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广告已经成为品牌竞争的主要形式和经济社会发展的重要引擎,广告效果的产生是一个连续性和积累性的过程,这个过程与消赞者的购买心理和行为保持一致。怎样抓住品牌传播的阶段性特征,在品牌推广的不同时期推出适当的广告创意策略是品牌研究的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

本论文在图形设计理论平台的基础上,提出创意图形的表达,并从广告设计这一角度对创意图形进行了更为深入的研究。全文首先从创意图形在广告设计中的必要性出发,结合相应的设计案例对其特点与设计运用的方法做出具体的阐述与总结,进而通过对创意图形在广告中的应用分析进行探讨,使本论文具有了丰富深化创意图形在广告设计中应用的作用。  相似文献   

In the face of speedy revolution of high technology, the advanced technology becomes one of the key drivers to enhance productivity in a firm or even in a country. In order to compete in the global environment, the ability and effectiveness of acquiring new technology are essential for firms, especially for the traditional machinery industry. In Taiwan, the societal structure is built on the foundation of Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Thus most new technologies need and depend on the technology transfer (TT) from international firms and research institutes. Due to the complicity of influential factors of TT, such as industrial feature (IF), organizational feature (OF), personnel feature (PF) and technological feature (TF), difficulties are encountered in evaluating the effectiveness of TT. This study develops a rule-based decision support mechanism using fuzzy set theory and the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the effectiveness of TT. Also, a statistic analysis (Statistics Package for Social Science, SPSS) is adopted to confirm the results of fuzzy AHP analysis. This study finds that prior successful TT experience, workers’ positive attitude, proper authorization, and more codification exist in a novel technology are highly influential. Those factors are important in concern when a firm launching TT. Furthermore, firms’ age and personnel educational background are regardless.  相似文献   

There is little epidemiological data to make reliable conclusions about the effects of exposure to cold on the body’s physiological responses. The current study aimed to address this lacuna in the available research. The study sample consisted of 50 outdoor mechanic workers as a case group and 15 staff members as a control group used in the outdoor automechanic workshops. Air environmental factors, including dry‐bulb temperature and air velocity, were measured by the portable hot wire thermo anemometer in the workstation of each subject. The body’s physiological responses were also measured during daily activities in accordance with ISO 9886. Using Semmes–Weinstein monofilament, touch sensory tests were conducted for determining hands’ sensorineural functions. The baseline measurements showed the mechanic workers had lower finger sensation levels and finger skin temperatures than the control group (p < 0.05). This may be attributed to long‐term exposure to acute cold air during cold seasons. However, after short‐term exposure to extreme cold environment, the mechanic workers showed lower losses in finger skin temperatures and finger sensation levels than the control group ( p < 0.05). The findings confirmed that prolonged localized cold exposure among mechanic workers can result in localized habituation of vasoconstrictor responses.  相似文献   

The iterated prisoner’s dilemma (iPD) in its standard form is a very well-known popular basis for research on cooperation. Here, a significant generalization of the iPD is presented in the form of an N-player game, instead of only two players, with continuous degrees of cooperation, instead of binary cooperation or defection. This continuous N-player PD (CN-PD) is motivated and explained by an actual experimental set-up in the form of an artificial ecosystem including mobile robots. Furthermore, the novel strategy of the so-called Justified-Snobism (JS) is introduced, which tries to cooperate slightly more than the average of the group of players. Results from sets of experiments with N=20 are presented that indicate that JS is indeed a successful strategy in the CN-PD.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a systematic approach for the design of a fuzzy inference system based on a class of neural networks to assess the students’ academic performance. Fuzzy systems have reached a recognized success in several applications to solve diverse class of problems. Currently, there is an increasing trend to expand them with learning and adaptation capabilities through combinations with other techniques. Fuzzy systems-neural networks and fuzzy systems-genetic algorithms are the most successful applications of soft computing techniques with hybrid characteristics and learning capabilities. The developed method uses a fuzzy system augmented by neural networks to enhance some of its characteristics like flexibility, speed, and adaptability, which is called the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). New trends in soft computing techniques, their applications, model development of fuzzy systems, integration, hybridization and adaptation are also introduced. The parameters set to facilitate the hybrid learning rules for the constitution of the Sugeno-type ANFIS architecture is then elaborated. The method can produce crisp numerical outcomes to predict the student’s academic performance (SAP). It also provides an alternative solution to deal with imprecise data. The results of the ANFIS model are as robust as those of the statistical methods, yet they encourage a more natural way to interpret the student’s outcomes.  相似文献   

本文介绍PD+I(s)控制策略的实现与应用,并提出积分分离点的确定原则以及PD+I(s)控制在实际应用时需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Misconceptions about the nature of the computing disciplines pose a serious problem to university faculties that offer computing degrees, as students enrolling on their programmes may come to realise that their expectations are not met by reality. This frequently results in the students’ early disengagement from the subject of their degrees which in turn can lead to excessive ‘wastage’, that is, reduced retention. In this paper, we report on our academic group’s attempts within creative computing degrees at a UK university to counter these problems through the introduction of a 6 week long project that newly enrolled students embark on at the very beginning of their studies. This group project, involving the creation of a 3D etch‐a‐sketch‐like computer graphics application with a hardware interface, provides a breadth‐first, activity‐led introduction to the students’ chosen academic discipline, aiming to increase student engagement while providing a stimulating learning experience with the overall goal to increase retention. We present the methods and results of two iterations of these projects in the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 academic years, and conclude that the approach worked well for these cohorts, with students expressing increased interest in their chosen discipline, in addition to noticeable improvements in retention following the first year of the students’ studies.  相似文献   

The effects of accompanying lectures with computer-mediated PowerPoint presentations or PowerPoint generated overheads on students’ self-efficacy, attitudes, course performance, and class-related behaviors were examined. Two Introduction to Developmental Psychology sections were initially taught with lectures accompanied by either overheads or computer-mediated presentations. The teaching format was switched halfway through the semester. Students reported higher self-efficacy and more positive attitudes toward the class with computer-mediated presentations. They also claimed that the website was more interesting and useful under these teaching conditions, indicating a halo effect of the computer-mediated presentations. However, the teaching format did not appear to affect course-related behavior, such as performance on exams, class attendance, participation in class discussions, or course website usage.  相似文献   

Modula is a new programming language for implementing dedicated, parallel systems. Following a systematic design technique, this paper illustrates the use of Modula for the design of a message switching communication system. A message switching system poses a number of interesting. problems: a high degree of concurrent activity exists, a variety of I/O devices need to be controlled, messages can have multiple destinations, and messages can be preempted. The strengths and weaknesses of Modula with respect to these specific problems and its utility as a general purpose language are evaluated.  相似文献   

In this paper LaSalle’s Invariance Principle for switched linear systems is studied. Unlike most existing results in which each switching mode in the system needs to be asymptotically stable, in this paper the switching modes are allowed to be only Lyapunov stable. Under certain ergodicity assumptions, an extension of LaSalle’s Invariance Principle for global asymptotic stability of switched linear systems is proposed provided that the kernels of derivatives of a common quadratic Lyapunov function with respect to the switching modes are disjoint (except the origin).  相似文献   

US decisions in the Yugoslav conflict have reflected a strategy of ‘circumvention’, calling on allies and international organizations to manage the crisis. The strategy itself emanated from a calculated form of procrastination, which rested on two pillars: first (in a passive sense), the rejection of any unilateral commitment to political and military solutions in the former Yugoslavia; secondly (in an active sense), the recognition that any spill-over from the conflict is equally unacceptable. Spill-overs are defined geographically and according to the intensity of military clashes; the latter are themselves defined by the pressures of public opinion, the media, allies or international organizations calling for a more pro-active, multilateral policy.  相似文献   

该文通过"恶搞"这个存在的社会现象,来介绍Photoshop的抠图攻略与创意图像合成应用,主要从抠图本质、抠图方法和工具(选区法、滤镜法)及抠图应用之创意图像合成等几个部分来论述。  相似文献   

引言 全球定位系统(GPS),可在全球范围内为海上、路上、空中的各类用户连续提供高精度的三维位置、三维速度和时间信息,是现在一种高精度的导航系统。该系统由空间段、地面段、用户段三部分组成。其中,空间段由24颗卫星组成,保证地球上任意点、任意时刻至少可同时观测4颗GPS卫星。地面段由主控站、地面监控站、行数据监控站等组成,监控GPS卫星状况,保持精确的GPS时间系统,并向卫星注入导航电文和控制指令。用户段主要是GPS接收机,接收卫星信号,经用户处理,提取导航电文中的参数,用以完成导航工作。 短信息服务(SMS)…  相似文献   

In many developing countries, integration of ICT is a key component of an educational reform agenda. These countries can draw on a tradition of research in the developed world on factors determining integration of ICT in education. In this tradition, this study investigates the current situation of ICT integration in teacher education in Vietnam, an emerging developing country at the beginning of integrating ICT in education. 783 educators of five Vietnamese teacher education institutions completed a questionnaire. This analysis illuminates teacher educators’ access to ICT, their intensity of use, their related skills, and their confidence in using ICT, as well as their conceptions of learning. Exploratory multiple regression analysis addresses the importance of these different factors at the level of the educator for use of ICT in teaching practice. Even though teacher educators adhere to a constructivist approach to student learning, the use of ICT applications in teaching practice remains limited, mostly replacing traditional teaching practices. The factors currently determining the use of ICT in teaching practice are ICT skills (β = .522) and computer confidence (β = .158). Suggestions are provided for the country to move beyond an access and skills based approach of integration of ICT in education and for emerging developing countries to cease the promise of ICT for education.  相似文献   

Faced with an abundance of advertising messages, Internet users allocate only minimal cognitive resources to advertising. What are the effects of pop‐up ads for a new brand viewed at low‐level attention, and then measured when the Internet users have forgotten having seen them? In the theoretical context of processing fluency and implicit memory, the experiment (n = 398) studied the effects of repeated brief exposure to different types of content (words/image) in pop‐up ads 7 days and 3 months after exposure. The results show the overall positive effects of the pop‐ups, the superiority of the image over words for effects on attitude toward the brand and the purchase intentions; but the words produce more semantic effects than the image.  相似文献   

The Michelin Guide is a well‐respected source of information for the culinary consumer, and the stars awarded to the chefs by Michelin are powerful signs of culinary achievements. This study focuses on the career paths of Michelin‐starred chefs in Germany and aims at identifying the creative hot spots of the culinary domain. Through analysing the career trajectories of 262 chefs by means of social network analysis, it was found that the culinary network comprises a dense core, although some prolific chefs can be found at the periphery or even as isolates. Individual significance for the network – expressed as centrality – was found to be independent of the actor's star rating. Ties between chefs with different star ratings occur more often than between chefs with similar star ratings. The findings suggest that fewer ties are more beneficial for individual creative productivity and that knowledge transfers are more likely to happen between chefs with different levels of experience, skills and creative ability. Although creativity is still a personalized process, the acceptance and adaptation of the creative output is a social phenomenon, hence, this study underlined the suitability of social network analysis as a methodology for future studies of creative processes.  相似文献   

In this study, 1700 primary school pupils (4th, 5th, and 6th grade) of 78 schools in Flanders and their headmasters were questioned about their use of the Internet and their perception and behaviour as to safe Internet use.The results indicate that, next to the expected high level of Internet use at home, there is clear evidence of unsafe Internet use. Exploration of the data reveals that, of the currently taken specific interventions to promote safe Internet use and (un)safe Internet behaviour, only parent control seems to be significantly related to lower degrees of unsafe behaviour. No school-based interventions seem to be associated with the level of unsafe Internet use. The nature of current school-based interventions is discussed and considered to be less effective to expect an impact at the behavioural level. Next to implications for future research, recommendations to reorient school policies and action lines are presented.  相似文献   

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