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《Architectural Design》2007,77(6):68-68
Gerard da Cunha maintains his practice from the old Portuguese colony of Goa, which he considers has a novel history in that it was the site of the ‘first sustained encounter between the East and the West’. This encounter has engendered a unique culture and architecture that is evident in da Cunha's lively and rather Gaudíesque work. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

21世纪之交“景观都市主义”的论述和实践认为风景园林日趋成为当代城市的典范和载体。文章详述了风景园林师作为当代城市规划专家的观点,并从学科形成和职业特征的角度论证了风景园林作为城市化载体的观点。同时将风景园林职业的起源称作19世纪的“新艺术”,协调着工业城市的设计及其生态和社会的功能。并将景观都市规划师的论述起源定位于新自由主义经济背景下先进的建筑文化和民粹的环保主义的交融。  相似文献   

This article deals with how a female member of the elite from the period of the Portuguese dictatorial regime (1933–1974) used Lisbon’s gardens to implement a free childhood education and assistance programme for poor children – the Children’s Parks programme. The Children’s Parks were located in some of Lisbon’s most attractive gardens, housed in pavilions that were directly connected to outdoor spaces. These spaces responded to the educational purposes of the programme, based on the importance of leisure and play activities in outdoor spaces and linked to children’s moral, social, and physical development. In considering the living conditions experienced by children within the context of the Portuguese dictatorship, and by highlighting the way in which these were reflected at the level of architecture and the urban space, the paper seeks to contribute towards an understanding of the place of the child in the history of architecture and urbanism. Besides reflecting the social and educational identity of the project, the urban and architectural settings of the programme were crucial for its success. The interpretation of this case provides a basis for reflecting on the historical and current significance of children’s spaces, and for examining a number of social, educational, architectural, and urban questions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the housing experiences of immigrants to Canada through a survey of first-generation Portuguese homebuyers in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. The survey focused on the push/pull factors leading to their decision to live in the suburbs, their housing search strategies, and their use of services in Mississauga and in the initial area of Portuguese immigrant settlement in downtown Toronto. This study uses data from a questionnaire administered to 110 Portuguese homebuyers in 1990, shortly after their first move to suburban Mississauga; a sample of those respondents were re-interviewed in 2003. The evidence indicates that these immigrants were ‘pulled’ into relocating to Mississauga because of their desire to live in a single-family dwelling in a good neighbourhood. Their housing search relied extensively on ethnic sources of information, particularly Portuguese real estate agents. In general, this group of immigrants expressed satisfaction with their move. The Portuguese community in Mississauga is characterized by a form of voluntary segregation, which seems to be partly a result of their reliance on their own ethnic community for information, language barriers to participating in non-Portuguese activities, and a cultural preference for living near people of the same ethnic background. One consequence of this re-segregation process, by which Portuguese people recreate a Portuguese ‘homeland’ in the suburbs, has been the limitation of their social contacts with members of other ethnic communities that have also settled in suburban Mississauga.  相似文献   

通过对2011年国际建协金奖获得者葡萄牙建筑师阿尔瓦.西扎(Alvaro Siza)的建筑历程的介绍,从其各时期的建筑思想和代表作品出发,分析了其建筑中的空间特点,总结了其作品中的设计方法,揭示了西扎对当代建筑学的贡献和价值。  相似文献   

澳门城市与建筑的发展根植于中国本土文化,并结合葡萄牙等地区多种文化.经过四百多年的发展,最终形成了澳门今日丰富多彩的城市形象,反映出多种文化交融的痕迹.  相似文献   

分析天津的新城市图景,解读隐含在天津现代城市视觉文化中的中西对话,通过关于视觉与时间的观念来思考场所的复杂性问题。对天津而言,"现代性"是一个复杂的概念,其独特的城市视觉文化是跨文化交流过程的产物。19世纪天津的城市景观超越了国界,多种异域文化并存。每个殖民国家都拥有自己的特定(西方的)视觉认同,并移植到这一东方语境中。这种视觉认同如今被视为这座城市全球化的起点。当下天津城市发展的策略,一方面是更新这些"移植"空间,另一方面力图提升作为一个国际都市的现代特征。那些欧洲古典建筑的美学特征在新的城市语境中再现生机。这种新的城市视觉文化是天津作为一个国际都市的明确标识,并且是在经济层面和象征意义上加以运作的一种资源,跨文化交流的过程藉此得以完成。  相似文献   

重构建筑学与国家的关系:中国建筑现代转型问题再思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国,无论是古代还是现代,国家与建筑活动都有着密切的联系。但是这一关联的现代转变及其影响至今在中国建筑史研究中还鲜有讨论。本文考察19世纪中叶以来,在中国现代化过程中国家性质的变化对中国现代建筑专业的影响。文章论证,在近代中国,伴随着外来势力和文化在中国影响的扩大,多元的公民社会出现并成为建筑商品化和多元化建筑价值取向的基础。在这个过程中建筑的话语权的把持者,即建筑职业标准和审美评判的主体也发生了变化,建筑师职业在中国社会分工中的独立。传统国家与建筑业的主宰与被主宰关系被以租界为代表的管理与被管理关系取代,建筑形式从传统等级社会的制约下获得了发展的自由。20世纪20年代之后新的民族国家的建立不仅延续了外国租界对于建筑活动的法制化管理方式,还出于国家认同和改造国民的需要,推动了建筑中关于民族风格的探索以及对于政府行政建筑、纪念物和国民教育空间等特殊类型建筑的建造。国家与建筑学形成一种利用与被利用的关系。20世纪50年代以后,限于当时的建设条件,国家与建筑再次经历了主宰与被主宰的关系,改革开放所带来的经济和社会多元化格局为中国建筑业的繁荣提供了新的条件,国家正在重建与建筑之间管理与被管理、利用与被利用的关系。  相似文献   

While marketing is a known element of successful practice, architects are yet to be convinced of its full potential. Little was known about the marketing practice in architectural firms in Singapore. Attempts were made to determine the realities of formalized marketing approaches and their importance to architectural firms in Singapore through a questionnaire survey (where 95 architectural firms participated) and follow-up interviews. A total of 34 usable responses were collected. This was investigated using the ‘Architecture Business Development Process’ as a framework, which found evidence to suggest that marketing has been recognized as an important component of architectural practice in Singapore. The results show that the adoption of the ‘marketing concept’ in the architecture profession is still in its formative stages. Architectural firms – and small and medium ones in particular – need to fully capitalize on this area of business knowledge in order to influence, command and understand the market for them to remain financially viable as a practice. Despite little attention being paid to measuring the performance of marketing outcomes, almost all the respondents and interviewees acknowledged its increasing importance. With greater corporate governance, these firms are beginning to realize the significance of marketing, and are evaluating their practices to ride the market for success. This move indicates a positive step in bridging the disparities between architecture practice and design.  相似文献   

This article argues that contemporary Chinese architecture is profoundly shaped by a ‘culture of figuration’ that appears to be grounded in the way in which the Chinese square words manipulate images and meanings in relation to reality. This culture of figuration reconstitutes the image culture—as it has been constructed by the consumer society—and allies with the electronic media to produce a mediated architecture in China. As twentieth-century modernity articulated a critique of the image culture through the notion of authenticity, the culture of figuration anticipates a ‘figurative modernity,’ which suggests a possible space for a more reflexive architectural culture in China.  相似文献   

本土文化是地域景观生成的重要来源。除历史文化之外,生成本土文化的元素还有其他的可能吗?20世纪丹麦园林的发展例证了农业景观和专业传统的可能。文中将从特别限定的历史文化、农业景观和专业传统三个方面,探讨本土文化在丹麦现代园林中的传承。  相似文献   

Social housing in Britain is managed by a large grouping of ‘housing managers’, an occupational label which is viewed as unproblematic by most housing academics, and therefore, is largely taken for granted. Urban sociologists posit that a collective identity is crucial to professional status, and hence have been sceptical of housing managers' prospects of furthering their aims collectively. The paper departs from this focus on the collective endeavours of housing management as a profession to examine how housing managers themselves create and present self-identities. Specifically, it argues that housing managers use the lack of a collective identity as an opportunity to manage the ‘spoiled identity’ of being in an ‘invisible’ and marginalised profession. In doing so, they construct individualised occupational trajectories which bear little relation to the domain professionalism of more established occupations.  相似文献   

结合对文化和文化认同的介绍,从闽南传统建筑的现状及存在的问题入手,从城市的文化方面给予了相关的论述,从而提出应用文化认同的视角来对待闽南传统建筑的保护,达到一种文化认识上的归属。  相似文献   

The author has produced a thoughtful and provoking paper that considers the role of the design architect in the UK and traces the progress that has been made through the centuries in connection with buildability. David Moore suggests that the time is approaching when the profession will have to return to the unresolved crisis of identity for the architect and ultimately decide if architecture is to be the practicing of technical knowledge or only artistic insight with regard to the building process.  相似文献   

作为中国现代建筑理论、建筑教育和建筑创作的先行者.冯纪忠先生在融会中西方文化的自身背景和中国古典文化的诗意情怀的双重影响下,基于对现代主义建筑的理解、诠释和创新,合“理性的浪漫”与“诗意的现实”于一体,对现代主义建筑思想在中国的启蒙、传布和发展起到了重要的历史性作用。文章简要回顾了冯纪忠先生在建筑教育思想、设计方法、设计实践等方面的相关思想与论述。  相似文献   

11-17世纪俄罗斯东正教影响了城市园林、私家花园和修道院庭园的发展。沙皇彼得大帝(1682-1725)将源自西方的法国规则式园林设计手法以一种巨大的尺度移植到俄罗斯帝国的“大地”上。新的风景倾向(英国特点的风景园)与叶卡捷琳娜二世(1762-1796)有关。在苏维埃时期(1917-1991年),俄罗斯风景园林受到社会和政治的强烈影响。文化与休憩公园就是在20世纪20年代末形成的。在1941-1945年的卫国战争中,有数百万人失去了生命,1710座城镇被摧毁,于是出现了胜利公园、综合性纪念公园和纪念陵园等其他苏维埃风景园林形式。在20世纪60-80年代的“发达社会主义”时期,又有了纪念苏维埃政府和苏维埃领导人特别纪念日的苏维埃公园的新类型。苏维埃风景园林的另一个重要内容是对最优秀的历史园林修复流派的发展。“为新俄罗斯人”兴建私家别墅之风的盛行是后苏维埃时代(1991年至今)的特征。风景园林职业此时也在俄罗斯兴盛起来,风景园林的全球化和西方化进程非常迅速。同时,在俄罗斯媒体和业界有很多关于风景园林发展趋势的讨论。俄罗斯风景园林的未来何在,怎样才能保持俄罗斯特点以及俄罗斯古典园林和苏维埃公园的传统,是需要讨论和研究的问题。  相似文献   

陈炳华 《世界建筑》1999,(12):27-31
本文概括地介绍了在过去的30年中,澳门建筑的发展与政策、经济、文化及人口增长的关系。描述了澳门政策在带动澳门成为一个国际城市方面的成就,并对葡萄牙建筑师们在澳门建筑发展和中西文化交流方面的贡献作出肯定。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of expressing cultural identity in architecture is apparent in many parts of the world: this paper examines it in the context of Kuwait. It focuses on architects, and the strategies they use in expressing cultural identity. The aim is to understand their views and current efforts in this context. In Kuwait, architecture has passed through dramatic transformations during the second half of the twentieth century that were the result of economic, regional and global changes. A survey of the views of eighteen Kuwaiti architects was conducted using focused interviews and a standardised questionnaire. Examples of their projects were analysed to illustrate their views and ways of thinking. The study concluded that there were several strategies employed by Kuwaiti architects to express a Kuwaiti cultural identity in their work. A three- dimensional matrix was developed to illustrate the relationship between the ranges of these strategies and architecture in Kuwait. It is hoped that this matrix will be useful for practitioners and critics of contemporary architecture in Kuwait interested in understanding current trends in achieving a cultural identity in architecture.  相似文献   

This project refutes the view that the extensive use of manufactured products limits the space for making architecture. The strategy shown here is the construction of complete architectural solutions by coordinating the production of others. The skills required are those of the consumer. The architect as consumer develops shopping into an expertise. The impasse is not between cooption (popular reproduction of unique cultural acts), versus meaningful architecture, but between a marginalized profession and its culture's materials and methods. A meaningful style of architecture in consumer culture cannot make co-option an enemy, but must develop a full account of its relation to it.  相似文献   

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