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An investigation was carried out to examine the effect of die/barrel system on the flow patterns and extrudate swell of natural rubber in the barrel of a capillary rheometer, using a colored tracer as the visualization technique. The capillary rheometer used in this work had two dies located along the barrel, which is novel in rheometer design. The flow of the rubber in the upper barrel was dependent on the piston/barrel action and changed with piston displacement, whereas the complexity of the flow in the lower barrel was dependent not only on the piston displacement, but also on the geometry of the upper die design. The flow patterns that developed in the whole barrel were independent of the die located at the bottom of the barrel. In addition, the change in extrudate swell was associated with the flow occurring in the barrel, residence time, elastic characteristic, and the temperature rise during the flow. It was concluded that the general style of the flow patterns of natural rubber was greatly dependent on the die geometry that the material had previously moved past. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 82: 2525–2533, 2001  相似文献   

This article investigates the radial extrudate swell and velocity profiles of polystyrene melt in a capillary die of a constant shear‐rate extrusion rheometer, using a parallel coextrusion technique. An electro‐magnetized capillary die was used to monitor the changes in the radial extrudate swell profiles of the melt, which is relatively novel in polymer processing. The magnetic flux density applied to the capillary die was varied in a parallel direction to the melt flow, and all tests were performed under the critical condition at which sharkskin and melt fracture did not occur in the normal die. The experimental results suggest that the overall extrudate swell for all shear rates increased with increasing magnetic flux density to a maximum value and then decreased at higher densities. The maximum swelling peak of the melt appeared to shift to higher magnetic flux density, and the value of the maximum swell decreased with increasing wall shear rate and die temperature. The effect of magnetic torque on the extrudate swell ratio of PS melt was more pronounced when extruding the melt at low shear rates and low die temperatures. For radial extrudate swell and velocity profiles, the radial swell ratio for a given shear rate decreased with increasing r/R position. There were two regions where the changes in the extrudate swell ratio across the die diameter were obvious with changing magnetic torque and shear rate, one around the duct center and the other around r/R of 0.65–0.85. The changes in the extrudate swell profiles across the die diameter were associated with, and can be explained using, the melt velocity profiles generated during the flow. In summary, the changes in the overall extrudate swell ratio of PS melt in a capillary die were influenced more by the swelling of the melt around the center of the die. Polym. Eng. Sci. 44:2298–2307, 2004. © 2004 Society of Plastics Engineers.  相似文献   

An experimental study was made of the effects of die geometry and extrusion velocity on parison swell for three high-density-polyethylene blowmolding resins. Four annular dies were used: a straight, a diverging, and two converging dies. Diameter and thickness swells were measured as functions of time under isothermal conditions and in the absence of drawdown. This was accomplished by extruding into an oil having the same density and temperature as the extrudate. It was observed that 60 to 80 percent of the swell occurs in the first few seconds and that equilibrium swell is attained only after 5 to 8 minutes have elapsed. The diameter and thickness swells appear to be independent phenomena, as the relationship between them depends strongly on die design. The ranking of the resins in terms of the magnitude of the swell was found to be the same for all die geometries and extrusion rates used.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extrudate swell is a common phenomenon in polymer processing. The investigation of its mechanism is of both scientific and industrial interest. RESULTS: The rheological parameters of a material described by the viscoelastic PTT (Phan‐Thien–Tanner) constitutive model are obtained by fitting the distributions of material functions detected with a strain‐controlled rheometer. The swelling ratios of low‐density polyethylene (LDPE) under different volume flow rates are indirectly obtained using a photographic technique. A mathematical model of extrudate swell is established and its finite element model is derived. A penalty method is employed to solve the extrudate swell problem with a decoupled algorithm. Computation stability is improved by using the discrete elastic‐viscous split stress algorithm incorporating the inconsistent streamline‐upwind scheme. CONCLUSION: The swell phenomenon of LDPE through a circular die is investigated using both experimental measurement and numerical simulation. The swelling ratios obtained from the simulation are compared with those measured: they agree well with each other. The essential flow characteristics of polymer melts are predicted and the mechanism of the swell phenomenon is further discussed. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the die swell behavior of a polymer melt and to design a die for forming a polymeric extrudate with a desired shape using profile extrusion. Polystyrene pellets were chosen to perform the profile extrusion experiments. First, the polystyrene pellets were melted and pushed through a quarter ring profile. The profile of the swelled extrudate agreed with the numerical predictions. A modified die was designed to produce a quarter ring profile extrudate based on the direct extrusion problem (DEP) prediction. Polystyrene pellets were also melted and pushed through the modified die. The experimental results were close to the computational results. The melting temperature, die length, and melting residence time affect die swell behavior. The die swell ratio becomes smaller as the melting temperature and melting residence time are increased. As the die length is increased, the die swell ratio is lowered. According to the die geometry predictions, an extrudate with the desired profile can be made precisely.  相似文献   

应用熔体流动速率仪,在温度为90~140℃和载荷为2.16~12.50 kg的条件下,考察了温度、表观剪切速率(γα)及管壁剪切应力((Τ)R)对聚己内酯(PCL)熔体流动性能和挤出胀大比(B)的影响.结果表明:在实验条件下,PCL熔体的剪切流动基本服从幂律定律.表观剪切黏度ηa与绝对温度的关系符合Arrhenius方程,ηa随着γa或ΤR的增加而非线性减小.B随着温度的升高而非线性降低,随着γa或(Τ)R的增加而非线性增大,达到最大值后B则下降.  相似文献   

The extrudate swell ratio of five different thermoplastic melts flowing in a constant shear rate rheometer having a capillary die with and without application of magnetic field was studied. The effects of the magnetic flux direction and density, die temperature, and wall shear rate on the extrudate swell and flow properties were investigated. The experimental results suggested that an increasing wall shear rate increased the swelling ratio for the polystyrene (PS), LLDPE, and PVC melts, but the opposite effect was observed for the ABS and PC melts. The extrudate swell ratio for the PS, ABS, PC, and LLDPE melts decreased with increasing die temperature, the effect being reversed for the PVC melt. Thermoplastic melts having high benzene content in the side‐chain and exhibiting anisotropic character were apparently affected by the magnetic field, the extrudate swell ratio increasing with magnetic flux density. The effect of the magnetic field on the extrudate swell ratio decreased in the order of PS → ABS → PC. The extrudate swell ratio for the co‐parallel magnetic field system was slightly higher than that for the counter‐parallel magnetic field system at a high magnetic flux density. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 47:270–280, 2007. © 2007 Society of Plastics Engineers.  相似文献   

《Polymer Composites》2017,38(11):2433-2439
The extrudate swell behavior of polypropylene (PP) composite melts filled with multi‐walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) was studied using a capillary rheometer in a temperature range from 190 to 230°C and at various apparent shear rates varying from 50 to 800 s−1. It was found that the values of the extrudate swell ratio of the composites increased nonlinearly with increasing apparent shear rates, while the values of the extrudate swell ratio decreased almost linearly with increasing temperature. The values of the melt extrudate swell ratio increased approximately linearly with increasing shear stress, while decreased approximately nonlinearly with an increase of the MWCNT weight fraction. In addition, the extrudate swell mechanisms were discussed with observation of the fracture surface of the extrudate using a scanning electronic microscopy. This study provides a basis for further development of MWCNTs reinforced polymer composites with desirable mechanical and thermal properties. POLYM. COMPOS., 38:2433–2439, 2017. © 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

PVC profile extrusion compounds have a unique morphology. While other polymers gradually decrease in extrusion die swell with increasing length/thickness (L/D) ratio, PVC profile extrusion compounds have a low die swell, quite independent of the die's L/D ratio in the range of 5 to 20. The fact that the die land length can be changed without changing the extrudate swell is an important consideration, which makes die design and balancing dies simpler and easier for PVC profile extrusion compounds. While other polymers substantially increase extrudate swell with increased shear rate, the swell of the PVC profile compounds is not much affected by shear or extrusion rate. This unique behavior allows wider processing latitude in profile extrusion and faster extrusion rates than with other polymers. Another unique factor in the rheology of PVC profile extrusion compounds is that extrusion die swell increases with increasing melt temperature, while other polymers have decreasing die swell with increasing melt temperature. The unusual rheology of PVC profile extrusion compounds is attributed to its unique melt morphology, where the melt flow units are 1 um bundles and molecules that have low surface to surface interaction and entanglement at low processing temperatures but increased melting and increased entanglement at higher processing temperatures. Other polymers, unlike PVC, have melt flow at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations were performed to see how the die exit geometry and the extrusion velocity influence on extrudate swell and melt fracture for several polymer melts [low-density polyethylene, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and SBR/HAF (carbon black) compound]. Four different types of die exit geometry were considered; 0° (symmetric. usual capillary die), and 30°, 45° and 60° (asymmetric dies) were chosen for the die exit angle. Extrudate diameters were measured without draw-down under isothermal condition. Polymer melts were extruded into an oil that has the same density and temperature as those of the extrudate. Extrudate swells from dies with different diameters were correlated with volumetric flow rates. It was observed that the extrudate swell increases with increasing volumetric flow rate and exhibits through a minimum value at about 45° die exit angle. As to the fracture phenomena, it was observed that the critical shear for the onset of melt fracture increases with the increasing die exit angle up to 45°. However, for 60° die exit angle, the onset of melt fracture is again similar to that of 0° exit angle.  相似文献   

We calculated the steady-state annular extrudate swell of polymer melts through flow geometries encountered in processes used to control parison thickness. A streamline-upwinding finite element method with an under-relaxation for the rate of deformation tensor was used. The Giesekus model was employed as the constitutive equation. An operation that widens the die gap is appropriate for the control of parison thickness corresponding to the change of die gap width. However, a control process that decreases the die gap width is not useful, because the parison thickness does not correspond to the die gap width. Furthermore, thickness swells change strikingly with the Weissenberg number. It is difficult to control the parison outer diameter in the case of a converging die, because the change of the outer diameter swell becomes large with increasing Weissenberg number. In the case of a diverging die, the changing value of the outer diameter swell is smaller than that in the case of a converging die.  相似文献   

The use of natural rubber (NR) for partly substituting elastomeric chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) was carried out. Sulfur curing was used to vulcanize NR phase in the blends. Mechanical, rheological, and thermal aging properties as well as oil resistance of the blends were investigated. The amount of NR in blends significantly affects properties of the blends. With NR content in blends up to 20 wt %, tensile properties are similar to those of the pure CPE, even after either oil immersion or thermal aging. Rheological properties of CPE/NR blends determined from the rubber process analyzer (RPA 2000) and parallel‐plate rheometer are controlled strongly by the blend composition. The viscoelastic behavior of pure CPE and the blends with CPE as a major component is governed by the viscous response, which could be seen from the high damping factor, particularly at high strain, the short linear viscoelastic range, and the high degree of pseudoplasticity. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 93: 1129–1135, 2004  相似文献   

The factors which govern the extrudate swell of a styrene–butadiene rubber compound filled with 30 phr of N330 carbon black at various states-of-mix were investigated. The state-of-mix is quantified by an effective filler volume fraction, based on an estimate of the amount of rubber immobilized in the carbon black agglomerates. The swell has been found to be dominated by recoverable strain and relaxation time, which are both controlled by the effective filler volume fraction. In contrast, shear rate, wall slip, and the rubber–carbon black network have not been found to have a significant effect on the extrudate swell. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 65:305–315, 1997  相似文献   

Melt viscoelastic behavior and the die swell of Acrylonitrile‐Butadiene‐Styrene (ABS) and ABS/clay nanocomposites varying in organoclay loading were studied. A pronounced low‐frequency nonterminal behavior exhibited in linear viscoelastic experiments along with an apparent yield stress in transient startup flow tests suggested the existence of a network type, because of interconnection of rubber particles in ABS matrix. From the results of linear and nonlinear viscoelastic measurements, it was found that the incorporation of organoclay can lead to the formation of an additional network formed between organoclay tactoids that caused reduced temperature dependency of linear viscoelastic properties of the nanocomposite samples compared with ABS matrix. The swelling behavior of samples was interpreted using the results of stress relaxation experiments after cessation of steady shear flow. The great reduction in the die swell of nanocomposite samples could be explained in terms of great surface area and anisometric nature of organoclay tactoids and/or platelets, which promote energy consumption and less energy to be stored in chains. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2010. © 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

Capillary rheometers have been widely used in the study of the rheological behavior of thermoplastics but their application to rubber has so far been limited. An investigation was therefore carried out to determine the effect of mastication and temperature on the rheological properties of natural rubber using a capillary rheometer. The flow of the rubber in the barrel of the capillary rheometer was observed at various test conditions such as die geometry, piston speed, and test temperature using layers of pigmented rubber compound, this involving the use of a split barrel system. It was found that the flow patterns in the barrel of the capillary rheometer used were very complex and were a function of piston displacement.  相似文献   

Preventing flow recirculation during the epitaxial deposition of thin films of compound semiconductors is essential for growing multilayer films with atomically abrupt interfaces that form a basis for modern optoelectronic devices. A mathematical model describing mass continuity, flow and heat transfer in a vertical rotating‐disc chemical vapor deposition reactor is used to investigate the onset of buoyancy‐ and inertia‐driven flow recirculation. Numerical simulations of axisymmetric flow patterns are performed and different regimes of operation are identified in the parameter space defined by the Reynolds number, the rotational Reynolds number, and the Grashof number. Design criteria for establishing recirculation‐free flows in reactors used for metalorganic vapor‐phase epitaxy (MOVPE) of compound semiconductors are presented. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 3530–3538, 2013  相似文献   

The effects of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) particle size on the fusion and rheological behaviors of rigid poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) composites prepared in a Haake torque rheometer were investigated by means of torque data recorded during processing. Increasing the number of particles in the same blend volume by decreasing the particle size resulted in increasing frictional forces. This increase led in turn to increased fusion torque and decreased fusion time and temperature. The power‐law‐index values of the composites increased with decreasing particle size except for 25‐nm CaCO3. The viscosities of all composites were found to decrease with shear rate; therefore, high pseudoplasticity was observed. At a particular rotor speed, viscosity of the composites decreased with decreasing particle size except for 25‐nm CaCO3. The overall results showed that the particle size of CaCO3 altered the fusion characteristics and rheological behavior of PVC. J. VINYL ADDIT. TECHNOL., 2010. © 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

In this study, a novel nylon with long alkane segments (also called nylon 1313), which was synthesized using 1,13‐tridecanedioic acid in our laboratory, has been characterized. Different rheological behaviors of nylon 1313 have been presented using steady shear, creep recovery, and dynamic tests. The time‐temperature effects have also been investigated. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 98: 1643–1651, 2005  相似文献   

Ethylene–propylene–diene terpolymer (EPDM) was modified by bromination reaction. Blending the resulting brominated EPDM with natural rubber (STR5L) and blending the unmodified EPDM with STR5L at various compositions were carried out. The rheological properties of the blends were investigated using a capillary extrusion. Shear flow curves of the pure rubbers and their blends illustrated the pseudoplastic property as shear thinning behavior with a power law index n < 1. True shear viscosity of all blends showed the negative deviation in relation to their additive values. Rheological behavior and two Tg's found from the DSC thermograms at all blend compositions indicated blend incompatibility for both sets of blends. The incompatibility of the vulcanized blends was also found by measuring the spin–spin relaxation time T2 by pulsed NMR. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 89: 837–847, 2003  相似文献   

The melt fracture, shear viscosity, extensional viscosity, and die swell of a polypropylene resin were studied using a capillary rheometer and dies with a 0.05‐cm diameter and length/radius ratios of 10, 40, and 60. A temperature of 190°C and shear rates between 1 and 5000 s?1 were used. A modified Bagley plot was used with consideration of pressure effects on both the melt viscosity and end effect. The shear viscosity was calculated from the true wall shear stress. When the true wall shear stress increased, the end effect increased and showed critical stresses at around 0.1 and 0.17 MPa. The extensional viscosity was calculated from the end effect and it showed a decreasing trend when the strain rate increased. Both the shear and extensional viscosities correlated well with another polypropylene reported previously. The die swell was higher for shorter dies and increased when shear stress increased. When the shear rates increased, the extrudate changed from smooth to gross melt fracture with regular patterns (spurt) and then turned into an irregular shape. In the regular stage the wavelength of the extrudates increased when the shear rate increased. The frequency of melt fracture was almost independent of the shear rate, but it decreased slightly when the die length increased. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 87: 1587–1594, 2003  相似文献   

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