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Spin-lattice (T1) relaxation times were measured by an inversion-recovery magnetic resonance imaging method with a slice-selective inversion pulse (SIP), a non-selective rectangular inversion pulse (RIP), or a B1-insensitive adiabatic inversion pulse (AIP). Data analysis either assumed perfect inversion (two-parameter fit) or allowed for imperfect inversion (three-parameter fit). Imperfect inversion pulses caused low T1 values in phantoms with a two-parameter fit, while three-parameter T1 estimates were accurate over the range 430-2670 ms. A difference of approximately 10% between two-parameter and three-parameter T1 values in normal human brain tissue was attributed to B1 inhomogeneity with the slice-selective inversion pulse and rectangular inversion pulse, to the slice profile with the slice-selective inversion pulse, and to T2 effects for the adiabatic inversion pulse. Any T1 method that relies on accurate flip angles may have a significant systematic error in vivo. Phantom accuracy does not ensure accuracy in vivo, because phantoms may have a more homogeneous B1 field and a longer T2 than do biological samples.  相似文献   

T1 and T2 of paramagnetic ions in free and chelated form were measured over the range of clinical magnetic resonance imaging field strengths (0.02-1.5 T). T1 values agreed with published data; however, to our knowledge, the field dependence of T2 has not been systematically studied before Mn2+, Cr3+, and Fe3+ all showed T2 reduction at high field strengths, although reduction due to Fe3+ was minimal. This is believed to be due to "contact" interactions, which have been previously noted for manganese. No such T2 reduction was seen in the chelates, except that dysprosium chelate (but not free ion) showed an anomalous decrease in T2 at high field strengths, which may possibly be explained by a dephasing effect caused by the large magnetic moment of Dy3+.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of progressive maximal voluntary handgrip contractions (MVCs) on muscle proton spin-spin (T2) relaxation times and work, measured as the integrated force vs. time curve (FTI). Six healthy volunteers performed 10, 20, 40, and 80 MVCs in a 0.35-T magnet on four separate occasions. Repeated measures analyses of variance of increases in T2 and FTI during successive bouts were significant (P < 0.005 and P < 0.001, respectively). FTI increased with successive bouts to a greater extent than did muscle T2 (P < 0.05). For T2, the Helmert contrast judged the 10-MVC response lower than the mean of the remaining responses (P < 0.005), and the differences between all others compared with the means of subsequent responses were not significant, indicating a "flattening" of the T2 response after the increase from 10 to 20 repetitions. For FTI, all the single degree of freedom Helmert contrasts were significant (P < 0.001), indicating a continual increase in response over increased MVCs. The curved nature of the T2 response conformed best to a hyperbolic function, suggesting that a limit of approximately 32% exists for the change in T2 during progressively longer bouts of MVCs. A limit in the T2 response is consistent with the existence of a limit in the amount of water that muscle can take up from the vasculature during exertion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore the lived-experience of childhood cancer survivors with regard to their patterns of interaction with family and the environment using Newman's theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness, which proposes that experiencing a devastating event promotes an expanded consciousness. The sample consisted of five young adults, ages 23 to 26 years, who had experienced childhood cancer and now are considered to be cured of their initial cancer. A hermeneutic dialectic approach was used, with each subject being asked to respond to one open-ended question, "What are the most meaningful events in your life?" The interviews were analyzed for evidence of expanded consciousness, changing relatedness, and other universal themes. Individual patterns emerged and themes were identified that supported Newman's theory, such as optimism and hope, stronger bonds to family and friends, increased capacity for empathy, a desire to help others, and deeper feelings for the value of life. The intensely personal and professional relationship that develops between pediatric oncology nurses and their patients can only be strengthened by the knowledge that these patients generally grew up to be caring and empathetic individuals, perhaps as a result of the nurses' loving care for them. This research also provided support for Newman's theory as a sound paradigm for nursing practice.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Endothelin-1 (ET-1), a peptide produced by the vascular endothelium, causes profound renal vasoconstriction by binding to ET-A receptors. The present study examined the renal actions of ET-1 after ET-A receptors were blocked by BE-18257B to unmask the functions of ET-B receptors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Renal hemodynamics and clearance measurements were obtained in anesthetized dogs after intrarenal infusion of BE-18257B at 100 ng./kg./min. (Group 1), after intrarenal infusion of ET-1 at 2 ng./kg./min. (Group 2), or after intrarenal infusion of ET-1 superimposed on BE-18257B (Group 3). RESULTS: In Group 1, BE-18257B infusion did not alter arterial pressure, renal blood flow (RBF), GFR or tubular function. In Group 2, ET-1 infusion led to a significant decrease in RBF and GFR (37 and 40%, respectively) without altering arterial pressure. Urinary volume and sodium excretion were not changed but osmolality decreased significantly. In Group 3, BE-18257B infusion significantly attenuated the decrease in RBF caused by ET-1 and increased GFR by 40% without altering arterial pressure, associated with significant diuresis and natriuresis. CONCLUSION: Renal vasoconstriction caused by ET-1 is attenuated by ET-A receptor blockade with BE-18257B, which unmasks the hemodynamic and tubular actions of ET-B receptors. As a result, it limits the ET-1 induced decrease in RBF and raises GFR, and leads to a diuresis and natriuresis.  相似文献   

Diffusion tensor MR imaging of the human brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: To assess intrinsic properties of water diffusion in normal human brain by using quantitative parameters derived from the diffusion tensor, D, which are insensitive to patient orientation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Maps of the principal diffusivities of D, of Trace(D), and of diffusion anisotropy indices were calculated in eight healthy adults from 31 multisection, interleaved echo-planar diffusion-weighted images acquired in about 25 minutes. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences in Trace(D) (approximately 2,100 x 10(-6) mm2/sec) were found within normal brain parenchyma, except in the cortex, where Trace(D) was higher. Diffusion anisotropy varied widely among different white matter regions, reflecting differences in fiber-tract architecture. In the corpus callosum and pyramidal tracts, the ratio of parallel to perpendicular diffusivities was approximately threefold higher than previously reported, and diffusion appeared cylindrically symmetric. However, in other white matter regions, particularly in the centrum semiovale, diffusion anisotropy was low, and cylindrical symmetry was not observed. Maps of parameters derived from D were also used to segment tissues based on their diffusion properties. CONCLUSION: A quantitative characterization of water diffusion in anisotropic, heterogeneously oriented tissues is clinically feasible. This should improve the neuroradiologic assessment of a variety of gray and white matter disorders.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic relaxation rates for water protons in aqueous palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine vesicle suspensions containing different nitroxide free radical spin labels are reported as a function of magnetic field strength corresponding to proton Larmor frequencies from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. Under these conditions the water proton relaxation rate is determined by the magnetic coupling between the water protons and the paramagnetic nitroxide fixed on the phospholipid. This coupling is made time-dependent by the relative translational motion of the water proton spins past the nitroxide radical. Using theories developed by Freed and others, we interpret the NMR relaxation data in terms of localized water translational motion and find that the translational diffusion constant for water within approximately 10 A of the phospholipid surface is 6 x 10(-10) m2 s(-1) at 298 K. Similar results are obtained for three different nitroxide labels positioned at different points on the lipid. The diffusion is a thermally activated process with an activation energy only slightly higher than that for bulk water.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although MR spectroscopy and functional MR imaging of the brain have been successful at 4 T, conventional fast spin-echo imaging of the brain at 4 T has not been adequately evaluated. The purpose of this study was to compare the detection of white matter abnormalities in multiple sclerosis (MS) at 1.5 T and 4 T. METHODS: Fifteen patients with clinically definite MS were imaged at both 1.5 T and 4 T within a 1-week period. Comparison was made between fast spin-echo long-TR images at both field strengths. Pulse sequences were tailored to maximize resolution and signal-to-noise ratio in clinically relevant imaging times (< 7 min). Four interpreters independently reviewed the images obtained at both field strengths in separate sessions and evaluated them for lesion identification, size, characterization, and subjective resolution. Differences in interpretations at 1.5 T and 4 T were subsequently recorded. RESULTS: Images obtained at 4 T showed a mean of 88 more lesions as compared with images obtained at 1.5 T. All the lesions measured less than 5 mm and were typically aligned along perivascular spaces. Twenty-five consensually identified lesions on 4-T images were not seen at all on 1.5-T images. Moreover, 4-T images showed 56 additional consensually identified lesions, which were indistinct and seen only in retrospect on 1.5-T images. These lesions were frequently (n = 48) identified in large confluent areas of white matter signal intensity abnormality at 1.5 T. All observers also agreed that 4-T images subjectively enhanced the perception of normal perivascular spaces and small perivascular lesions. CONCLUSION: MR imaging at 4 T can depict white matter abnormalities in MS patients not detectable at 1.5 T through higher resolution with comparable signal-to-noise ratio and imaging times.  相似文献   

Accumulation of ferritin, the iron storage protein, has been linked recently to aging and a number of pathologies. Noninvasive detection of iron storage by MRI relies on its extremely strong effect on water relaxation. The aim of this article is to characterize the effect of ferritin on transverse water relaxation in a high magnetic field, using an imaging Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) preparation sequence. Ferritin-induced water relaxation showed quadratic dependence on the iron loading factor, implying a paramagnetic mechanism. However, an additional zero order term was found, that could be due to the initial stages of the iron core loading. Significant enhancement of ferritin contrast was obtained at very short Tau CPMG durations. This approach for enhancing ferritin contrast was demonstrated by NMR microscopy of ferritin-injected Xenopus oocytes, thus showing the feasibility of ferritin detection in a high magnetic field, even in systems with short transverse relaxation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To characterize white matter changes in early-treated phenylketonuria (PKU) with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and hydrogen-1 MR spectroscopy and to correlate these findings to biochemical control and brain function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-one patients aged 12-33 years underwent T1-, T2-, and proton-density-weighted MR imaging and testing of intelligence, visual evoked potentials (VEPs), and neuropsychologic status (29 adult patients only). H-1 MR spectroscopy was performed in eight patients to determine brain metabolite concentrations, including phenylalanine (PHE) concentration, and brain compartmentation. RESULTS: MR imaging revealed a high frequency of supra- and infratentorial abnormalities. MR imaging grade, which was based on areas of high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, showed statistically significant correlation with long-term biochemical control and neuropsychologic test results but not with intelligence quotient or VEPs. H-1 MR spectroscopy revealed normal metabolite levels, except for increased PHE levels. It also showed enlarged cerebrospinal fluid-like compartments in affected white matter, related to plasma and brain concentrations of PHE and MR imaging grades. CONCLUSION: A synergistic use of MR imaging and MR spectroscopy may help elucidate both the pathogenesis of brain dysfunction and clinical treatment policies in PKU.  相似文献   

Detection of H2(17)O with proton T1rho-dispersion imaging holds promise as a means of quantifying metabolism and blood flow with MRI. However, this technique requires a priori knowledge of the intrinsic T1rho dispersion of tissue. To investigate these properties, we implemented a T1rho imaging sequence on a 1.9-T Signa GE scanner. A series of T1rho images for different locking frequencies and locking durations were obtained from rat brain in vivo and compared with 5% (wt/vol) gelatin phantoms containing different concentrations of (17)O ranging from .037% (natural abundance) to 2.0 atom%. Results revealed that, although there is considerable T1rho-dispersion in phantoms doped with H2(17)O, the T1rho of rat brain undergoes minimal dispersion for spin-locking frequencies between .2 and 1.5 kHz. A small degree of T1rho dispersion is present below .2 kHz, which we postulate arises from natural-abundance H2(17)O. Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratios of T1rho-weighted images are significantly better than comparable T2-weighted images, allowing for improved visualization of tissue contrast. We have also demonstrated the feasibility of proton T1rho-dispersion imaging for detecting intravenous H2(17)O on a live mouse brain. The potential application of this technique to study brain perfusion is discussed.  相似文献   

To assess a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging method for depicting small veins in the brain, a three-dimensional, long echo time, gradient-echo sequence that depended on the paramagnetic property of deoxyhemoglobin was used. Veins with diameters smaller than a pixel were depicted. This MR imaging method is easy to implement and may prove helpful in the evaluation of venous diseases.  相似文献   

Recent studies using interleukin (IL)-4-deficient animals have highlighted the existence of IL-4-independent immunoglobulin (Ig)E induction. We have established transgenic mice expressing IL-13 from a transgene comprising a genomic fragment containing the IL-13 gene and the human CD2 locus control region. The transgenes were expressed in lymphoid tissues and induced by T cell activators, suggesting regulation by elements of the IL-13 promoter. IL-13 transgenic lines expressed 10-100-fold higher levels of serum IgE than their littermate controls, but had normal levels of other serum Ig isotypes. Elevated IgE levels were also detected in sera from IL-4-deficient mice carrying IL-13 transgenes, indicating that IL-4 is not required for IL-13-induced IgE expression in the mouse. Expression of IL-13 also perturbed the development of thymocytes. Although thymocyte development was normal up to 4 wk of age, thymocyte number decreased dramatically thereafter, reaching 10% of normal by 10 wk, and despite normal size and appearance, histological examination demonstrated that transgenic thymi contained only small foci of thymocytes. The reduction in thymocyte number was due mainly to a depletion of CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, and did not affect significantly the composition of peripheral T cell populations. These data indicate that expression of IL-13 transgenes in vivo can regulate IgE production in the mouse, and that IL-13 may also influence thymocyte development.  相似文献   

MR imaging has firmly established its place as the cornerstone of pediatric neuroimaging. Recent advances in MR imaging have led to decreased imaging time, high resolution studies, and new methods for obtaining tissue contrast. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) now obviates the need for angiography in some children, although its extended role is still to be defined. Normal and abnormal development and myelination patterns have been further defined with MR imaging. The patterns of brain injury resulting from hypoxia and ischemia vary with the degree of the insult as well as the gestational age of the child. These patterns of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy can be analyzed to determine when the insult occurred. Neuronal migration disorders and phakomatoses can be diagnosed with confidence at an early age, thus facilitating genetic counseling. MR imaging can detect the most common lesions associated with childhood epilepsy, such as hippocampal sclerosis, focal cortical dysplasias, and low-grade tumors. Other areas, including pediatric AIDS, toxicity-related injury, metabolic/mitochondrial conditions, and disorders associated with iatrogenic injury, can be diagnosed with MR. Spectroscopy provides information that should prove useful in evaluating and monitoring neuronal and other brain tissue disorders in children.  相似文献   

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