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A chaotic neural network called time-delay globally coupled neural network using symmetric map (TDSG) is proposed for information processing applications. Firstly, its rich dynamic behaviors are exhibited and the output stability is demonstrated by using a parameter modulated control method. Secondly, the associative memory of TDSG is investigated by the control method. It is observed that the stable output sequence only contains stored pattern and its reverse pattern and the TDSG finally converges to the stored pattern which has the smallest Hamming distance to the initial patterns with noise. At last, strong information recovery ability of the TDSG is illustrated by comparative experiments.  相似文献   

This paper describes the operation of an associative memory (LYAM) governed by only ordinary differential equations, useful for pattern clustering. Several computer simulations illustrate its operation as an unsupervised classifier, vector quantizer, and content-addressable memory.  相似文献   

A double-pattern associative memory neural network with “pattern loop” is proposed. It can store 2N bit bipolar binary patterns up to the order of 2^2N , retrieve part or all of the stored patterns which all have the minimum Hamming distance with input pattern, completely eliminate spurious patterns, and has higher storing efficiency and reliability than conventional associative memory. The length of a pattern stored in this associative memory can be easily extended from 2N to κN.  相似文献   

A memory capacity exists for artificial neural networks of associative memory. The addition of new memories beyond the capacity overloads the network system and makes all learned memories irretrievable (catastrophic forgetting) unless there is a provision for forgetting old memories. This article describes a property of associative memory networks in which a number of units are replaced when networks learn. In our network, every time the network learns a new item or pattern, a number of units are erased and the same number of units are added. It is shown that the memory capacity of the network depends on the number of replaced units, and that there exists a optimal number of replaced units in which the memory capacity is maximized. The optimal number of replaced units is small, and seems to be independent of the network size. This work was presented in part at the 12th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 25–27, 2007  相似文献   

This paper presents an alternative technique for financial distress prediction systems. The method is based on a type of neural network, which is called hybrid associative memory with translation. While many different neural network architectures have successfully been used to predict credit risk and corporate failure, the power of associative memories for financial decision-making has not been explored in any depth as yet. The performance of the hybrid associative memory with translation is compared to four traditional neural networks, a support vector machine and a logistic regression model in terms of their prediction capabilities. The experimental results over nine real-life data sets show that the associative memory here proposed constitutes an appropriate solution for bankruptcy and credit risk prediction, performing significantly better than the rest of models under class imbalance and data overlapping conditions in terms of the true positive rate and the geometric mean of true positive and true negative rates.  相似文献   

To construct a “thinking-like” processing system, a new architecture of an adaptive associative memory system is proposed. This memory system treats “images” as basic units of information, and adapts to the environment of the external world by means of autonomous reactions between the images. The images do not have to be clear, distinct symbols or patterns; they can be ambiguous, indistinct symbols or patterns as well. This memory system is a kind of neural network made up of nodes and links called a localist spreading activation network. Each node holds one image in a localist manner. Images in high-activity nodes interact autonomously and generate new images and links. By this reaction between images, various forms of images are generated automatically under constraints of links with adjacent nodes. In this system, three simple image reaction operations are defined. Each operation generates a new image by combining pseudofigures or features and links of two images. This work was presented, in part, at the Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 19–22, 1999  相似文献   

连续学习混沌神经网络的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近几年混沌神经网络在信息处理,特别是联想记忆中的应用得到了极大重视。本文提出了一个改进的连续学习混沌神经网络(MSLCNN)模型,它具有两个重要特征:(1)根据不同的输入,神经网络做出不同的响应,可从已知模式来识别未知模式;(2)可连续学习未知模式。计算机仿真表明我们的模型具有应用潜力。  相似文献   

Theoretical estimates and experimental data are given for the binary-pattern storage capacity of a quasi-neural network with threshold logic units. The theory confirms results obtained by Hopfield in 1982 for patterns with 50% density of active elements.  相似文献   

介绍了应用于灰度图像的联想记忆和识别的动态核方法,给出了动态核选择的原则和途径。利用动态核可以解决灰度图像在含有随机噪声时的自联想记忆和识别问题,从而给出了一种较好地处理含噪灰度图像恢复的途径。通过实验,验证了该方法的良好性能,取得了较理想的结果。  相似文献   

Times of searching for similar binary vectors in neural-net and traditional associative memories are investigated and compared. The neural-net approach is demonstrated to surpass the traditional ones even if it is implemented on a serial computer when the entropy of a space of signals is of order of several hundreds and the number of stored vectors is vastly larger than the entropy. This work is supported by RFBR grant 05-07-90049 and partially by the Center of Applied Cybernetics under grant No. 1M6840070004 (Institutional Research Plan AV0Z10300504). __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 5, pp. 3–13, September–October 2006.  相似文献   

在现有的多模块一对多联想记忆模型中,由于所处理的记忆模式集合本身的特点以及记忆模式之间的关联被忽视,使得构造出来的模型结构复杂,难以实际应用.针对这一不足,提出一种基于模式关联的实现方法.以该方法构造出的多模块一对多联想记忆模型结构简单,易于硬件实现,使得多模块一对多联想记忆模型具有了实际应用的可能.  相似文献   

基于最大运算Max和t--范数T的神经网络模型Max-T FAM是B.Kosko提出的经典模糊联想记忆(FAM)网络的一种重要的广义形式,其性能有多处不足.本文利用一种参数化聚合算子∨λ,提出了一种计算简单、易于硬件实现的广义模糊联想记忆(GFAM)网络,其连接算子从{∨λ|λ∈[0,1]}中选取;从理论上严格证明了GFAM具有一致连续性,比所有Max-T FAM的映射能力和存储能力强很多;接着运用模糊关系方程理论提出和分析了GFAM的一种所谓的Max-Min-λ学习算法;最后用实验对GFAM和Max-T FAM的完整可靠存储能力进行了比较,并示例了GFAM在图像联想方面的应用.  相似文献   

给出了利用相空间压缩法控制混沌神经网络,使得网络能够收敛于存储的目标模式的充分条件和必要条件.通过数学分析,得到了相空间压缩控制方法中对应参数的上下限;并通过对仿真结果的分析,提出了通过改变相空间压缩控制方法中对应的参数来实现混沌神经网络联想记忆的新方法.以上结果均通过仿真得到验证.  相似文献   

在灰度图像分解算法和动态核形态联想记忆网络的基础上,提出了一种新的联想记忆算法--动态核的形态分解联想算法.该方法显著地提高了联想记忆抗随机噪声的能力,较好地解决了灰度图像在含噪时的联想记忆和识别的问题,从而给出了一种恢复含噪灰度图像的途径,并把该方法推广到了彩色图像的处理.通过实验,验证了该方法的良好性能,取得了理想的结果.  相似文献   

混沌是不含外加随机因素的完全确定性的系统表现出来的界于规则和随机之间的内秉随机行为。脑神经系统是由神经细胞组成的网络。类似于人脑思维的人工神经网络与冯·诺依曼计算机相比,在信息处理方面有很大的优越性。混沌和神经网络相互融合的研究是从90年代开始的,其主要的目标是通过分析大脑的混沌现象,建立含有混沌动力学的神经网络模型(即混沌神经网络模型),将混沌的遍历性、对初始值敏感等特点与神经网络的非线性、自适应、并行处理优势相结合,  相似文献   

DMM:A dynamic memory mapping model for virtual machines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Memory virtualization is an important part in the design of virtual machine monitors(VMM).In this paper,we proposed dynamic memory mapping(DMM) model,a mechanism that allows the VMM to change the mapping between a virtual machine's physical memory and the underlying hardware resource while the virtual machine is running.By utilizing DMM,the VMM can implement many novel memory management policies,such as Demand Paging,Swapping,Ballooning,Memory Sharing and Copy-On-Write,while preserving compatibility with va...  相似文献   

In the brain,the discrete elements in a temporal order is encoded as a sequence memory.At the neural level,the reproducible sequence order of neural activity is very crucial for many cases.In this paper,a mechanism for oscillation in the network has been proposed to realize the sequence memory.The mechanism for oscillation in the network that cooperates with hetero-association can help the network oscillate between the stored patterns,leading to the sequence memory.Due to the oscillatory mechanism,the firing history will not be sampled,the stability of the sequence is increased,and the evolvement of neurons’states only depends on the current states.The simulation results show that neural network can effectively achieve sequence memory with our proposed model.  相似文献   

作为语言最小独立运行且有意义的单位,将连续型的老挝语划分成词是非常有必要的。提出一种基于双向长短期记忆BLSTM神经网络模型的老挝语分词方法,使用包含913 487个词的人工分词语料来训练模型,将老挝语分词任务转化为基于音节的序列标注任务,即将老挝语音节标注为词首(B)、词中(M)、词尾(E)和单独成词(S)4个标签。首先将老挝语句子划分成音节并训练成向量,然后把这些向量作为BLSTM神经网络模型的输入来预估该音节所属标签,再使用序列推断算法确定其标签,最后使用人工标注的分词语料进行实验。实验表明,基于双向长短期记忆神经网络的老挝语分词方法在准确率上达到了87.48%,效果明显好于以往的分词方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate a new representation of shape and its use in handwritten online character recognition by a Kohonen associative memory. This representation is based on the empirical distribution of features such as tangents and tangent differences at regularly spaced points along the character signal. Recognition is carried out by a Kohonen neural network trained using the representation. In addition to the Euclidean distance traditionally used in the Kohonen training algorithm to measure the similarities among feature vectors, we also investigate the Kullback–Leibler divergence and the Hellinger distance, functions that measure distance between distributions. Furthermore, we perform operations (pruning and filtering) on the trained memory to improve its classification potency. We report on extensive experiments using a database of online Arabic characters produced without constraints by a large number of writers. Comparative results show the pertinence of the representation and the superior performance of the scheme.  相似文献   

高速公路车辆车速、车距、行驶方向等因素都是动态变化的,受外界环境干扰,采集到的目标车辆状态特征数据可能存在噪声,导致车辆变道轨迹预测存在误差,为此提出基于长短期记忆网络的高速公路车辆变道轨迹预测模型,有效预测高速公路车辆变道轨迹,改善车辆行驶条件,保障其安全运行。通过激光雷达、GPS等装置采集目标车辆交通数据,将其合理组合成目标车辆状态观测特征向量,并构建相应的特征向量矩阵,将所构建目标车辆状态观测特征向量矩阵作为1层卷积神经网路输入,提取目标车辆状态观测特征向量潜在特征后,以1层卷积神经网络输出结果为双向长短期记忆网络有效输入,经过无数次模型训练后,输出目标车辆变道轨迹预测结果。实验结果表明:该模型可有效预测高速公路车辆变道轨迹,预测出的轨迹横纵坐标误差极低,能够得到较为理想的高速公路车辆变道轨迹预测结果。  相似文献   

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