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For multiple‐frequency full‐field solutions of the boundary value problem describing small fluid–structure interaction vibration superimposed on a nominal state with prestress, we propose an efficient reduced order method by constructing the full‐field matrix‐Padé approximant of its finite element matrix function. Exploiting the matrix‐Padé via Lanczos connection, the Padé coefficients are computed in a stable and efficient way via an unsymmetric, banded Lanczos process. The full‐field Padé‐type approximant is the result of one‐sided projection onto Krylov subspace, we established its order of accuracy, which is not maximal. The superiority of this method in terms of various problem dimensions and parameters is established by complexity analysis via flop counts. Numerical examples obtained by using a model problem verified the accuracy of this full‐field matrix‐Padé approximant. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, a solution strategy is investigated for the resolution of multi‐frequency structural‐acoustic problems including 3D modeling of poroelastic materials. The finite element method is used, together with a combination of a modal‐based reduction of the poroelastic domain and a Padé‐based reconstruction approach. It thus takes advantage of the reduced‐size of the problem while further improving the computational efficiency by limiting the number of frequency resolutions of the full‐sized problem. An adaptive procedure is proposed for the discretization of the frequency range into frequency intervals of reconstructed solution. The validation is presented on a 3D poro‐acoustic example. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To increase the robustness of a Padé‐based approximation of parametric solutions to finite element problems, an a priori estimate of the poles is proposed. The resulting original approach is shown to allow for a straightforward, efficient, subsequent Padé‐based expansion of the solution vector components, overcoming some of the current convergence and robustness limitations. In particular, this enables for the intervals of approximation to be chosen a priori in direct connection with a given choice of Padé approximants. The choice of these approximants, as shown in the present work, is theoretically supported by the Montessus de Ballore theorem, concerning the convergence of a series of approximants with fixed denominator degrees. Key features and originality of the proposed approach are (1) a component‐wise expansion which allows to specifically target subsets of the solution field and (2) the a priori, simultaneous choice of the Padé approximants and their associated interval of convergence for an effective and more robust approximation. An academic acoustic case study, a structural‐acoustic application, and a larger acoustic problem are presented to demonstrate the potential of the approach proposed.  相似文献   

When computing the solution of a generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem of the form Ku =λ Mu , the Sturm sequence check, also known as the inertia check, is the most popular method for reporting the number of missed eigenvalues within a range [σLR]. This method requires the factorization of the matrices K ?σL M and K ?σR M . When the size of the problem is reasonable and the matrices K and M are assembled, these factorizations are possible. When the eigensolver is equipped with an iterative solver, which is nowadays the preferred choice for large‐scale problems, the factorization of K ?σ M is not desired or feasible and therefore the inertia check cannot be performed. To this effect, the purpose of this paper is to present a factorization‐free algorithm for detecting and identifying the eigenvalues that were missed by an eigensolver equipped with an iterative linear equation solver within an interval of interest [σLR]. This algorithm constructs a scalar, rational, transfer function whose poles are exactly the eigenvalues of the symmetric pencil ( K , M ), approximates it by a Padé expansion, and computes the poles of this approximation to detect and identify the missed eigenvalues. The proposed algorithm is illustrated with an academic numerical example. Its potential for real engineering applications is also demonstrated with a large‐scale structural vibrations problem. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Problems of the form Z (σ) u (σ)= f (σ), where Z is a given matrix, f is a given vector, and σ is a circular frequency or circular frequency‐related parameter arise in many applications including computational structural and fluid dynamics, and computational acoustics and electromagnetics. The straightforward solution of such problems for fine increments of σ is computationally prohibitive, particularly when Z is a large‐scale matrix. This paper discusses an alternative solution approach based on the efficient computation of u and its successive derivatives with respect to σ at a few sample values of this parameter, and the reconstruction of the solution u (σ) in the frequency band of interest using multi‐point Padé approximants. This computational methodology is illustrated with applications from structural dynamics and underwater acoustic scattering. In each case, it is shown to reduce the CPU time required by the straightforward approach to frequency sweep computations by two orders of magnitude. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The response of a random dynamical system is totally characterized by its probability density function (pdf). However, determining a pdf by a direct approach requires a high numerical cost; similarly, surrogate models such as direct polynomial chaos expansions are not generally efficient, especially around the eigenfrequencies of the dynamical system. In the present study, a new approach based on Padé approximants to obtain moments and pdf of the dynamic response in the frequency domain is proposed. A key difference between the direct polynomial chaos representation and the Padé representation is that the Padé approach has polynomials in both numerator and denominator. For frequency response functions, the denominator plays a vital role as it contains the information related to resonance frequencies, which are uncertain. A Galerkin approach in conjunction with polynomial chaos is proposed for the Padé approximation. Another physics‐based approach, utilizing polynomial chaos expansions of the random eigenmodes, is proposed and compared with the proposed Padé approach. It is shown that both methods give accurate results even if a very low degree of the polynomial expansion is used. The methods are demonstrated for two degree‐of‐freedom system with one and two uncertain parameters. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most engineering applications involving solutions by numerical methods are dependent on several parameters, whose impact on the solution may significantly vary from one to the other. At times an evaluation of these multivariate solutions may be required at the expense of a prohibitively high computational cost. In the present paper, an adaptive approach is proposed as a way to estimate the solution of such multivariate finite element problems. It is based upon the integration of so‐called nested Padé approximants within the finite element procedure. This procedure includes an effective control of the approximation error, which enables adaptive refinements of the converged intervals upon reconstruction of the solution. The main advantages lie in a potential reduction of the computational effort and the fact that the level of a priori knowledge required about the solution in order to have an accurate, efficient, and well‐sampled estimate of the solution is low. The approach is introduced for bivariate problems, for which it is validated on elasto‐poro‐acoustic problems of both academic and more industrial scale. It is argued that the methodology in general holds for more than two variables, and a discussion is opened about the truncation refinements required in order to generalize the results accordingly. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The low‐rank damping term appears commonly in quadratic eigenvalue problems arising from physical simulations. To exploit the low‐rank damping property, we propose a Padé approximate linearization (PAL) algorithm. The advantage of the PAL algorithm is that the dimension of the resulting linear eigenvalue problem is only n + ?m, which is generally substantially smaller than the dimension 2n of the linear eigenvalue problem produced by a direct linearization approach, where n is the dimension of the quadratic eigenvalue problem, and ? and m are the rank of the damping matrix and the order of a Padé approximant, respectively. Numerical examples show that by exploiting the low‐rank damping property, the PAL algorithm runs 33–47% faster than the direct linearization approach for solving modest size quadratic eigenvalue problems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present text deals with the numerical solution of two‐dimensional high‐frequency acoustic scattering problems using a new high‐order and asymptotic Padé‐type artificial boundary condition. The Padé‐type condition is easy‐to‐implement in a Galerkin least‐squares (iterative) finite element solver for arbitrarily convex‐shaped boundaries. The method accuracy is investigated for different model problems and for the scattering problem by a submarine‐shaped scatterer. As a result, relatively small computational domains, optimized according to the shape of the scatterer, can be considered while yielding accurate computations for high‐frequencies. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Frequency sweeps in structural dynamics, acoustics, and vibro‐acoustics require evaluating frequency response functions for a large number of frequencies. The brute force approach for performing these sweeps leads to the solution of a large number of large‐scale systems of equations. Several methods have been developed for alleviating this computational burden by approximating the frequency response functions. Among these, interpolatory model order reduction methods are perhaps the most successful. This paper reviews this family of approximation methods with particular attention to their applicability to specific classes of frequency response problems and their performance. It also includes novel aspects pertaining to the iterative solution of large‐scale systems of equations in the context of model order reduction and frequency sweeps. All reviewed computational methods are illustrated with realistic, large‐scale structural dynamic, acoustic, and vibro‐acoustic analyses in wide frequency bands. These highlight both the potential of these methods for reducing CPU time and their limitations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A boundary condition satisfying the radiation condition at infinity is frequently required in the numerical simulation of wave propagation in an unbounded domain. In a frequency domain analysis using finite elements, this boundary condition can be represented by the dynamic stiffness matrix of the unbounded domain defined on its boundary. A method for determining a Padé series of the dynamic stiffness matrix is proposed in this paper. This method starts from the scaled boundary finite‐element equation, which is a system of ordinary differential equations obtained by discretizing the boundary only. The coefficients of the Padé series are obtained directly from the ordinary differential equations, which are not actually solved for the dynamic stiffness matrix. The high rate of convergence of the Padé series with increasing order is demonstrated numerically. This technique is applicable to scalar waves and elastic vector waves propagating in anisotropic unbounded domains of irregular geometry. It can be combined seamlessly with standard finite elements. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A rigorous method for interpolating a set of parameterized linear structural dynamics reduced‐order models (ROMs) is presented. By design, this method does not operate on the underlying set of parameterized full‐order models. Hence, it is amenable to an online real‐time implementation. It is based on mapping appropriately the ROM data onto a tangent space to the manifold of symmetric positive‐definite matrices, interpolating the mapped data in this space and mapping back the result to the aforementioned manifold. Algorithms for computing the forward and backward mappings are offered for the case where the ROMs are derived from a general Galerkin projection method and the case where they are constructed from modal reduction. The proposed interpolation method is illustrated with applications ranging from the fast dynamic characterization of a parameterized structural model to the fast evaluation of its response to a given input. In all cases, good accuracy is demonstrated at real‐time processing speeds. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work presents a methodology which generates efficient higher‐order methods for linear dynamics by improving the accuracy properties of Nørsett methods towards those of Padé methods. The methodology is based on a simple and low‐cost iterative procedure which is used to implement a set of higher‐order methods with controllable dissipation. A sequence of improved solutions is obtained which correspond to algorithms offering an effective compromise between the efficiency of Nørsett methods and the accuracy of Padé methods. Moreover, a direct control over high‐frequency dissipation is possible by means of an algorithmic parameter. Numerical tests are reported which confirm that this set of algorithms is really attractive for linear dynamic analysis. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many engineering problems, the behavior of dynamical systems depends on physical parameters. In design optimization, these parameters are determined so that an objective function is minimized. For applications in vibrations and structures, the objective function depends on the frequency response function over a given frequency range, and we optimize it in the parameter space. Because of the large size of the system, numerical optimization is expensive. In this paper, we propose the combination of Quasi‐Newton type line search optimization methods and Krylov‐Padé type algebraic model order reduction techniques to speed up numerical optimization of dynamical systems. We prove that Krylov‐Padé type model order reduction allows for fast evaluation of the objective function and its gradient, thanks to the moment matching property for both the objective function and the derivatives towards the parameters. We show that reduced models for the frequency alone lead to significant speed ups. In addition, we show that reduced models valid for both the frequency range and a line in the parameter space can further reduce the optimization time. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the stability of an explicit leapfrog time marching scheme for the simulation of acoustic wave propagation in heterogeneous media with high‐order spectral elements. The global stability criterion is taken as a minimum over local element stability criteria, obtained through the solution of element‐borne eigenvalue problems. First, an explicit stability criterion is obtained for the particular case of a strongly heterogeneous and/or rapidly fluctuating medium using asymptotic analysis. This criterion is only dependent upon the maximum velocity at the vertices of the mesh elements, and not on the velocity at the interior nodes of the high‐order elements. Second, in a more general setting, bounds are derived using statistics of the coefficients of the elemental dispersion matrices. Different bounds are presented, discussed, and compared. Several numerical experiments show the accuracy of the proposed criteria in one‐dimensional test cases as well as in more realistic large‐scale three‐dimensional problems.  相似文献   

Proportional hazard (PH) modeling is widely used in several areas of study to estimate the effect of covariates on event timing. In this paper, this model is explored for the analysis of multiple occurrences of hardware failures in personal computers. Multiple failure events consist of correlated data, and thus the assumption of independence among failure times is violated. This study critically describes a class of models known as variance‐corrected PH models for modeling multiple failure time data, without assuming independence among failure times. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of the computer brand on event timings of hardware failures and to test whether this effect varies over multiple failure occurrences. This study revealed that the computer brand affects hardware failure event timing and that further, this effect of the brand does not change over the multiple failure occurrences. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A cell‐based smoothed discrete shear gap method (CS‐FEM‐DSG3) based on the first‐order shear deformation theory (FSDT) was recently proposed for static and dynamic analyses of Mindlin plates. In this paper, the CS‐FEM‐DSG3 is extended to the C0‐type higher‐order shear deformation plate theory (C0‐HSDT) and is incorporated with damping–spring systems for dynamic responses of Mindlin plates on viscoelastic foundations subjected to a moving sprung vehicle. At each time step of dynamic analysis, one four‐step procedure is performed including the following: (1) transformation of the weight of a four‐wheel vehicle into the sprung masses at wheels; (2) dynamic analysis of the sprung mass of wheels to determine the contact forces; (3) transformation of the contact forces into loads at nodes of plate elements; and (4) dynamic analysis of the plate elements on viscoelastic foundations. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed method are verified by comparing its numerical solutions with those of other available numerical results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The first objective of this paper is to analyse the efficiency of the reduced models constructed using the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)‐basis and the LIN‐basis in non‐linear dynamics for continuous elastic systems. The POD‐basis is the Hilbertian basis constructed with the POD method while the LIN‐basis is the Hilbertian basis derived from the generalized continuous eigenvalue problem associated with the underlying conservative part of the continuous elastic system and usually called the eigenmodes of vibration. The efficiency of the POD‐basis or the LIN‐basis is related to the rate of convergence in the frequency domain of the solution constructed with the reduced model with respect to its dimension. A basis will be more efficient than another if the reduced‐order solution of the Galerkin projection converges to the solution of the dynamical system more rapidly than the reduced‐order solution of the other. As a second objective of this paper, we present the usual results concerning the POD method using a continuous formulation, with respect to both time and space variables, and then deriving the numerical approximations. Such a presentation allows convergence discussions to be treated. Six examples in non‐linear elastodynamics problems are presented in order to analyse the efficiency of the POD‐basis and the LIN‐basis. It is concluded that the POD‐basis is not more efficient than the LIN‐basis for the examples treated in non‐linear elastodynamics. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diamond impregnated metal matrix composites are the state of the art solution for the machining of mineral materials. The type of interface reactions between the metal matrix and diamond surface has an essential influence on the tool performance and durability. To improve the diamond retention, the diamonds can be coated by physical vapour deposition with metallic materials, which enforce interface reactions. Hence, this paper focuses on the investigation of the interfacial area on metal‐coated monocrystalline diamonds. Hafnium and zirconium, both known as carbide forming elements, are used as coating materials. The third coating, which is used to determine its catalytic influences when applied as a physical vapour deposition (PVD)‐layer, is nickel. Additionally, the coated diamond samples were heat‐treated to investigate the starting point of the formation of new phases. X‐ray diffraction‐analyses revealed the assumed carbide formation on hafnium and zirconium coated samples. The formation temperature was identified between 800 °C and 1000 °C for hafnium and zirconium coatings.  相似文献   

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