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铸造镁合金旋转喷吹除气的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了旋转喷吹技术在AZ91镁合金熔体除气净化处理上的应用。采用减压凝固法考察了旋转喷吹的除气净化工艺的净化效果,确定了最佳的除气时间。利用金相显微镜观察了除气前后合金的微观组织。对除气前后的合金,进行了金属型和低压砂型铸造试验浇注,并对其力学性能进行了测试和比较。研究结果表明,经过30min旋转喷吹除气处理后,能快速显著地降低镁合金中的含气量,AZ91合金金属型和低压砂型试样的力学性能都明显地得到提高,特别是合金的伸长率得到大幅度的提高。  相似文献   

铝合金熔体旋转喷吹除气净化设备的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李杰华  郝启堂 《铸造》2007,56(7):731-734
针对铝合金熔体除气净化方面存在的问题,对铝合金熔体旋转喷吹除气净化设备进行研究。对设备主体的各个组成部分进行了分析与设计,尤其是对旋转喷吹组件的设计,提出了在转杆内部安装一条进气管道,降低管道内部温度,有效防止喷射熔剂因高温变软堵塞喷头。对设备气路系统,重点从气路系统的进气环节和调节环节进行设计,提出利用数字组合阀原理进行间断性改变进气流量的思路,可在一定旋转速度下,增加进气流量而不引起铝合金熔体翻腾。从硬件和软件方面对设备先进控制技术方案进行了研究。硬件方面利用西门子PLC对控制系统各组成环节控制原理与方法进行研究。软件方面采用西门子S7-200系列编程软件STEP7编写了设备控制软件。同时,充分考虑设备安全可靠性,设计了手动控制和自动控制两种模式,在自动控制模式下设计紧急停止,防止紧急情况下不良后果恶化。  相似文献   

铝合金熔体旋转喷吹除气净化过程模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用计算机模拟方法对铝合金熔体旋转喷吹除气净化过程的温度场以及流场进行分析。结果表明,在转杆内部放置一个导气管,可以显著降低气体温度,从而可以有效地解决旋转喷头由于熔剂因高温变软而堵塞的问题;旋转速度和进气流量对铝合金熔体旋转喷吹除气净化效果具有重要影响,应该根据具体情况选择合适的工艺参数。熔池为方形结构时,气体主要从对角处出去,而远离对角处的体积分数却显著降低,甚至可能发生吸气。  相似文献   

研究了超声处理对AZ91镁合金除气效果的影响。结果表明,采用超声波处理可以有效的去除镁合金熔体中的气体,从而提高铸锭的致密度。超声除气效果与施加功率和处理时间密切相关。在本实验条件下:超声功率105 W,处理时间60 s时除气效果最好,除气率可达73%。超声波不仅具有良好的除气效果,而且可以细化铸锭的铸态组织,均匀细小的组织则有利于气泡的上浮和熔体补缩;经过超声处理后,铸锭的硬度值可从未处理的30.7增大至74,提高了141%。  相似文献   

铝熔体旋转喷吹的除气效果及其对成分的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张子才 《铸造》2004,53(2):147-149
利用旋转喷吹装置对A356合金熔体进行净化处理,研究其除气效果以及净化过程中对合金元素烧损的影响.结果表明,旋转喷吹净化的除气效果优于传统的熔剂除气精炼;在净化过程中会造成Sr、Mg元素的烧损.  相似文献   

旋转喷头法铝液除气净化技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
有利于改善气泡浮游法除气条件的旋转喷头法铝液除气净化技术已日益成为主要的铝液净化方式;结合水模拟试验论述了它的优点,并分析了旋转喷头法除气时的气泡破碎机制。  相似文献   

旋转喷吹水模拟镁合金熔体除气   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在镁合金旋转喷吹除气模型基础上,利用水模拟确定气泡总表面积,研究转速、气体流量及喷头和坩埚直径比对除气效率的影响.结果表明,转速和气体流量对除气效率影响较大,通常条件下高气体流量和高转速除气效率较高;喷头和坩埚直径比例在1:3到1:5之间变化时除气效率变化不显著.  相似文献   

研究了氩气处理对AZ91镁合金高温力学性能的影响。结果表明,经过氩气处理后,每100g熔体中的氢含量从未处理的14.8cm^3降低至7.3cm^3,除气率高达50.7%;在20、100、175、250、325和400℃对合金分别进行拉伸试验,发现除气对合金抗拉强度和屈服强度的影响随温度升高而逐渐减小,但对伸长率的影响正好相反。在温度低于250℃时除气,合金强度显著提高,伸长率变化不明显,除气对在高温(250~325℃)拉伸时强度影响不大,但明显提高了镁合金的伸长率,另外,应变硬化指数(n)值相差不大(分别为0.04和0.03)。  相似文献   

旋转喷吹除气法的影响因素分析及其水模拟实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过水模拟实验研究了影响旋转喷吹除气法的诸因素.探讨了喷头旋转所引起的漩涡的形态及其对除气效果的不利影响,考察了阻流体的形状和位置对除气效果的影响.分析了喷孔尺寸、气流量、旋转头转速、熔池形状等参数对除气效率的影响.实验表明,喷头的结构和设计参数是影响不同的旋转喷吹设备净化效果的决定性因素,旋转喷头的设计应尽量增加其对气泡的附加紊流切应力和改善除气条件.  相似文献   

阻燃镁合金AZ91D的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了通过添加铍,可得到直接暴露在大气中熔炼的镁合金AZ91D。通过金相组织观察发现:当铍的含量达到0.015%时,合金的晶粒度最好,而且具有很好的阻燃性能;同时研究了采用不同的变质剂AZ91D合金进行变质处理。实验结果表明:变质处理的AZ91D合金,组织明显细化,尤其是时效处理后,其力学性能得以大幅度提高,拓宽了合金的使用范围。  相似文献   

镁合金表面电弧喷铝层的微观结构及界面分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
马凯  孙大千  宣兆志  陆佳 《焊接学报》2008,29(12):89-92
为获得性能优良的镁合金表面复合涂层,用自动送进的双铝丝做两个电极产生电弧,用压缩空气把熔化的铝熔滴喷到AZ91D镁合金表面,形成镁铝复合涂层。通过选用不同电压和气压进行喷涂试验,分析其对涂层组织性能的影响规律,找出最佳工艺参数。利用现代分析手段研究涂层的微观结构及界面特点,并通过测定涂层电极电位和盐雾试验分析涂层的耐腐蚀性能。结果表明,一定的电压和气压条件可使涂层致密,界面有新生组织,涂层中产生了小于50nm的纳米级晶团束和微米级层片状双重结构,涂层耐腐蚀性能明显优于镁合金基体。  相似文献   

本文采用强力正旋的方式对AZ91镁合金筒形件进行多道次旋压,通过光学显微镜(OM)和配有电子背散射衍射和能谱的扫描电子显微镜(SEM-EBSD-EDS)对不同旋压道次的微观组织衍化进行观察,结合EDS和X-Ray衍射仪(XRD)对筒形件的物相进行分析,通过纳米压痕试验仪对不同旋压道次镁合金的微区力学性能进行测试。研究结果表明:当AZ91镁合金筒形件的壁厚减薄率达到88.3%时,表面成形良好,无裂纹、褶皱产生;在旋压的初期,主要为外壁镁合金发生塑性变形,随着旋压变形量的增加,筒形件内外壁镁合金变形趋于一致,组织均匀,脆性相Mg17Al12发生破碎,呈流线形弥散地分布在镁合金内部,同时镁合金晶粒也得到细化,并发生动态再结晶;随着变形量的增加,筒形件的强度提高,硬度最高可达1.036 GPa,强化方式主要为第二相弥散强化和细晶强化。  相似文献   

Rheo-diecasting of AZ91D magnesium alloy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rheo-diecasting process (RDC) was investigated for semisolid processing of an AZ91D magnesium alloy. The results of the RDC samples in as-cast state indicate that the microstructure of primary α-Mg particles has a fine size, nearly spherical morphology, and uniform distribution throughout the components. Due to the advanced microstructure and reduced level of defects, the RDC AZ91D Mg alloy exhibits an apparent improvement in mechanical properties. The quantitative metallographic investigations reveal that increasing the intensity of forced convection during the slurry preparation results in a promoted nucleation and reduced volume fraction of the primary phase solidified in the slurry maker.  相似文献   

Initiation and early propagation of pitting and filiform corrosion on bare alloy AZ91 (9% Al, 1% Zn) are investigated by natural immersion corrosion tests, electrochemical measurements and microanalytical studies. Initiation sites are few. Corrosion spreads from these sites first in the form of filiform corrosion for a limited period of time and pitting which later develops into a cellular type of etching. The important factors affecting filiform corrosion are temperature, material structure and degree of polarization at the anodic sites. Filiform attack on AZ91, unlike the classical mechanisms of filiform corrosion on coated metals, is driven by hydrogen evolution reaction on the cathodic sites of the surface, occurs under significant anodic control, propagates at a high, constant speed independent of degree of polarization along preferential paths determined by compositional and crystallographic factors, and is a temporary phenomenon under open circuit conditions. Pitting corrosion is more predominant with decreasing anodic polarization.  相似文献   

Mold filling in lately-developed Thixomolding process is a complex process, of which numerical simulation is necessary for development. Governing equations and numerical models are first given, and then the experiment and its filling simulation are carried out. The results demonstrate that the modeling temperature changes from 864 to 873 K when the barrel temperature is 873 K. The difference is primarily in the runner system, but nearly invariable in the part. Consequently, the slurry fills the cavity smoothly with low solid fraction, and the filling process finishes in 5 ms, the filling process completes successfully before solidification of the slurry, which has good agreement with the experiment. Through a snapshot of the filling process and defects tracking, drawbacks are displayed and confirmed in the experiment.  相似文献   

Mechanical spectroscopy of commercial AZ91 magnesium alloy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A damping peak at around 425 K for a frequency of about 1 Hz was found and it was correlated to the characteristic grain boundary peak of magnesium. An increase in the height of the grain boundary peak appears during the temperature cycles, controlled by the decrease of solute atoms in the matrix since the appearance of a precipitation process.  相似文献   

Investment casting of AZ91HP magnesium alloy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes AZ91HP magnesium alloy investment casting. The aim of this study is to optimize the process for magnesium investment casting. Special attention was given to evaluating the thermal stability of oxides against molten AZ91HP magnesium alloy. The oxides examined included CaO, CaZr03, and silica bonded A1203 and ZrSi04. Also, the microstructural features of the as-cast alloy were investigated, and the effect of the processing parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties were evaluated describing the grain size, hardness and ultimate tensile strength of the as-cast alloy.  相似文献   

The gas-tungsten arc (GTA) welding behaviors of the commercial AZ91 magnesium alloy were examined in terms of process efficiencies and microstructure characteristics. This study focused on the effects of GTA welding process parameters (like welding current in the range of 100/300 A and welding speed in the range of 3.33/13.33 mm/s) on energy absorption by the substrate material. The dependences of arc and welding efficiency on the used process parameters were presented. The measurements revealed that the arc efficiency values ranged from 0.63 to 0.88. Melting efficiency was found to rise with both increasing welding current and speed. The analyses revealed a strong influence of the GTA welding process on the width and depth of the fusion zone and also on the refinement of the microstructure in the fusion zone. The results of dendrite arm size (DAS) measurements were presented. Additionally, the presence of a partially melted zone (PMZ) was disclosed.  相似文献   

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