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两足步行机器人研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了空间运动型两足步行机器人控制技术的近期研究成果,给出了跨越障碍,上下斜坡、前向及侧向动态步行的步态综合与控制算法,并得到了实验验证。  相似文献   

两足机器人在崎岖不平的地面上行走时,需要根据地形特征产生相应的越障步行运动。从仿生学角度入手,提出了利用B样条曲线规划越障步态的参数化设计新方法。该方法引入了起步角和落步角的新概念,构造3段三次均匀B样条曲线,建立了机器人仿生越障运动模型,并进行了平稳越障运动特性的规划。基于时空运动特性的仿真结果表明,通过设计参数的合理选取可以获得运动性能良好的仿生越障步行模式。  相似文献   

 提出一种新型两足步行机构。该步行机构以单一的两自由度空间四杆机构作为本体,与传统的多杆多动力步行机构相比,具有结构与控制系统简单的优点。介绍了其结构原理,进行了稳定性分析,并制作了原理样机以验证概念的可行性。  相似文献   

基于多传感器信息的双足机器人步行系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张永学  麻亮  强文义 《高技术通讯》2001,11(6):66-69,92
提出了一种基于多传感器信息和实时修正算法的双足机器人分级递阶行走控制结构。在系统设计中,充分考虑零力矩点(ZMP)稳定性规则以及机器人行走时所受的其它物理性约束条件。为提高机器人对不平整路面的鲁棒性和克服系统建模误差,行走控制系统中采用了鲁棒地面反力控制器和基于地面反力最优规划的姿态控制策略。  相似文献   

目的 探讨床椅机器人室内自主对接技术与方法,实现长期卧床人群的非人工移位护理需求。方法 采用超声等多源信息融合与定位导航技术,依托机器人伺服系统实现床椅机器人轮毂电机精准控制。结果 多传感器融合定位精度达到厘米级;移动轮椅和床体柔性、安全和精准的自主完成对接。结论 多传感融合定位对接系统相对于传统的激光雷达、图像识别等方案具有高效、易用和性价比优势,床椅自主对接避免了受护者被搬运带来的跌落受伤风险,同时提高了受护者尊严感和幸福度。  相似文献   

张奇志  周亚丽 《工程力学》2013,30(3):431-436
研究半被动双足机器人行走过程固定点的全局稳定性问题。使用罗盘机器人模型,在脚与地面冲击前,采用沿着支撑腿方向的脉冲推力作为行走的动力源,采用庞加莱映射方法分析了半被动双足机器人行走的固定点及其稳定性。通过引入一个限位器使两腿间的夹角在脚与地面冲击时保持为常数。证明了半被动双足机器人行走过程固定点的存在性及其全局稳定性,并讨论了固定点存在的动力学附加条件。仿真结果表明:该文提出的采用脉冲推力作为行走的动力源、采用限位器使两腿间的夹角在脚与地面冲击时保持为常数的半被动机器人可以在水平面上稳定行走,并且固定点对干扰具有鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于接触力信息的穿戴型步行助力机器人研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用人-机交互信息对可穿戴型下肢助力机器人(WPAL)进行了控制研究.通过对应于人体的三维运动在装置与人体下肢间适当配置测力点,根据各测力点感受到的人体运动时的多维力信息,完成了下肢运动预判.同时,基于接触力信息,提出了假想柔顺控制方法,该方法通过调节各测力点的假想质量、阻尼系数和弹性系数来减小人体感受到的运动强度,达到为人体下肢运动提供助力支持的目的.  相似文献   

随着机器人技术的不断发展,我国发明的步行机器人的应用得到了广泛地应用,步行机器人属于一种集仿生学、机械工程学以及控制工程学等多种学科为一体的一项研究实体,是一个典型的多变量、飞翔性以及结构复杂的动力学系统,在四足机器人的研究过程中,姿态结构的不稳定以及产生稳定步行的运动已经成为了必须解决的动态平衡问题。本文首先对四足机器人的本体结构设计进行了分析;其次针对现有的步行机器人在实际研究和应用中存在的一些问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

抗震救灾、资源开发、特殊环境执行任务都需要无线控制的智能机器人.本文设计了一种基于STM32的四足仿生机器人,通过拉格朗日动力学建模,建立了各关节转角与腿部杆件运动的数学关系;在数学建模的基础上,再根据仿生机器人的运动学特征对行走步态进行规划,使机器人稳定步行的同时,提高了系统运动的协调性,实现了动作的精确控制.实验结果表明:该机器人通过无线控制已经实现了稳定步行、转弯、扭转、抬前臂、游泳、俯卧-起身等动作姿态.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simple oscillator-based biped walking method is described and a CORDIC-based FPGA hardware design method is proposed to effectively generate a walking gait in a biped robot. Based on the simple oscillator-based model, some equations represented by sinusoidal functions are proposed to describe a biped walking as a complete walking process with three modes (starting mode, gait cycle mode, and ending mode) and six phases. In these six phases, these oscillation parameters can be represented by the swing length, the step length, and the lifting height of the biped robot. Then an FPGA hardware structure based on the CORDIC operator named circular rotation is proposed and implemented on an FPGA chip. Finally, some comparison of the proposed CORDIC-based FPGA hardware method and the software method are presented. We can see that the proposed hardware method significantly reduces the processing time to generate gait trajectories of a biped robot.  相似文献   

双足机器人稳定性与控制策略研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
付成龙  陈恳 《高技术通讯》2006,16(3):319-324
对双足步行机器人的稳定性与控制策略的最新研究进行了综述.分析了双足步行模型的单边约束、混杂,及变拓扑的固有特性,介绍了基于ZMP的姿态稳定判据和基于庞加莱映射(Poincaré Map)的步态稳定判据.根据质心和ZMP与支撑凸多边形的关系,提出了双足运动的动态程度分类.总结了基于轨迹规划的时变控制策略与基于虚拟约束的定常控制策略,分析了各自的优缺点.最后探讨了这一研究领域的发展方向.  相似文献   

We report on a novel ZMP feedback control strategy which regulates the center of mass trajectory of a robot based on the measured zero-moment point (ZMP). Based on the trajectory generated by preview control and the linear inverted pendulum model, the controller has an extra model-based control input which is driven by the center-of-mass (CoM) acceleration, which provides sensitive response to disturbance. Thus, the robot motion is balanced between the long-term nominal CoM/ZMP trajectory tracking and the short-term trajectory modification for disturbance rejection. In addition, the controller has two layers of adjustment strategy. When the disturbance is small, the robot is regulated by merely adjusting its CoM trajectory. In contrast, when the disturbance is large, the foot position of the robot is simultaneously changed to provide a more effective response with characteristics of larger intrinsic stability. The performance of the control strategy is also experimentally evaluated using a child-size biped robot.  相似文献   

用磁流变阻尼器控制异构双腿机器人的仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢华龙  丛德宏  王斌锐  徐心和 《功能材料》2006,37(5):799-801,804
介绍了磁流变阻尼器在异构双腿行走机器人中的新应用.首先给出了仿生腿选用MR阻尼器的依据,建立了修正的Sigmoid阻尼器模型;然后对阻尼器安装位置进行了优化;最后对BRHL进行了步态跟随优化及迭代学习控制仿真.结果表示,基于MR阻尼器控制的仿生腿能够很好的实现对人工腿的步态跟随,具有较好的仿人特性.  相似文献   

提出了基于智能体的仿人机器人分层控制思想,构建了由主控层、通信层和执行层三部分构成的仿人机器人分层控制系统.机器人执行层分为多个独立的智能体,每个智能体具有控制器、必要的传感器和关节驱动器,机器人的伺服控制由这些智能体实现.这样整个系统能够充分发挥智能体的反应性、自治性、预动性和社会性等特性,不仅可以直接处理原始传感器数据,而且可以单独或通过多个智能体之间的协调直接对机器人的一些异常情况进行处理,如机器人遇到障碍物、机器人连杆臂碰撞等,可以提高仿人机器人的稳定性和实时性.实验结果表明,相比传统的分布式控制系统,采用基于智能体的分层控制系统可以提高机器人的稳定性和实时性.  相似文献   

仿人机器人运动规划研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
夏泽洋  陈恳  熊璟  付成龙 《高技术通讯》2007,17(10):1092-1099
在分析仿人机器人运动规划特性的基础上,对仿人机器人运动规划涉及的路径规划和步态规划两大问题及其典型方法进行了阐述和分析.对基于博弈论思想的离线足迹规划和基于传感信息融合的在线滚动路径规划两种路径规划策略进行了剖析,同时对几何约束法、模糊逻辑法、神经网络法、遗传算法法、自然步态法等5种常用的离线步态规划方法和3类在线姿态调整及控制方法即基于动力学模型的方法、基于倒立摆模型的方法、不基于模型的方法的算法思想和实验应用进行了分析与评价.最后对仿人机器人运动规划评价方法和运动规划研究的发展进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Human walking behaviour adaptation strategies have previously been examined using split-belt treadmills, which have two parallel independently controlled belts. In such human split-belt treadmill walking, two types of adaptations have been identified: early and late. Early-type adaptations appear as rapid changes in interlimb and intralimb coordination activities when the belt speeds of the treadmill change between tied (same speed for both belts) and split-belt (different speeds for each belt) configurations. By contrast, late-type adaptations occur after the early-type adaptations as a gradual change and only involve interlimb coordination. Furthermore, interlimb coordination shows after-effects that are related to these adaptations. It has been suggested that these adaptations are governed primarily by the spinal cord and cerebellum, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Because various physiological findings suggest that foot contact timing is crucial to adaptive locomotion, this paper reports on the development of a two-layered control model for walking composed of spinal and cerebellar models, and on its use as the focus of our control model. The spinal model generates rhythmic motor commands using an oscillator network based on a central pattern generator and modulates the commands formulated in immediate response to foot contact, while the cerebellar model modifies motor commands through learning based on error information related to differences between the predicted and actual foot contact timings of each leg. We investigated adaptive behaviour and its mechanism by split-belt treadmill walking experiments using both computer simulations and an experimental bipedal robot. Our results showed that the robot exhibited rapid changes in interlimb and intralimb coordination that were similar to the early-type adaptations observed in humans. In addition, despite the lack of direct interlimb coordination control, gradual changes and after-effects in the interlimb coordination appeared in a manner that was similar to the late-type adaptations and after-effects observed in humans. The adaptation results of the robot were then evaluated in comparison with human split-belt treadmill walking, and the adaptation mechanism was clarified from a dynamic viewpoint.  相似文献   

构建了基于多智能体的模块化自重构机器人系统实验平台.在详细分析了自重构系统的主要特点的基础上,设计了一种新型的同构阵列式模块化自重构机器人M-Cubes,阐述了多智能体分布式体系的控制结构,给出了实验平台的设计策略,包括单智能体结构设计、控制系统的硬件设计、单元模块的基本运动和系统运动规划策略.利用Ja-va3D开发了一个仿真试验平台,对各种控制算法进行了仿真和测试评估.  相似文献   

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