=48) paired bone-in ribeye rolls, bone-in strip loins, and boneless top sirloin butts were assigned randomly to one of two aging treatments, dry or wet, and were aged for 14, 21, 28 or 35d. Cutting tests, performed to determine retail yields and processing times, showed dry-aged subprimals had lower total saleable yield percentages and increased processing times compared to wet-aged subprimals. Sensory and Warner-Bratzler shear evaluation was conducted to determine palatability characteristics. For the most part, aging treatment and aging period did not affect consumer sensory attributes. However, ribeye and top loin steaks from the Top Choice quality grade group received higher sensory ratings than their Select counterparts. For top sirloin steaks, no consumer sensory attributes were affected by aging treatment, aging period, or quality grade group.  相似文献   

Visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy was used to predict pH at 24 h (pH24) post-mortem, sarcomere length (SL), cooking loss (CL), Warner–Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF) and colour parameters (L, a, b) in beef cattle samples. Samples from M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum from 30 bulls were aged at 4 °C for 1, 3, 7 and 14 days and analysed for pH, SL, CL, WBSF and colour. NIRS calibrations for pH24, luminosity at 0 (Lt0) and 60 min (Lt60) showed good predictability (R2 = 0.97, 0.85 and 0.82; SECV = 0.10, 1.16, 1.36, respectively), whereas those related to the rest of the parameters were poorer.  相似文献   

To identify and quantify selected flavor-active volatile compounds and relate them to sensory characteristics, the gluteus medius (round), rectus femoris (round), vastus lateralis (round), vatsus medialis (round), teres major (chuck), infraspinatus (chuck), complexus (chuck), serratus ventralis (chuck), psoas major (loin) and longissimus dorsi (loin) were removed from heifer carcasses, enhanced, vacuum packaged, aged for 7 or 14days, steaks were cut, vacuum packaged and frozen (48h). Flavor-active volatiles affected by enhancement and ageing in the various muscles included nonanal, 2,3-octanedione, pentanal, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, 2-pentyl furan, 1-octen-3-ol, butanoic acid, pentanal and hexanoic acid, compounds often associated with lipid oxidation. Enhancement decreased hexanal and hexanoic acid. Ageing decreased butanoic acid. Pentanal content varied among muscles depending on enhancement and ageing. Livery off-flavor was positively correlated with pentanal, hexanal, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone and hexanoic acid. Rancid off-flavor was correlated with pentanal and with 2-pentyl furan but not with hexanal.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate the effect of different cooking regimes on the cook yield and tenderness of non-injected and brine injected (0.5% residual NaCl) bovine M. triceps brachii caput longum (TB), M. supraspinatus (SP) and M. pectoralis profundus (PP). Injected and non-injected TB, SP and PP muscle sections (400 g) were (a) conventionally oven cooked to 72 °C or cooked slowly (using a Δ10 programme) to 72 °C or (b) cooked in a water bath to 72 °C or cooked in a water bath to 55 °C and held at this temperature for 2 h before heating to 72 °C. In addition, injected PP muscle sections were oven cooked to 69 °C and held at this temperature for up to 12 h. Slow cooking using a Δ10 programme had no significant (P < 0.05) effect on WBSF values of injected or non-injected SP and TB muscles but significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the WBSF values of injected and non-injected PP muscles when compared to conventional cooking. Slow cooking significantly (P < 0.05) increased % cook yield of injected PP, SP and TB muscles. Staged cooking significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the WBSF values and had no significant effect on sensory tenderness ratings of non-injected TB, SP and PP muscles and injected PP muscles. Staged cooked injected or non-injected PP, SP and TB muscles had lower % cook yield values than those cooked straight to 72 °C. Increasing the cooking time of injected PP muscles at 69 °C to 8 and 12 h decreased % cook yield, decreased WBSF values and increased sensory tenderness ratings. It also alleviated the problem of residual chewiness which was evident in PP muscles cooked using the other regimes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how sensory quality, shear force and water loss differ between beef stored either chilled or frozen before cooking. Meat tenderness was analysed instrumentally and sensorially using both a consumer panel and a semi-trained panel. Both M. longissimus dorsi (LD) from eight young Holstein bulls were cut into eight samples, weighed, vacuum packed and aged at 4 °C for 2, 7 or 14 days. After ageing, the frozen samples were kept at −20 °C prior to heat treatment. Water holding capacity was recorded as purge or thawing loss and cooking loss or as combined loss. Sensory analyses were performed on samples aged 7 days. Peak force values declined with ageing time and freezing. Frozen meat aged 2 days had the same peak force values as chilled meat aged 7 days. Total energy was the same for both treatments at day 2 and 7, whereas at day 14 frozen samples showed significantly higher values than chilled samples. The sensory panel experienced the chilled meat to be more tender, juicier and having a more intense meat taste than the frozen meat, whereas the consumers could not find any significant difference in degree of liking. Water holding capacity was lower for the frozen samples. The results indicate that conclusions from studies concerning sensory quality of beef will depend on whether the meat has been kept chilled or frozen before testing.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of breed and diet on meat quality, defined as lipid stability, colour shelf life and sensory quality. Ninety-six steers were used, half Aberdeen Angus (AA) cross and half Holstein-Friesian (HF). They were reared from 6 months of age on a standard concentrate diet or grass silage and slaughtered at 14, 19 or 24 months of age. Breed had small effects on quality with lower lipid stability in muscle of 24 month-old HF (P<0.05). Sensory scores were similar between the breeds, the few differences being in favour of AA. Diet had the biggest effects on meat quality, in all 3 age groups. The grass silage diet produced higher plasma and muscle levels of vitamin E, lower lipid oxidation in loin steaks measured at 4 and 7 days of retail display and better colour stability (saturation) during shelf life in MAP (O(2):CO(2); 75:25) (all P<0.001). The high values for lipid oxidation in the concentrate-fed steers were linked to high muscle PUFA concentrations and low levels of vitamin E.  相似文献   

Sensory characteristics of longissimus thoracis muscle from three local Spanish beef breed-production systems and their relationships with chemical and instrumental meat quality traits were studied. Young bulls of Bruna dels Pirineus (BP; n = 69), Avileña-Negra Ibérica (A-NI; n = 70) and Morucha (MO; n = 70) breeds were reared in their own production systems. MO breed showed the highest water holding capacity and also the highest thawing loss and haem pigment content (P < 0.001). No differences in moisture and protein contents were found among breeds. A-NI showed the highest intramuscular fat (IMF, P < 0.05) and total collagen (P < 0.001) contents, whereas BP showed the lowest IMF content (P < 0.05) and the highest collagen solubility (P < 0.001). Beef flavour, tenderness and juiciness accounted for the eating quality differences among the three breed-production systems. Meat from A-NI was rated significantly higher (P < 0.01) for beef flavour and tenderness than that from BP and MO animals. Furthermore, MO showed the lowest juiciness (P < 0.001) which could be due to its higher thawing loss. Within the three breeds, thawing loss was negatively correlated with juiciness and, likewise cooking loss with juiciness and tenderness (P < 0.05). The canonical discriminant analysis showed that the three breeds were significantly different (P < 0.05) from each other according to sensory attributes, which justifies their involvement in different protected geographical indications (PGI).  相似文献   

Paired ribeyes (n = 24) and top sirloin butts (n = 24) were dry-aged or wet-aged for 35 days before being merchandised as individual muscles: M. spinalis thoracis, M. longissimus thoracis, M. gluteobiceps, and M. gluteus medius. Wet-aged subprimals had greater saleable yields than dry-aged. Dry-aged M. spinalis thoracis and M. gluteobiceps received lower consumer overall like and flavor ratings than did wet-aged; interior muscles — M. longissimus thoracis and M. gluteus medius — did not differ. Trained panelists found higher musty and putrid flavors for dry-aged muscles closer to exterior surface. These flavors may have contributed to lower consumer overall like and flavor ratings for dry-aged M. spinalis thoracis and M. gluteobiceps. Using innovative styles to cut beef allows for greater merchandising options. However, development of undesirable flavor characteristics may be more pronounced when exterior muscles — M. spinalis thoracis and M. gluteobiceps — are exposed during dry-aging to extreme conditions and are consumed individually.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine if beef quality parameters differ between steaks in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP; 80% O2 and 20% CO2) and in vacuum packaging. Both M. longissimus dorsi (LD) from ten young bulls were cut in steaks day 3 postmortem and frozen either directly or after storage for 5 or 15 days in MAP and/or vacuum. The parameters studied were Warner Bratzler shear force, colour stability, α-tocopherol content, protein oxidation, water holding capacity and sensory attributes. Steaks stored in MAP had higher shear force than steaks stored in only vacuum at all ageing times. Tenderness and juiciness were negatively affected by storage in MAP. Ageing in MAP induced higher levels of metmyoglobin compared with vacuum ageing. In conclusion, high-oxygen MAP negatively influenced shear force, thawing loss, α-tocopherol content and colour stability, as well as the sensory attributes tenderness, juiciness and to some extent meat flavour.  相似文献   

Beef Supraspinatus and Triceps brachii muscles were subjected to three enhancement and/or re-forming treatments: (i) injected whole @ 15%w/w with salt-phosphate solution; (ii) injected and re-formed; (iii) injected with added flavouring and re-formed. The treated muscles were compared to whole uninjected controls. All injection treatments reduced shear force values of cooked samples and in most cases these reductions were reflected in sensory panel tenderness and chewiness ratings. For example, shear values for Supraspinatus were 83N/g in control samples and 50 in whole injected samples, while corresponding sensory panel tenderness ratings were 3.6 and 5.2. Enhanced samples did not differ from controls in sliceability or in colour and binding ratings, indicating that enhancement combined with re-forming can give an acceptable roast beef product. There were no differences in drip loss and very few differences in colour L*, a* and b* values for raw samples between any of the treatments. Addition of beef stock did not result in higher flavour ratings by sensory panels. Whole injected samples scored higher for flavour than both control (p<0.01) and injected+re-formed (p<0.05) samples.  相似文献   

This review deals with distinctive aspects of quality of Argentinean beef in terms of tenderness, flavour, colour, juiciness, taste, acceptability, lipid content and composition and its resultant nutraceutical characteristics. Differences are due to beef production systems based on temperate or tropical grasslands aimed at shortening the fattening phase as far as possible, with limited or null use of concentrates. However, the effect of limited supplemental feeding is also discussed as well as the responses arising from the use of beef cattle genotypes, including British, Continental, Dairy, Zebu breeds and their crosses, adapted to the various environments and systems found in the country.  相似文献   

Forty pork carcass sides were assigned to one of four treatments: pre-rigor citrate (CIT) or acetate injection (ACE); post-rigor phosphate and salt injection (PHOS); and non-injected control (CON). Loins in 20 sides were injected at 50 min post-mortem with 4% solutions of CIT or ACE to approximately 110% of projected loin weights, and 10 loins were injected at 24 h post-mortem to 106.6% with a solution of 4.4% PHOS and 2.2% salt. Although CIT increased pH (P < 0.05), neither CIT nor ACE altered (P > 0.05) glycolytic metabolite concentrations. The pH increase in muscles from the CIT treatment was most likely due to its buffering ability rather than to its glycolytic inhibition. Pre-rigor CIT injection improved tenderness without the detrimental effects on color or flavor found with PHOS, but neither CIT nor ACE altered glycolytic metabolites or improved firmness, wetness, or fresh visual color over CON. Poor flavor attributes of the ACE treatment will hinder its use as an ingredient for pork enhancement solutions.  相似文献   

《Meat science》2007,75(4):727-737
Forty pork carcass sides were assigned to one of four treatments: pre-rigor citrate (CIT) or acetate injection (ACE); post-rigor phosphate and salt injection (PHOS); and non-injected control (CON). Loins in 20 sides were injected at 50 min post-mortem with 4% solutions of CIT or ACE to approximately 110% of projected loin weights, and 10 loins were injected at 24 h post-mortem to 106.6% with a solution of 4.4% PHOS and 2.2% salt. Although CIT increased pH (P < 0.05), neither CIT nor ACE altered (P > 0.05) glycolytic metabolite concentrations. The pH increase in muscles from the CIT treatment was most likely due to its buffering ability rather than to its glycolytic inhibition. Pre-rigor CIT injection improved tenderness without the detrimental effects on color or flavor found with PHOS, but neither CIT nor ACE altered glycolytic metabolites or improved firmness, wetness, or fresh visual color over CON. Poor flavor attributes of the ACE treatment will hinder its use as an ingredient for pork enhancement solutions.  相似文献   

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